65cc mount, Yates won both motos by more
than half a lap. The next four racers in the class
bunched up and made the race for second look
like a no t he r class . Zachary McC arthy a nd
Alexander Quirie posted second- and third place finishes , with Cody Pontious and Hunter
Espinoza posting fourth and fifth.
50 EXHIB: I . Jeremy Unger (KTM); 2. Justin Wh itehead
(KT M); 3. Lucas Buc k (KTM); 4. Jaco b Edi son (KT M); S.
Je re my Murp hy (KTM). 50 (4 -6) BEG: I . Ross Man.in (Yam);
2. Cassandra Step hen s (Yam); 1. Hunt e r Kollarik (Suz); 4 .
Ea t han Hid ", (y",,); 5. Joey Banas (Yam). 50 (4.6) Sl MO O ,
I . Jacob Edison (KTM); 2. Aust in Gilson (KT M); 1. Jere m y
Murp hy (KTM) ; 4 . D o m Ini c k Se ll ( KT M); 5 . Hu n t er
He rri ngt o n (Po l). 6 5 (7- 11) BEG : I. Jar ed Baumgartner
(Kaw) ; 2 . Patric k Be ss (Ha n); J . Ca leb Marshall (Kaw); 4 .
Arldrea Mars hall (Kaw): 5. Alexis Green (Suz) . 65 (7 -9 ): I .
Andrew Keller (Kaw ); 2. Jimm y Kru eger (KT M); 3. Ryan
Robinene (Kaw) ; 4. Robbi Fain (Kaw); 5. Ty Peterson (Kaw) .
65 ( 10 - 1 1): I. Do rian Yates (Kaw ); 2. Za chary McC art hy
(Kaw ); 3. Alexander Q uirie (SUI); .... Cody Pon tious (Kaw ); 5 .
Hu nter Esp inoza (Kaw ). 80·11 5 ( 12 - 15 ) JR: I. Bra e
Peterson (KTM); 2. Seth Bidlack (Yam); J . Nicholas McCarthy
(Yam); "l. Elissa Grincic (Kaw); 5. Stephen Gri nci<: (Kaw). 8 5
(7 · 1I) INT: I. Garrett G ilbe rt (Suz); 2. Cody Zavods ky
(Suz); 3. Zachary Mtin""'" (Su,); 3. Kody Clark (Kaw). 85 MOD (11 ,' 3), I.
Cole See ly (Suz): 2. Matt De Atley (Suz): 3. Damy Gubser
(Yam) . 8 5 MOD ( 14- 15) : I. Shawn Habe rloc k (Y
am); 2.
Kyl Evans (SUI): J . Tyler Rieh l (Yam). SJMINI (9- 11) : I.
Aust in Rose (SUI); 2. Kody C lark (Kaw) ; 3. Ale x Hoo pe r
(KTM). SlH IN I ( 12. 15) : I. Chri s Howell (Kaw) ; 2. Mlkey
Schmeck (Suz); 1. Adam H e nry (H o n) . 10 5 (11.15): I.
Shawn Haberiock (Hen); 2. Cole 5eeIy (Suz); 3. t-tatt De Atley
(5",). ' 25 STK ( ' 2- ' 5), I. Ch'" JoIv=n (Kaw) ; 2. Sam De
Atley (Su,); 3. Logan Hixen (y",,). '25 MOD ( '2- ' 5), I.
Chris Jotvuon (Kaw): 2. Ben Evans (Hon): 1. Kevin Urq uhart
(Hon ). 125 A/ P RO -S PT: I. Andy Bakken (Yam): 2. Tyler
Fick (Ha n): 3. Jeff Ward (Ha n). 125 B MOD: I. Josh Hill
(Yam); 2. Devin Sullivan (Han): 3. Bronson He thc ote (Kaw) .
115 C STK: I. Ry Kautz (Suz) : 2. Danny Goodell (Suz); J .
Justin Van S1yke (Suz). 115 C MO D: I . Ry Kautz (Suz); 2.
Justin Van Slyke (Suz); J . Cory Breuer (Yam) . 12 5 0 : I. John
Pike (Suz); 2. Derek Campbell (Suz): J . Kris Robinson (Suz).
2 5 0 A : I. Andrew Bakken (Yam) : 2. Je sse Britt (Ha n); 3.
Jaco b Kenw orthy (Yam) . 250 B ST K: I . Mile s War re n
(Hon): 2. Joe y lancaster (Hon); 3. Nic Wol fer (Suz). 250
AlPRO-SPT: I. Andy Bakken (Yam); 2. J
esse Britt (Hon) ; 1.
