Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ope n cl as ses w ith a pai r o f w ins in e ach . Marc us Brad shaw was the next most con sistent in the Supermini class. with a so lid 2-2 effo rt o n t he d ay, fo llo wed by Ta ylo r Bit t ner, w ho ro unded o ut th e t op t hre e w ith a 3-4 sco re . Brads haw also follow ed up be hind Enochs in t he BOcc Op en Di vision On e co nt est , postin g ano t he r so lid 2-2 sco re , w it h Par ks ro und ing o ut the top three with a 1-5 tally. Division Two saw Tyler Furn ess ( 12- 1), Cody Kingsto n (13-2) and Zac Cyr ( 15-3) aboard the podi um o n t he day. RESULTS Pee Wee Track 50 P/W JR (4- 6) : I . Justin Bye (KTM); 2. Logan Hall (KTN). 50 (4-6) STK: I. Sam my Bell (Pol); 2. Clayton Tucker (Pol); 3. J3)'5o n Lee Harting (KT M) ; 4. Scott Crane (Pol); 5. c:a.ey M"hore (KTM). 50 (4·6 ) MOD, I. B",~ Mored a (KTM); 2. Junio r Mendoza (Hon). 50 ( 7-8) STK:: I . J.T. Blattman (KTM); 2.1ustin Uddell (Lem); 3. Travis Hancock (KTM); 4. Kyle Gree ner (Pol); 5 . C.J. Trend (KTM). 50 (7.8) MOD : I. Tyler Burgess (Cob ); 2. Travis Burro ugh (Pol); l . Sean Brown (KTM)' 4. Jordan Ruomey (Co b). OPEN (0-8 )' I. Gunnar Sigler(KTM). Ma in Tra ck 50 (4 . 6) ST K: I. Sam my Bell (Po l); 2. Jayso n Lee Harting (KTM); 3. Clayton Tucker (Pol); 4. Scott Crane (Pol); S. Casey Mashore (KTM). 50 (7-8) STK: I. Gunnar Sigler (KTM): 2. Tyler Burgess (Co b) ; 3. J.T. Btatt rnen (KTM); .... Just in Udde ll (Le m): 5 . Travis Hancoc k (KTM). 50 (O-S) OPEN: I. Travis Burrough (Pol); 2. Bruno Moreda (KTM) 3. Sean Brown (KTM). 60 BEG: I . Chase Twohig (KTM); 2. William Van Tassel (KTM); 3. K..J. McKenzie (KTM); " _Jacob Becvar (KTM); 5. Travis Burrough (KTM). 60 NOV: I. Aaron Williams (KTM); 2. Paul D'Ered ita (KTM); 3. Jesse Andre ws (KTM); 4. Blake Buchanan (KTM); 5. Mark Braden (KTM). 60 OPEN : I . Jesse Andrews (KTM); 2. Aa ron Williams (KTM); 3. Mark Brade n (KTM); 4. Paul O'Ered ita (KTM); S. Blake Buchanan (KTM). 80 BEG 0·1 : I. ben Van Met e r (Yam ); 2. Co llin Schw artz (Yam); 3 . Ben Milne r (Yam) ; .... Jason Olinger (Y am); S. Cody Haugen (Yam). 80 BEG 0 ·1: I. Zac Hopkins (Yam): 2. Derek Bee (Y am): 3. Michael Lee Hart ing (Suz); 4. Eric Zepp (Y am); S. Aaro n Williams (KTM). 80 NOV: I. Michael Parks(Suz): 2. Gabe Adame (Yam): 3. Kyle Tucker (Yam) ; 4. C hris Pulos (Y am): 5. Brando n Reyna (Y am). 80 INT: I. Ruben Hernandez (Y am): 2. Blake j ump (Kaw); l . Dylan Lane (Y ; 1. Taylo r Bittner (Suz); 5. Marcus am) Bradshaw (Yam). 80 EX : I. Dust in Eno chs (Yam) . 8 0 OPEN 0 -1: I. Dustin Enoc hs (Yam); 2. Marcus Bradshaw (Yam); 3. Michael Parks (Suz); 4. Zach Cole (Suz): S. Chri s Pulo s (Yam). 8 0 OPEN 0 -2: I. Tyler Fum e ss (Ho n): 2. Cody Kingsten (Suz); 3. Zac Cyr (Yam); 4. Zach McFarland (Kaw): 5. Christopher Moble y (Y . 80 S/ MINI: I. Dust in am) Enochs (Y am): 2. Marcus Bradshaw (Y ; l . Taylor Bittn er am) (Suz) ; 1. Dylan Lane (Yam) : 5. Rube n Hernandez (Yam) . BfW: I. jake Harrison (Hon) ; 2. Max Polkinghorn (Suz); 3. Lucas Armstrong (Hon) . 125 BEG D ~ I : I. Wil McDonough (Hon): 2. Chri s Wea ver (Y am): l . Alex Azou r (Hon) : 4. Mike Brenner (Yam); 5 . john De Silva (Y ). 115 BEG 0 ·1 : I. am justin McKen zie (He n): 2. Ryan Dyba (Yam); l . Austin McCra ry (Yam): 4. Josh Lowe (Y am): S. Brandon Dickinson (Yam ). 11 5 NOV 0-1 : I. Mike Matelli (Yam); 2. Jame s Welsh (Y am): 3. Dylan Toimasoff (Kaw): 4. Tim Di Giordano (Yam): 5. Brad Morrow (Yam). 125 NOV 0 -2 : I. Dan iel Duarte (Suz): 2. Nicholas Swartzendruber (Kaw); 3. Brandon Belding (Yam); 4. Nick Meyer (Kaw) ; 5. Blake Amos (Yam). 125 INT: I. Tony Sherman (Yam); 2. Justin Enos (Suz): 3. Joe y Harris (Kaw); 4. Brad Kelly (Yam); 5 . Cary Tiede (Yam). 125 PRO: I. Ada m Mille r (Ho n) ; 2. Cory McDaniel (Suz); 3. Jimmy Hazel (Yam); 4. De re k Currie (Hon ). 250 BEG: I. Joe y Lasiter (Suz); 2. N ick Pulos (Yam): 3. Ch ris Weaver (Yam); 1. Mick Pemstein er (Yam); 5 . Chris Becvar (Ho n). 1 50 NOV: I. Ronald McCas land (Yam); 2. Aaron Matts o n (Hon) : 1. Max Scolari (Hon): 4. Jame s Welsh (Yam); 5. Jeremy Johnson (Yam). 250 INT: I. Tony She rman (Yam); 2. Pete Kaste n (Hon); 3. Kris Triest (Yam): 4. Bea u Wiegand (Yam); S. Anthony Maniglia (Yam). 250 PRO: I. Adam Miller (Hon); 2. Cory McDaniel (Suz): 3. Jimmy Hazel (Kaw): 4. David Gassin (Kaw). U/L: I. Joe y Harri s (Kaw): 2. David Gassin (Kaw). 4 · S T RK OPEN : I. Cary T ie d e (Yam): 2. Nicholas Swartzendruber (Kaw): 3. Mike Powe r (Ho n): 4. Nicholas Vandermade (Kaw); S. Curtis Sweezey (Kaw) . WMN: I. AJisa N ix (Yam); 2. Jen [ones (Hen): 3. Brenda Darland (Yam): 4. Brandi Gree ne (Hon ): S. Hailey larson (Suz). SCHBY: I. jare d Morrison (Yam) : 2. Buck Fo rd (Kaw): 3. Brad Kelly (Yam): 4. Curtis Sweezey (!

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