Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"Jim Kosc hella , Tom Brac ken s and Robe rt Au stin got aro und me, and there I was, sitting in fourth ," Davis sa id . "I was goin g so har d , I almos t lost the bike tw ice; I barely managed to save it . Thi s was my to ughest race fo r t he longest duration I've ever had." Pat Samudio was fifth , knowing his team mate Davis need ed fourth fo r t he overall. Samudio tried to maintain positio n wh ile holding off Dean Adkins and Stewa rt Ferrie . "Adkins got around me," Samudio said. "but I managed to get him back. The n Adkins and Ferr ie both got ar o und me , but [by th en] it was too late for them to cat ch Davis. Anyway, I was getting tired ; I had not ridde n fo r three weeks, since I had pulled a groin muscle practicing for t he Elsinore race. Davis sur e se emed to have som e co u rage sprinkled in his Wh eaties that weekend." O ve r 4 5 Pro- class com pe tit o r Mark Anderson made the trek up to Fernley and we nt head to head with Randy Law. Having moved up from the O ve r 45 Expert class together, Law a nd Anders on we re no st rangers to mo to skirmishes. In moto one , Anderson t ried to pull a lead on Law, wh o was near the back. mixed in w ith the younger Pros. Law stalled afte r lap two. La w t hen put t he hamme r dow n, and Anderson's lead dwindled as Law worked up to Anderson and made the pass for and win. "Law was o n pure adren aline , w hile I was w o rking o n ann pum p," Ande rson said. Law won mota tw o . In mota thre e , And e rson go t the start , followed very closely by Law. The n Law blew ou t a be rm and w ent off the track, and then he jumped the IOO-plus-foot tabletop and caught the co rner, jus t saving it . law regain ed his co m po s ure , and he fin all y caught a nd out jumped Ande rson o n lap six. In mota fou r, Law decided to ride as hard as he cou ld, hoping he wouldn't ge t too tired. "Mark won' t like it if I don't give him a run ," said Law, wh o ke pt his lead until he stalled with two turns to go, giving Anderson his first mota win of the weekend. RESULTS 30 + BEG : I. Walt Van O lde n; 2. Viet or Macha do ; 3. C h ri s Oy er. 30 + NOV: I . C h ad Ol so n ; 2. Eve r e tt G rossman; 3. john Case. 30+ INT: I. Pete Canni zzaro; 2. Ton y Fagu noes ; 3. Chad Utde . 30 + EX: I. Aaron Mattson; 2. Sco tt McC ollough ; 3. Rob Belskey. 30 + PRO : I. Butch Stillmoc.k; 2. Scott Stillmock;3. Darren Sturgeon. l8 + BEG : I. Lon Ha rter; 2. Jack Go od w in; 3. Da ve St ar key. 38 + NOV: I. Don Sche ine r; 2. Peter Mayfo rth ; 3. Syd Woods. 38+ INT: I. Arnie Davis; 2. Jim Kosche lla; 3. Robert Aust in. 38 + EX: I. Billy Carlson; 2. Gilbert Ch ick; 3. Dan La'Nhom. 38 + PRO: I. Eric Mc Kenn a; 2. Mike Jo hnso n; 3. Da rryl Hane y. 45 + BEG : I. Duane QUick; 2. Christine Ellis; 3. VIC Marsh all. 45 + NOV: I. Dave Shel to n; 2. Russ Wyant ; 3. Chris Talbo t . 45+ INT: I. Steve Lawrence; 2. H ike Ellis; 3. Joe Stem. 45 + EX: I. Tim Alar"con; 2. John Handel in; 3. jeff Blix. 45 + PRO: I. Randy Law; 2. Mark Anderson . been fo r mo st of the seas o n o n th e high desert , Baughmann had his say: Meusling couldn't get aro und Kennet h Ham mo ntr ee in mot a o ne and p laced th ird , but Ha mmon t ree did n't finis h mota two, an d Me uslin g fare d on e pos itio n better, placing se co nd , w hich w as go od fo r second ove rall, ahea d of Cody Hoc kem a. On Sunday, both Baugh mann and Alldredge w ere do ub le - cl ass w inne rs . Ba ug h m an n re pea ted his Befo re The Hill and 12s cc Junio rclass victories , win ning all fou r mo tos. Polini rider