Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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In mota tw o, Hubbell didn't waste any time
in taking the holes hot, and he conti nued to race
in first place . Suzuki's Dustin Bratcher came off
the gate in second, bumping fenders with Jones,
in third . Hubbe ll took the first-place victory, and
on the last lap Butler passed his way quickly into
seco nd. Jones was again third .
Spectators w e re e nt e rta ined dur ing
interm issio n as ho meto w n riva lry brewed
during the hotly contested Pit Bike race. Kyle
Butle r of Killen, Alabama , he ld the advantage on
his DRZ I 10 and was crowned the champion,
w ith Ron Nun ley taki ng t he se c o nd- pla ce
br agging r ight s on hi s X R50 . Th e se n ior
me m b e r o f the pack , lo ca l le gend Lande l
Richardson , revved into third aboard his prized
KDBOX. Unive rsal Cycles of Floren ce , Alabama ,
which sponsored the cro wd-p leasing event, saw
its owner, Br ia n Car b ine , carry home the
fourth -place trophy. An overwhelming number
of protests were filed , but th ey were quickly
dis m issed , as the " just fo r fun " even t left
spectators chee ring.
Mount Nebo will continue its summer serie s
w it h ro und five o n Aug us t 21 , fo llo w ed by
eve nts o n September IB and O ctober 16.
' ' n<''
SO (4- 6), I. Bleu
(KTM). 2. Chaze Cruz (y"",); 3.
Ezra Childress (Yam); 4. Nick Hinkle (Sut) . 50 (4 -6) OPEN:
I. Bleu Tumer (KTM); 2. Shelby Jones (KTM); 3. Dustin Smith
(Co b). 50 (7 -8): I. Sterling Chandle r (KTM); 2. Ben Richards
(KTM); 3. josh Ross (KTM); 4. Prest on Vande rford (Cob); 5.
Joshu a Micha el (KTM). 51 -85 (7-1 1): I. Jaco b Malone
(Ya 2. Austin Yealock (Yam 3. Jacob Hill(Yam). 65 (7 -9):
I. Cody Buder (Kaw); 2. KyleGibson (KT 3. Zach Ambro s
(Suz); 4. Prest on Vanderford (Co b); 5. Jeremy Malone (Kaw).
65 (1 0- 11): I. Gus Turne r (KTM); 2. Can Mansell (KTH); l .
Taylo r Springe r (Kaw ); 4. Kyle Kinslow (Kaw); S. Andrew
Michael (Kaw). 60 OPEN: I. Gus Turner (KTM); 2. Cody
Butler (Kaw); 3. Kyl Gibson (KTM); 4. Zack Ambro s (Suz);
5. Hunter Wheeler (Kaw). 80 OPEN : I. Ross Spr inger
{He n]: 2. Joshua Purse r (Kaw); 3. Oliver Goodman (Hon);
4. Kandace Wilburn (Ha n); S. Adam Nor dman (Ha n). 85
(1 2- 15) : I. Shane Jew ell (Yam); 2. Miles Franklin (Suz); 3.
Ross 5pringer (Ha n); 4. Trent Parks (Suz); 5. Torrey Simmons
am). S/MINI : I. Shane Je w ell (Yam); 2. Jaco b Malone
am); 3. Gus Turner (KTM); 4. josh Campbell (Y
arn); 5. Tre nt
Parks (Suz). SM 4· STRK: I. Tate Moore (Ha n); 2. Shane
Ob erholz er (Ho n); 3. Andrew N ordma n (Han); 4. Trace
Reeves (Ha n); 5. Pat rick Hamilton (Ha n). 125 A: I. Co le
Self (Yarn); 2. Kyle Dangler (Yam). 125 B: I. Seth Morgan
(y"", ): 2. Ron Nunley (y"",); 3. Joseph D~1y (y"", ). 12S C,
L Jason Hubbell (Y ; 2. Greg Bre wer (Yam 3. Brandon
Wooda rd (Yam 4. Cody Alberts (Kaw); 5. Jake Butler (Y
250 A: I. Cole Self (Y
am); 2. Michael Bre wer (Yam). 250 B:
L Kyle Wisdon (Y
am); 2. Can e r Chee k (KTM). 250 C: l.
Scott Nove m (Y
am); 2. Ron N unley (Y
am); 3. Sid Bratcher
(Ha n); 4. Tyle r King (Ha n); S. George Ric kard (Yam) .
SCHBY ( 12.1 5): I. Jason Hubbe ll (Yam); 2. Jake Butle r
am); 3. Tyle r jones (Suz); 4. Zack Smit h (Yam); 5. Cod y
am); 2. Kyl
Alberts (Kaw). 16-24 OPEN : I. KyleWisdom (Y
Dangler (Yam 3. Cole Self (Y
am): 4. Cart er Cheek (Yam)
25+: I. Michael Brew e r (Y
am); 2. Chris May (Yam 3. Terry
Martin (Kaw). 30 + A: I. Chris May (Yam 30 + C: I. Scott
Novem (Y
wins and a second, over Was hingto n's Mike
Czebotar, who was close beh ind with a win and
a bunch of secon ds and a third. Had it not been
for some toug h luck, Susan Smith, who e nded
up sixth ove ra ll, co uld have bee n in t he mix,
too: She had a third and a fourt h on Sunday,
showi ng she has the speed to kick a lot of butts .
