Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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: A n (Yam). MSTR: I. Bob White (KTM); 2. Graham Kenan (Hon) ; 3. Marshall Lyall (KTM): 4 . Wally Turlboer (KTM); 5. Howa rd Roq uet (KTM). MINI A : I . Kyle Ho ne ycutt (Suz) : 2. W ill Fadd is (Kaw ); 3. Pierce Blake (Suz); 4. Patrick Kite (Yam); S. am Shan e Hartle ss (Suz) . MINI B: I. Marcus Harris (Y ); 2. C olt en Harri s (Kaw) ; 3. Chri s Ha rtless (Suz): 4. Jimm y Hall (Yam); 5. Josh ua Math is (Kaw). MINI C: I. D.j. Stroup (Suz): 2. N o rma n C lifford (Suz ); 3. Bra d Ber rier (Yam) ; 4. C hris Eppe rso n (Kaw); 5. Harle y Wilie r (Hon). WMN: I. jessica Mo rri son (Suz) ; 2. Jenny Blake (Suz); 3. Angel a 5on nachio (Kaw) ; 4. Lo ri Dusk y (Yam ); 5. Christine Blake (Kaw) . IR M IN I I: I. Alex Beohan (KTM); 2. We sley Japuon (Hon ); 3. Ethan Ficklin (Hon) ; 4. Cole Gross (Ho n): 5. Stuart Hen ley (H o n). JR MIN I 2: I. Sha nte z H airsto n (Kaw) ; 2. C he t Martineau (KTN) ; 3. Austin Galyon (KTN ); 4 . Alex Fries (Kaw); 5. Derek Breeden (Kaw ). JR MINI WMN: I. HeatherVlhaley ); . (Hoo ); 2. Kelsey Hone y,"" (KTM); J. Sarah IlaJdw;n (KTM < Sarah Matthews (Suz); 5. Bailey Dalton (Yam). P/W I: I. Sean Benh art (KTM); 2. H ylto n Dalton (KTM); 3. Se an T isdale (KTM); 4. Kevin Taylor (KTN ): 5. Tyler Willis (Hon ). P/W 2: I. Oylan De La Cruz (Suz) ; 2. C hris Gatyoo (KTM); 3. Gr iffin Gerh ardt (Ydy La Plante (KTM); < . Brad Taylor (Kaw); 5. Steve Akers (KTM). 250 B: I. Dustin W isecup (Yam); 2. Je sse Faulst ich (Yam); 3. D an Halbec k (Kaw) ; 4. N ick Manwarren (Ho n): 5 . Cl int Fulliam (Kaw). OPEN B: I. Mark Gudde (KTM); 2. Tim Stapcnski (Yam); 3. Sam McD o nald (Kaw); 4. Don He nd r ix (KTM); S. Marty Sm it h (KTM ) . VET: I . Adam Ash croft (KT M); 2. N ick Cra wford (Yam): 3. Jerry McCas land (Yam); 4. Greg Simkins (KTM); 5. Pat We lch (KTM). S R: I. Joh n N ew berry (KTM); 2. Brad Barnett (Y ; 3. Tom Eidam (Yam); 4. Ronnie Mos es am) (KTM); 5. Da vid McNear (KTM). SlS R: I. AI He jle k (Kaw); 2. Bill D uffne r (KT M) ; 3. W illiam Guffey (H o n): 4. Rick whelc ve (KTM); 5. Eric Hanse n (Ho n) . JR : I. Ni ch o las W illiams (Kaw); 2. Tyler Ruckdesch e U(Kaw ); 3. Austi n Butle r (Suz); 4. Bren nan For eman (Suz); 5. Trevo r Morgan (KTM). WMN : I. Don na Moore (Yam); 2. Bet h Reffitt (Ho n); 3. She lby He ckm an (Yam ); 4. Angie Re ffitt (Ho n); S. Ci ndy Ba rne tt (Yam ). 200 C: I . Ryan Rohlede r (Ya m ); 2. Jim Williams (Kaw) ; 3. Mel Hinds (Hon ); 4. Troy La Velie (Hon ): 5. james Roberts (KTM). 250 C: I. Kevin Lo ng (Hon) ; 2. Bryan Roy (Kaw ); 3. Travis Ne lso n (Y am) ; 4. Karl Veith (Kaw ); 5. Travis Smith (Kaw). O P EN C: I. Bud Carmen (KTM); 2. Derek Kemp (Ho n); 3. Aaron Sm ith (Hon); 4. Scott Fraz ier (KT M); 5 . Ryan Busb y (Ho n). BEG: I . Brenton Do uglas (Yam) ; 2. Adam Smit h (Kaw) ; 3. Ronn ie Martin (Kaw ); 4 . Matthew Reyno lds (KTM): 5. David Gard ner (KTM). Diablo SuperMoto Championship Provincial Se ries Round 2: Picton Airport Arnold, Beattie Bedevil 'em at Historic Diablo Race By JASON ANTINORI PICTON, ON, CANADA, JUNE 6 P icto n, Ontario , played ho st to the se con d round of th e Diablo Sup e rMoto Ch ampions hip Pro vincial Series, presented by Honda , Y amaha and Teknic. Held o n th e picturesq ue groun ds of the Picton Airport in co njunction w ith the annual Ride To Remem ber festivities , Super- www.cyclenews .com Moto Canada officialsspent the week trans forming the so uth runway and grass infield into one solid supe rmoto tra ck, with a d irt sectio n having a host of obstacles including a 2S-foot tab let o p jum p and a paved fro nt st ra ight wh ere racers were re aching spe eds in ex ce ss of any leg al speed limit. Besides putting on a great eve nt for the riders and fans, SuperMoto Canad a made histo ry, as this even t was the first-ever te levised CYCLE N EWS • JULY 14, 2004 75

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