Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Op en-division riders, but on th is day he made his stat ement, earning first overall Amateur and first 12Scc rider - but his biggest ho nor was being moved up to the Expe rt division. Riverside Old-Timers MX Adrenaline Park Red Shirts Sing the Blues at Old-Timers' Showdown By DENISE DEVINES RIDGECREST, CA, MAY 29 H igh schoo l football isn't the only sport garne ring cro ss-town rivalry : The Los Angeles and Riverside chapters of the Ol d-Timers have been squari ng off in motocross fo r more than six years. During the latest showdow n at Ridgecres t. the " blue shirts " ove r t o ok t he "re d shirts," but just barely! just up fro m the Ove r 40 class, Riverside's Richard Kastn er t oo k his first overa ll w in in th e O ver SO Ama t eu r d iv isio n . Ray Si mmo ns Jump ed into th e Ilrst -mc to lead . but Bruce joseph powe red by Simmons' 250F on lap two, followed by Kastner. In moto two , LA 's Ke nt Reed led for one lap, only to be edged out by Mark Schuster. Kast ne r rode eve n stronge r in moto tw o and too k the lead on lap four. Unsurprisingly Phil Black too k back-to-back , wi ns in the Over 60 Am ateurs. Bru ce Hoover p ut in a st ro ng se cond -place rid e . Ch uc k Woocly (5-3) turned on the heat in the secon d mo to to place third overall. Afte r w inning the first O ver 40 Amateu r moto , Nick Young got bumped up to the Over 40 Exper ts a nd wen t on to w in t he second moto of that division ~ though not wit ho ut a st ron g run by Mike Brinkley and Ro n Recto r. Though Rector led the first two laps, Brinkley was nipping at his rea r tire, and he slipped by on the third lap and ran strong until a mishap took him out . Young got by Rect o r and led to the finish , but Hrsr-ove rall ho no rs we nt to Rector (2-2), followed by Steve Durschlag (4-3). Dangerous Dave Shelton nailed the secondmoto holeshot in the Ove r 40 Amate ur con test but co uld o nly hold off hard-charging Danny Reide r for o ne lap. Kawasaki-mou nte d Steve Philli ps hamme red Shelton for the next five laps and finally got by w hen Shelton bo bbled in a RESULTS co rner. Re id e r 's ma rked det er mi nat io n d efinite ly ma de up for his m iss ing t he first mot o, as he wen t on to w in the second heat , but Phillips' 2-2 finishes earned the overall. Though unchallenged in the Master A class, Frank Costanz o chased Maste r B rider Dave Eropkin for three laps before he finallymustered a pass. Eropkin wen t on to win the first moto, b ut in t he se co nd outing , Kurt Sofka had a stro ng lead. Then Sofka caught his leg in a rut and was down the rest of the mot o, forfeiting the overall to Erop kin. Ross Thom pson (4-2) and KirkBassett (3-3) followed . Lo ng ove rdue fo r a win , Cam Came ron at last had his day in the sun, winning both heats of the Ove r 40 Novice contest by barely kee ping a whee l ahead of BillWalpert (2-2). Jac k Roten jum ped out fro nt an d ne ver loo ked back all the way to the checkers, easily winning the Over 50 Expert division . Bill Schultz (4-2) put in one of his best rides of the season for second ove rall, edg ing o ut Tommy Pearl (3-3) and Dennis Toom an (2-4). In the Ove r 50 Novices, Herb Kane ( I- I) closely batt led with Steven Cart er (2-2). Thr ee turns back, a close dice raged betwee n Steve Alexander (3-3) and Steve Popioy (4-4). RESULTS 40 + NOV : I. Ca m Ca me ro n (H an); 2. Bob Walpert (Yam); J . Mike Probst (Yam) ; 4. Rich ard A. Me ske (Han). 40 + AM: I. Steve Phillips (Kaw ); 2. Dave Sh@lton (Yam); J . Ken ny Campbell (Han) ; 4. Terry Tate (Ho n): S. Jack Gilliam (Hon) . 