Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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over all. In m o t o o ne , he st arted b ack in t hi r d place, beh in d KTM ·mounted Chris H ei ney, w ho grabbe d t he holeshot. and Yamaha ra cer James M cDani el s, who passed H einey o n th e firs t lap . N o bles also caught H einey and m oved into secon d pl ace , 1004 APPALACHIAN DUAL SPORT TOUR April U but he never caugh t up t o Mc Daniels, who led t he rest o f t he mot o. O n t he second go -aro und , H einey once m ore beat th e class ~ 15 ~ ~ National Dual Sport Series SANCnQN£D to take the holesh ot , with N obles in hot pursuit. N obl es m ade his move o n t he second lap at t h e bo tto m of t he fin ish -l ine jump, cu tting insid e and acce lerat ing th ro ugh t he ne xt tu rn to pass th e leader. As Nobles took off in t he lead, H einey w as again pr essur ed , th is t ime by M cD aniel s, who fo un d a way ar ou nd H ei ney befo re dro pping dow n in to th e " H o r seshoe" to finish t he m o to in sec ond place . M eanw hil e , Kawasak i-mount ed Br andon Munson , bro th e rs and KT M r iders C o ry and C oby Langen feld , and Suzu ki jo ck ey Kento n Greenw ood m ixed it up i n bot h motos , battli ng for fourt h and fift h . D espit e th e challenges. Cory Langenfeld and Gr eenw ood preva iled in bot h m ot os; their con sisten cy earned th em fo urth and fifth overa ll . RESULTS 50 (4-8) OIL-INJ : 1. Nicole Davts (Yam); 2. Zachary Snoke (Yam); 1. Nick Valdel (Y ); ... Jeremiah W illiams (Yam); 5. Harlan WillQms (Hon) . 50 (4· 6) am STK: I. Devan Burley (Cob); 2. WoII..." lungng MyBoyle. (Yom). OPE N BEG, I. Atron i 'Iruxel l (Suz) : 2. Jordan Danio (Yam); 1. Gerald Trujillo (H o n) ; .. . Gregg Hildebrand (Hon) ; S. Levi Wilson (Hon) . OPEN NOV: I. Blake MorTis (Y am); 2. Ra, Doyle (Yom); 3. J""" Word (KT M); • . Anthony!>ew> (Yom); S. MieNe! Krieger (Yam). OPEN A: I. Man Karlsen (Hon); 2. Christopher Watt (Hon ); 1. Travis Bannister (Suz) 4. Ch ris l en tt (Yam); S. Craig lewis (Yam) . OPEN 8 : I . ; Andrew Peterson (Y am); 2. Keith Naegel (Yam); 3. Michael Labbitt (Yam). VET NOV: I . James Svoboda (Hon) : 2. Ashley Boham (Hon ); 1. Tony Miller (Yam): ... Darren QuIT (KTM); S. Joh n Munson (Kaw). VET A: I. Jerry Johnson (Yam). VET B: I. Rich L..angren (Han ); 2. Scott Campbell (Hon ); 1. Aaron Sherman (Yam); .... Christopher Doe rfle r (Hon); 5. Michael Mart in (Hon) . SR NOV: I. luke Nelson (Hon) ; 2. Charles Hage n (Ho n); 1. Derek Brewer (Hon) ; 4 , Marty Booth (Hon) ; S. Donald Winans (Yam). SR A: I. Tom Bro wn e (Hon) ; 2. Steven Wood s (Hon ). SR B: I. Nicholas SU$Co III (Hon); 2. David Brown (Yam); 1. Patrick Boles (Yam); ... Rhon Martin (Ho n); S. Tom Wilson (Yam). S/SR: I. Dwight Catal ano (Yam); 2. Richa rd Oppermann (Ho n); 1. William Ostoff (Yam); -i . John Olmsted (Yam). WHN NOV: I. Rebecca W inans (Suz ); 2 . lauren vctennr (Kaw ); 1. Abbey "lravnice k (Kaw ); .. . Shanno n Susco (Y am); S. Terri Mille r (Yam). WMN A: I. Ashley Boham (Hon ). WHN 8 : I. Anne ll Allen (Hon) ; 2 , Irene Harp (Y am); 1. Amber Mor eland (Kaw ); -i. Mandy Catalano (Y ); 5. TIffany Bennett (Yam) . am ""'' '0 This year's tour takes you through picturesque , private and public grounds near the Daniel Boone National Forest. The course features scenic, winding roads and plenty of fun and challenging trails. You may not find a better place to ride your motorcycle anywhere , and much of the course is used only once a year for this dual-sport ride. So join us for our annual tour through some of Kentucky's finest trails! INlAY JUS 2·Da y Rider. l·Day Rider. 