Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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finished second . Be hind the duo was a whole train of ride rs, including jere miah Pickup, Tyler Corey, Brian Dalrympl e, Mit ch Du nn , Dallas Heater and jacob Holde n, In the secon d moto, there was a new group of riders up front , as Molzahn suffe red a poo r start and Degrandpre suffered a DN F. Running up fron t was Pickup , who se emed to have things in complete con t rol , a nd he took a convincing win. Taking second was Corey, third we nt to Dalrym ple, and Molzahn charged through the pack to finallyend up fourth , Pickup picked up the overall win with a 3-1 tally, Taking secon d was Corey, and Irby 'sbacked Molzahn (2-4) took third overall. Fourth place we nt to Dalrymple (5-3), and Dunn (6-6) too k fifth. C o o p e r Garza was o ne of t he fe w double-class winners of the day, winni ng the 60 cc (9-1 I) an d 60cc Open classes . Other ride rs joining Garza in dou ble-class victories were Alec Watts, in th e BOcc Inte rmediate and Superm ini classes; Joshua Johnson, in the 250cc Inte rmediate and Befo re The Hill classes; and joe l Ard , in the 125cc and 250cc Pro classes. RESULTS 50 (4-6): I. Conner Mitchell (Cob); 2. Andrew Neue! (Pol) ; J. Joge(Hon) ; J . Gra yson Hart (Hon) . WMN: I. Joni Bisceglia (Yam); 2. Katie Whanon (G G) ; J . Je ss ie W harton (Suz) ; 4. Lac! C ard ell i (Han) . BTH : I. Jos hua Joh nso n (Hon) ; 2. Bea u Bro w n (Hon); J . RichardFe raec ca (Kaw); 4 . Kyle H ehr (Kaw). UTH AM : I . Sco tt Sundin (Hon ); 2. Kevin Eakin . UTH EX: I . Tim Holas (Y ). OTH BEG : I. J3I1leSCarnahan (Hon ); 2. Dari n am Wab (Kaw) ; J . Scott Pvnell (Hon) ; • . Kai Hort>nnd (Hon); S. Steve Adkins (Hon ). O TH )R: I. KeW1 Swanson (Yam); 2. Curt Wharton (Hon); l . FOITest Lytle (Yam ); 4. Jeff Ullebo (Hon); S. Richard G illum (KTM). OTH INT: I. Grayson Hart (Hon); 2. John Foeck ler (Suz) ; l . Keit h D! Brino (Hon); 4. Darby Heck (Han); S. Joe Mihenbenger (Kaw). NOV: I. Scott Parne ll (Hon); 2. Dan SoIland (Kaw) ; l . Greg Wh ite (Yam); 4. Tom Potter (Yam); S. Steve Pe rter (Kaw). orr AM: I. Roben Broguiere (Hon) ; 2. FOITest Lytle (Yam); l . Vancent Kuni (Yam); 4 . Jay loundagin (Hon); S. Steve Pulsinelli (Hon) . OfT EX: I. Tim Wiles (Hon) ; 2. Robe rt Reisinger (Yam): l . Ted Holt (Yam); 4. Rick Da Silva (Yam ); S. Del Latham (Kaw ). s..ra a. orr Ca lifornia Racing Club Dunestown Series Round 2: Edwards Air Force 80se Sand Track George Guns 'em Down on the Base By GREG ROBERTSON EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA, MAY 16 Two good starts allowed Kawasaki-mou nted I Garrett George to run near the front of the pack in the 125cc Novice class, and he eventually reached the chec ke rs first on t he sandy Edwards Ak Force Base trac k during round two of the California Rac ing Club/Riders ' C hoi ce/Nat io nw ide Cycle-sponsored j . B. Memoria l Dunestown Series. Wesley Pierce got the ope n ing -mota ho leshot, just ahead o f Andr e w Ha m me r, George, Kasey Morris and the rest of the field. Hammer quickly took the lead, with George all over his back fender for the first couple of laps before finally finding a spot to pass. Ge orge immediately put a gap between himse