40 + EX: I. Ron Rector (Ho n): 2. Steve Dursc hlag am); "l. Mike Brinkley (Yam); 5. (Hon) : J. Steve Donaldson (Y John Tlm me rman s (Hon) . 50 + N OV: I. Herb Kane (Hon); 2. Steven Carter (Yam); J. Steve Ale xand ef" (Yam); 4. Ste ve Po pjoy (Han ); 5. Bruce McC or mick (Kaw) . 50 + AM: I. Richa rd Kastn er (Hen): 2. Mar k Shuste r (Hon): J . Bruce Jos eph (Ho n) ; 4 . Ga ry C olb ert (Hon) ; 5 . Mo r row Flee r (Yam). 50 + EX: I . Jack Roten (Yam) ; 2. Bm Schultz (Yam) ; J . Tommy Pearl (Yam) ; 4 . Denn is Tooman (Hon ). 60 + A M: I. Phil Black (Hon) ; 2. Bruce Hoov er (Hon) ; J. Chuc k Woody (KTM); 4 . Frank Derby (Hon) ; 5. Charles Watanabe (Yam) . MS TR A: I. Frank C o sta nzo (Hon) . MS T R 8 : I. D ave Eropkin (Hon); 2. Ro ss Th ompson (Ho n) ; J . Kirk Bas sett (Yam); 4 . Garry Conner (Yam); 5. Kurt Sofka Jr. (Y . am) Motorcycle Racing Association of Nevada Desert Series Raund 8: Cayotes MC Hare Scrambles Jones, Wallis Gun 'em Down at Coyote Jake's Shootout By MICHAEL COLLINS ELY, NV, MAY 29 D ound eight of the Motorcycle Racing Associar\tion of Nevada Desert Se ries was held in Ely , Nevada, and MRAN's heavy hitte rs showed up to do battle on a cold and windy Memorial Day .Wee kend. The conditions for this year 's Coyotes MC Hare Scrambles were very dry and dusty, but the cool temperatures and windy conditions made it a perfect day for a hare scrambles. The Yout h racers headed out early for the first race of the day, with the Supermini group up front , foll o w ed by t he Minis . Jar e d Wadsworth grabb ed the early lead aboard his KTM B5 and headed off into tr ees with the rest of the pack hot o n his trail. Wadsworth held the lead fo r the e nt ire 8~ m i l e loo p. Just in Wallis challe nged Wadswo rth on loop two, but the dust proved too big an ob stacle for Wallis to ove rco me . Wadsworth finished the race first ove rall and , most impo rt antly, recap tured his 74 JULY 7, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS points lead in the Supermini division . In the second race of the day, the big bikes lined up to do battle with the dust for tw o laps of a 3S-mile loo p. The man to watch was t he KTM/5po rtsman Cycl e / Pro C ircu it/Beam De signs/ Bes t in the Dese rt-spo nso red Matt Gosnell, who continued his dom inance with his se ve nt h o ve ra ll wi n, furt her ga ppi ng his opponents in the overaJl points standings. Th e day be lo nged to two riders w ho claimed top hon ors in their individual classes . Sam jones, who has battle d all year in the FourSt roke Expert class, came out with his guns ablazing. sco ring fo urth overa ll and first in t he Four-Strok e class. "I had a great start , and I knew I needed to settle into a groove with taday's race conditions," stated Jones, whose nearest compe titor finished eight minutes back, proving that jones can make a run at the points championship. Cod y Wallis drew his gun s fast est at the OPEN EX : I . Matt Gosnell (KTM ); 2. Mac S tew~rt (KTM); J . Josh Downard (KTM). 150 EX: I. Justin Havelson (Suz); 2. Carl Col lier (Hon) ; J. Eric Smith (KTH). 115 EX: I. Bry a n Ma rli n (Yam ) ; 2. Je sse Canepa (Kew ): J . Cal vin \'Vhipple (KTM). 4 ·S TRK EX: I. Sam Jones (Yam); 2. Shane Lea vitt (Yam); J. Kenny Cou rtier (Han) . 30 + EX: I , Jam es Summers (GG); 2. Rich ard He rsh (KTM); J . Rick Williams (KTH). 35 + EX: I, William O 'Hara (KTH); 2. Ron Purvines (KTH); J. Scott Glimp (KTM). 40 + EX: I. Kenny Hedden (KTH); 2. David Wilson (KTM); J . Mike Worthington (Hon ). 45 + EX : I. Jim my Jam ie so n ( KT M) . OPEN A M: I. Raymond H eilig (Kaw ) ; 2. Michael C oll ins (Kaw ); J . Jos h Hayden (Yam). 