2·Day Passenger. l ·Day Passenger. Frida y: 8:30AM Riders Meeting 9:30AM Last Check-Out 6:00PM La st Ch eck-In 6 :00PM Dinner. FREE to all 2-Day Entrants. (Famil y & Friends welco me for addi tiona l fee) Sund ay: 7·8 :00AM Registration 8:30AM Riders Meet ing - 9:00AM Last Check-Out Con tinge nc y prizes ACCOMOOAt1ONS $90 .00 $45 .00 $50 .00 $25.00 Regist ration at Headquart ers 6·9 PM Satu rday : 7·8 :30AM Registration HlADQUARTlAS _ V*f KOA; (606) 256-2474 Days m (606) 25&J:m EtxnJ Lodge: (606) 25&4621 Co..rWy . - m (606) 25&a&xl _ V*f MoleI (606) 256-2638 : RAClA PRODUCTIONS, Inc Renfro Valley KOA Renfro Valley, KY 1 at Exit 62 ·75 (15 min. South of Berea: 45 min. South of lexington: 2 hrs. N , of Knoxville) Requirements 166 Hamer Run MOtgantown. WV 26508 (304) 284-0084 (304) 284-0081 fax What You Get! • All Riders MUS T be lega lly licensed ; P arenta l consen required for minors. t • All Bikes MUST be $egally licensed for highwa y use in its state of registration. and MUST be equipped with a USF5-approved spark arrestor and muffling system no louder than 98db(A). measured at 0.5 meters . • All bikes will be sound testing by the organiZer. Testing will be discretionarywith the orqanizer- in other words. il it sounds loud . we'JI test It. • Converted off-road com petition machine s may sliD be used provid ed they are prope rty licensed Expect 125 miles the first day and 80 miles the second , with designa ted gas stops along the route . You will be equipped with a route sheet for roll chart mounting. Our group leaders and sweep crew riders will be on hand for assistance if needed . Your entry ind udes 2 full days of dual sport adventure, for street use and comply W the above requirements, ith Saturday night dinner, Poker Run entry , and • All participants MUST be curre nt AMA members. AppficatJons will be avaitabe at Registration. • WE DO NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL INSURAN CE , and we urge you NOT to ride a bike wi tho ut it eligib ility for our great contingency prizes from our sponsors. • No Numbers on Bikes. Sarona Oak. Ra ce w a y Schryver Schreds at Baronal By HOMER EUBANKS RAMONA, CA, MAR, 7 otoc r oss raci ng at Bar on a O aks is always ex ci t ing, and w ith M 3 15 entries showing up fo r t he first race o f the seaso n, it was a good beginning for th e t ra ck' s 3 1st year o f operation, T he 125cc battl es ar e alw ays cl ose , and t his event was no Motorcycle news will never be the samel You can access Cycle News Online anytime, day or night, on the World Wide Web at... j www.cyclen What'. at the leading edge w s v ee m 0' motorcycle new.? Cycle News Onlinel Now you con access instont roce results ond the lotest breaking .tories in !he world 01 motorcycling, with Cycle New.' hame poge on Updated doily, Cycle New. Online provides: the World Wide web. exception . In the 125cc Inte rmediate class, Travis Freistat placed cl CYCLE NEWS • APRIL 7,2004 69

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