Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Intermediate title , leadi ng Preu ss, Riche a nd Cody Hutch ings in the final results. RESULTS P/W P P: I. Torie Williamso n (Hon ); 2. N ikell Tamilos (Suz): 3. Amanda Maheu (KTM): 4. Taelor Talbot (Le m); S. $am i larsen (Suz). P/W SHAFT: I. Hayden Stu bbs (Y : 2. am) Ston e Holliman (KTM); 3. McCoy Brough (Y am); 4. Par ker Talbot (Yam); 5. Paisley Larsen (Y ). Pfw STK (4 -6): I. am Dillon Geuke (C ob) ; 2. Ch ase Hayne s (Ho n); 3 . Dean Zab riskie (KTM); 4. Ston e Holliman (KTM); S. Ashto n Parke r (Y=). P!W STK (7·8), I. J.D. Em"n (KTM); 2. Chaisson Co zzens (Po l); 3. Chana Ogden (KTM); 4. Nikolas Wi nkie (Hus); S. J.Y. Leavitt (Cob). P!W OPEN: I . J.D . Ellio tt (KTM); 2. C haisso n Cozze ns (Pol); 3. Tysen Fisher (KTM); 4. Brod ie Larsen (Co b): 5. J.Y. Leavitt (Co b). P/W HEADSUP: I . Jo rd an Evans (Suz); 2. Tor ie W illiamso n (Ho n) : 3. Taton Morris (Kaw): 4. Fre ston Smith (Ho n); S. Ti-aven Fride ll (Yam 65 STK (6- 8): I. J.D. Ellio tt (KTM); 2. Wesle y Parker ). (Kaw); 3. Chana Ogden (KTM): 4. Chaisson Conens (Pol). 65 STK (9-11): I. Tash Hansen (KTM): 2. RowdyWilliamson (Kaw): 3. Dusty Humphries (Suz): .of. Jessee Brown (Suz); S. Riley Brough (Kaw). 65 OPEN: I. Tash Hansen (KTM); 2. J.D. Elli tt (KTM): 3. Dus ty Humphries (Suz); 4. Riley Brou gh o (Kaw) : 5 . Jaso n Mcilro y (Kaw). 85 BEG: I. Tannor Luster (Hon); 2. Kyler Larsen (Suz); 3. Brendan Elswood (Kaw) ; 4. Robert Go ld (Yam); 5. Colton Bowler (Suz). 85 JR (1 - 1 1): I. Kyle Price (Yam); 2. Chad Hunt (Suz); 3. Riley Brough (Kaw); 4. Cooper Palmer (KTM); 5. Colton Fraughton (Yam). 85 JR ( 12 - 15): I. Curt Lamme rt (Yam); 2. C hase Hun t (Suz); 3. Blair Vetere (Yam); 4. Ho lden Mackint os h (Hon); 5 . De e Larsen (Yam). 85 tNT: I. Ca mr o n Ols en (Kaw); 2. Clay C u t le r (Yam ); 3 . Da coda Sorochuk (Yam) ; 4 . Rett Mess e rsm ith (Hon); S. Landon Powe ll (Suz). 8 5 OPEN: I. Camr on Olse n (Kaw); 2. Cu rt Lammert (Y am); 3. Dee larsen (Yam) ; .. . Nat Ston e cipher (Suz) ; S. Shaun Varley (T M). S/M INI : I. Brett Preu ss (Hon) ; 2. Clay Cut ler (Yam): 3 . Dacoda Sorochuk (Yam) ; 4. Land on Powell (Suz) ; S. Kyle Price (Yam). B/B K BEG: I. Degan Stewart (Suz): 2. Just in Gibson (KTM): 3. Austin Parr (Suz); 4. Ryan Webb (Kaw); S. Kevin Robinson (Slit) . 115 JR: I. Brodie Hump hries (Suz): 2. Bren nan Stewart (KT M); 3. Braden Butterfield (Yam) ; 4 . Case y Bywater (Y am); S. Clay C utler (Yam). 115 INT: l. Tony Espo sito (Suz); 2. Brett Pre uss (Ho n); 3. Levi Riche (Hon); 4. Cody Hutch ings (Yam): S. Zac Humphries (Suz). 115 P RO : I. Kipp Pose y (Yam); 2. Mitch Carroll (Yarn); 3. levi Jensen (Y am); 4. Christop he r Butterfield (Yam); S. David Panzer (Y ). 150 JR: I. Just in Elswood (Yam); 2. Brian am Brou ghton (Y ); 3. Patrick Davis (Suz); 4. Chad De Carlo am (Suz); 5 . Randy Guzm an (Yam). 150 INT: I. Zac Humphries (Suz): 2. Nick Thompson (KTM); 3. Jesse Hodges (Hoo) : 4. Matt Provost (Y ): S. Spencer Mehr (Hon) . 250 PRO : I. am Kipp Pose y (Yam); 2. Jo sh Borg es (Yam); 3. Ga re t Pilgrim (Y am): 4. Jeff Walton (Y arn); S. Korey Smith (Hon). OPEN JR: I. Brennan Stewart (KTM); 2. Brodie Humphries (Suz); 3. RandyGuzman (Yam); 4. Nick De Carlo (Suz); S. Cody Black (Yam) . OPEN IN T: I. N ick Thomps on (KT M): 2. Jar ad Lec htenberg (Kaw): 3. Tony Espo sito (Suz); ... Jesse Hodges (Hon) ; 5. Reed Tingey (KTM). O PEN PRO: I. Kipp Posey (Yam): 2. Josh Borges (Yam); 3. Korey Smith (Hon); .of. Mitch Carroll (Yam); 5. Ca me ron Wolf (Yam). WMN : I . Kim Robinson (Yam); 2. Heather Barlow (Kaw); 3. Cassie Webb (Yam); 4. li ndsey Ricke tt (Hon): 5. Patricia Black (Kaw) . SCHBY: I. Bren nan Stewart (KTM): 2. Bre tt Preu ss (Hon ); 3. Austin Parr (Suz): 4. Tony Esposito (Suz); S. Degan Stewart (Suz). 