Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dunl oplWERA National Endurance Series Round 6 : S ummit PoInt Raceway Velocity Hits the Summit! By DAN SCHMItT SUMMIT POINT, WV, JULY 31 T ray Batey blasted off th e line on the Vesrah Suzuk i 1000 with the flip of the green flag by WERA's East Coast starter, AI Wilc ox . By the th ird lap, he held a IS-second advantage over the Yamaha R I of Team Velocity Racing's Bradley Champion. Scotty Van Scoik , on the R6, ran th ird, 10 sec onds behind C hampio n. For the ne xt 10 laps, fIVe bikes contested fourt h place : William lindsey, on the Eagle Racing R6; Chris Pyles. on the Neighbor Of The Beas t R6 ; SC Oll Brow n, o n t he Army Of D ar k ne ss GSX -R600 ; Steve Smit h, on t he Ridge Racing ZX I0 ; an d Mar k Crozier, on t he Te am Xtreme/Maxxl s Tires GSX ·R I0 0 0. As Eagle and Ridge made the break on the 17th lap, Steve Karson totaled the Team Chicago 2004 Yamaha R6 in tu rn 10 . With the rider up, the race con tinued on . When Batey finally pitted 87 minutes into the race , and with a two-lap advantage over Velocity, the rear-axle nut stripped and Vesrah lost its two laps. W ith the larger Superbike gas tank, Army charged 10 third overall dUring the second hour. as both Velocity and Eagle made their nonnal hourly fuel stops. T he Be ll' s Suz uki II SV led the Scott Pyles (667), on the Neighbor of the Beast R6, lea d s Eagle Racing's Williom Lindsey (56), Army Of Darkness' Scott Brown (99) and Bell's Suzuki rider Roger Bell (71) at Summit Point Raceway. Lightweight class, with Dixie Maf" second . Joh n Jaco bi co nt inued leading for Vesrah at the halfway po int . After the seco nd switch o f the day, Batey co ntinued to lay down I: 16 laps until disaster struck. Crashing the lead ing bike, Batey limped back to the pits. Vesrah lost the lead . and the te am scra m bled to put th ings together again. Ste ve Bre ckinridge , now on the Team Velocity RI , u pped the pace and put three laps on seco nd-p laced Eagle Racing. Me lissa Ber koff moved the Neig hbor O f The Beast R6 to third overall . Dr o pp ing back to eighth overall, Ves rah began a renewed charge to the front. Velocity C re w Racing. o n the GSX-R600. continued on in fourth place overall , leadi ng the Middleweight Superbike class. Army threw a chain during the third hour, losing too many laps; they charged up to 1 1t h d uring the fift h hour. Neigh bor grabbed seco nd overall , first in class. D&D Racing, Arnchu Racing and Fast Lane Bodywork co ntinued the ir private batt le fo r sixth . As th is six-ho ur skirmish came to an end, Vesrah Suzuki moved to fou r t h , replacing Velocity Crew. Eagle slipped by Ne ighbor to take second, an d Arnchu secured sixth . Be ll's Suzu ki II took ho me anothe r w in in the Lightwe ight class . Blue Ridge Perform ance s na t c he d second fr om D ixie. With the checkered flag, Team Velocity gave Yamaha its first ove rall win in the last few years. With Eagle and Neighbor taking second and t hird, Yamaha do mina ted the trophy stage. Ber ko ff, owner o f and rider for Neighbor, became the first woman to stand o n the pres tigio us WERA Nationa l Endurance podium. Winning its first overall, Team Velocity 's Chuck Ive y sa id , "T he key was consistency, everyone riding with in the ir ability and kee ping a good pace. All the pit stops were flaw le ss; everyone d id their jo b right ." Ber koff added , "We rode p re tty fast and eN only did o ne t ire change - that's it," SUMMIT POINT RACEWAY SUMMIT POINT, WEST VIRGINIA RESUL TS: JULY 31, 2004 (ROUND 6) Team owner and rider Melissa Berkoff became the first woman to stand on the prestigious WERA National Endurance podium, celebrating Neighbor Of The Beast's first podium finish. O /A : I. Team Velocity Racing (Y~m) ; 2. Eagle Racing am Team (Yam); 3. Neighbor or The Beast (Y ); 4. Vesrah Suzu ki (Suz) ; S. Veloc ity Cre w Racing (Suz); 6. Am chu Racing (5oz); 7. D&D Rating (Yam) 8. Fast Lane Bodyworlt ; (Yam); 9. Army Of Darkness (Suz); ID. Ridge Racing (Kaw). l!W S / B K: I. Bell's Suz uki II (Suz) ; 2 . Blue Rid ge Performance; 3. Dixie Mafia. M/W SlBK: I. Vek>city Crew (Yam -4 . Justin Davis (Hon) . OPEN PRO : I. Garth Brow ); (Yam 2. Henry Perritt (Hon) ; 3. Jeff Sa/ler (Yam); 4. Justin ); Davis (Ha n). 35 + OPEN: I. Charl ie Williams (Rot). SR 45+ A: I. Jerry Stokes (Hon ); 2. Ll yd Widener (Rot); 3. o john Parker (Yam); 4. Speedy Davis (Hon). S R 45 + B: I. Vem Mort on (Hoo); 2. lewis Smith (Yam). SR 50 + 15 0; I. Racing (Suz); 2. Amch u Racing (5oz); 3. Army O f Darkness (Suz). HfW SlB K: I. Vesrah Suzuki (Suz); 2. Ridge Racing (Kaw): 3. Velocity Crew Two. M/W SISTI<: I. Eagle Team am); 3. D&D Racing (Yam); 2. Ne ighbor Of The Beast (Y Raci g (Yam H/W 5/STK: I. Team Velocity Racing (Yam); n ). arn); 3. Need A Sponsor. 2. Fast lAne Bodywork (Y Duane Montgomery (Y arn); 2. Larry Lor enz {Suz]: 3. Vern Morton (Hon ); 4. Mike Graff (Suz). VINT 1 50 : I. Fuzzy Hutt o (Hon); 2. l.MTy Lorenz (5oz); 3. David Harley (Yarn ). VINT OPEN: I. Tommy Sisson (Yarn); 2. KevinSnipes (Y arn); 3. John Parke r (Yam); 4. Frank Mclane (Han); S. Duane Montgome ry (Yarn) . AHRMA Northeast Regianal Ser ies Path Volle y Spee dway Park Reynolds Rule at Path Valley Vintage Regional Short Track By LEN AND BEN BREECH SPRING RUN, PA, JULY 17 T Charlie Williams won the Open Novice, Open Amateur and Over 35 classes a t Mid-Carolina Speedway. he Reyno lds brothers, Bill and Rich. were the dominant riders as the AHRMA North- eas t Regional Seri es made a stop at Path Valley Speedway. Rich jumpe d out in fro nt o f Bill , Nick Taylor and David Yasher at the start of the '70s Singles final. For ove r half of the race, Rich held the po int , w hile Bill gradually cut into Rich's marg in. On the sixth lap, Bill w as beside Rich, and he even briefly took th e lead - until he judged wrong going around a lapper, letting Rich bac k in (ra nt . Bill quickly recove red and ran bes ide Rich fo r th e e ntire lap. As they came off the second turn o n th e final lap , Bill p ulled in fro nt and held the lead to the checkered flag. Being the on ly 750cc Sportsman e ntry, Bill took tha t class, also . Mike Kean e had an easy time w inn ing t he CYCLE NEWS • SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 49

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