Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

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Black Jack End ura Circuit Round 2: While Rock End ura RESULTS Leivan Escapes the Rock! Work Hill - for the third loop , which con sisted of 20 miles at 24 mp h. W ith Le ivan and Valin riding on th e same row, they trea ted lo op th re e like a hare scram bles and turned in times of 3:04 and 3: I I, res pectively, at the final check . Howeve r, the best time in t his test came fro m fast O klahoma rider Tucker, with a very impressive 2: 18 on his KTM S20 . Lane sc o red a 3: 12 o n his D ick Lane 's of Gran d Lake KTM 300 EXC , w hile Travis again dem on strated his experience level with a 3:4S. Th e po ints w ere tallied up, and first place we nt to Le ivan with a sco re of five, giving him his first victory of t he seaso n. Tucke r, Lane and Valin all d ro pped sixes, w ith their tie- breaker po ints addi ng up t o IS 7, 20 6 an d 211 , re s pectively. Travis rod e im pre ssively a nd dro pped seven points to round o ut th e top five. By JOHN HUMPHREY COMBS, AR MAR. 21 , T he trail co nditio ns and the weathe r were close to perfect for t he 30t h annual White Rock Enduro . On a sunny day, with 60-degree te m pe r at ur e s, ap proximate ly 236 riders show ed up to ride a great course laid out by the Razorba ck Riders. Three loops to ta ling close to 80 miles w ould lead the long-course riders o n rocky, tw isting trails through the Boston Mou nta ins of the O zark National Forest. With on ly nin e checkpo ints , there w ould be lit tl e room for error, and more th an a few ride rs would give BJEC cham pio n Steve Le ivan a run for the win . The first loo p kicked things off wit h an 18m ph pa ce and tes te d the riders at the first check w ith an eme rge ncy tie breaker. While many of the to p riders came in on th eir minute, C hris Tucker, t he A-class endu ro new come r, arrived seve n seconds o ut of his - a close call t hat w o uld co st him a cr it ical posit io n at the finish. Steve Travis, the BJEC vet eran riding AA, bested the field with a time of :34, w hile Leivan follo we d him up w ith a :39. T he loo p ended w ith a very t ig ht section heading back int o camp . Ho w ev e r, t his fina l check wou ld be to ssed out due to inco rrect course mileage. T he ne xt t e s t t o o k p la ce in a H-m ph section on the se cond loo p. Check fou r saw fo ur of the eventual to p five finishers drop three points apiece, w hile Leivan d ro pped two after s lamm ing int o a tree a nd be nd ing his s C R/Sco tt/ D H Racingl NG K Yamaha WR4 S0F' s shift leve r into the flywheel cover. '" ro de the next seve n miles stu ck in third gear," Leivan said. Loop tw o ended w ith a 4 .S-mile section at 24 mph into another tie breaker. Leivan, Tucker, Man Lane and Lars Valin all ze roed the chec k. while Steve Travis and C lint Carr arriv ed four and six se co nd s o ut o f the ir minutes , resp ective ly. While the race thus far had been a bit more w ide open a nd fas t t h an BJEC riders are accustom ed to , the club did manage to throw in so me add itional challengi ng terrain - suc h as Josh Grant la nd ed fo ur overall cla ss wins at the Laretta Lynn's Quali fie r at Glen Helen Race w ay Pa rk in Sa n Berna rdino, Ca lifornia. L retta Lynn's Qu a lifier o Glen Helen Raceway Pork >W lC s: '~" ::J I o ~ ~ g o I Q. Steve Leivan leads ISDE silve r medallist Lars Valin u p Wo rk Hill en raute to his first overall Black Ja ck Endura w in of the sea so n a t the White Rock End ura. 62 O/A : I . Steve Leivan (Yam); 2. Chris Tucke r (KTM); 3. vis Matt lane (Yam); 4. las Valin (Hon); S. Steve Tr.a (Hon); 6. Clint Carr (Yarn); 7. Jo n Simons (Hus); 8 . Robb ie John so n (KTM) ; 9. Brickley Owen (Yam); 10. Drew Chandler (Hon) . AA: I. Steve Lelvan: 2. Man Lane; 3. Lars Valin; 4. Steve Travis; S. Oint Carr. A: I. Chris Tucker, 2. Robbie Joh nson ; 3. Brickley Owen; 4. Pat Schmidt; $. Mark Alston . A VET: I. Dan Jo hnso n; 2. Slade Morl ang; 3. Ca rlos Mayo ; 4. Aaron Roberts ; 5. John Hu mphr ey. A SR: I. Kreg Simons; 2. Steve Unde rwood; 3. John Myrin; 4. Dave Berry; 5. John 'Had e . B: I. Ben A1e ll:ander; 2. Jeff Nea thery; 3. Kennet h Byrd ; 4. Nick Manwarren ; 5. Max Ellison . B VET: I. Dona ld Dann ar; 2. Lance Go ld ; 3. Michae l Polley; 4 . Kevin Bett s ; 5. David Schrum . C 20 0: I. Brent Smith: 2. Brett Yother; 3. Joseph Alston; 4. Rya n So uthard; S. Ryan Rohledes. C 250: I. Zachariah Macias; 2. Eli Patters on; 3. Jack Robertson: 4. J.D. Reeves 5. Tyier Tolliver. C OPEN : I. Jer emy Estes ; 2. Kody : Byrd: 3. Joh n Moore ; 4. De re k Varvil; 5. Joseph Cooksey. C VET: I. Brad Hen ry; 2. Brad Hilker; 3. Brian Wo o d; 4. Woody Hearn; S. Bret J. Bo nne ll. C SR: I . Doug Smith ; 2. Britt Fogg: 3. Tom Sutlick.: 4. Tim Hawkins: 5. Kimball Stone . EX SH ORT: I . Stewa rt Hall; 2. G reg Sims; 3. Elston Moore ; 4. Rick Southard; 5. Tom Franklin. A MSTR: I. Jim Willis; 2. Micha el War d; 3. To m Eidam ; 4. Kenn y Williams; 5. Phi l Norman. 