Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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& Myers finishing up in the fourth spot. Moto tw o started wit h Joh nson & Stimson Vietti's clutch lever took a hiatus , but they kept after it for a fou rt h-place finish, fo llowed in by taking the ho leshot aga in and the field fo llowing Mye rs & Myers . Wilkes & Greenh ill completed closely. Upfie ld & Ho lme s go t by early on , and their first sideca r MX in sixth. the chase co nt inued , as the Wenzel brothers and He nnessy & Viett i filled out the leade rs. The pos itions rema ined constant, with Myers & Myers constantly gaining, but on the th ird lap the Wenzels got a good drive going up the hill and took over the lead, which they held to the flag. Somewhere along the line, He nnessy & R ESU LTS C'SHIP CLo I. """">n el (EH L· bb); 2 . Malcolm Upfleld/ Pat Holmes (EML Jum ): J . C hr is Joh nso~ul St imson (EML· Hon) ; 4. Dave Henn essy/Jim V...., (VHC·Zab); S. R;chonj I1yonIRick Hyon (EML· K>w); 6 . C hris Wilkes/Ro lf Gr ee nh ill (EML· Hon ); 7. Christine Makyne nlG len n Sibley (Wsp-Yam ). H/W: I. Chri stine ~ SihI.y (Wop-Yam). Sandusky Valley Riders MX Karnow POPS Open a Six-Pack By CARL DAVIS nFFIN, OH, MAY 29 ince Karnow rode his Dec ke r C ycle ssponsored KTMs into Victory Lane at the V Sandu s k y Vall e y Ri ders MC clu b ra ce . Karn ow do m inat ed t he 12Scc A, 2 S0cc A a nd wanted. Robinson see med faster on his RM250 and finished a hard-earned second in the 250cc A class , with Carnahan in third overall. Carnahan was on a mission in the 12Scc A class. pulling t he se cond-mot o holesho t and trying to c he ck out. Karn ow tu rne d up the Tyler Bowen (911) tapped the 125« B and Schoolboy classes at th e Sandusky Valley Riden MX. class winner Kevin Bowers. wh o piloted his C RF4S 0 R to victo ries in the 2SOcc C an d Ov e r 30 C classes. D e r e k W eber was t he king o f th e Min i ride rs , ta king w ins in th e SScc (7- 1 I) and SScc Over 25 classes, winning all six motos at the w ick, catc hing and passing Carnahan's CRF2S0 R A MA D is tric t 12 poi nt s -pa ying e ve n t . Big Bore Mot o r sp or t s o f Fin d lay, O hio , s p o n- and taking off to secu re the win. Carnahan rod e a fabulous race to take seco nd, and Robinson so re d the race, pro viding lots of co ntingency pri zes and di sco un ts fo r t he rid ers in all classes, and superb SVR track con ditio ns led to some gre at racing actio n. Karnow put his two-stroke KTMs at the placed third overall. RESULTS Amat eur champion Tyle r Bow e rs put his gree n Kawasaki machines in the winners' circle 50 BEG: I. Robert Hill (KTM): 2. Chase Sparks (KTM); l . Raymond Legue (Y am). 50 (4.6 ): I. Andrew Makos ky (Co b) : 2. Ca leb Oberther (KT M); l . Ch r tst tan Arn old (KTM ). 50 (7·8): I. Seth Ham ishfeger (KTM) : 2. GUfV\3.r Flavell (KTM); 3. Scottie Siauterbeck (Pol). 65 BEG: I. Scout Sparks (Kaw ); 2. Cotton Ande rson (KTM ): 3. Hakon Esp vik (Suz). 65 (7 . 9): I. Levi Arnol d (KTM): 2. Cade Cb>on (ICTH); 3. be,,')' Knons (Kaw) . 65 (10-11 ) , I. JONi Nn Unum (Stu ); 2. Cooper ZoeU r (Suz). 85 (7 .11 ): t e onathan I. O' re k wobee (50%); 2. TyIo< Spvks (Kaw ); 3. J Unum (Suz). 85 (12 · 15): I. C ody Minard (Yam ): 2. Matthew Arn old (Suz): 3. St even Bre wer ( Ka w) . 8 5 fron t of t h e pack all day. Local ri d er Tony Robinson and new young gun Steven Carnahan in the 125cc B and Schoolboy classes. Bowers led v irtually every la p of a ll fo u r mot o s he entered. Bowers won the 125cc B class over and each would lead at times, but Kamow was To ny Do ble an d N icholas Koval , and he took t he School b oy win ove r Jordan Marlin and Jimmy King. always the re to take over the lead when he Anothe r hot ride r o n t he day was do uble- provided the stiffest competition for Karnow. Extra classes with a fine effort for the day. EXTRA , I. o..-.k w_ (50% 2. Cad. C IMon (ICT ); 3. ); H Koty Howard (Kaw) . SIMI N I: I. Jim my King (Kaw); 2. Cod y Minard (Yam) ; 3. Steven Brewer (Kaw ). 115 A: I. Vincent Kamow (KTH ); 2. Steven umahan (Hon) ; 3. Tony Robinson (SUI) . 115 B: I. Tyle r Bowers (!

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