Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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S upermot oUSA Round 2 : Stockton Motorplex All Hart at Stockton Supermoto By BRETT SAUNDERS STOCKTON, CA, MAR. 28 The seco nd round of the SupermotoUSA I series at Stockton Motor ple x attracted another huge turn out of both racers and fans, with ent ries hovering at the 200 mark. Many new faces indicated the growt h of supe rmoto in the Northern California region. Grids were full, with 13 classes running. and there was a solid Pro purse. The re was a new player at the front of the pack in the Prestige class. Don Hart dominated the main event. Hart got a great start, as two of th e other front -row riders apparently made contact with each othe r. The outside line was fast est for Hart , as he avoid ed the c ro wd . Behind him, Leonardo "Pucho '' Bagnis, Cory Call and Casey Yarrow fought for th e top spots. Ha r t 's regular att e nda nce a t t he w e ek ly Monday afternoon practice sessions paid off, as he ke pt the pac k behi nd him. Stockton is a d ifficult trac k to pass on, and Hart too k advan t age of that wi th his ex t en sive track know ledge . Bagnis hou nded Hart lap after lap, but Hart , on the Motostrano -sponsor ed Honda CRF450R, held o n tightly to the lead. Meanw hile , Y arrow wa tched from fourth spot as Call sho wed off his new "ro ad race" meth od of sliding t hro ugh th e co rners. Hart conti nue d his dice w ith Bagnis. Th ough th e Todd Mayfield. POST·VINT ULTIMA EX: I. Steven Evans; 2. Dean Mitchell. POST ·VINT GP NOV: I. Shawn Moor e; 2. Jor dan Anderson . PO ST-VINT GP INT: I. Rick Lange; 2. Keith Callier; 3. Mike Brill nti. POST-VINT GP EX: I. Tony a l ee ; 2. Brian Bigsb POST-VI NT HSTRC NOV: I. Buddy y. Johnson; 2. Jared Anderson ; 3. Jon Tracy. POST·VINT OPEN AGE NOV: I. Bob Kennedy; 2. Steven Pass; 3. Jon Vertemati was slightly faster than Hart 's Pinittuned Honda on the straight , Hart was quicker th roug h t he corners, and he go t on the gas noticeably soo ne r. On the w hite -nag lap, Bagnis appeared to pass Hart momentarily in t he dirt section, but Ha r t foug ht his w ay back . Hart t o o k t he checke rs in a superb race . " Yo u kn ow," Ha rt sa id a fte rw ard , "sometimes you sweat because you're wo rking hard , but in that race , I was sweating because I knew t hat Pucho w as right t he re the who le time !" Call took t he last pod ium place with a strong third-place finish to compleme nt his win earlier in the day in the 4S0cc class. There was gr e at racing in se veral of th e ot her classe s, as a number of riders got onto the pod ium fo r th e first t ime . Ne w co me r Vincent Guisande railed in the Sportsman class, with Tyler Snow and Armando Miranda dicing it out behind him. A.J. Jorgensen had a great day, taking a win in the Middlewe ight Novice class and placing second in the Ughtweight class on his Jo rgy 's Kawa saki 250F. Also , the Foster brothers continued to make the ir trips from the Central Valley worthwhile wit h a first and a th ird fo r C hris and a third in th e t o ugh Ughtw eight division for Chad. Fast Supermorards are coming from everywhere to compete in the SupennotoUSA series at Stockton . Since the tra ck offers ope n pra ctic e e very Monday and Tuesday, racers have be en pic king up t he ir game , and th e increased skill level really sho ws on race day, with competition closer than ever. The size of the grids co ntinues to grow as mor e and more riders take the o pportunity to come out and try s uper mot o racing . T he mont hly races at Stockton Motor p le x are th e ho t sp o t in Northern California for supermoto action. eN STOCKTON MOTORPlDl STOCKTON, CAUFORNIA RESULTS: MARCH Don Ha rt (56 ) hangs to ug h as Leo Bagnis (I) looks far a pla ce to pass at round two of SupermotoUSA action in Stockton, California. Tracy. P OST-VINT O PE N AGE EX : I. Bryan Bigsby. POST VIN T 35+ NOV: I. Tim O 'H oro . POST VINT 35+ IN T: I. Rick lange; 2. Keith Callier ; 3. Mike He ath . POST VINT 35 + EX: I. Tony l ee; 2. Jame s lane. PO ST VINT 50+ INT: I. Roger Cauthen; 2. Bob Adams. PO ST VINT 60 + NOV : I. larry Smith; 2. Kerm it Evans. PO ST VINT60+ INT: I. Ctyde Brown . 