no problems w ith that issue, w hile the pack
behind him struggled to keep him in thei r sights .
Close on the hee ls of the leader was Dan
Turner. last season's runner-up, on his Tri-City
Cydes Super-bike. With Ric ky O rlando and Ryan
Burke chasing off the start, that left a gaggle of
MRA vete rans chasi ng for fifth . An noun ce rs
Bra d D irn be rge r and Mar k "T he Mile High
Mouth " Woodward kept the fans on the edges
of their seats, as the chase pack was run ning
tigh t. Howeve r, the chase got diverted w hen
the pac k scatt e red around a fallen ride r, Eric
[cer n, in the aforementioned Ho use Turn . As
t he pack attacked t he corner, joern lost t he
fron t e nd, and his bike t um bled into t he
airfence . joern was o kay and got up
im m e d iat e ly, but t he pa ck had lost its
momentum and was now stretched out.
Up front , Turpin was extending his lead over
Turner. Burke (Den nie Burke 's nephew, w ho
fr eque nts the raceway for t e st - and- t un e
op portunities) had managed to pass O rlando,
putt ing him t hre e spots in fr ont o f U ncle
Dennie. As lappers came into play in the 16-lap
event, Ryan apparently used his knowledge of
the track to extend his lead over Orlan do and
close in on Turner. When the checkered flag
flew, the runni ng ord er remained unchanged ,
with Turp in grabbi ng his third straight win, and
Tumer and Ryan rounding out the podium, over
ser ies champion O rlando.
GTU NOV: I . Tony Ewan ; 2. Dave Van De Weert; 1.
Jake Lati mer, i . Bruce Baa; S. Marc lee. GT O N OV: I.
Dean Whitinger, 2. Dave Van De Weert; 1. David O lcott; "'.
Bruce Baca; S. Marcus Frison. GTU AM: I. Dave Gallant: 2.
Patrick l..ansu; 1. Tony Ewan: "'. Tim Gates; S. CortHn Swan .
GTO AM : I. DaM Gallant; 2. Marv Rosencrans; 1. Bryce
Davis; "I. Glen n Conser; S. Patri ck Lansu. MORN VI NT
GTU : I. Ch uck Shettsline; 2. Troy Miller; 1. Simon l.JJ
dow; 4.
Kerry Frakes ; S. Dan Elders . MORN VINT GTO: I. Karl
Frakes; 2. Erik Pea t ; 3. Frank Di Ranoa; i . Greg Sheehan; S.
Kerry Frakes. M/W $/SPT: I. Martin Sims ; 2. Crash Low e;
3. David Gallant; 4. Elt on Curry; S. Ped ro Bra vo . M/W
SlBK: I. Martin Sims; 2. Pedro Bnvo; 1. Dean Del Turco; "'.
Crash Lowe ; 5. Patrick lansu. HJW SlSPT! I. Martin Sims:
2. Crash l o we ; 1. David Gallant:: 4. Elton Cuny; 5. Pedro
Bravo. HIW SlBK: I. Martin Sims; 2. Mike Applegate; 1.
Dean Del liJr-co; "I. Glem Conser, 5. Mkhael Vigil. O PE N
SlSPT: I. Rkh Deeming; 2. Rkky Orlando: 3. Denn;e 8url: 2. Branden Halrnes : 3. Dylan
Bunkoske ; 4. SeanReismam: S. Jordan Schiller. P/W SR:: I.
Colton Greaves; 2. Chr istop her Be n avid e s ; 1. Co dy
Severinsen; 4. R.J. Lego; S. Colin Hass. MIN I 65 0 - 1: I.
Nathan La Pone; 2. Zach Coons; 1. Phe Stillman; 4. Cole
Pricha rd : S. Colt o n Grea ves . MI N I 65 0-1: I. Hunter
Nystrom; 2. Cody Frederick; 1. luke Sanville; 4. Sam long:
S. Kyle Pagac . M INI 8 5 SR : I. Cody 50kolik: 2. Ch ase
Nystrom: 3 . Be n Pete rs o n; 4. Rich ard Tracy; S. N ic k La
Po rt e . 115 JR : I. Zachary Ken ning; 2. Cody Sokolik : 1.
Bryon Servi; 4. Steven Eberhardt; 5. De rek 'N:uTen. 115 A:
I. Ch ad Jo hnson; 2. Andy Za mbon: 1. Jess e zamb o n; 4.
Jeremy Hackbarth; 5. Zachary Kenning. 115 B 0 - 1: I. Matt
Mraz; 2. Brian Collins; 1. Adam Weh e ; 4. Ryan Norton ; 5.
