Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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third in moto one but was able to keep Danny Hart (2-2) behind him in the following moto, with Tommy McAdams a ve rt close third . Freistat was a th reat in bot h motos of the 12Scc ( 16- 2S) co ntest, but joe Schryver was out front leading t he pack w he n it counted. McAdams was ab le to apply pressure to Schryver throughout both motos . McAdams had e xtra incentive to pressure for the lead , knowing that if he made a mistake , Frelstat, who was close enough to smell his exhaust fumes , would gra b his posit ion . Although serious attempts were made throughout, it was still Schryver, McAdams and Frelstat at the finish . Aust in Eitel took the gate with 24 other 12Scc Novice riders and was able to take home the overall by placing second in both motos. In moto one , a hard-charging Phill p Bruscella too k i the chec kers. In the sec ond moto, Bruscella fought his was up from a m idpac k start to follow Eitel across the finish line in third. Shawn Mohr won moto two, but his fourth-place firstmoto finish dropped him to third overall. Eitel and Mohr met aga in in the 12Scc ( 12- 1S) class, in which Eitel again took the overa ll. Eitel followed Travis Freistat across the finish in moto one but the n came out and took the checkered in moto two, with Mohr (3-2) trailing. Freistat e nded the day in third. The re was a lot of act ion in the 125cc (16-2S) division. The top four riders msembled a runaway train throughout both moto s. The close battle was won by joe Schryver after he placed second in moto one , behind McAdams. In mot a tw o , McAdams dropped the Suzuki in a last-lap pass attempt on Schryver and ended up third , behind Brandon Freistat . McAda ms eamed second overall, with Brandon going 4-2 on the day for third. Brandon late r came out and co ntinued the family winning streak in th e 250cc Novice contest w it h re peat wins , ahead o f Mark Andersen, to earn the overall. Jake Hulcer was third overall. Erika Short rece ived he r int ro duct ion to motoc ross at Baron a Oa ks. Borrowing fro m he r BMX bac kground, Sho rt go t th e fans ' atte ntion by placing second in both motos while riding a CRBS, be hind the 12Scc- mo unted Alycia Holco mb . Janessa Bossard took th ird ove rall. Eric Yorba took ho me two class ove rall honors ah er he won all four motos in the 6Scc Open junio r Cycle and 6Scc (9- 11) junior Cycle classes. Chris Cue ro took repeat seconds in the Open class, and Gerardo Roldan was second in the age group . Austin Ande rsen came ready to race and proved it by taking overalls in both the Pee Wee (0-6) Stock and Modified classes. RESULTS XR50 (0-12): I. Kyle Hurley (Ho n); 2. Shane De La Cruz (Ho n) . P/W (0·8) FIT SHAFT: I. Joey Ro b inso n (Han); 2. Evan Henderwn (Han); 1. Trenten Tumet" (Yam): ... O. vKl Smith J'. (Yam); S. MArlo Schumsky (Hon) . P/W (0-8) Frr SHAFT: I. ""'"'" Iloso (Kaw~ 2. Geo-anlo f'oId,n; 1 Zane Farner ( KTM); .. . Nitro Johnson (KTH ); S. Edd ie Bustin (KTM). 65 O PEN JR CYCLE: I. Eric Yori>o (Kaw) ; 2. Ch ris Cuero (KTM); 1. Geo-anlo f'oId,n; 4. joey Mun Momon (Yam). 250 N OV, I . Ilnndon "",,,to! (Yam); 2. Mrl Andenen (lion); 1. Jake Hukee (Yam); 4. Jonathan Robison (Yam); 5. Michaet Hernandez (5uz) . 