Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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rider, Sunday's third-placed rider was Yamahamounted Fre d Martinson, w ho lost a hefty 56 points. The sound of two-strokes and four-strokes plonking along together may seem strange , but in reality it's the sound of the future. All curre nt t rials-bike com panies are deve loping the fourstroke engine to co mply w ith the new fo urst roke-o nly r ule at up com ing Wo rld Trials Champi onships. Bringing the fee l of the old and the new togeth e r was the special single-shock support class that AHRMA included. It allowed modern riders on mod em bikes to test their skills and high tec hnology against the styles and des igns of the past . Da nie l Leav itt won t he Supp ort class on bo t h days . Day o ne 's r un ne r- u p was Jim Ho dge s , and second on day t wo was Ian Delaney. RESULTS BEG : I . John Pischke (Yam): 2. Bill Lawless (Y ; 1. am) Chuck De Ran (Y . PREM l./W NOV: I . Gary Collman . am) PREM l./W INT: I. Don Kelley (Tri); 2. Bruce Stevens (Tn). PREM H/W IN T, I. J. W;Iwn (BSA PREM H/W EX, I. ). Derik BeNoir (Vel) 2. Janson O lhges (AJS); 1. Mike Fen ner ; (Tn). Ct.SC NOV, I. Rodge, Brophy (Bol). CLSC INT, I. Bruce Kelley (G.-e). CLSC EX , I. RKk Wolf (Pen), 2. Terry Sterrett (Sar). MORN C LSC N OV: I. Mike Cates (Suz ); 2. taoce Maddu x (Hon ); 1. larry Reiter (Yam). MO RN CLSC INT, I. G. Storlwn (Y om): 2. Tony Downs (Yom): J. R:ondy Russel (Yam) . MOR N CLSC EX : I. lane Lea vitt (Bul); 2. Peter Serek (Y am); 1. len Sims (Yam). SU P EX: I. Daniel Leavitt (Bet ); 2. Jim Hodges (Mon ): 1. Mike TKe (Men) . Scenic Highlands Matasports Park Hoge Hogs the Wins By JOHN KREPS NEWCOMERSTOWN, OH, MAR. 14 ort he rn O hio racers were finally treated to some outd oor racing, as the 2004 season opened up at Scenic Highlands in Newcomers town. Mor e than 500 racers passed through the ga te s, and in typic a l Ohio fash io n, t he wea ther was q ue st io nable , c hanging quic kly throughout t he weeke nd . When Sund ay arrived , the cold had returned, and some dreary weather accompanied it. Though it never rained very hard , a steady, light drizzle pers isted throug h much of the day, making for some mise rable motocrosse rs. One racer who was completely unaffected by t he drea ry wea the r was Pittsburg h, Pennsylvania's Kevin Hoge. who made the jump from the B class to t he A class this year. He opened up t he District 12 season with fo ur do minating Pro victories on his Suzuk i RMs. Hoge was tearing the track apart, no matter what the condition, and he we nt unchallenged on the day. Bowenon, O hio 's Tyson Leggett was able to keep him within sight in the 2S0cc A mo tos , and G re g Smi t h o f Miam i, West Virginia, rou nde d out the podium with a couple o f ha rd-earned t hirds. Le gge tt again put his Kawasaki in second, behind Hoge, in the 125cc A mo tes, and this t ime Kawasaki ride r Cody Calkin s was third. Tom Poling and Vet racer Eddie Karban rou nded out the top five. The 12Scc C class filled the entire sta rt ing gate as the largest class of the day, and Kyle Herwald of Little Hoc king. O hio , topped the fie ld wit h co ns istent 3-2 scores . First -moto winner Ca rl Emshoff could o nly muster 19th in th e seco nd moto , dr op pi ng h im o ut o f co nte ntion on the day. Brandon Waggoner put his Yamaha into second overa ll wit h the secondmo re vict o ry, a nd Jo h n Sluka of nea r by Uhrichsville , O hio , made his de but o n th e bigge r bikes with a fine third-p lace overall finish. Brandon Smith came from Salt Rock, West Virginia, to take both 2SOc