Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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w hoops like t hey were 6 inches high , gai ning s peed as h e skimmed the tops of the m. His lap times we re as fast or faste r tha n the Pros' lap times. Weimer should be a force to be rec koned with at Lor etta Lynn's this year. Chad Jorgensen took the inside line and snatched t he hol eshot in the O pe n Amateur class. Cole Meyer and Donald Vauser were pressi ng Jorgen sen, and Zane Trivett was within st riking distance. Jorge nsen highside d in th e corner before the finish tabl e ; he recovered q uickly, but not be fore Meyer grabbed the lead. Vauser stalled in the whoops, and 'Ihvert moved up to thir d. Meyer was stretching his lead , while Jo sh Kenley passed Trivett lor thir d . Jorgense n tipped over in a comer, and Kenly got by. Meyer took the win, with Kenly second , and Jorgensen moun ted a charge that came up just short, leaving him third . Meye r took the first turn first in t he seco nd mota , but jorge nse n quickly took over the lead. Trivett was running third . Meyer was on jorge nsen, co nstantly pre ssuring him. Meyer made his move in the rhythm section be fore the whoops and got by jorge nse n on the white-flag lap. jo rgense n pressed Meyer but was unable to get by before the checkers flew. Meyer took the win, with jorgense n second and Trivett third. Thayne Edd ins powered his Suzuki to the holesh ot in the first 85cc ( 12- 15) mo to . Rudi Williams and Co')' Dutt on we re running second and third. Chase Hunt got by Dutt o n twice befo re Dutt on got back in fro nt of him and staye d t he re . Eddins and W illiams pulled away, but Williams cou ldn't get within striking distance of Eddins, who took the win, with Williams second and Dutt on third . Moto two had Williams adding a holeshot sticker to his helmet. Eddins and Hu nt were flying right with Wi lliams over the tab letops. Eddins got around Williams in the sweepi ng comer and stretched out his lead. Dutton didn't get a great start and had to pick his way through the pack , trying to catch Hunt. Eddins sealed the deal. wi th Williams second, and Dutt o n got past Hunt lo r third . Jon Youngblood fo ught off all challengers in the Over 25 and Over 30 Junior classes. Slade Sobotka grabbed two holeshots in the 65cc Open class, on ly to watch Braiden Hartz e ll pass him on the last lap of both metes twice to steal the wins. Brandon Leith was not far off the pace , finishing t hird in both motes. RESULTS SO SHAFT: I. Dillion Cumm ins (KTM); 2. Rayden Gtadfelder (KTM); J. Jaege r Scholfoekl (KTM); <. Pa ... T~bot (Y~); s. Pa;,1eyLarsen (Y~). so « . 6) : I. J""'" " Dalze ll (Po l); 2. Austin Jorgensen (KTM); J, Pete 8 iscoff (KTM); 4, Ben Lammers (KTM); 5 . Zeke Alca la (KTM). SO (6-8): I . Trist an Mayco ck (KT M); 2. C u rt is Satt erwhite (KTM): J. Brod ie Larsen (tern): 4. Tuc ke r Swen so n (lem): S. Jo sh Dah ell (Pol). 50 MOD: I . Prest on Wh itehous e (Pol); 2. Daxton Sloan (KTM); J . Brodie larsen (l em) ; .... Tucke r Swenson (lem): 5. Dybn Winters (KTM). P P: I. Amand a Maheu (KTM): 2. Ashlee Byrge (lem): J. Taelor Talbot (l em ): 4. Hunter ~m""", (Kaw) : S. 'iY' ee]one< (Hen). 6S (6-8) : l. _ I Leith (KTM); 2. Bred en Hartzell (KTM); J, Nicholas Winkie (Kaw) ; 04 . Josh Dalzell (Suz); S. Kaysen Winger (Kaw). 65 (9- 11) JR: I. Slade Sobo tka (KTH) ; 2. T)ier Byrge (KTH): l . Cordell Iverson (KTM); .... Colton Roberson (Kaw); S. Tyter Ault (KTM). 65 OPEN: I. Braiden Hartzel l (KTM); 2, Slade Sobotka (KTH) ; J . Brand on Leith (KTM); .... Austin Jamieson (KTH ): S. Ha yden Villarreal (Kaw). 85 BEG: I. Jesse Rizzi (Hon ): 2. Myles Snyder (Suz): J, SkyIer Shaw (Kaw); 04. Joshua McKay (Hon): S. Cass idy Knight (Kaw). ATTENTION PREMIX ADDICTSI 2-STROKE MX WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Answers to the FAQs YES. there will be classes!for every two stroke powered mx machine from 50 to 500cc. YES. there will be classes for all eras of bikes frorn the 2004 models back to the 1960·s. YES. there will be classes for kids to Grandparents. YES. you will get to see the 2005 YZ's before anyone else. NO, you can't ride 250F or a 450F in the Two Stroke Charnpionship. JUNE 27TH. 2004 AT GLEN HELEN RACEWAY For more info go to OR call 714. 804-0088 Motorcycle new s will never be the sa me l You ca n acce ss Cycle News Online anytime, day or night, on the World Wide Web at••• j WIt.2f'. a' ,lte 'eadlng edge Sam Taylor (38), Chad Wallwork (22) and Rodney Cole (14) lead the Over 30 Pro class at round six of the Wild West Nationals. 0' motorcycle new.? Cycle News Online I Now you (on access instont race results ond the lolesl breaking stories in the world 01 motorcycling, with Cycle News ' home poge on the World Wide Web . Updated daily, Cycle News Online provides : CYCLE NEWS • JUNE 23, 2004 69

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