15 0 IN T: I. Ne al Degarmo Jr. (Yam). W MN : 1. A1ycia Holcomb (Hon) ; 2. Erika Short (Ha n); 1. Janessa Bossa rd (Hon) ; ... Tiffany Neville (Hon ); S. Stephanie Lorcook (SUl) . 30 + BEG VET: I. L1nc.e Walket'" (Yam); 2. Paul Bur"khimer (SU1). 30 + NOV VET: I. C hris Tibbetts (Kaw). 30 + INT VET: I . Wiltie Surra tt (KTM); 2. Giovanni Spinali (Hen): 1. Mark Wad lingt o n (Yam) ; 4. Gr eg Pierce (Yam) . -4 0+ BEG VET: I. Javie r Mainar (Hon); 2. Art Garay (SU 1). 4 0+ N OV V ET: I. larry Butle r (Y . 40 + INT am) VET: I. Ken Lurco o k (SUI); 2. T.C . Brine gar (Ho n); 3. RadoIfoCastaneda Jr. (Yam); 4. Ron Howeft (Yam) OP EN : I. . Krls Arm bri ster (SU1); 2. B.-ando n Gan.y (KTM); 3. Mark Young (lion); 4. Rkk Swme a (5u» . Mut ant Motorsports/CMA Pa cific Coa st Series North Round ,: Hollister Hills GP Trock Duppong Does Nothing Wrong at Pacific Coast Opener By RANDY HElM HOUISTER, CA, MAR. 7 Third in the 125cc class went to Brandon Jones, on a KX, and Billy jure vich took th ird in the 2S0cc class on a Honda . eather plays a huge part in the Northern RESULTS California racing scene this time of year, and the Pacific Coast Series was not immune . SO BEG , I. <;0...., Lyman (KTM); 2. Jnn Om e n (Pel) ; 3. Ilnndon ClvistOffenon (KTM); 4. Michael Kutchen (KTM); Hollister became the opening round aher rain 5. Brian Thommes (KTM). 50 N OV: I. Romey Mir-amontes prevented racing the wee k before at Carneg ie. (Pel). 50 INT, I. c.J johnson (Pel); 2. T.."" 8ub Slemen (Kaw ). 60 BEG (9 -11) : I. Blajne c..n (5u» ; 2. S..... Benson (5u, ); 1. YZI2S . Duppo ng proved his prowess by taking Mason Ze igler (Suz); .. . Steven Cancilla (Kaw); 5. Chance both moto wins in the first division of Novices. MMy Knudson (KTM); 1. C~yton Cone, (KTM); and Duppong was third . Duarte held his own 4. Blaine Craft ($01); S. Joshua Greco (KTH ). 80 BEG: I. up fro nt while Milazzo ran into trou ble and Cody Kingsto n (SU1); 2. Cody Band inl (Yam) ; 1. Dominic Pironoli (Hon); 4. Eric Nelson (Hon) ; S. Mark Bntden(Yam). en ded his race on lap th ree. Duppong kep t BO NO V: I. Shown M"'j>hy (Yam); 2. Michael ""'" (Su, ); 3. Duarte in his sights and made his move on the Lany Quintana (Hon ); .. . Stephen Tarpley (Suz); S. Mario Bonl...", (Y . 80 INT, I. Ricky ......" (Yam); 2. )ames am) fourth lap to take the lead away f,om Duarte. Velasco (Ho n) . 80 (5·11): I. zadcary Knudson (Yam 2. ): Duppong put som e distan ce between himself Brock Fouom (Kaw) , 1. Ryon Mu'J'hy (Yam). 80 (12 -16) : I. Ricky Rinauro (Yam); 2. James Velasco (Ha n) ; 1. Shawn and Duarte and won the moto with some room Murphy (Yam); .. . Michael PMks (SUI ): S. Mario Bonfante to spare . Duarte took seco nd. and Colin Clay (Yam). S/M INI : I . James Vebsco (Hon); 2. Michael Parks finished third on a Honda. (Suz); 3. Donny Velasco (Kaw) ; .. . Shawn Murphy (Yam S. ); Ricky Rinauro (Yam). 