Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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RESULTS Levi Jensen (411) leads eventual overall winner Beni Williams (192) in th e 12 Scc Pro co nte st at round e ig ht of th e Wild West Nationals in Ogden, Utah. the wh oops. Jensen passed him back, only to be repassed again by Mouritson . Jensen go t by Mo ur itson one more time, and then Wi lliams got by Mouritso n. and the battle for the lead was on yet again. "I was doi ng everything I could th ink of to keep Beni o ff me ," Jensen said . '" took the ber m up high, the n cut for the rut ; I saw a front wheel - too late : We came together." The two riders made con tact. Jensen was able to get up fast e r and take o ff. Williams was able to remount , but he couldn't get close enough to challenge th e leader. Je nse n took the w in. with Williams second . In the final moto of the day, the showdown w a s on . Jensen an d W illiams ha d battled throughout seven motes over the course o f the w eek end. When th e dust settled this time , the winner w ould be crowned. Williams exploded out of the gate and look the holeshot, with jensen and Mouritson not far beh ind. Williams was setting a blistering pace, while Jensen and Mouritson tried to stay close. Je nsen went down in a comer, and just that fast , it was over. Williams' lead got bigger each lap. Je nsen put in an inspiring ride , and he managed to catch and pas s Mou ritson . W illiams took a d o mi na t ing wi n, wi th Je ns e n second and Mo uritson third . PP: I. Amand a Maheu (KTM); 2. Kellis Bourne (KTM); 3. Ashlee Byrge (Lem); 4. Kern Evans (lem); S. Taelor Talbot (Lem). P/W (0 ·9): I. Joshua Knight (Y am); 2. Justin Farle y (Hon); 3. Tanner Anthes (Kaw); 4. Daxton Sorensen (Hon ); 5 . Tyle< Keen (Yam ). SO SHAFT; I. Cade WMeham (Yam); 2 . Cole Jaffa (Suz) ; 3. Ha yden Stubb s (Le m) ; 4 . Jae ge r Scholfield (KTM); S. Mon tan na Bone (Ho n). 50 (4- 6): I. ktin j«geMon (KTM); 2. ]ame> Dalze ll (Pol); J . Kyle Robb (Cob); 4 . Pet... Bischoff (KTM); 5. Ben L=me.-s (KTH) . SO (7 . 8) : I. Prest on Whi tehouse (Pol); 2. Morgan Mackintosh (Lem) : 3. Cu rt is Sa tt e rwhite (KTM); 4 . Tuc ker Swenson (Lem ); S. Brayde n Oxborrow (KTM). 50 MOD: I. Preston W hi tehouse ( Po l); 2. Da xt o n Slo an (KT M) ; 3 . Mo rgan Mac k int o sh ( Le m ); 4 . Bro d ie Lar s en (Le m ); 5. Tuck e r Swenson (Le m). 65 (6 . 8 ): I. Bra -den Hartzell (KTM); 2. Wesle y Parker (KTM): l . Da vent ry Spears (KTM); 4. Jo sh Dalze ll (Suz); 5. Nicholas Winkie (Kaw). 6 5 (9 . 1 1) IR: I. Br ac ke n Ha ll (KT M); 2. Tyle r Byrge (KT M); 3. C o h o n Roberson lKaw) ; 4. Gus Butt ars (taM); 5. Ch a se Taylor (KTH ). 