Joe Brockway (Y . 2 50 8 MOD: I. Adam Me nier (Suz);
2. Matthew Will iams (Kaw) ; J . N i<: Wolfer (Suz). 15 0 C: I .
Zach Tait (Yam); 2. Ryan Brogu iere (Hon ); 1. Jason Graybeal
(Yam). 25 0 C NON .QUAl : I . Zach Tait (Yam); 2. O lin
Green (H a n): 1. Matt Brau er (H o n) . 4 - ST RK : I. Joe y
lancaster (Hon) ; 2. Jos hua Johnson (Hon) : 3. Andy Bakken
(Yam). GRLS (9 - 1] ): I. Sierra Bragg (Y ). WMN ( 12 + ):
I . Shiri Howell (Kaw); 2. Brittany la.wber (Hon ): 1. Misty
Short (Yam) . BTH 8 : I . Ad am Metzler (5u z); 2. Miles
Warren (Ho n): J . Ian Nac carato (Hon) . 8TH C: I. Matt
Kelly (Hon); 2. Jeff Albouqe (Hon) : J. RoIlie T. Moore (Hon) .
25 +: I. Bob Me U y (Ho n) ; 2. Zach Evans (Ho n); 1. Jade
Unger (Yam). VET 30 + : I. Bob Melley (Hon ); 2. Zadl Evans
(Hon): J . Joe Miltenberg er (Kaw). VET 35 + : I . Mark Street
(Suz): 1. Ron Goodwin (Kaw ); J . N i<:k Lilley (Hon). SR 4 0+ :
I . Bob Davis (Hon).
Over The Hill Ga ng Natio nal Race
Fernley International Raceway
Anderson Fought Law,
and Law Won
Hill: Triumph and Heartbreakl
Mohn ike (KTM). 65 STK ( 10 . 1 1) : I. Spe ncer Knowle s
AMA Loretta Lynn's Area Qualifier
Washougal Motocross Park
con test. Due to the muddy conditions , each
class ran a single-mota for mat. Hawaii's Jesse
Britt put his Honda out front at the start but
lost out to Californian Andy Bakken ; in turn ,
Bakken yielded to Hill, who started from the
seco nd wave and went on to win easily. Chris
Joh nson and Joey Lancaster, contesting the B
class, filled out the top t hree , followed by the
top A rider, Bakken.
Hill was n't as fortunate in the I25cc Stock
( 12- 15) class, run later that day. In fact, he was
still in the pit area when the class thund ered off
the starting line. Hill came from a lap down to
place seventh in the race, w hich was wo n by
the Kawasaki-mounted Johnson .
On Sunday, it was more of the same for Hill.
He flrst easily manhandled the comb ined 125cc
NPro Sport and I25cc B Modified classes. Hill,
Utah 's Devin Sullivan, and another Hawaiian,
Bronson Hethcote, proved to be the best mud
riders of the 23 riders and placed first t hrough
third , while Bakke n was again the top -placing Aclass rider, followed by Tyler Fick.
Then Hill stalled his Yamaha wh ile running
up front in the I25cc Modified ( 12- 15) class and
couldn't get the four-stroke to refire until it was
all over. johnson was impressive in this moto as
well and became one of a handful of riders to
master the mud on the day and win two classes.
O regon's Shawn Haberlock was one of the
dominant pe rformers throughout the weekend
in the 85cc and Supennini ranks . Haberlock, who
one year ago suffered a broken back, appeared
to be back in top form, and he won the 85cc
Modified and Supennin i ( 12- 15) classes, despite
mult iple spills . Other 85cc-c1ass win ners on
Sunday included Landon Currier, who to pped
the 85cc (7- 1I) class with relative ease.
Bakken , riding a Yamaha, added another win
to his weekend tally by topping the 250cc NP ro
Sport class, although two dominant B ride rs,
Adam Metzler and Californ ia Kawasaki jockey
Matt Williams, would force the ir way past the Adass winner before the completion of the mota.
Bakke n' s wee kend ended with five o ve ra ll
victories out of the six classes he contested.
Utah's Levi Hall beste d t he competition in
the 65cc Modified (7- 1 I) class on Sunday,
top ping ju st in Hill a nd C alifo rnia n Zachary
Knudson. Hall wasn't as fortun ate in the B5cc
St ock (7- 11) class, though , as he lost out to
Currier in that class and finished second .
ight rain s t he da y before race weeke nd
I-mad e fo r perfe ct race condit ions . Th ese
were Fe rnley's be st- laid-o ut track configurations of the last eight years . On Saturday morning, Arnie Davis stood ta ll, han ds on his hips,
surve ying the track , and re mem bering last
year 's first -turn crash t hat ended his ra cing
weekend at this ven ue earty with a co ncussion.
''I'm just going to have to put it out of my
40th Anniversary
mind and do what I do best, which is start first
and stay focused ," Davis said. "That is what I'm
going to do."
The Gang's bee n wa tching Davis' starts, and
lately they 've been right on at t he so uth ern
t racks. How wo uld he do with suc h a long,
sandy start?
Apparently, just fine: He too k two holeshots in
the first three motes: going into moto four, Davis
had to finish in the top four to garner the overall.
Davis calmlygot the holeshot again.