Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Thor/United States Mega Series Southern All-Stars Tour Rounds 4/5: 1-81 Motorsports Park Walker Runs Away with the Victory! By CINDY GIBSON GREENVIUE, TN, APR. 4 v: ctOry Spo rts and I-BI Motorsports Park ho st e d r o u nd fo u r o f the T hor Uni te d States Mega Series . and riders from across t he Easte rn sta tes converged o n Gree nville . Te nnessee, on an unusually cold and windy Ap ril morn ing. Rainfall had been heavy througho ut the w ee k. forcing Sat urday 's pract ice to be canceled, b ut t he trac k c rew co nt inued t o wo rk feve rishly all day to prep the trac k success fully for Sunday's race . Ride rs we re also awa rded po ints fo r ro und five of the Southe rn All-St ar s To ur. as t he two ma jo r Sou t heast series me rged (or the event. Yamaha's C h uc k Pal mer of C rossville , Tenn essee , garnered the hole shot in rnot o one of t he Over 40 class. Darr ell Stallard , Corey Saler no , Vince Han wrig ht and Gary Baisden high-tailed it just behind. Stallard passed into first, but Palmer was n't intimida te d and came back to ea rn first place and dona te his secondplace spot to Stallard . Salerno placed th ird. In moto t wo , Pal m e r aga in w o n t he ho lesho t , a nd he wast e d no ti me ga ining a comfortable lea d. W it h o nly inches be tw ee n the m, Stallard, Baisden and Salerno fought for sec on d . Palme r clinche d a huge victory, with Stallard in second and Baisden finishing third. Team Gree n's D ust in Wa lker nail ed t he holesho t in moto o ne of the 16- 24 class, but Yam aha pilot C hris Lead beater made a quic k mo ve be fo re t he se cond t urn and held his place th ro ugh the che ckers. Walker crossed the fin is h line in seco nd , w ith Ma rcus Tho mpson third . T he real du e l occu rr ed in m o t o two . Wa lk er fire d int o t he hol e s ho t , with Le ad beate r bum ping his rear fe nde r fo r two laps until the socia l interact ion between th e two too k Lea d beate r t o t he gro und . Tho m pson took advantage of the skirmish and moved into first as Walker fell back to second . Lead bea ter qui ckly regained his composure and da rted back into the race in th ird place. Real tension mou nted on lap thre e , as Walker ma d e a q u ic k m o ve int o first . T ho ug h T ho mp son t ried hard to re claim the le ad , Walker claime d the victo ry just inches ahead of seco nd-placed Tho mpson . Lea dbea ter finished in th ird . Taylor "To r nado " Davidson of Ringgol d , Georgia, pinned the th ro ttle of his Cobra and jumped into a quick lead in the SOcc (7-B) class, but We st Virg inia's Jose y Hunt nab be d th e front spot after Davidso n took a nasty spill o n the first lap . Jordan Q uarles and Leila Mullen he ld o n to second a nd th ird unt il David son rem o unted and came fro m behin d to make an amazing comebac k. Hunt ran away with first place , with Q uarles seco nd and Davidso n third . Davidso n came back with a vengeance in mo ta two, but Hunt wasn't go ing out without a fight . The tw o he ld t he cro wd's att ention as they fo ugh t it o ut t irelessly t hro ugho ut th e race. Davidso n w on t he mo to batt le fo r first but lost the war to second-p laced Hunt , wh o cla im ed t he overall champio ns hip wi t h 1- 2 finishes , over Davidso n's 3- 1 results. Q uar les took home the third-place trophy. Add itional series results and upcom ing race dates can be found at www.vietory-spo rts .com and www.allstarsmxtou eN 1-81 MOTORSPORTS PARK GRlENVIUf, TENNESSEE RES ULTS: APRIL 4 , 2004 (ROUNDS 4/5) so (4 -8 ) SHAFT STK: I. Cody N e e ce (Yam ); 2. Rachael Dorsey (Yam) ; 3. Seth Har ding (Y ); ... C had ney am Artrip (Yam ); 5. Patrick Billst rom (KTH). 50 (4-8) O ILINJIHON 5TK: I. Alan Sparltian HMtian HM (Hon): • . Jo>eph EgIy (Hon): 5. Mark Mansfield (Suz). 35 + INT: 1. G reg Curtis; 2. Adam Johnston (Hon ). 40 + NOV: I. Dean Adkim (Y ; 2. Will am) Van Tassel (Y am) ; 3. Tony Med lock (Hon ); ... Mark Mansfield (Sul ); 5. Wesley Greene (Hon ). 40 + INT: I. Davkl Adair {!

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