Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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W ERA National Challenge S er ies Round S : Nelson Ledge s Roadcourse Trey for Tray By DAN SCHMITI GARRETISVIW, OH, SEPT. 12 he e ighth ro und of th e WERA Na tiona l Cha llenge Se ries was he ld unde r bright , sunny skies, with temperatures in the mid-70s. Mark Junge blasted 0(( the line and led the first two laps of the O pe n Superstock final, wi th Shawn Conrad hot on his he e ls. On th e nex t go -around , Fritz Kling moved past Conrad and d isplaced junge in the Carousel. With his head do wn , Klingbega n to wa lk away (rom the con- T flict behind him . H ow ever, Larry Denning was on the move on the 4&6 Racing RI. Selling his first track record. at I:06:8, Denning moved to third. Dro pping another te nth, he moved to second and caught Kling. For three laps. he wa ited to strike, and then made his move in t he fast back -straight kin k , setting anothe r track record (I :06:S86) and picking up the win and t he Yam aha contingency money. "I got with him in the Carousel, and went a litt le deeper in the kink , a nd that was it ," Denning said. " Fritz d id all the hard work; he was the carrot. and I just chased it. In the 600ce Novice Sup erstock contest, Brandon Parrish and Calvin Barnett went at it (or 10 laps. Parrish too k the win. John Livergood passed SV -mo unted Ross Ryals (or third . Ryan Gordon had the hot hand in the 7S0cc Superstoc k Novic e race , as he be at Barnett, Charlie Coleman and Parrish . In the combined 7S0cc Sup erbike fina l, No vice racer Gordon ra n se con d ov e rall to Expert winne r Keith Reed. Junge parked the fieldin the 600cc Superstock Expert final. As he went on to win by 10 seconds, the batt le for se cond raged be tween Bradley Champion, Shawn Conrad, Jo hn jaco bi, Tim Bemisderfer, Brent Benn ett and Taylo r Knapp. Both jacobi and Con rad got by Champion . jaco bi It The action o n the big track was nearly as exciting as the 50" progra m , w ith most racers putting forth e xtra e ffort to get the ir standings in t he seaso n-lo ng cha mpio ns hip bo oste d upwa rd in the last month of the series . Making sure to seal his w in in the 250cc Novice class, local Pete r De mbinski piloted his Yamaha to win bot h mo tos fo r the overall. Vetera n Don Stauffer gave Demb inski a run for his money, as did Andy Hofbauer . Stauffer holds the distinction of being one of the few race rs w ho has raced at Milan in the I970s . 1980s, 1990s and no w the 200 0s. Stau ffer co uld be considered a lat e bloo me r, as he never jumped a dou ble jump unt il the 2004 season. waiting some 40 years to take flight . Stauffer is faste r t han ever on his new 2005 Oakland Sport Cen ter KT M 2S0 SX . Sta uffer shared th e second and third places with Hofbauer. with Sta uffe r taki ng seco nd o ver al l. Ano t her longtime Milan co ntestant, Jeff Brekke , d ueled with Dar ren Snap p fo r four th , wi t h Brekke gelling the nod and Snapp sna pping up fifth. Sta uffer was also t he run ner- up in t he Veterans Over 45 class. Track operator Barry B. held second (or one lap, but Kawasaki-mounted Conrad took second at the line. As th e Vesrah teammates, Tray Batey and Jaco bi, ran up fron t in the lSDcc Superstock Expert fmal, Knapp and Conrad battled (o r third. Conrad finally powered by Knapp fo r third, wh ile Batey took the victory. A good race developed in the Heavyweight Superst ock Expert race as Batey held 0(( the charge cf the Bell boys, Roger and Myron . Frank Shockley stayed close on the Aprilia 998 , but Roger took second , beh ind Batey. In the Ughtweight Superstock Novice final, Ryals finally took a win . This ironman cam e home with one first. two seconds. on e fourth, an e ighth and a ninth, making for a good day of racing on his Suzuki SV6S0. Brent Bennett stepped up to the plate as he hounded Batey in the Formula On e final on his Yamaha RI . An injured Denning followed jaco bi in fourth. Bennett had the power to stay w ith 8atey o n the two straights, but the o ld pro had just enough o n this da y to hang on for his third victory of the day. Denn ing settled (or third. "I haven't been here in I I years, so it is a new track to me ," Batey stated. "Eve n the guys that ru n here are having problems. so just gett ing three wins, that's just terrific." eN N EL SON l.£DGES R O ADCO URSE G ARRETTSVillE, OHIO RESULTS: SE PTEMBER 12, 20 0 4 (ROUND 8) 600 SlSTK NOV: I. Brandon Parrish (Yam) 2. CaMn ; Barnett (Suz): l . John Livergood (Yam). 600 SISTI< EX: I. Mark Junge (Suz): 2. Shawn Conrad (!

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