6S OP EN ; I. Gu. Buttan (KTM); 2. Br.oiden Hartzell (taM); l . Ryan Stub bs (Yam): 4 . Wes ley Parker (KTM); 5 . Hayden Villarreal (Kaw ). 85 BEG: I. M}1es Snyder (Suz): 2. Corey An thos (Kaw); l . Skyler Shaw (Kaw ); 4. Micha el Whrteman (KTM); 5. Kylee 5chritt... (Hon). 85 (8- 11) JR; I. St erl ing Ritche so n (Yam); 2. Joh n Herzo g (KT M); 3. Jeff Holley (Suz); 4. Connor Butt erfi e ld (Yam); S. Bracken Hall (KTM). 8 5 ( 11. 15) IR: I. Ha yde n Roberts (Suz) ; 2. Rudi Williams (Suz); 3. Brenda n Beal (Hon) ; 4. Chase Hunt (Suz); S. Curtis Jorg ens en (Yam). S/MI NI : I. Tre He iner (Hon ): 2. Rud i W illiams (Yam) ; l . Tyler Littlefiel d (Su z); 4 . C urtis Jorg ensen (Yam); S. Cha d Hunt (Suz). 115 BEG: I . Kolby Sorenson (Yam); 2. Dusryn Sorenson (Kaw): l . Nick Skinner (Suz): 4 . Shad Remk es (Yam): S. Cody Cassity (Hus) . 11 5 1R: I. Tre Heiner (Hon ); 2. Gary Adam s (KTM); 3. Andrew Brisk (Ho n); 4. Chris Powell (Ho n); S. Jo hn Riggins (KTM). 125 INT: I . Daniel Joh nson (Kaw); 2. Col e Meyer (Suz); 3. Eric Millett (Kaw): 4 . Logan Halsey (Kaw ); 5. Just in Jensen (Y . am) 12 5 PR O : 1. Bem Williams (Suz); 2. Levi Jensen (Yam) ; l . Nick Mou riuon (Suz); 1. David Panzer (Y : S. Jo sh Borges am) (Yam) . 25 0 BEG: I. Just in Barlow (Y am) ; 2. Clay Gun nell (Y ); 3. lack Mars hall (Hon ); 4 . Bill Hop kins (Yam); S. Jon am Miche l (Yam) . 25 0 JR: I. Tyson C ole man (Suz); 2. Patric k Da vis (Suz) ; I . Natha n Vald ez (Yam) : 4 . Dustin Boul ar d (Y ): S. JUStin EIswood (Hon) . 15 0 INT: I . Jesse Hod ges am (Hon ); 2. Dan iel Joh nson (Kaw): 3. Tristan Davis (Kaw); 4. Eric Millett (Kaw); S. Tanner Nie lson (Yam). 15 0 PRO : I. Ben i W ilhams (Suz); 2. Jo sh Bo rge s (Hon ): 3. Levi Je nse n (Yam): 4. David Panzer (yam ); S. Cody Argyle (Hon). O P EN AM : I . Cole Meyer (Su z) ; 2. Je sse H o dg e s (H a n); l . Cameron Olsen (Hon); 4 . Ree d Tingey (KTM); S. Tanner Nielsen (Yam). WM N (0.1 4) : I. Melissa Radford (Suz ); 2. Rachel Sorenson (Yam); l . Kylee Schriner (Hon ); 4 . Jess ica Goodman (Y am); 5. Ka~ee Robb (Kaw). WM N (15+), I. Brittree Deveraux (Yam 2. Ashlee Greenhalgh (Yam); 3. Ash ); Heiner (Hon) . 15 + IR: I. Jon Youngblood (Hon); 2. Dave Rounsevelle (Yam). 1 5 + IN T: I. C ra ig C roz ier (Yam) ; 2. Shea Beneocccre (Hon): 3. Jame s James (Yam): 4. Michae l Wood (Yam): S. Je re m y Voth (Yam ). 2 5 + PRO : I. Josh Bo rge s (Hon) ; 2. Derek Ne lson (Yam ). 30 + JR: I. Jo n Youn gblood (H o n); 2. Mike Harrelso n ( Ho n ); 3 . D a ve Rounseve lle (Y am); 4. DuffyWilliams (!<.aw); S. Keith Thomas (H o n). ]0 + IN T: I. Shea Betten cou rt (Hon) : 2 . Mike Christophe~(Hon). 30 + PRO: I. Chad Wa llworic.(Yam); 2. Cole WaJIwori< (Yam); J. Jay Hi""", (Hen); 4 . Rodney Cole (!