12 5 BEG 0 - 1: I. Brandon Fiorito Mo t a two w as not as much wo r k for (Hon ); 2. Brion Duke (5u, ); 3. Cameron eame.. (Hon) ; 4. Duppong, wit h the he lp of a great start . Duppong led the wh ole moto from wire to w ire . Brent Maggi from Santa Clara transferred into the first division after his first-moto finish in Division Two. Maggi kept pace with Duppong and was there to cap italize o n any mistakes that Duppong might make ; unfortunate ly for Maggi, Duppong was up to the challenge and ran st rong the w hol e mo ta . Maggi ke pt his Suzu ki on two wheels to finish second. Third to finish was Elliot Files, who was rid ing bl ue . Duppo ng was the overall w inner w ith I - I fin ishes. wh ile Brent Maggi landed second with his 1-2 scores . Th ird for th e d ay was Colin Clay, who rode consistently with 3·5 finishes. Adam Miller was the big winner in the Pro classes, taking wins in the 12Scc and 250 cc contests. Miller put together four perfect motos on his way to dominating the weekend. jeff Pestana also rode well Josh Duppong flew to the w in and placed second in both classes. While in the competitive 12scc Novice class at th e opening round of the Pacif ic Coast Mille r switched brands between classes. Se rie s North. Pestan a was a Honda rider in all his motos. W APRil 7, 2004 • CYCLE N EWS 40t h A nni v ersa r y Christopher Neher (Yam); 5. Troy Mumm (Yam). 125 BEG 0 -2, I. All,"" GonuJes(lion); 2. Bnndon Siebenlw>, (Yam); 3. Daniel Segate (KTM) ; .. . Jo hn Vierra (Hon); S. C od y Band,,; (KTM). 125 NOV 0 -1: I. josh Duppong (Yam); 2. Brent MaggI (Suz ); 1. Co hn Clay (Han ); 4. Eniott Files (Yam); S. Jonat han With row (Ya m) . 115 N OV 0 · 2 : I. Cl ay Panersco (lion); 2. a.... Myen (Yam); 1. Rkh Lee (K.ow); 4. Yobie jaVkl> (Hon ); 3. G' eg Kannann (Yam); 4. Auggie Rodrigue, (Hon ); S. Denn's Staple ton (Hon) . Racing Performance Services CMRA End ura nce Cha mpio ns hip Series Round , : Texas World Speedway Vinyl has the Edge By SHAN MOORE COLLEGE STATION, TX, MAR. 13 efe nd ing CMRA Endurance Champions Vinyl Edge Racing too k a wire-to-wire win at the open ing rou nd of the RacingPerformance Services CMRA Endu ran ce Champions hip Series, prese nted by Shogun Moto rsports and held at Texas World Speedway in College Stat ion . Northwest Honda Racing tu rned in an e rror-free race to claim second place, while Vii· lage Idiots got off to a much bette r start than they did last year. despite having tire prob lems early, and finished third overall and top Middleweight Superb ike. With the win, Vinyl Edge Racing claimed a majority share of the $7S0 purse and established themselves as the team to beat in 2004. The race, which was cut short due to four red flags. was a highly anticipated e vent on t he CMRA schedule , with S2 endura nce teams filling the gr id. The four stops , all for falle n riders , effect ively tumed the fIVe-hour endurance event into thr ee long sprint races . Vinyl Edge Racing's jo e Pruss iano , on t he Honda CBR9S4RR. jumped immediately to the front at the start. Ahe r start ing way back on the eighth row. Bradley Champion , on the Robinson Partners Honda CBR600RR. moved into second in tu rn three. Ben Thompson of Short 8us Racing held third spot on a Yamaha YZF-R6, while Village Idiots, with Chris Hedley aboard a Yamaha YZF-R6, was fourth, and Go,don Miller , on t he Northwest Racing CBR9S4RR, was fifth. As the race progressed , Prussiano steadily gapped the field, and at the 40-minute mark he had pulled a 20-second lead whe n the first red D

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