Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 06 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 56 of 107

class, w hile his dad , "Big" John, claimed won the Open Cooler class. Enduro chairman Bill Roe shares credit for this outs tanding event w ith Randall Fowler and Kerry Glaze. Joyce Morgan provi ded cr it ical support from sign-in to scoring . All in all, the Ross Cr eek Trail Riders put toget her an eve nt to be proud 01. RESULTS O/A : Cole Kirkp atrick (AA) (KT M). AA: I . Michae l Wilson (Yam); 2. ~ake Brady (Yam); 3. Don Hogan (Kaw); 4. \.Mry C...". (KTM); 5. w.,.ne MeMohan (Yom). O /A k I . M _ ~ (• . STRK) (Han); 2. je (KTM). O /A B: I. Jeff Van K ure (4-ST RK) (Hon); 2. Jord an Chambhss (2 ~ ) (Yam); 3. Bobby Pe nne ll (SR 40 + ) (Yam); 4. Barry (SR 10 + ) (Hen); 5. J3'on Godf"", (• . 5TRK) (Han). OPE N B, I. David Stu'" (KTM); 2. Mochael Boney (Hen); 3. Lance King (KT M); 4 . Bob St app (Ka w ); S. Jeff Mec hle r (KTM). 200 B: I. Kelton MIller (Klw) . 15 0 8 : I. Jon:lan am C ham bliss (Y am) ; 2. Brad May (Hon); 3. Scot t May (Y ); 4. Scha'" Danny Slat.,. (!ddy G ray (Hen). SlSR C, I . Teny W"" (Han); 2. Don Sihens (Yilm); 3. Bill Kamin (Hon); -4. Den nis Ray (Yam); S. Haro ld W ilson (KT M). S/VET C: I. Jim Rohn (KTM); 2. Kenny Otto (KTM); 1. Jim Foster (Yam); 4. Frank O lso n (Yam); 5. JIm Ro hn (KTM). WHN C: I. Je nn ifer Webb (Suz); 2. rona AmoId (Yam 3. Nancy W ......., (Hon ); ); • . NKoie WoJ1<., (Suz); 5. """" Wyatt (Hon ). 0- 1. p,;w, I. Fed Kuker (Hon); 2. Lance Murphy ( KTM); 3. Ryan ~nU (Yarn): 4 . Adam Pernell (Yam) : S. Matt Buder (Han). 0.1 6 SH/W: I. Ian Blythe (Kaw); 2. Cody Schafer (Hon ): 3. Bryce e C oc hr an (!

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