Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Moose Western Regiona l Cross Country Series Round 4 : Shasta Dam Hare Scrambles At Shasta, It Hasta Be Naylor! By CHR IS GHIONE REDDING, CA, MAR. 28 " D on Naylor - what's up with that guy! He r\co mes out of retirement and smokes everyone! I don't know what the deal is; apparentty. he is just faster than everyone else up here." Those comments came from a perplexed Craig Wesner after seeing hometown hero Ron Nay lor once again ride away fro m the competition , win ning the Shasta D am Hare Scrambles. This time , Naylor not only won the race, he also claimed the $ 1()()() purse - wh kh he then do nated to a local family whose father ha d passe d away in a motorcycling acci dent earlier this year. Co nditions for the race w ere nearly perfect. and the Redding Dirt Riders put together a fast and challenging c o ur se that most riders enjoyed. The event organizers decided upon a pecu liar start formula : Riders sat on their bikes backwa rd . and w hen the gun sou nded , the racers had to tum aroun d, kickstart their bikes and then head off to the co urse . Naylor was n't the fastest off the line , but he quickly showed he was the fastest on the course. "I d idn't get the greatest start right off the line: ' Naylor admitted. "I was probably maybe like 30th, but I just got out wide , and ob viously I had the fastest bike o ut there, noth ing even close , and 1[ust basically we nt by every body." JuS! a few miles in, the Shasta N issan/Cycle Sa lvage/ We st e rn Power Mot o rspo r tsspo nsored Naylor passed the early race leader on the first sect ion of fast fire road . The race for se cond was the biggest of the day, with Wesner, Imoto/Moto Doc/ Fox Rac ing's Brian Sperle and Broughton Fire Pro tection / Faultllne Suspension/ Cycle Gearbac ke d Jo rdan Brandt a ll in the battle early. Bran dt had t he adva ntage ea rl y on , wh ile Wesner tried to ho ld off Spe rle. Near the end of the first lap, Sperle passed ar ound Wesner and Brandt in quick succession . "Wesner and me kind of just freight-trained thro ugh the first loo p: ' Sperle recounted. "I kind of stayed behind him, watched him make so me lines; he ma de a mistake, an d I got arou nd him. I wen t a bout ha lf a mile , a nd Brand t was laying In the bushes , and I was like, ' Ri ht on!'" g Brandt chased Sperle for the rest of the first lap and all the wa y through the second lap, and at the start of the third and final lap, he made a move, an d that's how the two KTM riders finished: Brandt second and Sperle third. "I juS!stayed right behind him: ' said Brandt. " I got pelted and bludgeoned w ith rocks everywhere, and it hurt. Finally, on the third lap, I took off right beh ind him and just got him right out of the pits, right up one of the first rocky sections, and that was it." Honda rider Greg Ghione charged fro m the back of the pack and eventually moved up to Team Green/E tnies rider Wesner's rear fender. Ron Naylor noiled the win at round four of the M005e We5tern Regional Cro55 Country Serie5 . Ghione pushed Wesner all the way to the finish. almost making a pass just before the flag, but Wesne r hel d o n fo r fo u rth , w h ile t he Moose/Honda Pen insula of Sunnyvale . backed Ghione took fifth. eN SHASTA DAM HARE 5cRAMaLlS REDDING, CAUFORNIA MARCH 28,2004 (ROUND 4) : 0 '''' I. """"'d N'Y'o' (!ndt (KTH): J . Brian Sperl e (KTH) : .of . Cra ig Wes ner (Kaw): S. Gr eg Ghione (Ho n); 6. Damian Galford (Kaw) ; 7. John Mason (Yam); 8. J eriah Gurley (KTM); 9. Cole Mannall (Suz); 10. luke Noble (KTM). A 200: I. Nobnlrwin (KTM); 2. WiIIWn Roussel (KTM); J Jared O rrock (KTM). A 150: I. Brian Sperle (KTM): 2. Craig Wesner (Kaw) ; 3. Damian Galford (Kaw). A OPEN , I. """"'d N'Y'o' (Kaw): 2. jonlan Ilnndt (KTH): 3. Ale. e;"gg (Kaw). A 4 -STRK: I. Gan Hellman (Yam): 3. : Jewa G hK>ne (Hon ). A VET, I. Cole MMShaIl (Son): 2. John Sider (Hon); 3. Scott Goff (Han) . A SR : I. Cu rt Wiko x (tnt (KTH). B SR: I. Ron Miner (KTM); 2_ Gordon Hodges (KTM); 3. Wonwn Hanoen (Han). B SlS R: I . james B_ (Yom): 2. Michael Schultz (KiM); 1. Ros Ross (KTM). B WMN: I. s Kacy Mart inez (Ha n); 2. Je nna Pima (KTM); J . Michel le Eidam (KTM). C 100: I . Chad Matten (Y am); 2. Kevin Ring (y",,); 3. Auon Volle (KTH). C 250 , I. Scott Derose (y",,): 2. Dav;d ""I,.. (!on (Hon): 3. Rkhe Mendez (KTH). C SlSR: I. leny Ilbnd (KTH) ; 2. Raben RDuueau (KTH); 3. Brian W~lett (KTH). C GENT, I. Teny Fish (KTH): 2. J"""" Dona hoe (Su,): 3. Bob Man (Hon) . C WMN: I. Patricia Henn ing (KTM); 2. Jessica De La. Garza (Kaw); l . Nicole Menvielle (Hon ). e..