Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Donald Ertel (Yam) 4. Matt Williams (Y ; am); S. Kevin Brook s (Y am). 250 tNT: I. Greg Karmann (Yam) 2. Doug Schm id (Hon); 3. Scotty Alves (Ha n); 4 . Anthony ; Maniglia (Yam); 5 . Nick Marl<.et (Yam). 250 PRO: I. Billy [urevic h (Han); 2. Adam Mille r (Ha n); 3. Je ffrey Pestana (Ha n); 4. Dennis Stapleto n (Han); 5. Den nis Kritzer (Hon ). OPEN: I. Billy Jurevich (HO'l); 2. Auggie Rodriguet (Han) ; 3. Nick Mar ke t (Yam) ; 4. Je ff Ma rs h (Ho n); 5. Colin C lay (Hon ). 4 · S T R K 90-150: I. Chase Myen (Yam); 2. Daniel Nava (Yam): 3. Bre tt Hem (Han ); 4. AJ. Jo nes (SUt); S. Mark Bro wne (Hon). W MN: I . Jolita Nava (Ha n): 2. Bre nda Burson (Kaw); 3. Amanda Kutchera (Yam); 4. Carli O'Sullivart (Yam); 5. Brittany Myers (Yam). SCHBY: I. Greg Karmann (Yam); 2. Josh Fittro (Kaw); J. Daniel Duarte (Suz); 4. Jeff Marsh (Han) ; S. Col in Clay (Han ). ]0 + BEG: I. Chris Tripp (Han) ; 2. James Meilandt (Han); 3. joe Lynam (Hon) ; 4. James Smith (Han). ] 0+ N OV: I . Du arte Bon ini (Yam); 2. Kevin O 'C o nner (Han ). ]0 + IN T: I. Jon Nicolaus (Han) ; 2. Chris Piaterc (Hon); 3. Jeffrey Molina (Kaw); 4. Jody Gaultney (Yam). ] 0+ PRO : I. Dennis Kritzer (Hon) . 40 + BEG: I. John Ferreira (Yam 2. ); Steve D 'Eredrta (Han); 3. TIfTl Green (KTM); 4. Gregg Webb (Yam): S. Dave Kelly ): (Sut) . 40 + NOV: I. Troy Myers (Han ): 2. Ed Nava (Yam 3. Leroy Perry (Han) . 40+ INT: I. Gary Rubo (Hus); 2. Randy Pie pkom (Sut ); 3. Bill Carnes (Ho n). XRSO O UTLAW STK : I. Stephen Tarpley (Han ); 2. Yobie Jacobson (Han ); 3. Kpe Mull (Han): 4. Saul Bermudet (Han). X R50 OU TlAW MOD : I. Robert Alquist (Hon ): 2. Chris Tripp (Hon) ; 3. Oaniel Nava (Han ): 4. Mark Burton (Han ); S. Eddy Na va (Han) . DF C 60 : I. Josh Greco (KTM). DF C 8 0: I. Joel Fittro (Yam DFC BlB K: I. Adam MII~ (Hon) . ). Series Cham pions 50 BEG: I. Michael Kutchera (KTH). 50 N OV: I. Scott Crane (Pol) . 50 INT: I. Cal Johnson (KTH) . 50 P/W SH AFT: I. jake Fletcher" (Hon). XR50: I. Er ik Nessen (Hon) . SO O PEN ( 4 -6) : I. Scott Crane (Po l). 50 OPEN (7.S) : I. Cal Johnson (KTH) . 60 BEG: I. Ryan Fulto n (KTH ). 60 NOV: I. Anthony Parks (Suz). 60 INT: I. Joshua Greco (KTM ). 60 O PEN (4-8): I. Paul D'Eredita (KTM). 6 0 O PEN (9 -1 1): I. Joshua Grec o (KTM). 80 BEG: I.l..arry Quintana (Han ). 80 N OV: I. Joe l Fittro (Yam). 80 INT: I. Preston H ull (Yarn ). eo O PEN (S-II): I. Richie Fle tche r. eo O PEN (12. 16): I. Joel Hnrc. 80 S/MINI : I. Mlchad Parks(Suz). 125 BEG: I. Andy Smith (Yam). 125 N OV: I. [csh Fitt ro (Kaw). 125 INT: I. Michae l Farg her (Hen) . 25 0 BEG: I. James Clayton (Yam). 250 NO V: 1. Dona ld Ert e l (Yam). 250 IN T: I. Scotty Alves (Han) . 250 PRO : I. Adam H IU r (Han) . W MN : I. Jolita Nava (Han ). SCHBY: e I.J O!ohFlttro (Kaw). O PEN 19-29: I. Jeff Marsh (Han) . 30 + BEG: I.J oeLynam (Yam). ]0 + N OV: I. Kevin O 'Conno r (Han). 40 +B EG: I. Ste ve D'Eredrta (Han). 40 + N OV: I. Troy Mye rs (Han ). 4·STRK 90 -150 : I. Brett Hein (Han ). X RSO OUTLAW STK: I. Step hen Tarpley (Ha n). X R50 O UT LAW MOD : I. Robe rt Alqu iSt (Han ). International Old-Timers Annual Ra ce Series Round ,: Speedwor/d Motocross Park Musgrave Musters :I&~J~lt~~1r.,r s Win SURPRISE, AZ, MAR. 6 -7 ike hungry bears com ing out of hibernation, more than 180 Old-Timers descended upon Speedworld Park and we re greeted w ith fabulous 90-degree weather. Arizona Chapter pre side nt Dan Flemming and his crew of member volunteers put on a race weekend like they 'd been doing it for many years , not just two. Bonnie Smith and her crew fed everyone well. The ranks of Old-Timers continue to grow, lured by five long motos pe r wee kend and great mea ls and camaraderie. The Master class treated spectators to a great show of speed and aerial antics. Eric McKenna and Willie Musgrave went head to head throughout the weekend, with McKenna co ming out on top two out of three times on Saturday. The passing back and forth made it a great race fo r both ride rs and spectators. Speculation on Saturday evening was tha t Musgrave had met his match in McKenna and that McKenna wou ld avenge his loss last L I • ~ is perfect for everyone! Cycle News brings you all the latest in the world of motorcycling... months foster tha n the maga zines! Your gift subscription will be a welcome weekly reminder of your .....=:JO', - Ihoughtfulness... 1.800.831.222 Willie Musgrave (4 2 2 ) battled his way to a tough overall win over Eric McKenna in the Ma ster A cla ss at the Inte rna tio na l Old·Timers An nu a l Race Series opener in Surprise, Arizona. (9:00am - 5:00pm P.S.T.) CYCLE NEWS • APRil 7, 2004 67

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