Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and some of the riders may be getting t here, but those bikes fly! Some of the Vintage -class racers a re for mer Exp e rt riders , which is obvious when observi ng their skill and cunning o n the track. Triumph jockey Joh n Skinner led fro m pole to flag in the Vintage O pe n eve nt, while a close battle for second raged beh ind him between Yamaha ride rs jo hn Blackst ock and Tommy Sisso n. Blackst ock held 011 Sisson until lap four, when Sisson gained the advantage and maintained a ho ld on second. Frank Mclane was fourth, aboard his Honda. R ES ULTS 50/60 4 -STRK: I. Ryan Rutland(Hon); 2. Dillon Jackson (Yam) ; 3. Aust in Lorick (Ha n) ; .. . Cody Fleene r (Ha n); S. Garri ck Ardi s (Hon) . 50/60 1 -STRK: I . Tyter Treadawa y (Kaw); 2. Manton Smoak (KTM); 3. Ryan Rutland (Y om); • . Dillon Jackson (Y . 65 2-STRK: I. Marston Smoak (Kaw); am) 2. Allison Durden (Kaw) . 85 l -STRK: I. Trelo Shinaberry Y (Yam) ; 2. Tyter Treadaway (Kaw ). 7 0/80: I. Tyter C havis (Hon ); 2. Blake lomas (Hon); 3. Kaiti Mclane (Hon ); 1. Travis Am ;ck (Hon ); 5. Holman Feldeo-(Hon) . HX HINI, I. jO with both overalls going to jim my [arre t . who rode his Yamaha to victory over Greg Hudak an d Jason Roge rs in the Lightweight Money contest and then duplicated that fe at in the Heavyweight Money contest, over Greg and Rich Hudak. Local favorite Patrick Whitem an led both Schooiboy mo tos , chased hard by Cory Ne thing and Even Guts hall. Th e Collegeboy overall went to Knowlson. with Nick Stevens in second and Rusty Madzia in third . Kim Kocher ran off with the overall in the Women 's divisi n , with second overa ll going to o T iffan i Wallra bens tein and th ird overall to Rachel Lo tts . RESULTS P/W BEG : I . Gary Kaufman (KTM); 2. Michael Hand (KTM); 3. Joe y Zau gg (KTM). P/W JR: I. Je remy Hand (KTM ); 2. Jared Vannoy (KTM); 3. Andrew Makos ky (Cob). P/W SR : I. Allen Me sse rs mit h (KTM) ; 2. Da r in Ye r ian (KT M) : 3. Rich ie Kolcu n (KT M). P /W EX : I. Alle n Me ssersmith (KTM); 2. ju stin Lyte (KTM); 1. Derek Balash (KTM). 65 BEG: I. Allen Messersmi th (KTM); 2. Ton y Usko (KTM); 1. Er ic Ree se (Kaw) . T RlJBK JR: I. Just in Lyle (Yom) 2. Ryan ReddKk (Hon) ; 3. Som; GoR (Hen ). TRlJIlK ; SR: I. Derek Balash (Hon ); 2. Nick Benton (Hon) : 3. Kyte Goetz (Han). 65 : I. Blake Peterson (Kaw); 2. Danny La Hood (Suz); 3. Brand on Malobabkh (KTM). JR MINI: I . Curt Ga sk i (Ya m); 2. Br o ck Nething (Yam); 3. We slee Withers (Hon). SR M IN I: I. Corey Horner (Suz); 2. Zack MacGeorge (Yam); 1. Brad Dailey (Hon) . S/MINI: I. Co rey Homer (SUI.); 2. Cun Gasld (Yam); 3. Erik Burnworth (Hon) . 115 B: I. Nick Prendes (Yam); 2. Joe Young (Hon) ; 3. Matt Knowl son (Yam). 2 5 0 B: I . Eric White (Ho n); 2. Dan ny Just ice (KTM). 125 C : I. Anthony Smith (Yam): 2. Randy Kukrai (Ya m) ; 3. Eva n G uts ha ll (Yam ). 2 50 C : I. Ryan Koestner (Kaw): 2. Jason Kcama (Hon) ; 3. C harles Hea therly (Yam). OPEN B/C: I . Jack Howell (Hon) : 2. Jeff Butkovich (Yam): 3. Jeff Best (KTM) . LIW MN Y: I . Jimmy [arre rt (Yam); 2. G,"& Hudok (Hon ); 3. Joson ""'"" (Hon ). HIW MN V, I. Jimmy Jarre tt (Yam); 2. Greg Hudak (Ha n); 3. Rich Huda k (Ho n) . BMBR : I. Michae l Men teer (Suz ); 2. Ken Fran k (H a n) ; 3. Todd Doa k (Ha n) . EX T RA : I . Dan Cleme ns (Yom 2. Rondy Ku"'" (Yom); 3. Cho. Hudok (Hon) . WMN , ); I. Kim Koch er (Suz); 2. T iffani Wallnbenstein (Kaw ) ; 3. Rachel Lotts (Suz ). SCHBY: I . Patrick Whiteman (Yam 2. ); Cory N ething (Yam); 1. Evan Gutshal l (Yam) . C LGBY: I . Ma tt Knowlso n (Yam ); 2. Nic k Ste ve ns (Ha n); 3. Rusty Madria (Hon). 