28, 2004 (ROUND 2) 5150: I. Gage McAllister; 2. Arlen Williams III 3. Joshua ; Seme; 4. Andrew Snow; 5. Robbie Nichols. PROD MINI: I. C hris Foster; 2. Jeff Beaub ier; 3. Vince nt Guisande ; -4. Jonathan Keam s; 5. Gregg Mitchell. MO D MINI 65 : I. Cameron Beaubie r; 2. Travis Ohge; 3. Jake Thompson; -4 . Colt Foster; 5. Ashlynn Marino. S/MINI : I. Gage McAllister; 2. Ryan Keams; 3. Breanne Mitchell; 4. Joshu a Seme; 5. Bodie Rice . MINI MOTA RD: I. Fra nkie Garda; 2. Bro k McAllister; 3. Chris Foster; 4. OJ Sharkey; 5. Kyle Martin . 450: I. Cory Call (Han ); 2. Casey Y arrow (Hon); 3. Jaso n . Pullen (Hco): -4. David Deveau (Han); S. Chris Sietz (Yam) S/1/W: I. Cameron Beaubier ; 2. D.J. Sharkey ; 3. Frankie Garda; -4 . Michael Martin; 5. Jess Garcia. l/W: I. Bo bby Fong (Suz); 2. AJ . Jorgensen (Kaw); 3. Chad Foster (Yam 4. ); Brok McAllister (Han) ; S. CD . Howell (Han ). MtW N OV: I. A J. Jorge nsen; 2. Harry Hoffman; 3. Tyler Pullen: -4. David Ri ch ie; 5. Ronnie Jones. O PEN NO V: I. Danny Casey; 2. t Michae l Vargas; 3. Tyler Pullen ; 4. Bubba Bye rs ; 5. Sco tt Nakamura. VET O PEN: I. Don Biava (Hon ); 2. Darrick Lucchesi (Hon); 3. David Devea u [Hon]: 4. Erich Shofstall ). (Yam 5. Chris Seitz (Yam SPTSMN: I. Vincent Guisande; ); 2. Tyier Snow; 3. Armando Miranda; 4. Men Williams Jr.; 5. Ronnie Jones. PRESTIGE: I. Don Han (Hon); 2. leo Bagnis arrow (Hoo) ; 5. Erich (V ); J . Cory Call (Han ); 4. Casey Y er ShofstaJl (Y,,", ). r International Old-Timers Annual Race Series Round 2: Los Angeles County Raceway Armada Navigates to Victoryl By GENE HIGGINBOTHAM PALMDALE, CA, MAR. 20·21 L os Angeles Co unty Raceway is know n as the land of tabletops . This year, the Internat ional O ld -Tim e r- s were tre at ed to t w o separate tracks at LACR, one for Saturday and on e for Sunday. This partic ular Old -Time r race weekend was dedica ted as a tribute and me morial to twO Los Angeles Chapte r mem bers who passed on t his past ye ar: Jack De m pse y Hawtho rn e and David Ray Williams. Hawth orn e was a guy who fel t t hat "o ld guys" should have a place to race and was one of t he charte r mem be rs of the Los Angeles Chapter. Because of his for esight and tha t of ot hers like him, we are able to have the 01dTimers races as we know them to day. Williams was lost t o us do ing wh at he love d : racing motocross. Both will be grea tly missed! Outstand ing wea t he r greeted t he O ldTimers on bo t h d a ys , wit h BO -d egre e t emper atur e s a nd non e of the no r mal afternoon winds. Paul Armada, highly visible all over the track in his bright or ange Sier ra Ch apt e r ves t, was th e overall winne r for the weekend after t he five motes in the Over 40 Expe rt class, but Ross Thom pson of Riverside an d Garry Con ne r of Los Angeles made it tough for Armada. Co nnor was the poi n~ lead er at the e nd of three motos on Saturday, with Armada t railin by one po int g a nd Thompso n by t hr e e . On Sun day, Th omp son seemed to have th e tr ack w ire d, and though he wo n both motos, with Armada taking seco nd both times , he co uldn't ove rco me the three -point deficit he had going into Sunday. Connor had problems on Sunday but wo und up th ird overall, seve n points back of Armada. In th e Ov er 50 Am at eur class , anoth e r Sierra Chapter rider, Stuart Douglas, dueled all wee ke nd with Central Valley's Do ug Moo re . Dougl as took a fourth in th e first moto , and Paul Armada (10 7 ) leads Garry Connor (I ), Ross Thompson (9 4) a nd the rest of the pack around the first turn on his way to the moto win and eventual overa ll Over 4 0 Expert victory a t ro und two of the International O ld-Timers Annual Race Series. Moore placed third. Douglas wo n the next two motes, w it h Moo re taking se co nds . Dougl as was re ally pumpe d, bec au se he 'd never won moto s before . The two were just one po int apa rt going into Sunday. Moor e won the fourth mo to , and Douglas t oo k second ; no w the y we re tied at eight points each . The ove ra ll would go to the one w ho beat the othe r in the www.cyclenews. com final moto . Douglas roared out of the gate with pure de termi nation , and Moo re did th e same , but it was Douglas who wo n the final mot o and the overall, and the celebratio n was on for his first overall win! Another fun class to wat ch was the Over 60 Experts. Rocky Mountain's Bob Krah and Gary CYCLE NEWS • APRIL 28,2004 57

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