Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Jeffrey Bie r 's consistent 2-2 score overcame
their quick flashes of brillian ce.
The 12Scc Novice class also had multiple
m ot o w inners . It also feat ur ed an int eresti ng
mat cb u p of machi nery: Rya n Bu sh rode a
Honda C RF2S0, against Ryan Leebeh 's YZ2S0F
and Dustin Pipes' 10<125. Lee belt came out on
t o p of a n int e nse ba tt le fo r t he fir st - mot o
victory . Pipes got a bad start but battled back to
fo ur t h. Bus h was runner- up . followed by
Yamaha rider We s Flip p in, Bus h had no
inten tion of leaving his (at e up to moto math:
H e won the second r ace an d guara nteed
himself th e ove ra ll. Pipes got a much be ner
start and earned a respectab le seco nd -place
finish. Leebelt roun ded out the top thr ee in the
finale and took second overall. just ahead of
Pipes. Larry Vasquez and Kyle Hogan rou nded
ou t the top five overall.
The 2S0cc Inte rmed iat e class had mo re
e ntr ies th an usual, whic h was great (or t he
spectators along the fences . In a class that is
often one of the most spectacular to w itness,
so me new faces came out and turned heads .
Resisting the four-stroke tr end, Ste ve n Bates
rode a well -prepped RM2S0 aga ins t an
o t he rw ise all-thumper fie ld a nd wo n both
motos - which was impressive, considering the
fact that it hasn't bee n long since he moved up
from the Novice division. Steven Hem bree was
loo king to get some atte nt ion as well. In his
ve ry first race as an Inte rmed iate , he rode an
YZ2S0F against the more powe rful bikes and
wen t 2-2 fo r secon d place . After b litz ing
t hr ough the Begin ner an d Novice clas ses,
He m bree se rved notice t hat he intends to
remain successful with his latest promotion.
Ri e rs were awarded Simpson Bucks for to p
finis hes on the night , bu t everyone was
anticipating the eve nt t hat wou ld come seve n
days lat e r - t he se ries finale - and the eve n
bigger prizes that wou ld come with it.
Dutch Sport Pork MX
Harris Hauls
in Dutch Dirt
50 FIT: I. Tristan Mock (Suz): 2. Erika Ward (Han) . 50
BEG : I . Bubba Ward (KTM); 2. Jayce Elsbe ry (KT M); 1.
And rew T ho mps o n (Pol) . P/W: I . Carly McCa ll (Han) .
OUTLAW (9.11 ): I. Christian Gonzalez (Hon ). 65 (5·8 ): I.
l og an Baker (Suz); 2. Tommy St eve ns (Kaw) . 65 (9 -11 )
BEG: I. Kody Maldonado (Kaw); 2. Dalton Spjut (KTM); 1.
Matth e w Ryan (Kaw) : 4. Austi n Sw ank (Kaw) ; 5. Jordan
Ethr idge (Kaw) . 65 NOV: I. Anthony Par ks (Suz ). 65
OPEN (5·8 ): I. l ogan Baker (SUl). 65 OPEN (9.11): I.
Anth on y Park s (Suz); 2. Matthew Rya n (Kaw); 1. Jor d an
Ethridge (Kaw) . 65 X: I. Anthony Pa rks (SUI); 2. Kody
Ma ldon ado (Kaw) : 1. Dalton Spjut (KTM); 4. l oga n Baker
(Suz). 4 ·STRK YTH: I. Austi n Sw ank (Yam); 2. Katrina
Andes (Hon) ; 1. Mason Spjut (Yam). 85 BEG : I. Je ffre y Bier
(Yam): 2. Joaquin Vasquez (Yam); 1. Travis Bachman (Yam); 4.
Anthony Mace ra (Suz); S. Jacob Blair (Yam). 85 NOV: I.
Tanner Sisson (Suz); 2. David Fee (Han ); 1. Stephen Peren c