Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tyler Reid ro uted th e competit ion in the Schoolboy class at round thre e of the Ok lahoma State Championship Series. Berry. Be rry fended off Reid until the very en d , when the blur of blue se parat e d one more time; Re id was in fro nt when the checkers flew . Trae N o rt on kept his Suzu ki in th ird , behind Berry. Kawasaki jockey Chris Dacus took fo urth. Yamaha rider Nath an Cox and Suzuki jo ckey Justin Thurman battled for fifth; o n th e last lap, Thurman vanis hed, leavi ng Cox with a hardearned fifth place . Be rry again go t the holeshot in moto two. Reid ran into his back fender in the first turn . Both riders kept their bikes upr ight, but at the end of lap two Be rry was at the back of the pack . Norton held the lead for one lap unt il Reid got around him and took it home. Nort on held on t o finish second . Cox followed in third. Alex Agler put his Kawasaki in fou rt h. and Dacus place d fifth . AJthough it was one of the smaller classes (with 16 entries). the 250cc Beginner class featured some great racing . Matt Harr ison too k his Yamaha wire to wire in both mot es , despite pressure from all sides . In mota one , Ho nda rider Dustin Baldwin was o n his back bumpe r 0 (( the sta rt . By lap three, Keith Holliman had taken over pushing the leader after passing Baldwin. Jules Cha rlebois also got arou nd Baldwin to take third on his Suzuki. Kody Kooken followed Baldw in across the finish line on his Yamaha for a fifth-place finish. Charlebois followed Harrison from start to finish in the second mota, followed by Baldwin and KTM riders Brian Hirt and Lukas Young. The Vintage class left the gate for mota one, with Yamaha rider Bobby Bowles out in front until his throttle cable broke, leaving him pushing his bike across the finish line for last place. Another Yamaha pilot. Wayne Moody. took over the lead until the last lap, when Honda pilot Lee Simon got by for the win. amaha rider Lenny Moody wasn't able to finish the mota, so Y Roberts took second , followed by Kawasak i rider Rocky Halford, Yamaha rider Tom Van Nostrand and Bowles. Afte r fixing his th rottle cable, Bowles came out in moto two and blew away the rest of the class. Nabb ing the holeshot and never looking back. Bowles took the win and managed to take secon d overall! Simon finished in seco nd, with Moody com ing back to take third . Roberts and Halfor d ro unded ou t the top five. Robbie Smith put his Y amaha out in fro nt by half a lap in all four Pro moto s. Cory Gree n did the same th ing on his Honda in the Intermed iate classes. A lot of these kids are getting faste r and faste r and will soo n be at a supercro ss o r outd oor Nationa l near you . Watch for them as they ny by! RESULTS P/W (4 · 6 ): I. Chase Marqu ier (KTM); 2. Dalt on Howe (KTM); l . Abe Anderson (KTM); 4. Jamison Farris (KTM); S. Mitchell Merrell (KTM). P/W (7 -8): I. AJ . Gearhart [Lem]: 2. Tallan Smith (lem); l . Pie rce Low (KTH): 4. Jordan Payne (Pol); S. Wade Brom mel (Pol). P/W O IL-INJ: I. Mitche ll Merrell (KTM): 2. Trevor Jo nes (Y am); 3. Jo hne Moddrell (Hon ); 4. Marcus McCawle y (KTM): S. Dakota McGrory (Ho n). p(W OPEN : I . Tallan Smith (l e m); 2. Pierce low (KTM); 3. Wade Brommel (Pol); 4. Conner BIe'lins (KTM); S. Zeb Edson (Suz). MINI MINI (6-8) : L A J. Gearhart (Kaw) ; 2. Lane McCall (Kaw ); 3. c.j . Collins (Kaw); 4. Mike Puflen (Suz ); S. Beau Meshel l (KTM). MINI MINI (9- 11): I. Justin Bogle (Kaw); 2. Keeton Gorton (Suz); 3. Cott N ichofs (KTM); 4. Kyl Sand lin e (KTM); 5. Tyler Agler (Kaw ). MINI MINI OPEN: I. KY'e Sandlin (KTM): 2. Sat., April 17: 1 pm Pro ATV Race Sun., April 18: 1 pm Pro Bike Race 51 Classes! Round 3 of the AMA National Hare Scrambles Series Admission: $10 Sat.lSun. No Spectator or Pit Riding Parts Unlimited dinner Saturday night Kawasaki Team Green Adult Mini GNCC Nationals Saturday night For more info call (304) 284·0084 or go to rp.lII (e/f11iii,f.! 1J] ~ YAMAHA WI6ECD ~ §J?~ ~!!.rl.Jy,!:.q~ ~ . . . . .' , ",'11 ,.,..".,. " ,..,.., • Build WEEKLY FOOT TRAFFIC in your store. • Create ENTHUSIASM for new products, latest events and trends in the sport of motorcycling. • Local C OVERAGE of events in your area, in addition to National & Worldwide news about motorcycles - as it happens! • P1us...You get a fre e metal display rack and "authorized dealer" decals for your store With Returns Minimum order 5 copies ~k You only pay for ~ at you sell RK eM { monthlylIM>ice for oH copies ordered Tea off the lOPS only(of covers' r o( unsold copies, RetlJrn rops with " chea (or ~ dtfference. 6' '% DeaferMorfin W ithout Retu rns • I I RETAIL PRII:E1 $3.9S/[OPY I Minimum order 5 copiesfWuk "leu PopelWOrk R« eh't I monthly imoice (or copies ordered KNp oR copies (lowerdealer price) , 25% Dealer Motp'l N 0 " C all o ur De ale r Sale s Manag er a t (7 14) 751-7433 • 24 Ho u r FAX Ord e r Line (7 14) 751-6685 E-Mail : d eal ers@cycl en www.cyclenews .com C Y CLE NEWS • APRIL 7, 2004 65

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