Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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CMA!Clawson Motorsports United Way Benefit Race Made ra Fairgrounds Mid-America Arenacross Series Round 3: John Arnold Arena True Colors Some Snow-Melting Performances BY EDDIE GRAVELINE ~DERA,CA,DEC. 13 if something so unds too good to be true, it probably is. And that usually see ms to be th e case - or at least it did until th is event was organized by t he Cal iforn ia t is ofte n said that I Motorcycle Association and C lawson Motor- sports. The dom inant promoter an d po wersports dealership in central Californ ia put th eir heads together and found a great way to give back to the co mmunity, get local motocross ers involved , and have a great time all at once. T he format was a "fre e race" held at the Madera Fairground s. Any one wh o wanted t o RESULTS 50 FIT: I. Randy Herman (Hon). 50 (5-6): I. Callion ; McHaney (Cob); 2. Hunter Quallie (Yam) 3. Chance Souza (KTM); 4. Brianne James (Po~. 50 (7 -8): I. Tyler Hjortland (KT M); 2. Jack Hamilt on (KT M); J . Chase McC ullough (KTM); 4. Ch ris Beltran (KT M). 50 OPEN: I. Jose ph Reynolds (KTM); 2. Tyler Hlcrtjand (KTM); J. Jack Hamilton (KTM); 4. Callion McHaney (Cob); 5. Hunter Quallie (Y am). 50 ADULT: I. Robert Alquist (Hon); 2. Brad Ely; J . Gary Lockhart (Hon). 65 (5-8): I. Zach Leach (Suz); 2. Dalton Spjut (KTM); J . Brianne James (Kaw); 4. Tommy Stevens (Kaw). 65 (9- 11): I. Justin Jones (Kaw); 2. Bruce Mau (Sut) . 65 NOV: I. Jose ph Reynolds (KTM); 2. Just in Brown (Kaw); 3. Javier Tob ar (KTM); 4 . Christian Marmolejo (SUt ); 5. Landon Sullivan (KTM). 65 INT: I. Kyle Tigert (KTM). 65 X: I. KyleTigert (KTM); 2. Jose ph Reynolds (KTM); J. Javier Tobar (KTM); 4. Za ch Leach (SU ); 5. Just in Jones (Kaw). t OSB : I. Jason Schoett ler (Hen ); 2. Shanne Pott er (Yam 85 ). BEG: I. Core y Farnsworth (Hon); 2. Jake Hjortland (Yam 3. ); Travis Mullins (Hon): 4. Jordan McCullough (SUt) ; S. Mike Basile(Y am). 85 NOV: I. Kyle Tigert (Yam 2. Brian AlqUist ); am); 4. Greg Grouleff (Yam 85 INT: ). (Y am): J . Jackie Ives (Y I. Dust in Pipes (He n): 2. Landon Currier (Yam); J . Alec Watts (Sut) . 85 B/W : I. Kody Mele ndret (SUt) ; 2. Noel Melendrez.(Sut) . S/M INI: I. Dustin Pipes (Hon); 2. Landon Currier (Yam 3. Alec Watts (SU 4. Mike Basile (Yam 115 ); t); ). YTH: I. Mike Alessi (Hon); 2. Casey Hinson (SUt ); 3. Jeff Alessi (Hon); 4. Chris Pott er (Hon); S. Michael Dunnagan (Yam). 115 BEG : I. Richar d Har mon (SUt ); 2. Jordan ; ); Witrado (Y am): J . Jackie Ives (Yam) 4. Humber Flores (Yam S. Mi hael Emerson (Yam 115 NOV: I. Les Saito (Hen): 2. c ). Ryan Lee be lt (Y am); 3. Kevin Wells (Hon); 4. Chris Potter (Hon); 5. Michael Dunnagan (Y am). 115 INT: I. Mike Alessi (Hon); 2. Casey Hinson (Sut) ; J . Jeff Alessi (Hon); 4. Chase Peter (Y am); 5. Brandon Gill s (SUt) . 115 PRO : I. Buffalo e . Saito {Hen ]: 2. Jess Med ley (Hon); J . Josh Cox (Yam) 150 BEG: I. Keith Rhodes (Kaw); 2. Jord an Witra do (Ya m); J. Chr is Steve ns (Y am); 4. Jeff Sanders (Hon); 5. Mike Basile (Hon). 150 NOV: I. Les Saito (Han) ; 2. Craig Ranells (Hon); J. Ethan Flore s (Kaw); 4. Tanner Bean (Hon); 5. Dan Jones (Kaw). 150 INT: I. Mike Alessi (Hon); 2. Jeff Alessi (Han); J . Steven Bate s (SU t ); 4. Jay Leduc (Hon); 5. Brandon Gilles am); (SU ). 250 PRO : I. BuffaloSaito (Hon); 2. Josh Cox (Y t J . Matt Gaines (Han ); 4. Jess Medley (Hen) . 25 -29 NOV: I. Eddie G rave line (Hon); 2. Gary Lockha rt (Hon). 