Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 72 of 107

I. Bob lyons (LASO); 2. Kevin Shandage (LAro); 3. William Keys (Ridgecrest PO); 4. Charlie Salano (SBPO): S. Rick Van Tuyz [Icrraoce FO). BEG (4~9) : I. Kevin Stewart (C DC) ; 2. Kent Light (HB ); 3. Russell lee (SAFO): 4. Rick Van Tuyl (Torrance FD); 5. Andre Tate (C DC). NOV ( 1(1..14): I. SeanMaloney (L.A5D); 2. Dan Mahoney (L.A5D); 3. Charl ie Dan (Newport FO); 4. Andy Vergara (LAPD); S. Stuart lomax (LAPD). NOV (1 S-19): I. Marle Woo lley (Fresno FD); 2. David Snyde r (C DC) ; 3. Gabriel Rica (HBPF); 4. Jarrod Dodson (C DC) : S. "fravis Sabadin (W O) . NOV (3 0- 14) : I . Erein Roblez (C DC); 2. Fr.lnk Brein (LAPO) ; 3. Je ff Burke (Anahe im PO); 4. Chuck Ferrari (W O); 5. Astdy Vergara (LAPD). NOV (l S-19 ): I. Ere in Roble (C DC ); 2. C had Jensen (Po mona PO): 3. Jim Voion tis (CuIve<- City); 4. C hrisH", (lAF O); 5. Trocy Mct:lelland (SA'O). NOV (40-49): I. Steve Dye (C DC) : 2. O. Gouk!t (W O): 3. Rick Harris (Cor); 4. C huck Baird (C utver FO): 5. Jeff Carl son (SAPO). INT ( 18- 29): I. Brian Brown (Vernon FO): 2. Be rk e le y N orthrop (HBFD); 3. Alex Olteanu (C hino PO); 4. Bruc e Turnn (C HP); 5. Michae l Qu iroz (C DC). INT (1 0-19) : L Berkeley Northrop (HBFO): 2. Wayne Ashb y (ICE): 3. Glen Mack ie (SOFO) ; 4 . Dieter Klausing (C o r) ; S. Mochael KJeczk (585 0). INT (4 0-49) : I. RichadalI (Hamm ). VINT; I. Chari.. Beck (LAFO). Tuesday WMN: I. Pam Watk ins (YCSO) . BEG (18 -24 ) : I. Gary Aguilar (C OF); 2. Cory BaJle ste ro (Ridge cre st PO). BEG ( 2S-29 ): I. Justi n Bam e tt (C DC) 2. Jeremy Hale (EI Monte PO): 3. Bruce Hale (O range FD):". Brian Mohr (lAS o ); S. Roy DidOmon (C DC ). BEG (Jo-J4) ; I. J""'" (Kern 50); 2. Dana Ch;"" (S85 0 ); 3. Barry Courtney (Hend erson PO): 4. Tim Ramire z (LAFO); S. Scott Misplay (LASO). BEG ( l S -19): I. Mark Hube rt (LAP o ); 2. Will iam Keys (Ridgec rest PO); 3. Kevin Shandage (LAPD); 4. VICtor Caldera (Cor ); 5. Bob l yons (LAS O). BEG (4 0-4 9) : I. RuueII Lee (SAFO); 2. And,. Tale (C DC); 3. RKk Van Tuyl (TomtnCe Fo ); 4. Pam Watk ins (YCSo); S. Jon Bartelmie (C DC ). NOV ( 18-24 ); I. Dan Mahoney (lASD ); 2. Sean Maloney (LASO). NOV (2 5-29): I. C had Jensen (Pomona PO); 2. Travis Sabad in (lAS D); 3. Oavld Snyder (C DC) ; 4. Jarrod Dod"'" (C DC ); 5 . Iv>dy Veopr.o (LAFD). NOV (30- 34) ; I . Chuck Fe rrari (LAFO) ; 2. Jeff Burke (Anahei m PO); a. Ere in Roblez (Cor ); 4. Monty I!dalI (Hamm); 5. !<>'h Thorn""", (,,",,",Q. VINT; I. Chari .. Beck (LAPD ). U;.tUt"".. www_ I'4u 5A"\: 1fJ r ,.... ..... " "" Al 4V . INRl_ TJON 1 :'iCl4) :>1I4. W l i...... w. ~~,. "N """" 'l """'"" C»d< - ,~ t411 . ) l4I .11-" 1 N"! ' . . .",,,,,,'1 ... M;( "" 1 ",c;.•• )f1-......... " ...... K.,........ '':-' #,:/. 11.. ~ .... L "- ~ "'IIl"n'l \,,~ AAM"'__~L " no lI'.:'II\ 'N YDaIDt. n.pul ~ !"eo.- L.r. lSOOTlt ClHT1W. ~V,IA ~ "p. LA " , .. IX \.:lUll'" AA "'1 LU t" .........,. . . .. J!I...... ........ I. ;" . , ~ . , IX ;", ~..... I~ • . .. ~,.toM ......... no: Forni,' --..r.n Cl iIlfDIlid 1-17 . .....~ MllMnd lh.. AMATEUR nit{li"l C'-eee 1&-;);) mlllJt attend YOOTH "'!Jional 1-" 2-c.My ~ e' ~.~ F"U. 'WUI- MN ,\,1 m 'Ull E ' AMATEU R DMSION ""'II '} l,."\u MU ' ..... ~ l:iuf\.l . " " ~I .s. Mulw,. M~ :& 1'",1 ~ MU ~ . . lw ,,: '!:: YOUTH OMSION !l. """ S. .... 2. 11 ~ A I 'ro 1 1. \Ad. ' I ...... :r;. J."\.... -i. • o!J. ~ l' ~ ~ M: ~Nl. A It, " rm ~ oIYYl' ,. "'~U.'(,ll." .n b ~" .. nM.~ ~..n~ • ,~. 1~ . ,...•. - l::l .... ~ ... . .. ~1:Nt. ""...,.. ...,...... ,.... _. ... . . ... '" .::u , ~""" . . . ......... N'II ........... 1 " <'AlIlP ~. 1'1 If ,,-. , ,'J:.' -- n,.,."... NAME 1"I. IIl ...1 I . '.:.0\ ~,.~ I l ".n.~ .'A r.n >:z 'l'tNtII rhgII::rI al h... ~CU:I ""' t;'~ . C·~ . <..., I II I .... . . 1:liI, ~ :tJ .$'".'\ ~J ..,.",.- .",,. "4 . ... . "t. ' U 1 1 ...... ...... • :"~ w-ft."'1.-.w.r. ' MU Ztl ..'l It. 121;C Mc4n:

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