Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Cooperland Championship Motocross Se ries Rou nd 2: Sooner Stote Cy cle Park The Bassham Blitzl By CONNIE JOHNSON WELlSTON, OK, MAR. 21 B e autiful spri ng w eather greeted th e rac ers wh o show ed up in Wellsto n, O klaho ma, for th e secon d rou nd o f the Cooper land Champi- ons hip Mot oc ross Series, he ld at Soo ner Stat e Cycle Park. Taylor Bassham sho we d great he art and tale nt by putting his KTM on to p of the podium in the Mini Mini O pen class. Bassham nailed the ho leshot in mo to one but had a hard-charging Suzuki be hind him . with Co le Sup ernaw on board. Supe ma w made the pass for first in the back secti o n o n lap tw o, but Bassham battled bac k and finally got back ar o und him on the w hite- flag lap • onl y to slide out in a corne r before the finish line and tum the win over to Supe rnaw. Bassham managed to get back under way in t ime t o finish se cond, w ith Kawasakimou nted Gilson Machtolff taking third. Mo to t wo st a rt e d out t he same , w ith Bassham gett ing the holeshot , but he co uldn't be caught t hi s time. Mak ing no m ist akes and kee pi ng it pinn e d , Bas sha m c r os se d the checkers in first and too k home th e ov e ral l. Supe rn aw finished in second, wh ile Machto lfr claimed another third. Th e Mini Be ginne r clas s had some good battl es. starting with the dropping of the gate in the first moto. Yamaha jockey Corey Ashley got the holes hot , o nly to be passed immed iately by Kawasak i pilo t Land o n Ba ke r. Following in Bake r 's tread marks was Honda -mou nt e d Michae l Bo nd , w ho chased Bake r do w n and finally made the pass on the wh ite-flag lap and too k the win . Bake r he ld on to seco nd . Matt Sc hwal bac h moved his Hon d a Into th ird . dr opping Ashley to fourth . Moto tw o started the same as mo to o ne , with Ashley out in fro nt first but the n passed by Bake r. By the en d of lap o ne , you co uld have thrown a blanket over the fro nt three - Baker, Ashley and Bon d . Bo nd made qu ick work of Ashle y and se t ou t to overtake Bake r. After mak ing the pas s go ing into a t urn bu t t hen slid ing out and falling bac k t o second. Bond jump ed passe d Bake r on the big double afte r the finish line. Bake r didn't make it easy for him, staying o n his back fender and show ing him a w heel o nce in a wh ile , but Bon d ma nage d to hold out lor ano the r first . followed by Bake r and Ashley. Greg Ingels and Bo bby Bow les won in the Over 30 and O ve r 40 cla sse s , res pec tive ly. T hey ca m e 011 th e gate toget her, a nd t he 'ramaha-mo unted Bowles got ou t in fron t early and crossed the chec kers in fro nt of everyone else. Ingels finished the first lap in last place on his Kawasaki but came through the crowd like a m an possess ed a nd finis he d r ight beh ind Bowles. Ingels had better luck in the second mote . getting the holesh ot and leading it from wire to wire. Bowles crossed the checke rs in third but first in his class. Pa trick Garrahan was, beyond a ghost of a doubt, the overall winner of the Phantom Hare Scrombles in Hollister, California. RESULTS P/W (....6) ' I. Landon Fonnan (KTM); 2. Drew Abney (KTM); 3. Mitchdl MerTeII (KTM); 4. Tanner Snell (KTM); 5. C olt on Lawrence (KTM). P/W (7-8), I. A.J. ReKl (KTM); 2. T~"" Smrth (KTM); 3. 8 r.u>don Pugh(KTM). P/W OPEN , I. T~I", Smrth (KTM); 2. A.J. Reid (KTM); 3. lYle' 8m (KTM). . P/W OIL-INJ : I. Mitchell r-ferreu (KTM); 2. Tanne r 5nell (KTM); l . lAndon For ema n (KTM). MINI MINI (6-8): I. C.J. C ollins (Kaw); 2. Tallan Smith (KTM); J . Andrew Bills (Kaw); 4. Dylan Puckett (Kaw). MIN I MIN I (9 ~ 11 ) : I. Cole Su pernaw (Suz); 2. G ilson Mach tol ff (Kaw) ; l . Broc Ellis (Hon) ; -t. Tay\or Bassham (KTM); 5. Braxt on Ridgeway (Kaw) . MIN I MI N I OPEN : I. Taylor Bassh am ( KTM); 2. Cole Supe rnaw (Suz); l . G ilson Machtolff (Kaw); 4. c.J. Collins (Kaw) ; 5. Broc Ellis (Hon). MINI BEG : I. Michae l Bond (Hon ); 2. Undon Baker (Kaw) ; l . Corey Ashley (Yam); 4. M.stt SchwaJboch (Han ); 5. Jo«lan Six'" (Son ). MIN I J"" I . Rhett Cagle (Kaw ); 2. Addison C ol lins (Yam); l . Geoffre y Wooktridge (Son); 4. ar,.n EDis (K.w ). MINI S"" I. J esse 8"""" (Son); 2. e..teil Cbrl< (Yom). MINI OPEN ' I. J esse 8........ (Son); 2. Woody Fvmec (5U%); 3. Rhe tt Cagle (K. w) ; 4. landon Bak (Kaw ): 5. Addison Colfins (Yarn). 125 BEG: er I. Kody """"en (Yam 2. G<'eg Hocgan (Hon) ; 3. Cody Price ); (Yam); 4. Sandra Scaho (Hon). 125 NOV: I. Cra ig Thomas (Yam) ; 2. Man Wodtke (Yam ); J . Ab e Ph illips (Hon); 4 . Vincent Myers (Suz) ; 5. Eddie Hill (KTM). 125 INT: I . Ryan Vo. (Son), 2. Joson Johnson (Suz); 3. Cory Nonon (50,); 4 . Tyler Reid (Yam); 5. Trae Norton (5oz) . 125 PRO : I. Robbie Smith (Yam); 2. Je rad De Armon (Ya.m); 1. Kend al Owens (Yam). 250 BEG: I. Kody Kooken (Yam); 2. Jules Charlebois (Suz) ; l . Mike L1ughlin (KTM). 150 NOV: I. C raig Thomas (Y ; 2. Ryan McMinn (Yam). 250 PRO: I. Robb ie Smith am) (Y am) ; 2. Elbert Simon (Yam). OPEN OUTLAW: I. Jason J ohnson (Son); 2. Cn;g Thomas (Yom); 3. lYle' ReKl (Yom); 4. Vin cent Myers (Su z); S. Jimmy Re id (Kaw) . WM N : I. C he lse a Snow (Suz); 2. Sydney Waner (Yarn): l . Susan Ellis (Yam). SCH 8Y: I. Matt Wodtke (Yam) ; 2. Trae No rt o n (Suz); l . Ryan McMinn (Yam); 4. Eddte Hill (Kaw ). 15 + AM: I. Gceg Ingels(K. w) ; 2. Ph"p Meyen (Kaw ); J. Gceg Hocgan (Yam). 30+ : I. Greg Ingels (Kaw); 2. Philip Meyers (Kaw); l . 8,IIy Wilda (Son); 4. Gceg M

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