Du nlap used consistent lap t imes to cap ture
second ove rall o n a day whe n the fie ld w as
stac ked with Michigan's fastest riders .
" Ma n, I felt p re tty go o d o ut t he re ,"
co mmente d Dunlap . "T his new FMF e xhaus t
has really helped improve the power on my
Kawasa ki. I'm happy with se cond."
Husqvar na-spcnsored Blair Be rsano put in a
seaso n- be st fi nis h o f t hir d ove ra ll. The
defe nd ing AMA Dist rict 14 Hare Scrambles
Series Champion has stru ggled thus far in 2004 .
A pod ium finish is a good place to sta rt a
comeback of sorts .
The battle for fourth place came down to
the last lap, as two riders emerged from the
wo ods fight ing no se to tail for th e po sition .
Team Gre en Kawas aki's Ch ris Gallt, who wa s
suffe ring so me clutch pro blems, e nte re d the
final two miles leading Stev en s Sports ' Travis
Tude Thc ut. who was doing all that he could to
edge his Honda in front of Gallt's Kawasaki, but
Gallt held stro ng. Gallt was able to hang on all
the way to the chec ker ed flag, salvaging fourt h
overall. Thout finished two sec onds back for
fifth place.
The top-placing non-Expe rt finish of the day
bel o nge d t o Edd ie Kee n, w ho e a rne d t he
victory in the 2S0cc class, placing an impressive
eighth overa ll in t he process.
a /A: I. Aaron Wegner (Yam); 2. Bryan Dunlap (Kaw); 3.
Blair Be rsano (Hus); -4 . Chris Gallt (Kaw); S. Travis Tud e
Thout (Hon); 6. Eldon Keen (Kaw); 7. Paul G uy (KTM); 8 .
Eddie Keen (Kaw); 9. James Ho rn (KTM); 10. Brian Marr
(KTM). EX: I. Aaron Wegner (Yam); 2. Bryan Dunlap (Kaw);
3. 81 Bersano (Hus); -4 . Ch ris Gallt (Kaw); S. Travis Tude
Thcu t (Hon ). OPEN ; I. Ilndon FIeg" (KAw ). 85 (12·15); I. ChadCOO