Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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< > AMA Pacific Northwest Championship S er ies Round 3: Albany Motorsports Park Huffman, Metzler: Double Trouble! By CLAY LIGHT ALBANY, OR, JULY 25 O rego nians Ryan Huffman and Adam Met- zler meant do uble trouble (or the com- petition at round three o f t he AMA Pacific Northwest Champio ns hip Serie s, held a t Albany Motorsports Park. Huffman. the dominant rider at the se ries' opening rou nd , was equally im pr e ssive a t Albany. Huffman sco red co nvincing 250cc and Over 2S Pro-class w ins to joi n 125cc Pro winner Ryan Abrigo in the w inners ' circle . Metz ler has been a top performer in the bigge r r aces th is su mmer, but he ' s been overshadowed by Josh Hill at ne a rly e ve ry event. However, Hill wasn't on hand at round th ree , an d Me tzler shined In his absence , topping both 2S0cc Intermediate mo tos and and then put huge dist ance between himse lf and Moore. Huffman won bo th motos to net his first overall win of the day, while Mo nty Ware (3 -] ), Don i Wa nat (4- 4) and Taft Matherly (5-5 ) completed the top 10. The Yamaha-mounted Huffman's 2S0cc Pro-class pe rfo r ma nce s earned him the top Pro payoff of the day after head ing the IB-rider field in both motes. Huffman had to work his way past Moore and Californian Brandon Hiner at the start of the first moto, but tha t's all the challe nges Huffman would get for the rest of the day: Huffman beat Abrigo to the finish by 10 seconds in both motos. Abrigo and Moore had a brief tus sle in the first mota, but Abrigo was clearly the seco nd-faste st rider on th is day, and he finished ahead of Moore, N ick Foister and Mark Bunker overall. doing similar d amage in th e second 125t c Another of the many Californians on hand, moto to garner dual overall wins. Matt Wilson was im pr essive in his first moto win of the 125t c Intermediate class, but Dylan lane, split mota wins with Austin Ullrich in the Supermini (9-1 I) class and , by virtue of his mete-two w in, wo n overall. Ullri ch, who tra iled the local Yamaha rider had problems in moto two and co uld only muster a fo ur t h-pia ce finish. Metzler, who placed fourth in the first mota, finallygot his newly acquired Suzuki RMZ250 figured out and left the co mpetition we ll beh ind in his ru naw ay w in of mo to tw o . Metzler (4- 1) led W ilson ( 1-4) and Weston Po tt e r (2-) into the to p three overall. Metzler's 250cc Inte rmed iate perfo rmances Lane and Aus tin Rose in moto o ne , netted we re even mo re do minat ing. He work ed his way amid the professional riders wh o'd started som e 20 seconds ahead of him and w on both mo tos go ing away. Fellow Oregonian Guy Tow tra iled Metzler in both motos , finishing some six seconds behi nd the Suz uki rider in e ach o uting and nett ing second overall. Idaho's Sam De Atl ey use d ) -] plac ings to lead Bren dan Ritzman and Garrett Melton ove rall. Huffman had Wash ington 's Dan Moore to deal w ith in the Over 25 Pro class; altho ugh the fast -st art ing Moor e grab bed the leads in both mo to s, it didn't take Huffman lo ng to work Jos h Pake nham (8 8 8 ) gets t he ju m p on the Sportsmen BIC class through the whoop section at Gravity Park. PHOTOS BY CLAY LIGHT past his fellow former national number holder second ove rall, followed by Rose . Danny Gubser was the fastest BScc rider of the day and topped the ad joined Supermini ( 12- 15) class, besting Idaho riders Kyle Evans and Matt De Atley. CN ALBANY MOTORSPORTS PARK ALBANY, OREGON RESULTS: JULY 25, 2004 (ROUND 3 ) 5 1 (4 -8 ) O IL- INJ : I. Ash ley Teet (Ho n) : 2. Jar e d Peterson (Yam) 51 (4.6) STK.: 1. Tanner Morri s (KTM); 2. . Ryan Burggr en (Cob); 1. Justice Sather (Hus); 1. Jack Fowler (Cob) . SI (7-8) STI(, I. Wyatt Fo wl... (Cob): 2. Ch>nce Blackburn (KTM); 3. Coltin Scott (KTM); 1 . Dakota Bellrcse (Pol): 5. Hannah Knoblauch (KTH ). 65 (7·8), I. Matt hew Bisceglia (Suz); 2. Cody Mecham (Kaw) ; J . AIyas Wardius (KTM): 1. Ryan Suf1'll'Tlel'iin (Kaw); S. Co ldn ScOtt (KTM). 65 (9 ·11): I . Rook Jewell (Kaw); 2. Hunte r Evanson (Suz); J. Carson Eisw ald (Kaw) ; 1 . No lan Beye r (KT M); S. Kimo Com b, (l

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