Washington Chapter riders Tom Jesmer and
Oscar Sheets traded some w ins in t heir five
motes, but it was Jesmer who en ded up on to p
for the overall in the Ove r 50 Expe rts. Sierra's
Jack Baken rode to a strong th ird behind the
local riders.
Wash ington's Eddie Rae took the overall in
t he O ve r 40 Amateu r class, bu t he had to
co ntend with Idaho's Mike Robinson and L.A.'s
Ron Rector. Robinson and Rector battled back
and forth all weekend, but a win by Rob inson
on Sunday morn ing put second overall o ut of
reac h fo r Rec to r, unl ess Rob inson ma de a
mistake . Rector was ab le to bea t him in the last
mota, but it wasn 't enough , and Robinson too k
it by one point.
Giving hope to us all, 8 3-year-old C harlie
Burchina l from Oregon was on the line in all
fou r o f his mo res . Burch in al, you m ay
re me mber, broke his leg twice in the same
place a few mont hs apart a coup le of years ago,
and w hen the doctor gave him fits, Burchinal
just told him to shut up and fix it right this time .
Since Fat he r T ime wa s his co m pet ition ,
Burchinal won the overall easily
40 + NOV: I. Hank Mounte r; 2. Darrell Brunner; 3.
Andy Redfern; 4. Brian Swanson; S. John Jensen. 40+ AM:
I. Edd ie Rae; 2. Mike Robinson ; 3. Ron Rect or ; 4. Mark
Voegele; S. Greg McPherson. 40 + EX: I. Bob Brownlie; 2.
Mike C ze botar ; 3. Ted De vol; 4. Steve Voe gele ; S. Dave
Roe ste 1. 50 + NOV: I. David Wilz; 2. Ralph Abbo tt : l .
Robert Trammell; 4. Dan Glenn ; S. Ken Webster. 50 + AM:
I. James Pete rson : 2. Kyle Montgomery: 3. Ri hard James; 4.
Gord on Skinner; S. Steve Baze. 50 + EX: I. Tom Jesmer; 2.
Oscar Shee ts: 3. Jack Baken; 4. Fred Pan on; 5. Jim Ossman.
50+ MSTR: I. Dave Eakin; 2. Garry Roes tel ; 3. Bob Bland;
4. Don Toche r; S. Don Toussaint. 60 + NOV: I. Uoyd Jone s;
2. Ri hard L
yons: 3. Don Nelson; 4. Scott Walker. 5. Dennis
Pangburn . 60 + AM : I. Har ry Mo rse ; 2. David Seal; 3.
Haro ld Noe ll; 4. Barry Simon ; S. Jim Hershman. 60+ EX: I.
Bob Krah: 2. Ed Perriton ; 3. Jim Lamkin: 4. Joe Co rde r; 5.
Laure nce St. Pie rr e . 70 + NOV: I. Bob Mo unt ; 2. Dan
McCarthy. 70 + EX: I. Zoli Berenyi; 2. Fred Parsen; l . Bill
Naylor; 4. Johnn ie Hall; S. Gran t lewis . 80+ NOV: I.
Cha rlie Burc hinal. MSTR A: I. jo hn Verd on k; 2. Mar k
Kaest ner; I . D o m inic Fr a nza . MSTR B: 1. Mike
Mohrbacker ; 2. Andy James; l . David 'Iaxel.
Susan Smith (68), Bob Brownlie (8), Ma rk Ennis (266) and Ted Devol (1 15)
all had nabbing the holeshot in mind in the hotly co nteste d Over 40 Expert
class at ro u nd seven of the International O ld -Time rs Annual Race Se rie s at
Horn Rapids OHV Pa rk .
International Old -Timers Annual Race Se rie s
Ro und 7: Horn Rapids OH V Park
Verdonk's Five Aces
elebrating their 30t h year, the Washington
O ld-Timers, led by pres ident Garry Roestel
and assisted by a large group of membe r volunteers, put on a great race . On Friday, the early
arr ivals enjoyed warm (okay, hot ) weather and
strong winds, but it was grea t for bench -racing.
Roeste l and company put in for a change in the
weather and got it - big-time. The clouds came ,
the tem pera ture dropped , and the weather was
perfect for racing on Saturday and Sunday. The
usual e xtra efforts of Tammy Sessions and her
com mittee provide d raffle prizes enough for
everyone to win something after the great dinner prov ided by Garry 's sister Pam and he r
crew. No wo nder guys and gals are "anxious"
to turn 40 so the y can participate in th is kind of
weekend eve nt.