25 + : I. Jimmy Jarrett (Yam 2. Greg Hudak ): (Hen ): 3. Trevor Vines (Yam). 30 + : I. Trevor Vines (Yam); 2. Joh n Gallagher (Hon ); 3. Bob Felmlee (Hon) . 40+ : I. Bob Felmlee (Hon) ; 2. Rich Hud ak (Hon ); 3. Tom Hudak. 50 + : I. Dan Morg an (KTM); 2. Craig Sales (Han); 3. Lucky Vine s (Yam) . 4- S T RK: I . Rich Hudak (Han); 2. Nick Prendes (Yam): l . Kevin Waterpool (Yam). Wild We st Nationals Round 6: Rock Creek Raceway CRA Spring Series Race Ohio Infernorionol Raceway Honk Four Times for Hornerl By CHRIS JANKOVICH Erik Burnworth and Kim Kocher in hot pursu it. Things spaced out a little later in the moto, but Ho rne r had his hands full wit h Gaski. In the e nd , it was Ho rn e r, follo w ed by Gask i, Burnworth and Kocher, with Weslee Withers rounding out the top five. The sec ond moto was more of the same, with the same three batt ling too th and nail so much so tha t they pulled some distance ove r the rest of the pack. Consistency paid off, as it was Home r, Gaski and Burnw orth, followed by Kocher and Withers at the finish . Horner had some d ifferent competition in the Senior Mini class, but it was no less exciting than the Supermini co ntest. Horner again ran fr om w ire to w ire, th is time with Zac k MacGeo rge in tow. The two set a fast pace up fro nt , a nd in the end it was Horner and MacGeorge in first and second , with Just in Knapp t hird . In his final me te, Horner again pulled the holeshot . with MacGeorge again hot on his heels . Th e two again pulled out to a good lead and ended the day one-two again. th is time with Brad Dailey placing third . The final tally for the Senior Mini class had Horner at the top. followed by MacGeorge and Dailey, with Knapp and Malt Chuey in fourth and filth, respectively. Big-bike action was hot in more ways than one , as the te mperatures neared 85 degrees while the competition heated up. Nick Prendes put his Yamaha up front in the I25cc B division, show ing the back of his jersey to Joe Young and Malt Knowlson in both mOlOS. The 125cc C class saw Anthony Smith in the lead in bo th motos , w ith second overall going to Randy Kukrai and third to Evan Gutshal l. In 250cc C action , Ryan Kuestner sco red a double-moto w in , w it h Jas on Kozm a a nd Charles Heatherly rou nd ing out the to p three. Open B/C winner Jack Howell took the best that jell Butk ovich and jell Best had to oller and turned in a 1· 1 mota sweep for the overall. T he Money classes were well -attended , Horner ran up front from start to finish in all Whoops, Weather, Weimerl By DAVE ROUNSEVELLE smok in' Jake Weimer. The first two didn't seem RAVENNA, OH, MAY 23 (our me te s, taking home two of the spec ial-edi- KIMBERLY, ID, MAY 23 to affect th e third, as Weimer won both the o re y Horner prove d himse lf to be th e cream of the crop in the Senior Mini and Supermini classes at the ai R Spring Series race. tion trophies for his efforts . T he t hree topics at the sixth round of the Wild West Series were: the 16 hard-packed whoops: the cold, blustery, rainy weather; and a vincing margins. Weimer led every lap of bot h C 68 The Supermin i class started the day o ff. Horner took t he lead early, w ith Curt Gaski, JUNE 23, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 40th A nniversa r y 125cc and 250cc Intermediate classes by conmotos of both classes. He went through the

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