150 AM: I. Wes ley Wh ipple (KI M); 2. Chris Gabben (Hon); J. Sean Hedden (Yam). 125 AM , I. Cody (KTM); 2. Adam Mdlennaic (Suz); J. 8 .-end", Turnage ( KT M) . 4 ·STRK AM : I. Kirk Stro ng (H o n ): 2. Ma n Meyerbe<:k (Hon) ; J . Greg Minahan (Hon) . 4·STRK 0-150 AM: I. Aaron Roesch (Yam 2. Joe G lobis (Yam) . 30 + AM: ); I. Russell Johnson (KTH); 2. Ofer N urkinski (Hon ); J . Toralf Und (Yam). 35 + AM : I. Scott Carter (Yam); 2. Dave Marti n (Yam) ; 3. Don Turnage (Yam). 4 0 + AM : I. Cliff Hagan (Yam); 2. Dale Tullis (KTM); J. James Far nan (Hon ). 4 5 + AM: I, Kevin Parsons (KTM 150 NOV : I. Quentin Jones ). (Hon ); 2. Adam Eldridge (Y am); J. Larry Thayer (Kaw) . 115 NOV; I. Dylan Wojec kski (KTM); 2 . Trevor Ricd (Y am); J. Alex Gonzalez (Yam) . 4·STRK NOV: I. lsaiaih DoIfs (Y am); 2. Cole 'Nhite (Ho n). 4-STRK 0- 250 NOV : I. Eric Moen (Y ",,). 4 5+ NOV, I. Richanl Reid (KTM); 2. Karl Lee (Hon). W MN : I. Caroline Santoro (Hon); 2. Krista O 'Hara (KTM) . Sl MIN I 80 EX: I. jared Wadsworth (KTM); 2. Justin Wallis (KTM ); J . C lay C utler (Yam). MIN I 60 EX: I. Tallan Taylor (KTM); 2. Kade Wad sworth (KTM) ; J . Alec He rs h (KTM). P{W SO EX: I. Mason Baker (Pol): 2. Harley Marshall (KTH). S /MINI 80 AM: I. Stephen Tr u jillo (Kaw) : 2. Ta ylo r Benshoof (KTM); J . Tyler laity (Yam). MINI 60 AM: I. Clay lsom (KT M); 2. D alt o n Porter (KT M). P/W 50 AM : I. Joesph Ga rc ia (KTM): 2. Ryan Marshall (KTM); J . H enry Unsowe (KTM). Sl MIN I 80 NOV: I . Tyt r Pen new el (Kaw); e 2. De nnis Farri s (Yam): 3. Andrew Hau pt (Hon). MIN I 60 NOV: I. J ohn Harbauer (Kaw); 2. Tayior Acavisto (Kaw); J. Katie Hougland (KTM). P/W 50 NOV: I. Tyler C oleman (KTM 2. Tim Unsow e (Yam); J . Justin Beck (KTM) ); . w.,", Sam Jones placed fourth overa ll and first in the Four-Stroke Expert class at round eight of the MRAN Desert Series in Ely, Nevada. sta rt o f th e Ama teurs ' rac e to s ho w his com petitors that he is the top ride r in the class. Aboard his Pro Cycle KTM 125, Cody led the pack into the trees , with a he rd of Amateu rs hot on his heels. Cody had challenges from the CMA Simpson Spring Series Round 4: Hanfard Fairgraunds Bier Bottles Up a Win By EDDIE GRAVEUNE HANFORD, CA, MAY 29 otoc ross tends to get a little relaxed in the warmer mon ths. Ride rs and families tend to focus more on the recreational side of the sport , wh ich is grea t, but the folks at Simpson Racing wa nted to see th ings heat up a little bit. With that in mind, they part nered with the Californ ia Moto rcycle Asso ciat ion to pu t on t he Simpso n Spring Serie s, in w hich riders in any class cou ld qualify for "Simpso n Bucks" on a wee kly basis in additio n to the big prizes that wou ld be awarded for the e ntire series . M Ta ngi ble ince ntives a lways spark e xtra co mpe tit iven ess on the track, and the har dcore riders who showed up to compete despite t he fact that it wa s a ho liday weekend were plenty motivated . The 8Scc Novice ride r s had a nice litt le serum. Joaquin Vasquez decided to break the ice by winning the first mo ta on his VZBS. In th e sec o nd outi ng , th ough, it wa s Tra vis Bachman taking the checke rs, rebounding from an abysmal seventh in the first race . When the res ults were tallied, neither of the race winners came away w ith the ove rall victory. Instead , JeHrey Bier took t he "smooth and consistent" approach to winning the 85cc Beginner cla ss at round four of the CMA Simpson Spring Series. 40th Anniversa ry

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