Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MRA Championship Motocross Se ries Awards Banquet Pontiac Superdom e Moto-Madness Round 3: Bremen Race Park MRA Honors Its Own Scogin Scores, Rainwater Reigns By ART MABRY PONTIAC, MI, APR. 2·4 he Motocross Racing Association held its 20th annual Champions hi p Motoc ross Ser ies awards banque t at the Main Eve nt in th e T Silverdo me o n the eve of the Professional race. T he MRA is t he pro moter of t he on ly local race s for Amateurs at the country 's longstand- · ing tracks MilanCycle City and Delta Raceway. The banquet officially e nds the 2003 season, w hile Su nd ay 's Am a t e ur Na tio na ls at the Silve rd ome sta rt t he 2004 po ints ra ce . Th e Friday night even t, spo nsored by all of the local de ale rs as we ll as Scott USA and Tech-Care , was jam-p acked by the fas t es t ra ce r s in Michigan and O hio. Eric Mac Do na ld from nea r by Ro m ulus , M ichigan, r eceived t he pr estigious H igh Poi nt awards , ea rning over 1BOO points in t he 2003 C ham pionship Series in the 65c c a nd ascc clas se s. Thi s ho no r incl ude s full Scott USA fact ory su pport for t he 2004 season for t he yo ung champion. Sixt een-year-old D avid Merrill took to p ho no rs as the yo unges t -ever 12Scc and 2S0 cc Expe rt -class cham pio n. Na tional Ho no r Society mem be r Ke lly Smit h took the 125cc Novice C hamp ion ship. Miss Smit h, a stu den t at the Unive rsity of Toled o , raced to the champ ionship on her Honda East Yamaha . Twenty-e ight class w inne rs fro m the big t racks we re awarded number-one plates, and the top racers in every class were also awarded MRA raci ng jac kets and contingency awards fro m local an d nat io nal sponsors. The Main Eve nt's ban qu et fa ci lity was pac ked with e nth us iastic racers and t he ir fam ilie s . The Dirtwurks-created racetrack was visible beyond the full-length glass wall. On Saturday, the Bre akfast o f Champions started the day 's activities at the Silverdome, awarding the MRA racers from the 50cc tracks their awards from the 2003 season . Race rs from 4 to 9 years old received due recognition fo r their efforts . Twenty class champ ions were awarded number-one plates. and the top racers in eac h class were awarded MRA racing jackets . jacob Wisniews ki took the number-one plate in the 50cc Expert class, the faste st of the SOcc grou p. Siblings Joshua and Katie Ford took the top awards in th e ir re s pe ct ive classe s . The awards ban quet started the da y's activitie s, followed by the pit party and the Pro race. On Sunday, nearly 1000 Amateur motocross racers competed in the Michigan Motorcycle Dealers Associa tion-spo nsore d 29t h an nual Silve rd ome Nat ional Amat eu r Supe rcross Championship. This veteran event was started befo re many of today's racers were even born . Each year since th e Supercross Series was st arted back in 1976. Amat e urs raced on th e Sunday after the Professional Supercross . The event has always we ll attended by racers wh o want t o emulate t he ir professional heroes , w hethe r it be Bob Hannah or James "Bubba" Stewart. Th e first ye a r, 1976 , had on ly one class, w ith Champion Suzuki race r jim je nne lle w inning it . jennelle w as in attendance th is w eekend afte r flying in fro m Pragu e , Cze ch Republic. He is now a pilot for United Airlines and has been flying tr oops between the Cze ch Republic and Kuwait. 74 Eve r yo ne had a great time a nd wi ll be loo king fo rw a rd t o t he 30th e d ition of the country's fine st Supercr oss weekend. By BILLY ATKINSON SERIES FINAL RESULTS BREMEN, GA, APR. 3 50 EXHIB: I. Jacob W IS niewski (Cob); 2. Nick Gierlach (KTM) ; 3. Micha el Bron son (KTM); 4. Seth Harnishfeger (KTM); 5 . Derek Rains (KTM) . 50 (4- 6 ) BEG: I. Paige Espino za (Yam); 2. Dom inick Sell (Yam); 3. Ryan Ho lifield (Yam) ; 4. Khilee BaItt (Yam); 5 . Chel sea Swiney (Y am). 50 (4-6) NOV: I. jacob Edison (Yam); 2. Seth Aldridge (Y ; 3. am) Wyatt Cook (Kaw); 4 . West in Cook (Y am); 5. Jacob Williams (Yam). 50 (4-6) ADV: I. Katie Fo rd (Y am); 2. Austin Gilson (Y am); 3. Tesa Sw iney (Yam) ; 4 . Jere my Murphy (Yam); 5. Matthe w Clark (Yam). 50 (4 -6 ) S: I . Austin Led erach (KTM); 2. Jere my Unger (KTM); 3. Seth Hamishfeger (KTM); 4. Nikelcu s Wyatt (Pol); 5. Andrea M""hall (KTM). SO (4 -6) JR: I . Ross Marti n (Yam); 2. Gage Farmer (Yam); 3. Katie Fo rd (KTM). 50 (4- 6) S/STK: I. Co lin Kent (KTM); 2. Wyatt Cook (KTM); 3. Jacob Edison (KTM); 4. Nathan Moore (KTM); 5. Kristopher Sharp (Po l). 50 (7 -8) BEG : I. Ryan Pietrowski (Suz) ; 2. j are d Baum gartner (Yam ); 3 . C ferra Busby (Yam); 4. Brian ne Vary (Yam); 5. Brooklyn Tosh (Yam). 50 (7 ~8) NOV: I. Ryan Pietro ws ki (Suz); 2. Cie rra Busby (Y am); 3. lucas Buck (Yam); -4. Kadin McCu llough (Yam). 50 (7-8) ADV: I. Jaco b G ree n (KTM); 2 . Jason Sperling (Co b); 3. Katlin McCu llough (KTM); -4. Derek Rains (KTM). 50 (7 -9) 5: t. j ustin Wh itehead (KTM); 2. Alex Ebeid (Pol); 3. Lucas Buck (KTM); -4 . N ick G ie rla ch (KTM) ; 5 . Cody Pontious (KTM). XR50 (4 -6): I. Nathan Moore (Hon ); 2. Austin Wolf (Han); 3. Jere my Murph y (Hon ); 4 . Mason Jessing (Ho n); 5 . Cody Caud ill (Ho n). XftSO (7-8): I. James Spe nce (Hon) ; 2. Cod y Pontious (Ho n); 3. Ark Bergennann (Han); 4 . Kyle Wagne, (Hoo); 5. TyIe

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