Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVE'NliS PHOTOS B Y JIM P. SANDERSON American Classic Racing Vintage & Vet Championships Broome -Tioga Sp orts Cente r ACR Vintage Motocrossers Blast Broome-Tioga! By JIM P. SANDERSON BINGHAMTON, NY SEPT. 11 , A merican Classic Racing is a member-o w ned ~rganization dedicated to the sport of Vintage motocross and off-road racing. ACR co nducts AMA-sanctioned eve nts in the northeastern region of the United States . ACR - with the help o f its sponsors Surf and Turf Racing, Boyesen , Metro , Engine Ice , Hugh's Bultaco , Vintage Iron International. Dunlop Tires , World Wide Bearings Inc.. Oury Grip and Wor ks Sho cks - ho sts th e best Vintage motocross series in the Northeast. Hurd Motorsports hosted th e ACR's an nual vi sit to th e bea uti ful Br oom e-T ioga Spo rt s Center. AC R Vintage racers as we ll as Veteran and Y outh motocrossers on modem bikes race d off the Nat ional hill, it was Griggs out fro nt, Pullen in secon d, Brillo third and Fetzer fourt h. Betzenberger must: have gone down on the hill, because he droppe d fou r positions to fifth. O n the next lap, Griggs held the poin t, and Fetzer passed Pulle n to take second. Betzenberge r was now fourth but closing qUickly on th ird. Lugar he ld fifth . After 2 1/ 2 lap s, Gri ggs had a 10 - se co nd le ad . Fetzer held seco nd , but Bet zenbe rge r was already closing fast aft e r passing Pullen for third . Just secon ds after Griggs got th e w hite flag; Be tz e nbe rge r caught and passed Fetzer to take second . Griggs had abo ut an eight-second lead when he too k the checke rs. Betzenberger tried to catc h Griggs but simply ra n o ut of t ime . Fetze r, Pu llen a nd Luga r eN rou nded out the top fIVe . the full N ational Broome-Tioga racecourse. Fo r t h e most pa rt, Mot her Natu re cooperated, but tw o days prior to the even t t he Nort he ast saw quite a bit of rainfall, and the Broome-Tioga soil had become saturated. ma king th e mo rning practi ce ses sio ns (and some of the early mote s in the first part of the race program) yet another opportunity to hone one's mud-riding tech niques. Vintage Suzuki pilot Eric Be tzen be rger led the start of the first combined gate of Evolution Expe rt , Evolution Intermediate and Evolutio n Novice classes, followed by Joe Brillo and Mark Griggs. Wh e n the leade rs descended to t he bottom of the huge National hill, Betze nberge r and Brillo cont inued to hold down the point and runner-u p positions. Gary Fe tzer move d up to t hird , Da niel P ullen took fo urth , and Gr iggs drop ped two s p ots to fift h . Betzenberger had a wh o pping 10-second lead afte r 2 1/2 laps , whi le behin d him, Fetze r go t by Brillo for second. Pullen and Griggs were st ill fo ur t h and fifth . Br illo was a ppare nt ly having some mechanical issues, as he pulled off the racecourse on the last lap and eventually ret ired