Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA Washougal Amateur Days Washougal Motocross Park PHOTOS BV CLAV LIGHT Huffman, Weaver String Together Some Wins BY CLAY LIGHT WASHOUGAL, WA, JULY 29-31 early 2000 riders from all across the cou ntry and Canada attended the annua l Washougal Amateur Days at Washougal Motocross Park. Oregon's Ryan Huffman and Bozeman, Montana 's Cameron Weaver were amo ng the most successful. Huffma n ham me red the competition in the 250cc A class, while his fellow Yamaharider Weaver walloped a huge field of Four-Stroke Pro contestants to earn the top money in that division. Th ir ty - one ri ders waged war in the competitive 250cc NPro class. Many of those o n hand woul d be vying for transfers to the AMA National several days later. Huffman d art ed out fro nt in bo th 250cc rnot os and never looked back, e njoying large advantages a head of Californian Tommy Harr ison and Wa sh ing ton ' s Bre tt Bo e h m, w ho traded se cond-place finishes , with Harrison's mototwo finish placinghim ahead of Boehm overall. Weave r placed well in the Four-Stroke Nationals th is year, and he's adapted well to the big four-stroke Yamahas. Boe hm, who was riding a Suzuki, was also impressive, although his 25 0cc RMF was at a definite power disadvantage t o Weaver' s 450cc . Bo e hm , though , stuck closest to Weaver and at the completion earned second overall with a 2·2 tally. Honda-mounted Sean Sparkman (5-3 ) netted him third overall, ahead of California's Brandon Hiner and Oregon's Monty Ware. Suzuki-supported Cole Siebler from Idaho was another rider looking to make the grid for Sunday's Nat ional. His I-I sweep of the 125cc NPro class seemed to be an indication of just how well the se c o nd - ye a r Pro does a t Was houga l, d espite o nly racing here t hree t imes a year. Siebler ace d bot h mo to s and finished ahead of Washington's Kenny Webster, on a Yamaha, in both mo tos. Oregon's Tyler Fick finished third in mot o one , but he didn't start in mota two , so Montana 's Nathan Davis (4-4) filled the number-three spot . Another Idahoan, Sam De Atley, won three classes overall. The Suzuki jockey exchanged mota wins with Oregon's Adam Metzler in the N the Open Amateur, Open Novice and Ove r 35 Open classes . In the Open Novice main , W illiams ' Mattress Store/Roanoke Valley H-D Rotax was qu ickest of f the line , as usual, and he never re linqu ished his hold on fir st p lace . Le e Blackmon, having started from the penalty line due to having jumped the first start , caught and passed Tommy Cannon on the outs ide of turns one and tw o, and then darted past John Griffin with an inside pass going into turn three . At the sta rt of lap three, Cannon sneaked by Griffi n at the line . Williams stretched his lead to nearly ha lf th e track by t he finish of th e eight-lap eve nt , wi th Blac kmon , C anno n a nd Gr iffin placing second through fourth , respectively. 48 125cc B class to garner the overall. De Atley then swept both 250cc B Division One motos, leading Utah 's j us ti n Fraughton and Californian's Cary Tiede . Due to large num bers more than 100 entrants - the competitive Four-Stroke B class was split into two divisions . but t hose large numbers d idn 't deter De At ley from > demolishing the competition in the first of the two divisions. Metzler, also on a Suzuki. came back to win the competitive 250c( B Division Two class. Metzler's main competi tion came fr om Guy Tow and Californian Brian Burns. Tow won the opening moto but placed fifth in moto two, wh ich was good for third overall, beh ind Metzler and Bum s. O rego n' s Dan ny Gubser dazzled the spectators en route to his Supermin i ( 12- 15) win . Californian Gared Steinke , best known (or his fast starting ability, got ahead of Gubser in moto one and handed the Northwest rider a rare loss. Gubser, though , reversed the order in the second moto to salvage the overall win. Steinke ( 1-2), Idaho's jared Butler (3-3), Malt De Atley (S-6) and Colorado's Brett Preuss (4-7) completed the top five. eN Idaho's Cole Siebler topped the 12Scc A/Pro class a t the annual Washougal Amateur Day s. Sam De Atley was only Amateur ride r to post th ree class wins over the weekend. Kate b Basne y (Hon) ; 2 . Cohon Schluter (Suz); l . Jason Gandzjuk (Yam). 8S (7-1 1) I. be"'')' Andnde (KT1'1): 2. , Mo.gan Bu'i., (Suz): J. Au>dn Rose (Suz). 8S (12.ll), I. Danny Gubser (Yam); 2. Ch ris Howe ll (Kaw); 3. Matt De Atley (Sul) . 85 ( 14~15): I. Kyl Evans (Suz); 2. Je rad Butle r e (Yam ); 3 . Douglas Frenc h (KTM ). S/ M INI (9.11) : I, Mo rgan Burger (Suz); 2. Austi n Ullrich (Hon); 3. Zach~ry And

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