Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

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Thor/Parts Unlim ited Northeast Classic Motocross Series Round I; Doublln Gap Motocross Park Clark Conquers the Gap! By JIM P. SANDERSON SHIPPENSBURG, PA, MAR. 21 he Thor/Parts Unlimited Northeast Classic Motocross Series, ce lebratin g its 12th year, is the pre mier motocross series of the No rthe ast. Rider turno ut was down at th e opening rou nd due to the fact that tw o inches of snow fell tw o days prior to the event, but the sno w d isappeared by Sunday, and the tra ck was in amazingly grea t shape. Case y Cla r k had a n unb e liev able day, sco ring a pe rfec t I- I in both t he 12Scc an d 2S0cc Pro/ Expe rt classes and left wit h t he series points lead in both classes. RRP's Ty Wallace led the start of the first T 12 Scc Pro/ Expe rt mo to bu t w as qu ic kly relegate d to sec ond by Clark. Kevin Brods ky Jr. , Nichol as Mow ry an d Ste ve Rom a n followed . Clark pulled out to a 2 II2-secon d le ad after tw o laps. The top th re e rem ained unchanged , but Roman moved to fourth and Jeff Yentzer to fifth. The top five had sp read o ut by th e start of lap th ree . Clark increas ed his lead to four seconds. Wallace, Brods ky and Roma n held se cond through fourth. Ste phen Stella moved up to fifth. Wallace crash ed on lap th re e , giving Bro dsky se cond , St ella th ird , Carsten fou rth and Andrew Wiegand fifth. O n lap four, Cars te n passed Stella for th ird. Clark too k the checkers with a 10-second advantage. Brods ky, Carste n, Stella and Wiegand rounded out the top five. Clark led the start of the final mot o . There was a huge wreck four turn s into the moto that too k out half of the 20-rider field. Surviving the melee we re Clark, Brods ky, Yentzer, Ca rst en and Stella. Clark pulled away to a four-second le ad by lap two . Jim Mcllvane moved up to fifth. Just after the start of the third lap, Y ntzer e passed Brod sky for seco nd. Carste n was a solid fourth , and Benjamin Ritter laid claim to fifth. Carste n was on the move. passing Brodsky for third with less than a lap and a halfto go. Clark got anothe r wi n, w it h an eight-secon d le ad. Yentzer, Ca rsten, Brod sky and Ritter rou nded out the top five. Clark top ped th e podium with a perfect .. I- I. Car ten's consiste nt 3-3 tally was good for ru nne r-u p , a nd Brod sky ro unde d ou t the pod ium wit h a 2-4 score. Clark nailed another holeshot in th e first 250c c Pro/E xpert mo ta, w ith Kevin C r lne , Carsten , St e lla and Bro ds ky traili ng. C rine began to close the gap on Clark but simply ran ou t o f t ime , an d Cla rk took an othe r we lldese rved win, trailed by Crine , Carst en , Ste lla and Roman. Stella led the final moto , with Clark , Crine, Roman and Carste n following. Clark too k the point at t he finish line t o sta rt lap tw o and quickly pulled away t o a thr ee -sec o nd lead . C rine passed Stella fo r sec o nd on lap two. Carsten passed Roman for fourth on lap four. Clark got another win. making it a perfec t four for fou r. Cri ne, Stella, Carsten and Roman rounded out the top five. C lark topped t he po dium w ith anothe r perfect I-I . Crine (2-2) nett