to the pits for a DNF. Griggs, Pullen and T imothy Lugar all advanced to th ird thro ugh fifth , respective ly. Bet ze nbe rger got th e win with an eight-second advantage . Fetzer, Griggs, Pulle n and Lugar rounded out the to p five. Betzenberger got his Suzuki off the concre te start pad ahea d o f the rest o f t he pack an d rounded the first tum with the lead in the final combined gate of Evolution Expert, Intermedia te and Novice classes. But when the leaders came roun d with his second win of the night. Johnson opened up the fifth and final ro und w it h his second w in. In the ne xt sta rt , We lls closed out his night with a victory over Calvin and Bryce O lne y for We lls' first U.S. Youth National Speed way title. Cram er beat Ramire z in the ir final heat , which moved he r into second place overall with 13 points. Ramirez held on to th ird wi th 12 poin ts. RESULTS O /A : I. Ricky Wells Qaw); 2. Krystal Cramer ijaw ); 3 Jaso n Rarmre z (Jaw); 4. (TIE) Paul Johnson (Wes)1]ay Rickets (Jaw); 6. Mile s Ca lvin (Jaw); 7. Mikey Buman Qaw); 8. (TIE) Ricky Fetlcjo (Jaw)lRicky Valdet (Hon); 10. Ben Essary (Jaw); I L Tom Fehrma n Qaw); 12. Bryce O lney (Shb); 13. (TIE) Bryce Starks (Jaw )lDillon Peterse n (Wes); IS. T Hubbert ori (Jaw ); 16. (TIE) Mitche UJoh nson (Wes)lJoey Holt (Hon) . BROOME -TIOGA SPORTS CENTER B INGHAMTON, NEW YORK RESULT S EPTEM BER II , 2004 S: SO P/W: I. Bet hany Ruhf (Co b): 2. Unco ln Broo kens (KTM): 3. Hayd en Brickwo od (KTM); 4. Tyler Colach ino (KTM). SO (4 -6) : I. Paul Evenson (Yam): 2. Reid McMichael (Yam). SO (7 -8) : I. Austin littler (KTM); 2. Cody Marriott (KTM): J. Kayla Boornm (KTM): • . Ryan Mamon (KTM): S. Danny C olachin o (KT M). 65 ( 1 -1 1): I. Luke Renzl and (Kaw); 2. Ryan Zavera! (KTM); 3. Phillip Manchest er (KTM); 4. Chaz Clinger man (Suz); S. Miles Wildey (Sut ). 8 5 (7 - 11) : I. Jam es Dool ittle (SU ; 2. luke Rent land (Kaw): 3. Zachary t) Rosch (Kaw) : 4. Ryan Zaveral (KTM); S. C haz Clingerman (SUt ). 8 5 (12 -1 5): I. Matt Ba bb itt (Kaw ) ; 2. Colton Harriso n (Kaw); 3. Michael Dawson (Kaw) ; 4 . Carl Jake Eddy (Kaw): S. Kody Renztand (Kaw) . OPEN MINI ( I . · IS) : I. Matt Babb itt [Kaw]: 2. Kody Renzjand (Kaw); 3. Michael Dawson (Kaw); ... Jame s Dool ittle (5uz): S. Zachary Rosch (Kaw). 125 AM: I. Sean Wallace (Hon); 2. Dan Zabrowski (Ho n); 3. Marshall Hurd (Suz); 4. Chris Cheney (Hon) ; S. Alex Sigismood i (Kaw). 12 5 N OV: I. Jon Rebe r (Suz); 2. Antho ny Folk (Ho n); 3. Jo sh Fuller (Kaw); 4. Adam Smith (KTM) ; S. St e ve Kosi k Jr. (Yam ). 25 0 AM : I. Ale x Slg lsm o nd i (Kaw ); 2 . Da n Z ab rowski (Ho n) ; 3 . Ch r is Laughnane (KTM); 4. Ch ris Cheney (Hon ): S. RJ. Reynolds (Hon) . 25 0 NOV: I. Mar k Ho p py (KT M): 2. Stephe n Proh idney (Yam): 3. Bill Perry (yam); ... Th ad Rubens (Hon) : 5. Chad Robinson (Hon). O P EN B/BK: I . Alex Sigismon di (Kaw); 2. Sonny Nighman (Kaw); 3. Broc Donnison (Yam); 4. Chris Laughnane (KTM); S. R.J. Reynolds (Ho n). 