-'e< AHRMA pro-Flo Southea5t MX Serie5 Round 2: Aonia Pass Spring Has Sprung, and So Has the Rubber Bandl By RICK GARNER WASHINGTON, GA, MAR, 20 A o nia Pass was the scene of the se cond /""\race of the seaso n for the AHRMA Southeast MX Series . More than 100 riders tu rned o ut fo r the Vint age and Po st -vint age motocross, and spring had sprung, with temperatures approaching 80 degrees , blue skies, and a breeze strong enough to keep the dust at bay. T he trac k, wh ich had been changed since the last race and watered just before the first moto, proved to be quite challenging for many a rider. Ao nia' s Vintage motocross trac k near Aug usta, Ge orgia , is laid out over an old terraced field and features some gna rly ruts and bumps, orr-cambers, grass sections, and one lo ng sweeper followed by some serious Vintage whoops. Th e Sout he ast was well-re presented by riders from all over the region, and since the ve nue is so clo se to Atlanta , it's o ne of the favor ites o f t he Georgia race rs . The facility offers run ning water, showe rs, and a great hardwood-shaded area for camping. 56 Many a racer made a long d rive for the event. William Douglas and his friends came all the way from Mo bile , Alabama. and he was having a good ride until his Suzuki gave it up. Brent and Barb Ritt e r, ge nerou s spo nsors fro m Pro Flo, ca me up from the Flo rida panhandle and raced like there was no tom orrow. Bo b Adams came down from Kentucky and put on a show in three classes and carried home more than his fair share of trophies. Johnny Lee Adams , Judy and Je rry Lavinder; Phil Wheelock and Clint Cotter bro ught the en tire Tennessee racing team down . Jer r y had his new re d, Ho nda-pow ere d Mako on hand for its first race, and it looked really fast. Rhett Smith from Clemson, South Carolina, put in an impressive effort on his trick CZS. Terry Dishroom promoted the eve nt and also partici pa ted in the O ve r 60 class . Larry Sta hl and Bob Groves kept everything moving a lo ng , a nd D wa yne Sm it h pe rfor m ed t h e start ing d uties de spite a broken collarbone from a cras h in practice a few weeks be fore. Ben o Rodi. as atways , was keeping an eye op e n for AHRM.A:s inte re sts and ride rs' safety. Also, the efforts of the many volunteers who helped with APRIL 28,2004 • CYCLE NEWS Larry Smith flie5 high on hi5 HU5ky in the Over 70 Novice cia 55 at round two of the AHRMA Pro -Flo Southea5t MX Serie5. the flagging and othe r d utie s. and of Michael Hoath, who keeps up with all the results, are much app recia ted. RESULTS PREM 500 EX: I. Beno RoelL PREM OPEN lW EX: I. Beno Rod i. CLs e 1 5 0 EX : I. An d y Blac kburn . SPTSMN 125 INT: I. Bob Groves. SPTSMN 125 EX: l. Darre ll Welborn : 2. Andy Blackburn . SPTSMN 250 NOV: I . Bo b Adams ; 2. Do na.ld Moss ; J . Gr e go r y La Rue . SPTSMN 15 0 INT: I. Michael Heath; 2. Joe Parks; l . Don Do tson . SPTSMN 25 0 EX: I. Steve Moo re ; 2. Ste ve n 40th Anniversary Smrth; J. Rhett Smith. SPTHSN 500 NOV: I. Greg Brown: 2. Ed Moody; J . Moon Mulling. SPTSMN 500 INT: I. Bre tt Riner. SPTSMN SOO EX: I . Rhett Smith : 2. Steven Smith. WMN : I. Do nna Blackburn. OPEN AGE NOV: I. Gre g Brown . OPEN AGE INT: I. O1ris CordelL OPEN AGE EX: I. Steve Moore. 40 + NOV: I. Doug Srrmh: 2. David Pond ; l . Moon Mulling. 40+ INT: I. Joe Parks ; 2. Brett Ritter; 3. CMs Greene. 40+ EX: I. Steve Moore; 2. Rhett Sm ith; 1. Da. id Keith. 50 + NOV: I. Ed Moody: 2. Les v Engtand: J . Alan Talbott. 50 + INT: I. Rtck Gamer. 2_James Ra ymond: 3. Jeny LMnde ,. SO+ EX: I. 10mmy Loyd. 60 + NOV : I. Richa.n:I Ught: 2. Kermit Evans; 3. Charles CorOeI I. 60 + INT: I. john ny Adams; 2. Bob Adams : J. Clyde Brown . 10+ NOV: I. lNry Smith. POST-VINT ULTIMA NOV : I. Bob Kennedy: 2. Powl White. POST-VINT ULTIMA INT: I.

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