ed runner-up , and Stella (4-3) was third . eN Casey Clark (161) leads the start of the first 250cc Pro/Expert moto, w ith Kevin Crine (574), Stev e Roman (731), Kevin Brodsky Jr. (727) a nd the rest of the pack in tow at the first round of th e Northeast Classic Motocross Series. W illison of l o s Angeles ro de th e two trac ks more like they were 20 years old, not over 60. Kr a h ha s not be e n challe nge d much since joining the class, but Willison managed to push him some a nd ke pt him honest all wee ke nd , and he even beat him in rnoto one on Sunday. Krah won the overall with a six-point total. and Willison was second with nine points . After ro und three in Porterville, California, t he se rie s move s to Racetow n in Adel ant o , Califom ia, April 17- 18. RESULTS N OV : I . Je ff Hawthor ne ; 2. Den nis Foste r; 3. Da ve Spauld ing; 4. Thom Lyons ; S. Delbert Tooman. AM: I. Ron Rector; 2. Brian Famer: 3. Spencer Tutty; ... Mark Marti n; 5. Danny Reider. EX: I. Paul Armada; 2. Ross Thompson : 3. Keevan Ace vedo; .. . Garry Conner: S. Steve D ursc hteg . MSTR A: I. Eric McKenna; 2. Bam Simons ; 3. Rob Healy; ... Bob Johnson . MSTR B: I. Scott Creager; 2. RickJohnson: 3. Dave e ropk in; 4. Kurt Sofka Jr.; S. Dan iel Scharf. 50 + NOV: I. Fred Kalmick; 2. Ellis Harl in; l . He rb Kane ; .. . Jo hn Craft; 5. Jo h n Fullm e r. 50 + A M: I. Stuart D o uglas ; 2. Doug Moore : 3. Don Meiner, 4 . Mike Bonenfan t; 5. Bruce Joseph. 50 + EX : I . T im Ke nnedy ; 2. Jimm ie Harris ; 3. Jerry Winkelbauer,". Steve Dunlap. 50+ MS T R: I. Bill Maxim; 2. Mike Perry ; 3. Do n Toussa int; 04. Wayne O'Bteness . 60 + N OV : I. Bill Tra ve r ; 2. Don Nelson ; 3. Bill Lyo ns: 04 . Tim McNulty ; 5. Scott Walker. 60 + AM : I. Dennis Tooman; 2. C harles Watanabe; l . Fran k Derby: .. . Ernie Cabral: 5. Buzz Moeller. 60 + EX: I. Bob Krah; 2. Gary Willison; 3. Jack Kell: .. . Ed Perriton: 5. George Spearing . 70 + NOV: I. Bob Alloy . 70 + EX : I. Max G o od e ; 2 . Gene H r o b sky ; 3 . Gene Higginbo tham; .. . Tony Armada; S. Don McKenzie . DOUBUN GAP MOT OCROSS PARK SHIPPE NSBUR PENNSYLVANIA G, RESULTS: MARCH 21 , 2004 (ROUND 1) 50 Oll-INJ (4- 6) : I. Chase Mitle r (Co b) ; 2. Wyatt Ban o (KTM); l . De vin Murray (KTM); 04. Sommer Gangaway AMP Spring Ser ies Roun d J: Oat#ield Race way Ford Toughs Out Four By JIM AND FARRIHN ENOS TURLOCK, CA, MAR. 2 J "The opening round or the AMP Spring Series, I presented by Swift Dodge of Sacramento, Yamaha of Modes to , DH Cycles and Alpine stars , sa w Kawasa ki-mou nte d Buc k Ford in overdriv e as he took a pair of dominant wins in both the 12Scc Inte rmed iate and Schoolboy classes. Nearly SOO ride rs kicked off the ann ual serie s, and, as usual, AMP's private facility, the Oatfi eld Racew ay, played host to the opening ro und. For Ford, it w as a missio n t o rest oc k his depl eted trophy room, as a de vastating house fir e recen t ly cla ime d all of th e fa m ily 's belo ngings , includi ng all of his troph ie s . Fortunate ly, everyone escaped unharmed, and after several weeks of getting resituated, Ford and his family made it back out to the races, and , as expected , they were greeted with open arms from the tight-knit racing community. However, the