8 SR : I . Bobby Mee k; 2. Curtis White ; 3. Andy Carrier; 4. C huc k How ard; 5. Dan ie Hu rl bert. S/SR: I. Ronald Walters ; 2. Earl Schnel l; 3. Randy Harmon; 4. Wayne Cr osb y; 5. Jo hn Bo re ing. S/55 : I. Dwain Marple : 2. Terry Brumley. 3. Jim Bec kham; 4. Dick lane; 5. Mart in Willems. S/6 0: I . Henry Poll e y; 2. Charlie Bu r k; 3 . C laren c e Bonifacics; 4. Tom Barr; 5. Ted De l Solar. W MN EX: I. Gina Poll ey; 2. Lisa Yot he r; 3. Debb ie Ho w e th; 4. Deborah Moffat t; 5. Hat tie Wh ite . JR EX : I. Justin Riley; 2. Eva n Williams; 3. Michael Pitts; 4. Shelby Gragg; 5. Clint Wood ard . JR NOV: I. Bill Eddy; 2. Sam Davis; 3. 1Y Morlang. YTH : I. Jacob Zehner; 2. Kole Henslee : 3 . Eth an Otis; 4 . Matt Hoffman ; 5. Joseph Sutherl and . Grant Lands t he Wins By JOHN BETHEA SAN BERNARDINO, CA, MAR. 21 osh Grant knows he has to produce, and this week e nd's Lor etta Lynn's Qualifier for th e AMA's southwest riders at Glen Hele n Raceway was just a first ste p. And even though many of his key foe s were e ntertaining them se lves in Texas, Gra nt w as still pushing hard , wrapping up victo ries in a fistful of classe s, making him on e of the favor ites in the regionals late r this summe r. Rid ing the CRF to maximu m ad vantage, Gr ant pr odu ced fo ur swee ping win s in 12Scc and 2S0cc A and N Pro Sport co nfro ntatio ns. " I actually prefer the four-stro kes in outd oo r co mpe ti t io n, " said t he Honda o f Hou ston spo nso re d te e nage r, w ho nevertheless hasn 't tossed aside his years of ex pe rience riding tw ostr o kes. ''Actually, for supercross, I'd like to ride two-stro kes, with their quicker response." Obviously, he 's already planning ahe ad . Grant's ma in opposition this time out w as Riv erside 's Carlos Gon zalez, a 17-yea r-old w ho J APRIL 28, 2004 • CYCL E NEWS also views thi s ye ar as his last on the lo cal scene . After c hasing Grant to th e line w it h secon ds in th ree of the fo ur classes (he finished third in the 12Scc N Pro Sport event), he fee ls his chances are good for 2004. "I thin k a little more training and pushing it a little more to go t he limit," Gonzalez said, "a nd I'll be th ere ." Like Grant, Gonzalez mentions that his next major e xam will be Mammoth Mountain in a few months. O ne rider w ho sa w his c hances fo r an aggressive season tempo rarily halte d wa s La Qu inta, Ca liforn ia's Joshua La Founta ine . After defeating a tough competitor, Yamaha-mounted Michael Parker of Henderson, Nevada, in both 2S0cc B Stock motos, and afte r w inning the first rounds of th e 12Scc 8 Stoc k and Mo di fied classe s as well as th e 2s0cc B Mod ified and 20 1-6S0cc Four-Stro ke classes, he crashed hard in the sec ond 12Scc Modified mo to and had to retire fro m t he remaining races with a poss ibly fractured collarbone. Amazingly, his mo to wi ns 40th An niversary were good enoug h to keep him high enough in the overall standing s to qualify in each for the next rou nd. In fact , most of the riders w ho showed up ma naged to stay w ithi n the top nine in the ir classes, which auto matically moved them up a notch. How eve r, winni ng is still the goal , an d to p Spo rts man mo torcycle honors fell to Tyler Kee fe, who rode his Ho nda to overall w ins in the 12s cc 8 Stock and Modified and 201-6SOcc Fou r-Stro ke classes , all of which had been aced by La Fountaine in the first round . Min ib ike ho no rs were s ha red by C hri s Plou ffe an d D r e w Gosse laar. C ast a ic , Ca liforn ia's Plo uffe po w e red his Kawas aki to four class sweeps in his 6Scc and 8Scc Stock a nd Mo d ifie d age cl ass es . Sim ilarly, Suzu ki jockey Gosselaar claimed wins in all four of his mot os in a scc (14 -15) and Supermini action . H e ad ing the ve t e r an fie ld was H eme t , Califo rnia's Chris Young , who had his Suzuki in th e lead in all the Over 2S, Over 30 and Over 35 motos. RESULTS 5 I (4. 6) STK S HA FT: I. Jak e Koeh nke (Yam) ; 2. Braxt on Taylor (Yam). 51 (4 -6) ST K: I. Blake Gree n (Hon) ; 2. Gil Sabalza (KTH); 3. Ryan Surratt (KTM); 4. Cody Fend le y (Y ; 5 . Jake Koehnke (Yam). 51 (7 . 8) ST K: I . Hayden arn) Me llross (KTM); 2. C hris Cuero (KTM): 3. Michae l VICt rian o (!1'" Leedom (Kaw). 6S (7 - 11) MOD: I. C hris Plouffe (!

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