Tim Stephani. 115 B 0 ·1: I. Jake Dc bbrare: 2. Thomas
Wolf; 3. Jaco b Greatens; 4. Cory Iverson; 5. Dan Fle tche r.
115 CO- I : I. Dere k Warren; 2. larry Zeugner ; 3. Paul
Sheldon; 4. James Dlo bik.; S. Ja ke Yakey . 115 C 0-2: I.
Brandon Crevier; 2. RobertJones Jr.: 1. Alex Resech ; 4. Ben
Sch war ebe c ; 5 . David Mapes . 115 C 0 -3 : I . Kyle
Carstensen; 2. Eric Uren ; 1. Dylan Duflo; i . N ick Mailhiot; 5.
Jake Zeugner 150 A: I. Chad Joh nson ; 2. Jesse Zambon; 1.
Brae Stroebel; 4. Zachary Kenning: 5. Keith De Grand. 1 50
B: I. Adam long; 2. Nathan Sprang; 1. Brad Smith ; 4. Vincent
Magestro; S. Todd Everard . 15 0 C: I. Ky4e Carstensen; 2.
Neil Baktuc; 1. Richard Blockiand ; 4 . C hris Fowl es ; S. Jeffrey
K~. O P EN : I . Jesse Zambon; 2. Jer emy Hackbarth; 1.
Stanley Nooyen; i . Cody Wills; S. Bill Knauf. WMN: I. Kim
W ikheck; 2. Heat he r Roach ; 3 . je ssica White : i . Shaw na
Zantow: 5.
Bambeau. SPTSMN k I. Andy Zambon:
2. Jaco b La Count; 1. Craig Wa llace; "'. Ja cob Collins .
SPTSMN WC: I. Jake Dobbratz; 2. Cory Iverson ; 1. Matt
Mraz; 4. Dennis Witt e ; S. Micha el Fager. MSTR 15+: I.
Thomas Wolf; 2. DaM Rock; 1. Tom Nielsen; "'. Rod Mineau:
S. Bryan Barstow. VET A 30 +: 1. John ny Grea ves: 2. DavK::I
Rock.; 1. Rod Mineau; 4. Stacy Anderson: S. Bryan Barstow.
VET B 30 + : I. Duke l ong; 2. Scott Graham; 1. Andy Cole:
"'. RandyWergin ; S. Tom Hinze . SR 40+ : I. Jim Heilman; 2.
Craig Gutenberger'; 1. Mike Donnan ; 4. Duke long; 5. Dan
Haydin. SR 50 + : I. Doug Schumacher; 2. Doug Baumann;
1. Mel Piontek; 4. Dave Arva:. 5. Jerry Jandt. N OK-CUR:: I .
Ton y Dorman; 2. Mike Do rman; 3. Seth Galler; 4 . Er ic
Luedke; 5. Shawn Tovar.
Memorial Day Motocross Championships
Holliste r Hills Gran Prix Course
The Cup Opens Upl
Za chary Kenning (531) nabs th e first-moto holeshot en route to the
12 5cc JunIor win at Pine Ridge Race way in Athel stane, Wisconsin , site of
the first round of th e Northem Cup Motocross Se ries.
WoN, Howell Keep the Pack at Bay
ony Wolf attacked t he co urse and his com petitors in the MotoWest Racing-promoted
12th annual Memorial Day Motocross Cham pionships . The even t drew riders from the AMA,
CMA, CMC and Mut ant Moto rsports, and it
attracted riders who wanted to qualify for the
upcoming NMA Nationals at Loretta Lynn's .
T he you ng Wolf on ly entered the 2S0cc Pro
class and came away with two runaway wins,
over Yamaha jockey Jimmy Hazel and Honda
40th Anniversary
rider Scott Roeghe r. As the seven laps on the
Gran Prix course wou nd down , the opposition
began to show fatigue, but Wo lf charged hard er,
diving o ff de eper eve ry lap into the elevatorshaft-like downhill before the finish line. He was
clearly in a class by himse lf on this day and on
th is course.
Another amazing performance was turned in
by t he "iro nman" star of the Pee We e set.
Michael Maze used KTM machinery to start four
classes. wh ich translates to eight rnotos - and he
finished all of them! The diminutive race r ta llied
six first-place finishes, a th ird and a fourth to end