day started off on yet another so m be r note, one muc h mo re t ragic . Race r 58 APRil 28 , 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Matthew Kirkpatrick, who passed away a wee k pr io r at t he La ke W h itn e y Sp ri ng C lass ic Nat ional , was remem bered w it h a morn ing me morial. With his family in atte ndance , a very moving praye r service was performed, fo llowed by a parade lap by nearly all in attendance . O nce the racing got under way. all tr ied to focus on the task at hand, and a confident Ford left no doubt that he was ready to moto . Four hole shots on t he day, on his new ly acqu ired KX250F led to four uncon tested moto wins. , Among a 22-rider field of 125cc Intermed iates, it turne d into a race fo r secon d , as Fo r d chec ked o ut ea rly e n ro ut e t o wins in both motos. Yamaha pilot Brad Kelly checked in with the most consiste nt score of the bunch , and his strong 2-4 effort edged out Curtis Roe (8-3) for the ru nner-up spot on the day. With Fo rd d up lic a t ing his fe a t in t he Scho olboy class , Greg Fouts put in a pair of solid rides and claimed the seco nd spot with a 3-S effort , over Kyle Smith 's S-4 tally. Two divisions of 125cc Novices saw Tim Di 40th Anniversary (KTM); S. Eth an Bressler (KTM) . SO OIL-IN) (7-8): I. D ylan Ble ttne r (KT M) ; 2 . Dav id Bye rs (KTM); 3 . Sam Shec.kells (KT M) ; .. . Kyle Boi leau (KTM) ; S. Tyler Chrisovergis (Yam). 50 (4-6): I. Chase Mille r (Cob); 2. Joseph Balkovlc (KTM); 3. Sommer Gangaway (KTM); .. . Ethan Bres sler (Cob) ; S. Unco ln Brook en s (KTM) SO (7--8): . I. Jar ek Balkcvic (KTM); 2. Rowland Papp (KTM); 3. Bobby Kinsley (Cob); .. . Blake Wadsworth ( KTM); S. Addi so n Emory fV (Cob ). 6S (7-9): I. Nikolas Des iderio (Suz); 2. Kameron Page (KTM); 3. Luke Renzl and (Kaw) ; .. . Alex Maldet (KTM); S. Jarek Balkovlc (KTM). 6S (10 .1 1): I. Dylan B",kovkh (KTM); 2. Kyle Bitte nnan (KTM); 3. Chou Clingerman (KTM); 4. Jordan Walker (Kaw) ; S. Ryan Fr.lnds (KTM). BS (7-1 1); I. Dylan B.-.jkovkh (5",, ); 2. Sal Cal amita (Hon ): 3. lYIer Hawk (Kaw) : .. . Nikolas Desiderio (Suz) ; S. Kamercn Page (Yom 85 (12-11); I. lowell Spangle' (5",,); ). 2. Brcc 5chmelyun (Yam 3. Can Jake Eddy (Kaw); 4. lYle' ); Smith (Yom); 5. Z>cke'Y Rudy (Suz). BS ( 14 -15 ) ; I. D",iel Hokon Jr. (Suz); 2. Adam Blessing (Suz); 3. Addison Kramer (Yam) ; 4. Matt Ho llinge r (Yam); S. Eric MacMinn (Kaw ). M IN I (9- 13): I. Broc Schmelyun (Yam); 2. Sal Ca lam ita (Hon); 3. Kameron Page (KTM); .. . Tyle r Haw k (Kaw ); S. Jordan Walke r (Kaw) . 5/MINI: I. Daniel Ho lton Jr. (Suz): 2. lowell Spangler (Suz): 3. Addison Kramer (Yam); .. . Kody Renrland (Kaw); 5. Ryan Sebastan (Ka w). 125 k I. CMey C lark (Suz): 2. Barry Canten (Suz): 3. Kevin Brodsky Jr. (Yam); 4. Steve Roman (Yam); S. Chris Welsh (Yam). 115 B: I. Willy Toth Jr. (Suz); 2. Sco tt Sears (Hon ): 3. Andrew (Kaw) ; 4. Kerry Kaminsk ie Jr. (Kaw); S. Bryan Fleischman (Yam). 125 C: I. Matthew Hougentogler (Kaw); 2. Trevor Hoffed itz. (Kaw); 3. Travis ROOd (Suz): .. . John Dubanowich (Kaw) ; S. Michae l Tippin Jr. (Suz). 2S0 A: I. Casey Clark (Suz) ; 2. Kevin C rine (Ho n); 3. Ste p he n Stella (Kaw) ; 4. Barry Carsten (Suz); S. Steve Roman (Yam). 