B mote wins over c _ local Fletc he r Shry ock and pre vious C -c1ass racer Bobby Roe n e l. Smith co uld not rep e at those results in the 12Scc B motos , thoug h, as Strasb urg, O hio's loch Kaiser proved to be too m uch on his ne w Yam aha 2S0 F. Kaise r t oo k both moto wins , over Smit h, and Nick Edgell put in a great 6-3 ride on his Kawasaki for third . In the Mini classes, Uhrichsville, O hio, native Kyle Ditcher picked up right where he left off last year by winn ing th e 8 Scc Se nio r a nd Supermi ni classe s. Ditche r had a fight on his hands, th oug h, as Gree nsburg , Pe nnsylvania's Tyle r McGoff came to O hio to race hard and N win. McGoff was able to do just that by winning t he firs t Supermini moto, over Ditche r, but secon d-mo ta problems held the youngster back while Ditcher comp leted his two class victories on the day. McGoff was able to place seco nd in the 85cc (12- 15) class , with Indiana nat ives Danie l Rocke and Blake Niccu m rounding out the to p four. Niccum improved two spots in the Superm ini class after the DNF by McGo ff. and Daniel Mathe ny put his KTM mini into third . RESULTS P{W BEG: I . Gra e Settersu om (KTM); 2. Dytlan Fo x (KTM); 1. Ash ley Formey (KTM): 4. Gun nar Setters tro m (KTM): S. Bre tt Bell (KTM). 50 (4- 8 ) OIL-INJ: I. Grae Settersuom (KTM); 2. Austin Hyndman (KTM); 1. Gu nna r 5ettenlrom (KTH). 50 (4 -6)' I. Br.ody Panenon (ICTM): , . Rebe rt Re icher ( KT M): 1 . Austin Hynd man (KT M); 4 . N;choIa, Della Penna (Pol), S. T...,.,. Stine (KTH). SO (7-8), I . Scottie Slauterbeck (KTM); 2. Tanner Nemeti (KTH) : 3. Austin Pateos (laM); 4. Joshua Boyd (Sm): 5. Austin Western (Pol). 65 BEG : I. Scottie Slaute rbeck (KTM); 2. Co h o n Ande""" (ICTH); J. Dean Barker (ICTH) . 65 (7 -' )' I. josh Hough (ICT ); 2. H i<:haeI P'" (ICTH ); J . Cade C""," (ICTM): H 4. Cra ig Mullett (KTM); S. Ryan Perkins (KTM). 65 ( 10 - 11): I . Dan iel Herriein (KTH): 2. Ryan Hors ley (KTM); 1. Michael Mahaffey (KTM); 4. Austin Coon (KTM ): S. Brandon Davis (Suz) . 8 5 (7 - 11) : I. Mitchell Hough (Yam) : 2. C urt Gas ki (Yam); 1. Sean Kilkenny (Yam); 4. Aust in Coon (KTM); S. H i<:hoeI MaIWIey (ICTM). 8 5 (7- 11) EXT RA (NON-PTS) , I. H itchell Hough (Y~), 2. Jetemy Ng (ICTM): 3. Jo< Hough h (ICTM). B5 ( 12 -1 5): I. Kyle Ditchet (Suz): 2. ."..,.. Mon Leuett (Kaw); J. Cody CaI~ns (Kaw), 4. Tom Poling (Yam); S. Edd ie Karban (Hon) . 125 B: I. Zach Kaiser (Yam): 2. Bran don Smith (Kaw); 1. Nick Edge ll (Kaw): 4. Adam Stoke s (Yam); S. Joe Rice (KTM). 12 5 C: I. Kyle Herwald (Yam); 2. Brandon Waggoner (Yam): 1. John Sluka (Kaw) : 4 . Tyler Milt o n (Su z); 5. Evan Gut shall (Ya m) . 25 0/0 P EN k I. Kev;n Hoge (Suz): 2 . lY>on Leggett (Kaw), 1. Gr eg Smith (Yam) ; 4. Travis McQueen (Suz); S. Jo se ph Mayen:hak (Yam). 250/ 0 PE N B, I. Bnndon Sm;th (Kaw), 2. F1etby Roett el (Kaw): 4. Rob;n McClain (KTM); 5. Brent Dunl ap (Yam). n O/O P EN C: I . Ryan Yoest (Hon) : 2. Eric Phalin (Hon ); 1. Jason Lemaster (Yam) ; 4. Jay Mid daugh (Ha n) : S. Shau n Wa ters (Yam) . WMN: I . Shann on MacG eorge (Ho n); 2. Tiffany Mau ter (Yom). SCHBY, I. Don.. Harl>a ugh (ICTM 2. Jimm y Berg ): (Hon ); 1. Evan GutShall (Y ; 4. Nathan Edward s (Han ); 5. am) C .J. Coffield (Suz). CLGB Y ( 16.24): I . Nick Edgell (Kaw); 2. Nick Ste ven s (Hon) : 1. Jameson 5prosty (Yam); 4 . Scott Darling (Yam); s. Stacy C rute (Yam). 2 5 + : I. Robin McClain (ICT M): 2. Keith Beamer (Hon) : J . Ri<:h Si"en (Y om) : 4 . john Kreps (KTM); S. Bryan Ulmer (Kaw). 30+ Al B: I. Robin McClain (KTH ); 2. Mar k Weaver (Kaw) : 1. Dave !

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