Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

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Moose Northern California Championship Enduro Series Round 2 : Wild Boar Enduro Brandt Burns his Brand on the Boar By F .H. served as a warm-up for the loop-two opener, with check six at 49.3 miles the start of a long test to check seven , at 64.9 miles. Mer more than 40 minutes of full be rse rk-mode riding, Brandt once again edged out Sperle, 3. 1S2 to 3. 171, making up t he tie- breaker de ficit and putti ng himself in the lead. The two leaders' do minat ion ove r t he rest of the fiel d was evident, with eve n the heroic Bauer unable to stay within a point, his S.273 leading the chase pa ck over the S.29 9 o f Wo od . Ptarcinski cont inued to show himself as a rising star, his S.30S in the thick of the chasers . Sprague also hung in the chase pack, his S.322 in the midst of the fast guys. While all th e lead e rs agr eed t ha t c heck eight was zeroable, no body was able to tu rn the trick, and scores of one and two prevailed. Riders had to exhibit a bit of hustle to zero check nine at the finish, a task the contenders easilyaccomplished. When the final scores were tallied, Brandt's season was off to an excellent start , his 7.]]5 edging out the 7.345 of Sperle for the overall and AA win. The A 2S0cc winner, Baue r, was t he be st of t he rest , his 10 .S08 topping t he 10.S76 of Wood . The II.S98 of A Four-Stroke winner Ptarcinski rounded out the top five. CN LEGHORN NEWlORIA, CA, MAR. 14 A Ite r Brian Sperle's domination of the 2003 r\.Moose Nort hern California Championship Enduro Se ries, t he quest ion o n eve ryone's minds was who was going to finish second at the Wild Boar Enduro, held at the Clear Creek Management Area near Coali nga, California. Everyone, that is, exce pt Jordan Brandt , who showed that his speed is the new gold standard in AHA District 36 Enduro Competition. The scoring got started early, with the first test of the day starting with a check -in located at 3.0 miles . The tight t rails t h roug h t he manzanita to check two at 7.4 miles took the firs t poi nts of th e day, wi th th e KTM 4 S0mounted Spe rle picking up where he left off last year, his 2.1 33 edging out t he 2.147 of Suzuki 2S0 rider Brandt . The 3. 1S8 of fellow Suzuki 2S0 rider Jeff Bauer led the scores of three, followed by Honda-mounted Adam Sprague. The 3.203 of KTM rider Dave Wood rounded out the early leaders. Check three at 26 .0 was buried in a 19mph section, and it caught a few daydreame rs, while check four at 39.3 miles checked riders in to the next test of the day. Brandt gave the first indication that there was a new sheriff in town, his 1.]6 at check five making a dent in his tie-breaker deficit, with Sperle next at 1.41. Wood could sort of see the two leaders, his 1.74 edging out the 1.77 of Bauer to lead the chase rs. Honda rider James Pta rcinski started to make his presenc e felt, his 1.81 the last of the ones. The two first-loop tests, however, merely his first ove rall win in the competitive Supermini class. The Yamaha pilot aced both motos; his closest competition came from fellow yz riders Tyler Schwentker and Travis McClinton. Gubser and Schwentker both got arou nd early leader McClinton and finished one-two, while Bradley Hillman placed third. In moto two, the fast -starting McClinton again got the jump on the field, and this time his lead lasted longe r, but Gubser eventually got around his nemesis and finished at the head of the pack for a I -I sweep. McClinton finished second , but Schwentker got second overall, as his 2-3 placings bettered McClinton's 4-2 tally. Hillman (3-4) and Kyle Lemmo n (7·6) filled out the top five. Horban , th e son o f former AMA Grand Nat ional TT Expert Robert Horban, got a me dio cre st art In the first co mb ined 125cc Pro/Intermediate/Junior contest, but it didn't take long for t he up-and-coming teenager to take co mmand . Nathan Whitlow, one of the two Intennediates in the field of 16 riders , held the point position for several laps before losing out to Horban; Wh itlow got the w o rst of a 64 ClUd C REEK MANAGEMENT AREA NEW IDRIA, CAUFORNIA RESULTS: MARCH 14, 2004 (ROUND 2) A O/k 1.)onIan Bnnd c 2. Brian Sperle : 3. Jeff Bauer, 4. DavKfWood; S. James PtarcinskJ. AA: l, J ordan Br;mdt (Suz); 2. Brian Sperle (KTM); 3, Da vid Wood (KTM). A 0-100: I. Bobby He,...