Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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G.-egoy Dnke. H-PT AM: Fnnk Bums. H-PT EX: Cale b Miller. H·PT VET: Gene Nigtman. 50 OPEN (4 .7) : I. Ka yla Boorom ; 2 . Ryan Marriott ; 3. Linco ln Broo kens. 50 (7-8 ): I. Brett McMichael; 2. Sean Ballard; 3. Cody Marriott . 65 (7- 9 ): I. Brandon Mays; 2. AJ. Kruege r; 3. SeanBallard . 65 (10 -11 ): I. Frank Lett ieri; 2. John Bore k; J. Matt Babbin. 85 (7 - 11): I. Sunny Drake ; 2. Matt Babbitt : 3. John Bore k. 85 (12-13): I. MarshaJl Hurd; 2. Micha e l Dawson . OPEN MINI : I. Marshall Hurel. 125 SCHBY: I. Mitc he ll Dou ghe rty; 2. Frank Bum s; l . Steve Gros swe ile r. 125 AM : I. Frank Bum s; 2. Scott Se.vs; 3. Alex Sigismondt. 125 EX: I. Mike Dougherty Jr.; 2. Mitche ll Dougherty; 3. Sonny N ighman . 1 5 0 AM : I . Aiel': Sigismondi; 2. Bra e Donnison: 3. Nidi: Kruger. 250 EX: I. CalebMiller; 2. Mike Dougherty; 3. Dave Nyzio . CLGBY: I. Mike Ayen ; 2. Jacob Cope; l . Walter Zabrowsld . 1 5 + AM: I. Kew. Jen ks. 25+ EX : I. Scott Rockwe ll; 2. Darryt Smith ; 3. Kevin Krueger. 30 + AM: I. Glenn Babineau. 10+ EX: I. Darryl Smith; 2. Kevin Krueger; 3. TIm Henry. 40 +: 1. Gene Nighman : 2. Jim Sanderson ; 3. Joe Dibella. APRl l?,200 4 • CYCLE NEWS Mutant Matarsports/Mission Motorcycles Winter Series Rounds 6-7: Hollister Hills GP Track Last Call for Scott Crane By RANDY HElM HOLLISTER, CA, MAR. 6 A fte r a co uple of cancellation s and venue /'"'\change s, the Mission Motorcycles-sponso red Winter Series came to a close at Hollister Hills . Due to sched uling conflicts and weather, the series ended " frugally" : T he first mot os co unt ed as round six, and the second mot os cou nted as rou nd seve n. In th e end, the series troph ies were handed out, and the riders went ho me w ith bragging rights. As we ente r the w arm e r mo nth s , r ac ing sc hedule s sho uld re main intact - as long as Mother Na ture stays happy. Scott Crane ended the Winter Ser ies on a high note, winning the 50 cc Novice and 50cc (4-6) classes . C ran e rode his Po lini like a future superstar in the age ·group co ntest, win ning bo t h motos. C rane led every lap in his age group and eve n caught some of the kids in the old e r 7-8 age gro up . Jo rdan Kanady, w ho w as also rid ing a Polini, finished se con d overa ll. Kanady ended his first mo to in fourt h but came bac k strong in the second moto to finis h second. Riding a KTM, Justin Hitch put together co nsiste nt 3- 3 scores to take third overall for the day. The Nov ice contest was a battle between C rane and Romey Mira montes . Though Miramontes got the upper hand in t he first m oto, he wa s unable to fini s h t he second sta nza. Crane he ld it to ge the r in bot h motes and took the overall, going 2- 1. Clay Patterson also ended the series with an exclamation point, by winning the 250cc Novice class. Patterson posted I-I finishes aboard his Honda to ta ke the n um be r- o ne spot in t hat div ision . Anthony Gonzales was on the gas , ke e p ing Patt e rso n honest in both motos . Gonzales put his Yamaha across the line in se cond bo t h times out for second overal l. Yamaha rider Do nald Erte l rounded out the top three, going 3-3 fo r the day. Billy Jurevich and Adam Miller w e re the wi nne rs of the 250cc and 125cc Pro classes, respectively. jurevich w ent 1-2 on his Honda for the win in the 2S0cc class. with Miller going 4- 1 (or secon d. Hon da pilot Jeff Pestana was in the mix as we ll, finishing third with a 3-3 tally. Miller came on strong in the 125cc class, going I-Ion his new yz four-stroke and taking the overal l. Pestana once again ran near the fro nt and raced to second ove rall , with 2-2 fin ishes. Brandon Jones filled out the podium in third on his Kawi thumper. RESULTS SO P/W SHAFT: 1. Jake Fletcher (KTM). 50 BEG: I. Gavin Lynam (Pol); 2. Rudy Nava (Pol); 3. Michael Kutchera (KTH): 4 . Josh DaJ,.1I (Pol): 5. D.j. Bonini (Pol). SO NOV: I. Scott Crane (Pol); 2. Romey Miramontes (Pol). 50 INT: I. Cal johnson (Pol): 2. T","" Bum>ogh (Pol). 50 (0-6)' I. Scott Cnne (Pol): 2. )onu n Kanady(Pol): 3. Jumn H" '" (KTH): 4 . Brian Thonvnes (KIN); 5. Oay Tripp (KTM). 50 (7- S): I. Cal Joh nson (Pol) : 2. Tra "";s Burrou gh (Po l); J . D.J. Bonini (Pol): 4 . And..., Figueroa (Pol): 5. Romey Monmontes (Pol). SO XR/ZSO: I . Erik Nessen (Ho n); 2. Summer Kutchera (Hon) ; 3. Kyle Mull (Hon) . 60 BEG: I. Spencer McCorlde (Kaw): 2. Ryan Fukon (KTM): 3. Wesley Uspillo (KTH): 4 . Just in Cam po (!n Meek (Yam); 3. Donald Ertel (Yam 4. Colin Clay (Hon); S. ); Clay Patterson (Hon ). 115 NOV 0 -2: I. Bren t Maggi (Su z): 2. Jo sh Dup po ng (Yam); 3. J.J. Karmann (Yam); ... Mar k Abrew (Y ); 5. Brian Burs o n (SUl). 11 5 INT: I. Greg am Karmann (Yam); 2. Scotty Alves (Ho n): 3. Michael Carn e s (Ho n); .. . Jon N icolaus (Hon) ; 5. Jason Voss (Ho n). 12 5 PRO : I . Adam Miller (Yam); 2. Je ff Pesta na [Hen}; J . Brando n Jones (!

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