2S0 B: I. Scott Sears (H on) : 2. Brya n Fleischman (He n): 3. Jaco b Cope (Hoo); 4. John Young III (Yam 5. Kyle Haas (Suz). 250 C, I. ); Shea Maldet (Yam) ; 2. Michael Tyrell (H a n) ; 3. Jason Hutchiso n (Y am); 04 . Martin WarchaJ (Kaw ); 5. Adam Kendig (H o n) . W M N : I. Claire Gall ow ay (Yam) . SCHBY: I. Donald Butc her (Kaw) : 2. Will y Toth Jr. (Suz ) ; 3. Ryan Blizzard (Kaw); ... Matthew Hougentogier (Kaw); S. Kerry Kamins kie Jr. (Kaw ) . C lG BY: I. Scott Se ar s (H a n) : 2. Andrew Wiegan d (Yam); 3. John Young III (Yam); 04. Lee Vim (Yam): S. Th o mas Add y (Ho n) . 25 + A : I. Kev in Crine (Hon ); 2. James Max. (Hon); 3. James Mcilvaine (H on): .. . Jaso n Wol fgang (Ha n) ; 5. Jeff Slusher (Ho n). 25 + B: I. D ave Marq ues (Ho n); 2. N orm an Innis (Hon): 3. Michae l Cahill (Han ); 4. Brian Haddo w (Yam) ; S. Ira Him elr ight (Hon) . 30 + A: I. Barry Carsten (Suz); 2. James Max.(Ho n); 3. James Mcilva ine (Hon ): 4. Jo hn Youn g (~w) ; 5. Rod Yen tter (Kaw). 30+ B: I . Kenneth Weiner (Yam); 2. Brian Haddo w (Yam); 3. Norman Innis (Hon) : 4. Sam Asp inwa ll (Kaw); 5. V ICt r Palmie ri (Suz). 30+ C: I. Jim Do bbs (Suz); o 2. Jas o n Cotterino (Kaw) ; 3. T imothy C urtis (Yam) ; 4 . Edward Fedorczyk (H o n); 5. Add iso n Em o ry 111 (Han) . 40 + : I . Ke nne t h Me sserman (Ho n): 2. Robert Hu st on (H a n); 3. Tom C utter (Ho n); 4. Kevin St oner (H o n); S. Michael Billy (Hus). Giorda no lay claim to the Division O ne win afte r posting a 2- 1 score. Di Gio rdano placed second in Division One first- mo te action but ca ppe d it off with a solid win in t he second moto of Division O ne for the top spo t. Posey Racing's Justin Posey earned the runn er-up spot w ith a solid 3-2 effort , while Smith rou nded out the top three with a 1-5 score. In a huge 12Scc Beginne r class , Richard Macias claimed victory in Divisio n One, as his 1-2 punch outdid KTM pilot Joe y Lasite r' s 3-1 e ffo rts. Michae l W inters follo we d up in the th ird spot with a 1-3 tally. RESULTS Pee Wee Track SO PIW JR (4- 6): I. Justi n Bye (KTM) ; 2. Logan Hall (KTM); 3. Owen Wh iteco tton (Suz). SO (0-8) FIT: I. Travis He ndrix (PoQ; 2. Ciara McKen rie (Hon) . 50 (4-6) ST K: I. Clayton Tucker (Pol) ; 2. Jayson Lee Hartin g (KTM); 3. Sammy Bell (Pol): 4. Jeff Perso ns (Y am); S. Bryce Gonzales (Lem). 50 (4-6) MOO: I. Junior Meod on ra (Hon ). 50 (7-8) ST K: I. Travis Hancoc k (KTM); 2. Kyle Greener (Pol); 3. J.T. Blattman (KTM); 04. Ashton Redberg (KTM ); 5. Charlie Swift (Cob ). SO (7.8) MO O: I. Travis Burrou gh (Pol): 2. C.J. Trend (KTM). Ma in Track 50 (4-6) STK: I. Sammy Bell (Pol); 2. Clayton Tucke r (Pol): 3. Jayson Lee Harti ng (KTM) ; 04 . Justin Bye (KTM); 5. Je ff Persons (Y am). SO (7 -8) STK: I. Gu nnar Sigier (KTM) ; 2. Tra vis Ha nco ck (KT M); l . Dusty Nunes (Po l) ; 04 . J.T. Blawnan (KTM); 5. Nathan Sams (KTM). 50 (0-8) OPEN; I. Travis Burrough (Pol). 60 BEG: I. William Van Tassel (KTM ); 2. Chase Twohig (KTM); 3. Jaco b Becvar (KTM); 4 . Travis Burrough (KTM); S. Luis Perez Jr. (KTM). 60 NOV: I. Jesse Andrews (KTM); 2. Blake Buchanan (KTM); 3. Reno Evans (KTM); 4 . Derek Bee (KTM); 5. Gunnar Sigler (KTM). 60

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