The Ho rn Rapids t rack wa s long a nd had
somet hing for everyone. Some of the riders name ly those from Washington and O regon enjoyed the sand more than others .
After a st ro ng th ird-p lace showing at Sierra's
Ho ney Lake event , British Co lumbia's Jo hn
Verdonk had Washingtonian Mark Kaestner to
keep him fro m loafing in the Maste r A class.
The speed Verdonk was showing all over the
track gave no evidence of any inclination to loaf,
however, and he was the overall class winner
with a perfect five wins in five goes.
O regonian Bob Bro wnlie was t he overall
winner in the Over 40 Expert class, wit h four
JUL 14, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS
Motakazie Elko-Mankata Deale r Series
Round 4: Kato Cycle Club
Wodtke Locks
Up Mankato
V at o Cycle C lub was aga in the sit e of a
I ' ro und of th e Motokazi e De aler Series .
While the excellent weather bro ught quite a
few new faces out to the track, many o f the
same faces wound up at the top of the podium.
Mat t Wo dt ke was once agai n unstoppab le,
scorc hing all six mo tos he en tere d in the 125cc
B, 2S0cc B and Schoo lboy classes and passing
more than a few A-class riders on the N B dou ble-d rops. Wodtke was the o nly rider to win
three classes. Two other riders duplicated the ir
results from the prev ious round: Brett O hland
do ubled up in L 12Scc A and 2S0cc A classes,
while Jesse Kangas was way out front in Supermini and 8Scc ( 12- 15) com petit io n.
An eerily foggy start gave way to a mostly
40th Anniversary
sunny afternoo n. The re we re a few damp spots
on the trac k early on, but other than that there
was no re al evidence of the nearly month-long
de luge tha t Minnesota had bee n expe rie ncing.
Afte r two weeks of mud racing, a dry track and
pit area were welco me sights for the 350 riders
who signed up and for everyone in atte ndance.
Wod tke got ou t fro nt early in the first 2S0cc
B moto and was neve r headed. Brandon Karin
was entertaining the crowd with some whips as
he held down second, in front of Trent Sims.
Aaro n De e r wo rke d his way up fro m a bad
start for fourth .
T he seco nd moto was ano t her Wod tke
ru naway. Karin was again secon d. A good dice
developed betw e en Sims and Dee r for t hird,
u ntil De e r we nt d ow n on lap t hree . Sims
eventually dro pped to fifth, which was still good
enough for third ove rall. Zac hary Soucek (6-4)
and Tim Schulz (B-3) rounded out the to p five .
Leading the way in the first Over 30 A race,
just as it had in both motos three wee ks earlier,
was a Hon da with the big " IV" on it. But wait a
m inute: T he defend ing Vet cha mp, Dar w in
Frideres, was wa tching fro m the sidelines, due
to a very recently broken collarbo ne. Flogging
the big th umper around th e track was his frie nd
and fellow Iowan Mike Carlson. He looked ve ry
comfortable on his "test ride ," controlling both
motos for t he ove ra ll win . Tony Ulr ich was
second bot h t imes out, fo llowed by Michael
Le nar z (4 -3). Chri s Zurek (3-4 ) and Ran dy
Saege r (5-7).
James Cars ten had an e xcellent day in t he
16-24 C class , wi nn ing bot h moto s w it h
comforta ble margi ns . Good battles ensued
behind him. In the first moto, Cra ig Danbe rry
ran seco nd until he crashed on the second lap.
Sc o tt King a nd Mike Herman moved into
second an d third , fo llowed at t he finish by
Mitchell Foels, Brian Paulson and Mike Hiniker.
In the second mota," Paulsen , Kin and Hiniker
fought for second for the first few laps. He rman
ove rc ame a bad sta rt, tak ing th ird place and
second overal l. Hiniker finished second in the
moto, earning third ove rall.
50 O ll.INJ (4-6) : I. De rre k Vanhee (KTM): 2. Nicholas
Haut (KTM); 3. Dalt on l yo ns (KTM); 4. Jacq ueline Riess
(KT M): S. Jar ed Tanle y. SO OIL-IN) (7 -8 ): I. Madson
Falkman (KTM); 2. Josh Anderson (Ya
m). 50 CHAIN (4- 6):
I. Ronald Decker (KTM); 2. Nick Schnagl (KTM); l . Brandon
Bera ne k (Po l); 4. John New mann (Co b); 5. Patrick Haney
(KT M). 5 0 CH AIN ( 7- 8): I. Austin Midas ; 2 . Cole
Haue nst e in (Kaw); l . Br uno Sa n Roma n (KTM); 4. Max
Royalty(Lem); 5. Matth ew Huinke r (KTM). 65 (7-9): I. Kyle
O hnsorg (KTM); 2. Zachary Williams (!