lf and Hammer, while Hammer started fee ling some pressu re from Ryan Abba toye . Abbatoye dropped Hammer back to third and closed to George's rear wheel at the white nag. George kept Abbatoye at bay to t ake the win by a bikelengt h. Ricky Barge r steadily worked his way up into a close fourth , behind Hammer. Brett Harmon was fifth. Bria n Be b e c k edged out Ge o rge a nd Bren dan McCo nnach ie for th e second· moto holeshot, but by the start of lap two George was out front. Aboard his Funco Motorsportsbacke d KX250F, George put five seconds on Be be c k e n ro u t e t o a swee p o f the class. Bebeck's second-place second-m o to finish , combined with a come-from-beh ind Sixth -place e ffort in moto one, earned him the secondplace t rop hy, o ve r Ham mer (3- 5) and McConnachie (7-4). Te a m Gree n/T housand Oaks Kawa saki backed Justin Keeney w ent home with the lion's share of the 200-percent Pro payback by acing 58 Wesley Pierce (687) leads Andrew Hammer (125) and eventual winner Garrett George (71) at the start of the first 12Scc Novice mota at round two of the California Racing Club Dunestown Series. bot h the 125ccand 250cc Pro events. justin Eide and Jeff Eide gave Keeney fits in the first 125cc moto before Keeney inched away for the win. Keeney retu rned to dom inate moto two, with justin Eide holding off Jeff for second. jeff Eide and Kurt Caselli each took turns running at the front of the field in the opening 250cc Pro mote before Keeney came through on the last lap to earn the hard-fought win. Mote two duplicated the first, as first Jeff and the n Caselli held down the point before Keeney managed to pick up his fourth moto win on the day. J. jones/Race TechfTh ousand Oaks Yamahabacked Derreck Murphy went three for four to claim the overall honors in bo th the Schoolboy and I25cc Inte rmed iate contests on his VZ250F. Robert Memoli had to play se co nd fidd le to Murphy in both classes after being top dog at ro und one. Nick Sanchez went 4-3 for third, over Sammy Yacovelli (5 -6 ), in Schoolboy action, with Ryan Reina com ing out on top of a couple of heat ed batt les with Cory Redenius for third overall in the 125cc Inte rmed iates. Trent Pugmire was once again the top Mini rider on the day, easity distancing himself from the competition in both the BScc ( 12. 13) and Supermini fields. Travis Bright flew to 2-3 finishes for runner-up honors, over D.J. Sjoberg (5-2) and Bryce Huffman (3-4), in the Superminis. Brennan Towle (4-2) came out on top of a points tie with Tyler Pie rce (3-3) and Tyler Sjoberg (2-4) for second in the B5cc ( 12- 13) battles . RESULTS P/W YAM B EG : I. Casey Lango sh (Yam) ; 2. Aust in Mo narch (Yam) ; l . W inst o n C hu rch ill (Yam ). P/W HaN BEG : I. Sean C antrell (Han); 2. Casey langosh (Ho n) ; l . Parker Madd o hs (Han). P/W HON ADV: I . Travis Potts (Ho n). P/W B/B EG : I. C hase McMillon (KTM); 2. Shane Chapman (KTM); l . Randall Du bois (KTM); 4. Kerns Churchill (KT M); S. Max Vargas (KTM) . P/W B/ADY: I . Bra ndon Kaopp (Pol); 2. Cody M,11e<(KTM); J . Jeremy Ma;n>se (KTM). JUNE 23, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Sl P/W (7 .9); I. Ryan Can trell (KTM); 2. Jack Evans (KTM): J . N icholas Merc ier (Pol); 4. Colby Raha (KTM). 