25+ AM: I. Chad d G ro o m s (Han); 2. Kevin Je nks (Kaw) ; 3. Be n Boozer (Yam ) ; .. . B.J. Wight man (Yam): S. Mike Kubick (Hon ). 2 5 + EX: I. Gary Os te rgard (Ho n); 2. Tim Henry (Hon). 30 + N OV : I. Mar k Ha p py (KTM): 2. Stephen Proh idney (Yam) ; 3. Matt Wa mbol d (Sut) : 4 . Bill Pe r ry (Yam): S. Len Larsen (Yam). 30 + AM: I. Jeff Armstrong (Hon); 2. Richard Coane (Hon) ; 3. Brady Vanpruff (Kaw ): .. . Patrick Glavin (Hon ); S. Mike Kubick (Ho n). 30 + EX: I. Dar ryl Smith (H on ); 2. Jo h n Gallagher (Ho n) : 3. Gary Os tergard (Hon ); ... Tim He nry (Hon) : 5. Philip T homp son (Yam ). 3 5 +: I. Jeff Ar ms t rong (Ho n); 2. Darry l Smith (Hon): 3. Ge ne Nighman (Kaw); ... Steve Phillips (Yam); 5. Joe Dibella (Hon ). 4 0+ AM: I. Peter Rosch {Suz]: 2. Keith Me ikle (Ha n): 3. Eric He ine ck t (Ho n); 4. Jim Sand er son (Suz); 5. Joe Gu rganus (KTM). 4 0 + EX: I . Greg Mee der (Yam): 2. Gene Nighm3Il (Kaw ); 3. Steve Phillips (Yam); 4. Joe Dibe lla (Hon ); S. Mike Shattuck (Hon) . 45+ : I. Gene N igh man ( Kaw }; 2. Mike Shattu ck (Hon ); 3 . Barry Jame s (Ho n): 4. Tom Bott oms (Yam). 50 +: I. Bud Fee (KTM); 2. Barry James (Hon); 3. Eric He (Hon); .. . Tom Bott oms Calhoun Supercross Ford Cranks Out a Win By F. BillY ATKINSON (Yam ) . Eva 200 NOV: I . T ho m a s We bster (SUl). EVa 100 INT: I. Scott Jones (Suz ). EVO 200 EX : I. Jerry Cantone (Suz); 2. Tom France (Hus ); 3. Te r e nc e Mc Donne ll; 4. Dav id Pecor ( H en) . EVa OPEN N OV: I . Ra lp h Ferrara (Yam); 2. Dave verdertc (Kaw); 3. Bro o k Roberts (Ho n) : 4. Frank Decke r (Ho n) ; 5. Lo u Fe r r a ra (Ya m) . EVO OPEN INT: I. Daniel Pullen (Ho n) ; 2. T imo thy Lugar: 3. Joh n McMillan (Yam). EVa OPEN EX: I. Eric Be tze nbe rge r; 2. Mark Griggs (Hon) ; 3. Gary Fette r (Hon ); 4 . Jo e BriUo. PR E·1 975 12 5 IN T: I. Mike Piescki (Hon); 2. Jody Zero (Hus); 3. Joseph Bo llard (Yam); 4. Bo b Leskanic (Ho n) . PRE -I915 12 5 EX: I. C ha rlie Augusta (Hon) ; 2. Tom Fra nce (H us). PRE ·1975 250 NOV: I. Michae l Sch ae ffer . PRE -1915 OPEN EX : I. Mike Mitrione . PRE-1975 30+ NOV: I. Jeff Case (Hon). PRE·1915 30 + EX: L Charlie Augusta (Hon ). P RE-19 75 40+ NOV: I . Michael Schaeffer : 2. Arthur N iver (Yam); 3. Pet er Brillo. PRE·1915 4 0+ INT: L Joseph Abbate (Ya m) : 2. Richard Foge l (Hon) . PRE- I91540 + EX: I. Te d Bo lke ma (H o n ); 2. Mike Mit rion e ; 3. Gary Fetze r (Hon ). PRE · 197550 + INT: I. De lores Darns . PRE· 197 8 NOV: I. Brandon Nive r (Yam) . PRE·I978 INT: I. John McMillan (Yam); 2. Francis End re son (Su z). PR E-1978 EX : I. Joe Brillo. VINT ' 80s NOV: I. Kevin Hogsett (Hon ). VINT '80s INT: I . Joseph Abbate (Y . Vl NT ' 80s EX : I . am) Ken N ap o litano : 2. Philip Tho mps on (Y ; 3. Michael Marchica (Hon ); ... Roy am) Vanderv eur Jr. (Sut ): 5. Mark Wund e rlin (Ya m ) . ACR MORN NOV: I . Er ic He inecki (Hon); 2. Keith Meikle (Hon); 3. Anthon y Dtmarar c ( KT M); 4 . Br o o k Roberts (Hon) : 5. Pet er Rodriguet (Hon) . ACR MOR N INT: I . Scott Jones (Suz): 2. David Pecor (Ho n): 3. Francis Endreson (SUt) . A C R MOR N EX : I . Ke n Napolitano : 2. Je rry Cant on e (SUt): 3 . Mark Griggs (Hon ): 4 . Michael March ica (Han); 5 . Da vid McLe an (Ha n) . ACR WM N : I. ljtana Marchica (Y ); 2. C hris am Asm an n (Ho n ). ACR GP: I. Te d Bolkem a ( Ho n) ; 2. Kevi n Mc C arth y (Yam); 3. Ro y Vand erve ur Jr. (Suz); 4 . Mike Pie scki (Yam) ; S. David McLe an (Ho n). AC R MIN IBK: I. luke Renaland (Kaw); 2. Richa rd Foge l (Hon ); 3 . Bob Leskanic (Yam); 4. Michael Piesckl (KTM); 5. Ted BoIkema (Hon) . ACR Vintage p ilot Mark Griggs took the lea d on the first lap of the combined gate of Evo Expert, Intermediate and Novice cla sses a nd went to the wi re for the overall at the American Classic Racing Vint a ge & Vet Cha mpionships. Eric Betzenberger (3 7) leads Daniel Pullen (5601 and John McMillan (81 ) into the first tum in th e first combined Evo Expert/Intermediate/Novice moto at the Broome-Tioga Sports Center in Binghamton, New York. KTM pilot Blaze Turne r taking the overa ll just ahead of Cobra tamer Logan Rainwater. Turner and Rainwater eac h won a moto, but each also finished further down th e order in his o ther mo to . KTM rider Bailey Croom he ld stea dy in third overall for the final podium spot. In the 50 cc (7-8) clas s, Suzuki jockey David CALHOUN, GA, SEPT. 4 T he fans gathered ea rly and made sure they had sea ts befo re the act ion sta rted . The signup lines we re long. as the rider count was near 200. Practice was crow de d as all th e racers made sure their setu ps were correct . Last call for the first race; let's rind a seat! Th e SOcc (4- 6) class was a good o ne , w ith Nizzari came out KTM p ilo t Ale c re ckoned, taking o n t his eve ning. on top w ith a last-m o ta win. Riggins wa s a fo rc e to be the second podium position Cale b Sullivan, on a no t he r fa st KT M, h ad th e p o int s to t a ke t h e las t podium spo t. T he largest class of the eve ning was the 6Scc (7-9) class . Col ton Ford to ok no prisoners, and his KTM was flying! The second -place rider, Timothy Thorn , who was also KTM-mounted, took two seco nd -p lace fin is he s w it h no pro blem. Garrett Sutton , on yet ano the r KTM , e ns ured everyo ne o n t he po dium was o n ora nge machinery. Th e 60 -80 cc Pre t e e n d ivisio n was th e prop e rt y o f fast Kawasak i jockey Pr e st o n Tho mas . Suz uk i ride r Dyla n Taylo r was t he man for the se cond po d ium spo t . Jo nathan Be lt , o n his LSD -t u ned Yam aha, t o ok thi r d without worry. The Youth co ntest was a lso a go od o ne . Cody Le e , o n a fast C RF25 0R Ho nda , wo n bot h mote s. Gage Hartm an. just off of 85cc CY CLE N EWS • OaOBER 27, 2004 43

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