Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 58 of 107

ou tside line all night," Brant laughed , "and when I got hooked up coming out of turn three, I kind of got lucky that Charlie went a bit wide at the same time. I go t unde r him, and it worked out fo r me. " Me a nwhil e , imme diate ly b ehi nd Venegas , H e dd en was wringing out every b it of traction he could find on the outside dirt, but he didn't find nearly enough d rive to stay w ith the leaders, des pite a terrific tim-comer move that saw him briefly surge into the lead as the quartet launched down the back straightaway on the opening lap. Bobby's brother Tommy, who dazz led the crowd w ith his impress ive Scratch semi victo ry. didn't get much of a gate out of the typically slick lane three and trailed the other three riders throughou t on his way to a fourth-place finish. Once Brant slid past Venegas , he opened up a three-bikelength lead , wh ich he mainta ined to the checkered nag. Ve negas hung on to second place , and Bobby stayed in third . ahead of his you nger brot her. Fo r me r Youth rider J.T. Mabry led fro m flag to flag in the Handicap ma in event. cap turing his first-eve r Division One mainevent win in onty his th ird week of racing the 500cc Pro bikes . Matt Brown e . who wo n his first-ever Handicap main less tha n a year ago . finished in the second spo t . Richard Christian. son of 1985 Speedway Champion Alan Ch rist ian, was third . Two-t ime United States Youth Speed way cha mp ion T.J. Fow le r had to resta rt fro m the 3D-yard line after his aggressive riding led to a red nag when he and Speedway veteran Bill War nock tangled on lap tw o of t he Division Two main. On the re start. w hich was staged w itho ut Warn ock (w ho sustained a br ok en collarb on e), Fowl er re sum ed his ba nzai sty le , and t his time w he n he split betw een the race leaders , it led to his first main-eve nt win of the young season. R ESUlT S SCn., I. Scott B",", (GM); 2. Charl .. Venegas O.w); J. Bobb y Hedden (Jaw); 4. lOmmy Hedden O. w) . HOC'" I. J.T. Mab

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