- (KTM): 2. Ryan GouldWead (KTH): l . Craig Simpson (KTM); 4. William Roussel (KTM). A 250: four-way shootout and trailed Horban, Aaron McClinton and Kevin Petrush kin at mot a 's end . Horban quickly jumped out front at the start of moto two, and the Yamaha YZ2S0 F rider remai ned there to the finish. Whitlow wasn't far o ff t he Pro's pa ce, and by virtue o f his second-place finish, he garnered the overall Inte rmediate win. ahead of Matt Wilson . Though Wilson was the top-placing Junior rider in the second contest, amato-one DNF ended his chances of a top placing overa ll. The Juniorclas s w in w e nt Aaron's w ay, fo llowed by Hu sqvarna-mounted Nick Randk lev (3-3 ), Robert Wullbrandt (4-4), Shane Skiles (S-6) and Petrushkin (2-10). Fo rme r minicycle speedster Ryan Huege hasn't raced all that much th is wi nter, bu t it appe ared the 17-year-old from Yamhill , Oregon, hadn't lost much speed. Huege was the fastest rider on the trac k in the combined 250cc Pro/Intermediate con test, even beat ing Horban to the finish in both metes. The oofy ride r In the tw o motos to head Huege w as Yamaha rider Garret Melton . Ho w e ve r, Melton's lead was brief at best , as the Honda- APRIL7, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS I. Jeff Bauer (Suz); 2. Joel Burkett (Yam ); 3. Jerry' Talbot (Yam ) ; 4. Ma tt he w Workman (Suz) ; 5 . Rodney Goehring (Hon) . A OPEN: I. Chris Hansen (KTN) ; 2. Chris Gh lone (H en) : J . Troy Winslow (KTH) : 4. Eric lyIer (Han): S. Adam Achepohl (KTN) . A 4- STRK: I. James Pt ar c inskl (H on); 2. Ro n W igingt on (H o n) ; 3. Brody Borgogno (K T M) ; 1 . Michul Ch ristensen (Hon) ; S. Steven Poor (Hon) . A VET: I. Adam Sprague ( Ho n); 2. Ronald Da y ( Ho n) ; 3. Jas on Edie (Yam) ; 4. Jeff Wilson (Kaw) ; S. Jeff Howard (Yam) . A WMN : I. Heather Wilson (Kaw) ; 2. Michele Eidam (KTM); 1. Barbara Mihovich (KTH). A SR: I . William Blocher (KT N); 2. James Curry (KTH ): 3. Duke Lambert (KTM): 4. Bob Stene (Yam) ; S. Todd W InSlow (KTM). A S/SR: l. Mike Ste rling (Han): 2. J..... o.tem.y (KTM); 3. Hugo Z we u loot (KTM); 4. Peter Prichard (KTM); S . Richa rd Ada n (KTM). A GENT: I. Donald Owe (KTM) ; 2. William Craig (KTM). B C IA: I. Jeff Mendes; 2. Greg Taylor; 3. Tyler Smith; 4. Russell W. Allen; S. Mark Den ney. B 0-200: I. Kevin MihovKh (KTH) . B 150 : I . Russell W. Allen (Ya m); 2. Kelly Purdy (KTH) : 3. Mvk H"" (Ko w): 4. Rkk Roon e y (Ho n) ; S . Wa lt er Lu n n (Yam). B O PEN : I . Jeff Mendes ( KTH) ; 2. Tyle r Sm ith ( KT H ); 3. Jacob t1ahleo' (Han); 4. RDbed Wilson (KTM). 6S (0-8): I. Nolan Beyer (KTM); 2. R.J. Le ach (Suz); 3. Ch ase Sfevens (KTH) . 6S (9·1 I): I. J","n Conn (KTH) : 2. Stee le AngleDa vidson (KTM); 3. Nas h Blaytoc k (KTM). 6$ O P EN : I . Nolan Be,...- (KTM): 2. R.J. Leach (Suz) . 8 S BEG: I. Add_ Tag ue (Yam) ; 2. Kaleb B,asne y (Ha n): 3. Ricky Rogaws ki (Kaw) . 8S (9.1 1): I. SleeIe AngIe-DavKI on (Yam 2. Brod ie s ): Anderson (Yam); 3. Nas h Blaylod<: (Yam) . S5 ( ll·U): I. Dann y Gub se r (Yam ); 2. Tra vis McC lint on (Yam); 3. Tyter Schw entker (Yam). 85 ( 14- 16): I. Allen Yot he r (Kaw) . S/M INI: I. Danny Gub ser (Yam); 2. Tyl r Schwentker (Yam ); e l . Travis McClinton (Yam). 125 BEG: I. C hris Egan (Y am); 2. Thomas Buder (KTM); 3. Brydon Miller (Hon). 115 IR: I. Aaron McOinton (Y am); 2. Nick Randldev (Hus); 3. Robert Wullbnndt (Suz) . 125 INT: I. Nathan Whitlow (Y",,):2. I:ln Macl.Aren (Yam). 125 PR O : I. Mike Horban (Y ). 250 am BEG: I. H o Dahlman (Han) . lS0 J'" I. Kyle""'""' (Hen) : ke 2. Zack Helton (Han); 3. B.-ad Bat"""'" (y",,). 250 INT: I. Ryan Hue ge (Ho n); 2. Gar ret Me lto n (Yam) ; 3. Je re m y Ham~ (Hon ). 250 PRO: I. Mike Horban (YMIl); 2. Devin w,aon (y",,). OPEN AM: I. Jen-ny HdAin (y",,). WMN BEG: I. Alicia ......... (Yam); 2. Debra Andenon (Hen ): 3. Dianne Williams (Yam ). WMN AD V: I. M~ry Radmache r (Hon ); 2. Madd ie Tikon (Kaw); 3. Krysrle May (Y arn). BTH JR: I. Kevin Petrushkin (Y ; 2. Brad Batche lor (Yam 3. am) ); 40th Anniversary Nide Randklev (H"'). BTH IN T: I. Ryan Huege (Han ): 2. Nathan Wh itlow (Yam) . 25+ INT: I. Rick Walling (Yam). 30 + BEG, l. Rondy Joneo (y",,): 2. Za

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