65 BEG : I. Asht on McMillian (Kaw) ; 2. And re w Richardson (Kaw ); l . bch Casas (Hon) ; -4 . Andrew Mitche D(SuI ); S. Riles Hersblex (Kaw) . 65 (4-8): I. Tristian Post (Kaw ); 2. Brenden Murra y (KTM); l . Teren Salinas (SU2). 65 (9 - 11): I. Austin Politelli (Kaw) ; 2. Colton Sande« (KTM); J. Colby Raha (Suz); • . Chrn Carrillo (Kaw); S. Damion Tackett (Soz). 85 BEG 0 - 1: I. Garrett Morrison (Yam); 2. Connor Wolcott (Hon) ; l . Em il Orvid (Suz); -4 . Cody &edna (Yam); S. Eddie Arko (Yam). 8 5 BEG 0 -2: I. Bob 50mmen (SuI) ; 2. Vtneent Yacovelli (Y am); l . Jake lyon (SuI ); 4. Angelo Yacovelli (Yam); 5. Brett Refden (Yam ). 85 (7 - 11): I. Ste v e n To kars ky ( Ka w ) ; 2. Kei th Ro binso n (Yam ); l . Austin Poli te lli (Kaw) ; 4. Jaco b Stive r (Kaw) ; 5. Colton Sanders (KTM ). 8 5 (11-1 3) : 1. Trent Pugm ire (H a n); 2. Bre n na n To w le (Kaw) ; l . Tyle r Pierce (Hon) ; • . 1)'Ie' Sjobe'g (Suz); S. Chase Wokon (Hon ). 85 ( 14- 16): I. Bry ce Huff man (SUI) ; 2. Tra v is Bright (Yam) . S/MINI: I. Trent Pugm ire (Ha n); 2. Travis Bright (Yam); l . OJ. Sjobe rg (Kaw); -4. Bryce Huffman (Soz); S. Bren nan Towle (Kaw). ODD BK: I. Jacob Davidson (Hon); 2. Taylor Farner (Kaw); l . Garrett Greer (Hon) . 115 BEG: I. Je ff Goodman (Suz); 2. Brent Reyes (SU ); l . Matt Bab bitt (Yam); 4. Lane I Mor riso n (Ho n); S. Trevo r D urnch i (Suz). 11 5 NOV: I . Garrett Ge o rge (Kaw) ; 2. Brian Bebeck (Kaw ); l . And rew Hammer (Ha n) ; 4 . Brendan McCon nach ie (Yam); S. Kasey Morns (HOfl). 115 INT: I. Oerreck Murphy (Yam); 2. Robert Memol i (Y am) ; l . Ryan Reina (Yam); -4 . Cory Redenius (Kaw) ; S. Benny Bceck (Suz). 115 PRO; I. Jurnn Keene y (Kaw): 2. Justin Eide (H a n); l . N ich o las Burs o n (Kaw); 4 . Jeff Eide (HOfl); 5. Mike Meadows (HOfl). 250 BEG : I. lane Morrison ) (Hon) ; 2. Brian Reide r (Hon); l . Dean Morris (HOfl ; 4 . Casey Clark (Hon) . 2 50 NOV: I . Broc Harmon (Hon ); 2. Ryan Abba toye (Kaw ); l . Brian Bebeck (Kaw) ; 4. Ste ve Harbison (Hon ); 5. Jason Sanchez (SuI) . 25 0 INT: I. Cory Reden ius (Kaw); 2. Ryan Reina (Hon); l . Adam lane (Suz) ; 4. Bre tt Klein (H on) ; S. Bra ndon Reina (Yam). 150 PRO: I. Justin Keeney (Kaw); 2. Kurt Ca selli (KTM); l . N icho las Bur son . (Hon ); 4. Jeff Eide (Ho n); 5. Mike Meadows (HOfl) 500 BEG : I . Greg Kennedy (Kaw). WM N: I . Samantha Steffens (Hon) ; 2. Sha na Rh ine ha rt (Yilm); l . He at he r Lockwood (Yam ). SC H BY: I. Derreck Murphy (Yam); 2. Robert Memol i (Hon) ; l . N ick Sanchez (SUl) ; -4 . Samm y Yaco....e lli (Yam); S. N ick To kars ky (Kaw). JR VET BEG : I. levi Garci a (Suz); 2. Dan iel Massey (HOfl); l . Terry Crouse (Hon); 4. Ron Eblaz (HOfl); S. Jim Mo rt e ns en (H a n) . JR VET NOV: I . Justy Me nd ible s (Ho n) ; 2. H ea t h Jord an (Ho n) ; 3. Roy Ledoux (Yam ); 4. Terence Traughber (Hon) . JR VET INT: I. Randy Moseley (Y am) ; 2. Ole He nden (Yam); J . Mike Crosb y (Yam); 4. Shy Moshe (Hon) ; S. Gab; Abayou (Hon) . VET BEG: I. Jon James (Yam); 2. Marc Mana (KTM); l . Ti m Wiedmann (Ho n); 4. Dale Allen (Kaw) ; S. Terry Crouse (Hon) . VET NOV: I. Justy Mend ible s (Han); 2. Rob Enriquez (Yam ); J . Brian Adams arn) ; 2. Mike Cn»by (KTM). VET INT, I. Randall Mo

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