AIyasWardius cou ld have been among t he e lite few do uble -class win ners o n th e day, but Alldredge got in the West Linn, Oregon , rider's way. Wardius went 2- 1 in the s Occ (7-8) class, partially due to a ninth -place finish in mota o ne on Alldredge' s part. Ward ius trailed Alldred ge in mota tw o to place second ove rall. Th e da y's largest field w as t he co mb ined 8s cc (12-13 ) and SScc Beginner classes, with 19 riders . KTM rider Derrick May manhand led the competition to take top honors in the 8Scc (12- 13) class, while Honda rider Bill Neary continued to control the te mpo in the Beginner dass. Neary had his way in the first moto, although in moto two he trailed Kawasaki riders Jared Dacus and Cody Lainen. Dacus got off the line in complet e control and held the point position to the finish. Nonetheless , Neary won overal l, as Dacus went 16-1 and finished ninth overall. RESULTS Sa tu rday P/W (7-8): I. Ch ris Alldn:dg . (Co b): 2. Ben Chappelle (Cob) ; 3. Chris WallaCe (Cob) . 50 OPEN: I. Ch ris Alldredge (Cob); 2. Je.-emy Wihen (Cob) ; 3. Ben Ch_11e (Cob). 65 BEG : I. Brandon Gabbard (KTM); 2. Jimm ie Pet e rson (Kaw) ; 3 . Br e n d a n De La G ran ge ( KT M) . 65 (0 -8) : l. Ryan Newma n (KTH ); 2 . Chris Alldredge (Co b); 3. R.J. Lea ch (Suz) . 6 5 (9 -1 1) : I. Bra d Fra ce (KTM); 2 . Tyle r See ley (Kaw ); 3. Antho ny Romero (Kaw ). 65 OPEN : I . Chris Alldredge (C o b) ; 2. Ryan Newman (KTM); 3. Anthony Romero (Kaw). 85 BEG: l. Cody Loine n (Kaw); 2. [ered Docus (Kaw); 3. B NeM)' (Hen) . 8S (9 .11 ): I. Brad Frace m (Yam 85 (12-13): I. Denick May (KTM). 85 (14 - 16) : I. ). Ian Md.agan (Hen). SlH INI: I. Denick May (KTM); 2. Cody Loinen (Kaw ); 3. Garrett King (Suz). 115 BEG : I. Chris McDaniel (KTM ); 2. Max: Jacobsen (Hon) ; 3. Micha el Wood (Hon ). 115 JR: I. Wes Baughman (Kaw ); 2. Erik Meus ling (Hon ); 3. Cody Hoc.kema (Yam). 2 50 JR: I. Mike Ch ilders (Hon ). 250 INT: I . Daniel Harris (KTM); 2. Matt Hopkins (Hon ); 3. Matt Pea. (Hon ). WMN: I. Shelly Wilson (Hon ). 8TH JR: I. Wes Baughman (Kaw); 2. Erik Meus ling (Hon); 3. Justin Anderson {KTM }. 25 + JR: I. Keith McGarve y (Hon). 25 + INT: I. Matt Petz (Hon ); 2. Travis Ceniga (Yam) ; 3. jesse lutz {Hon}. 30 + BEG: I. Denn is Ch ikj (Hon); 2. Jason Homer (Hon) ; 3. Daren Wilson (KTM). 30+ JR: I. Fran k ); Jacobsen (Hon ); 2. DeWayne Smith (Yarn 3. Scott Hockema (5oz ). 30 + MNY: I. Rod Tryon (Hon ); 2. Jos h Bispo (Hon ). 40+ JR : I. Lawrence Jacob (Yam ); 2. Fran k Jacobsen (Ho n); J . Jim H arri s (Hon ). 40 + MNY: I. J.R. Meusl ing (Suz) . 4-STRK: l. Ron Hudson (Yam); 2. Jere my Kenda ll (Hen ). Sunda y 50 (0-6): I. Ryan Burggren (Co b); 2. Trevor Newman (Cob); 3. N< k Chappell (KTM). 50 (7 -8): I. Alps Wanli", (Pol); 2. Wyatt Fowle, (Co b); 3. J""" Summerli n (KTM). SO OPEN: I. c:rn;, Alldn:dg. (Cob); 2. Alps Wou-d (Pol); 3. iU< Wyatt Fowler (Cob ). 65 BEG: I . j immie Pete rson (Kaw); 2 B","""" Gabbard (Suz); 3. Cody McMahon (Hon). 6S (0-8) : I. Chris Alldn:dg. (Suz); 2. R.J. Leach (Suz); 3. Ryan Newman (KTM ). 65 (9 -11): I . Colin Baker (KTM): 2. Tanne r Berry (KTM); 3. Anthony Romero (Kaw ). 65 OPEN : I . Co lin Baker (KTM); 2. Chris Alldredge (Suz); 3. Ryan Ne w man (KTM ). 85 BEG : I. Bill Neary (Hon ); 2. Matt Miller (Yarn); 3. Eddy Duncan (Yam 85 ( IZ- 13) : I. De nick May (KTM); 2. ). C had Turner (Suz). SlHINI: I. De rric k May (KTM ); 2. C olin Baker (KTM) ; 3. Garre tt King (Suz ). 12 5 JR : l . W es Baughman (Kaw); 2. jacob Wood (Yam); J. Cody Hoc kema (Yarn 125 INT: I. Caleb Watt (!

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