25+ JR: I. Mike Stika (Kaw): 2. Shawn Vaught (Yam); 3. Matt Taylor {Yam) 4. Jose ph Peluaga (Hon) . 25 + IN T: I. ; Josh Ho lliman (Kaw): 2. Ken Robinson (Yam): 3. Justin Smith (Ho n); 4. Jake Palme r (Hon). 2 5+ PRO: I. Josh Borg e s (Y . 30 + JR: I. Jerry Ston ec ipher (Hoo ); 2. Keith Thomas am) (Y ); 3. Barry Courtney (Y ; 4. Ray Badovinaa: (Y am am) am); 5 . Kerry Nob le (Y am). 40+ : I. Eric Clem son (Y ; 2. Randy am) Ree d (Yam); 3. Rick Tapp (He n): 4. Lane Moss (Yam); 5 . Lonny Mackintosh (Hon ). SPTSM N : I. Steve Larsen (Y ); am 2. Kurt Nelso n (Yam) . SJO Production s Banle Creek Supercro ss Kellogg Arena Woodring Goes Wild at SJO Supercrossl By BART NEWMAN BATIU: CREEK, MI, MAR. 13 o andy Woo dring was a green streak aboard I'h is Tassel Raci ng/ Me R Suspe nsion Kawasakis , taking w ins in the Dash For Cash and the I2Scc and 2SOcc Pro classes in front of a huge crow d at the SjO Supercross presented by Yamaha. Red Bull and M&M Cycle in Battle Creek, Michigan. Wood ring used t he Das h For Cash to get the ball roll ing . foll ow ing Matt Maxi mol! through turn one befo re za pp ing him in t he whoops for a runaway win. That set the tone for the night and let the othe r riders know t hat Woodring was going to be the man to beat . Whe n the 250cc Pros left t he gate . Just in McLosky got the jump on the field. snagging the holeshot over Woodring, Maximoff and justin Johns. McLosky's lead was short -lived. thoug h. as both Woodring and Maximoff we re o n the move to the front, re newing their batt le, which had been raging all weekend. Maximol! he ld tough aboard his Superstarproject.ccrn/IechCare/ Hon da East-backed ride, but when the lappers came into play, Woodri ng sliced through them like a su rgeo n, whic h gave h im t he brea thing room he needed fo r the win . Maximol! kept Woodr ing honest. but after the t hird lap he never cha llenged for t he lead . McLosky wa s smooth as silk in t hird , but a . stalied bike stopped him dead . After a not-sogood start , justin Brusseau fought his way to the fro nt to claim t hird, overtaking Greg Broo ks with two laps to go . Ryan Wilson finished fifth. Nick Vaughn had the quickest tr igger finger 0 (( the line in the 12Scc Pro main and led the pack through turn one and down the whoopfilled st raight . Woodring was second, but not . . . . fo r long . Vaug hn le ft t he d o or open , and Woodring slammed it shut , taking over the lead for good just three turns into the main. With a clear track ahead and speed to burn, Woodring set a pace nobody else could match . Maximoff was the next rider to displace Vaughn, two laps into the affair, but by then Woodring was long gone . Vaughn managed to hang toug h in th ird. desp ite some last-lap heroics from John Penrod and Johns. Ashton Hayes w as the king of the 50cc autos, taking wins in both the SOcc Junior and SOcc Auto Spo rt classes. However, his wins didn't come easily or wit hou t drama. In the SOcc junior contest, Hayes and Ryan Talsma we re so close all moto long, you could have thrown a bat h towe l over the m both. As the two rider s we nt through t he whoops for the last time , they we re side by side. with Hayes hold ing a slight advantage ove r th e catapu lt jump. Talsma had the rhythm section dialed in and was pulled shou lder to sho u lder w it h Hayes. The two rocketed through the last turn . Talsma dived to the inside, pushing Hayes wide as bot h Mini riders had t he ir KTMs pinned heading for the checkered flag. Hayes took the win. but just after the flag he took a big spill after clipping a hay bale and cartwheeled down the track, making for a fantastic finish! (Yam). 