Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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United States Motocross Mega Se rie s Round 2: Mudd y Creek Raceway Thompson Jams at the Creek! By BRENT STALLO BLOUNTVILLE, TN, MAR. 2 1 he 12Scc B class was definitely the one to watch at round two of the Thor tf .S. Mega Seri es , as Ho nda -mounted Ma rcu s j oh n Thom pson made his way to the overall win at Muddy Cree k Raceway. W he n the gate drop ped , Edgar Robins on found himself out front but far fro m all alone . He was d osely follow ed by Jeffrey Coats , Wade C o rd ell an d Brando n Sm ith. T he lead pac k battled hard thr oughout the first moto . Cordell, who was a regular at Muddy Creek during his mini bike day s and ap pea rs to b e ma king a come back, quickly made his move on the fading Coats and began to push Robinson hard as the first lap came to an e nd. Mea nw hile , Smit h a nd Th ompso n we re dicing their way through the pack to make it a fou r-way batt le for first. Smith and Thompson made their pass on Cordell and tr aded places w ith each other th ree times before Thomp son mad e t he final pass w hile a pproaching t he spec tat or table to p. Th o mpso n t he n made a last-ditch effort to pass Robinson up the finishline tab le to p, o nly to come up w it h a har dfo ught seco nd place. The seco nd moto offere d the sp ectators a no t her chance to wit ness so me nail-b it ing action, as a few new faces jumped into the top five. This t ime, Cordell grabbed the holeshot, but he quickly fell victim to t he overwhelming pressure put on by Tho mpson, who hoped to chec k o ut fro m the co mpet it io n. Howe ve r, Tyler Bright had ot her plans, and he made his move into seco nd and began to put the heat on T hompson . Yamaha ride r C had Zaise r also showe d flashe s of brilliance afte r batt ling his way into third and the race for first . Yet the batt le came down to Thomps on and Bright. Br ight managed to ge t a nose pa st Thom pson as he hit the big doub le lead ing up to the whoop section, only to be passed back a few turn s later. From that point on, Tho mpson made sure that the overall would be his as he pr oceeded to check o ut from t he rest of the pack on his way to an impressive overall win and the se ries points lead . T RESUL TS 50 (4-8) SH AFT ST K: I. Harrison West (Co b); 2. Cody N e e ce (Yam); J . Rach ael Dorsey (Yam); 4. Set h Harding (Yam); S. C hadney Artrip (Yam). 50 (4- 8) OIL -INI IHON STK: I. Alan Sparks (Cob) ; 2. Sam (Ha n); J . Jackson Turn e r (KTM); 4. Tanner Earhart (KTM); S. Cory Van noy (Ho n) . 50 (4 -6) STK : I. Harri son We st (Co b) ; 2. Derek Williams (Lem): 3 . Alan Sparks (Co b); 4 . Ch ris Thomas (KTM): S. Rachael Dorsey (Yam). 50 (7-8) STK: I. Darr e n Walsh (KTM); 2. Colton Greaves (Pol); J . Paden King (Le m); -4. C01'"ey Neely (Cob); S. Aaron Plesseger (KTH). 65 (7.9): I. Zane Bum s (Suz); 2. Blake Mayo (Suz); J . Aaron Plessinger (KTM); -4 . Pade n King (Kaw); 5. Cor e y Neely (KTM). 65 (1-11 ): I. Vance Francis (KTM); 2. Blake Mayo (Suz) ; 3. Matthew Tume r (KTM); 4. Zane Bums (Suz): 5. Cory Nee ly (KTM). 6S (10- 1 1) : I. Colton Renaker (KTM); 2. Vance Fran cis (KTM); J . Bra ndo n Ro we ll (Kaw) : -4 . Tyler Little (Kaw); 5. Shayne Cunn ingham (KTM). 85 (7-11 ): I. Tanne r Wilson (Suz); 2. Colton Rena ke r (Suz); 3. Brandon Rowell (Kaw ); 4. Vance Franc is (Ho n); 5. Justi n Hunt (Yam). 85 (9 -1 3) : I. Tyler Sanderson (Yam); 2. Ryan Currie (Suz); J . Nathan Bolt (Suz); -4 . A1ix Freeman (SU ); S. Tanner Wilson % am) (Suz). 85 ( 11- 13) : I. T}1er Sanderson (Y ; 2. Ryan Cu rrie %); (SU J. Clayton Knox (KTM); 4. Nathan Bolt (Suz ); 5. Ryan Brumfield (Hon). 85 (14.15): I. Andy Blake (Suz); 2. Jesse Lawing (Kaw) ; J. William McMullen (Kaw); -4 . Calvin Mauldin (Hon ); 5. She lby Rolen (Hon) . 85 0: I. Cory Meeks (Suz); 2. She lby Do rsey (Suz) ; 3. Ro be rt Blevin s (Kaw) ; 4 . N ick Barnard (5oz); 5. Marcus Hyatt (Hon ). SlHIN I ( 12.1 5): I. Ryan Brumfield (5oz); 2. Ryan Cu rrie (Suz) ; J. William Wenk Jr. (Hon]: 4. Trea Miller (Suz); 5. Robert Borok (Yam). 125 SCHBY: I. Tyle r Bright (!

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