125 B: I. Kyle Glass (Hoo ): 2. Shane Larsen (Yam) : 3. Jo sh Le brett o (Yam); 4. Josh Marsh (Yam); S. Aaron Gabbord (KTM). 12 5 C: I. James Ouzu (Yarn) ; 2. Jeffrey Munge r (Yam): 3. Ryan Myszak (KTM): 4. De re k Nel so n (Y am); S. Corey Rider (Hon). 125 PRO: I. Randy Woodring (Kaw); 2. Matt Maximoff (Hon ); 3. Nick Vaughn (Hon) ; 4. John Penrod (Kaw); 5. Justin Jo hns (Y . 25 0 C: I. Chad Leonard (Y ); am) am 2. Todd Van Verark (Hon) ; 3. Andrew Roberts (Hoo ); 4. Joe Kre snak (Ho n); 5. John Ware (Suz). 250 PRO : I . Randy Woodring (Kaw): 2. Matt Maximoff (Suz): 3. Justin Brusseau (Hon) ; 4. G reg Brooks (Y ; S. Ryan Wilson {Yam 16· 24: am) ). I . G reg Brooks (Yam) ; 2. Shane Larsen (Yam) ; 3 . Jo s h Le b re t to (Yam ); 4. Scott Klomp (Ho n) ; S. Allan Doneth (Hon ). '25+ B/C: I. Mike Jeffre y (Ho n); 2. C had Leonard (Yam); 3. Tod d Van Ve rarl< (Hon); 4. Den is Laforest (Slit ); 5. SeanKirby (Kaw). TR L (7-1 1): I. Pierce Soule (Hon); 2. Ty Ralstan (Y : 3. Cor ey Case (Yam); 4. Hun ter Ste inbarge r am) (Hon) : 5. Hun te r Schoer ock (Y am). Ida ho State Series Round I, Day I: Gle nn's Ferry Mofa-X Track Weimer Whips Them All By RESULTS DAVE ROUNSEVELLE GLENN'S FERRY, 1 , MAR. 13 0 he first round of the Idaho State Ser ies got under way at Glenn's Ferry, with fantasti c wea ther and track co nditions. It's been a long winte r in northe rn Utah and so uthe rn Ida ho, and riders finally got a chance to ride withou t fre ezing te m peratures or snowy o r frozen groun d. jake Weimer came to show he is the man, as he whipped up on everyone. Weimer raced the 12Scc and 2S0cc Inte rmed iate class es . Th e Inte rmediate class gated abou t five o r 10 secon ds after the Pros. Not only was Weimer able to run away from his class, he caught all of t he Pro s, to o . We ime r was the on ly rider cons iste nt ly clearing o r even at tem pting a double tabletop of about 120 feet, much to the crowd's pleasure and amaze ment . Bryan Schritter blasted his Y amaha 450F into the first corner to take the early lead in the Vet Pro class. Schritter was being pressed by Scott Taft as the two entered the whoops . Taft positioned himself on the inside and was able to take the lead from Schritter in the corner after the whoops. Blake Barrymore was racing in the Over 40 class but gated at the same time as the Pros. Barrymo re was cat ching Schritter, w ho was having clutch pro blems. Barrymore pressed Schritter, showing him his wheel several times , but Barrymore was unable to overtake Schritter before the finish line. The second mot o found Taft tak ing the holeshot and ever so slowly pulling away fro m Schritte r and Barrymor e. The n Barrymore got by Schri tte r in the S co rn e r and move d in behind Taft. Schritter did not roll ove r and die; he co ntinually pressured Barrym ore . Tho ugh Barrymo re hung toug h, Schritter was able to wo rk his way aro und Barrymore on t he last lap. Taft took t he overall win in t he Vet Pro class, and Barrymore too k the win in the Over 40 class. T PP : I. KyIee Schritt er (Hon ); 2. Samantha Sobot ka (50z); 3. Nico le W iess (Hon) ; 4. jessica Uer cke (Yam); 5 . Cas ey Ue rck e (Yam). 50 SHAFT: I. Ch arlie Van meer (Yam); 2. Cole Hedges (KTM): 3. Cody Ande l"SOf1 (Hus); 4. Ira Aldrich (Y am): S. Austin Taylor (Co b). SO (4-6) : I. Braxton Prieto (KTM); 2. Bailey Kouba (KTM); 3. JUnin D~1y (KTM); 4. Garin Lasher (Ho n): 5. Tren t Eddington (KTM). 50 (7-8) : I. Cody Hed ge s (!

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