15 -19 IN T/EX: I. Anthony Mancha (Ho n). VET BEG : I. Jeff Sanders (Hon); 2. Chris Stevens (Y am); J . Robert Carranza (Hon). VET NOV: I. Ken Krucki (Hon); 2. Dan Jones (Kaw); J. Rick Steiner (Hon); 4. Jason McCullough (Yam 5. Michael ); Dunnagan (Y am). VET IN T: I. Craig Ranells (Hon). orr NOV : I. C raig Heredia (Yam); 2. Chu ck Sheets (Yam); J . David Orth (Yam ). INT: I. Craig Ranells (Hon); 2. Greg t) Douglas (Yam J . Willie Duit (SU . SPTSMN X: I. Mike ); Alessi (Hon); 2. Jeff Alessi (Ha n); 3. Craig Ranells (Hon); 4. Nathan Broc k (Yam); S. Rick Steiner (Hon). DFC: I. Josh o Cox (Yam 2. Matt Gaines (Hon); J . Buffal Saito (Hon); 4. ); Jess Medley (Hon). race was given thei r first class fre e of charge. The only thing the rac ers had to do w as donate some canned food . a coat, or some money to bu y ch ild ren 's s hoes . Ra c e r s got t o d o somethi ng they e njoy e d w h ile ma king a contri bution they could fee l good about. By the e nd of t he day, se veral hundred doll ars had be e n dona te d , and dozens o f coats and hundreds of pounds of food we re all piled up, re ady to make Christmas a little brighter for so me of those who are less fo rt unate. Madera's own Jess Med ley had a gr e at show ing in the 12scc Pro class. The "Med Fly" got an awesome start in the first mota and went wire to w ire for the wi n. Josh Co x and Buffalo Sa ito went back and for t h trying to supp lant the leader, but Medley was up to the task . Co x settled for second , followed by Saito. In t he se c on d mo t a , Sa it o proved that racing hard until the end is wo rt h it every time . He won t he race and the ove ra ll, a boa rd a Clawson Motorsports CRF2s0R. The 25 0cc Pro cla ss fe a tu re d the same players. Th is time , Cox stru ck first. Once again, O rr though, Saito kept at it, won the final mota and took the ove rall win w ith a 2- 1 showing. T he high- pay ing D a sh Fo r C a sh eve nt brought o ut so me goo d Pro riders. who gave everythi ng they had in pursuit of a little e xtra Ch ri st mas money. Hondamounted Matt Gaines got off to a goo d start, but Co x even tua lly too k the lead and st aye d t he re unt il th e checkers came out and too k home the lion's share of the purse. Made ra nati ve Casey Hin so n was trying valiantly to defend his home track fro m the advances of broth e rs Mike and Jeff Alessi. Their first meeting came in the 125cc You th cla ss , whe re o lde r brother Mike was lightning-quic k on the techn ical track. Hinso n ran a good pace in bot h rnotos , splitting t he broth e r act w it h a 2- 2 sh ow ing. Je ff finish ed th ird ove ra ll in o ne o f his fir st on- t rack appearances after injuring his back at the U.S. O pen . Hin son was lo o king t o d o so me damage in the 125cc Inte rm ediate class, but a prob lem during th e sta rt of th e first mota dashed his hop e s. He had to play catch -up t he entire mo ta and finished third, beh ind Mike and Jeff. He Matt Gaines was one of the Pros on gate d better in t he seco nd mo to and ran hand ready to battle for the Dash For Cash money at the CMA!Clawson a pace very close to that of Mike, who Motorsports United Way Benefit Race eventually wo n th e race and the class in Madera, California. overall. 58 JANUARY 21, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS BY DOTTIE BOWLES STURGIS, KY, DEC. 13 n spite of stead ily falling snow and tempe rature s, se veral racers turned in some snowme lti ng perfo r ma nces in var ious classes at rou nd t hree of t he N ld-Ame rica Arenacross Series in Sturgis, Kentuc ky. In t he 12scc B class , Russe ll Be ll, Co lby Bowles, Dennis Cric k, Justin Sipes and 10 other race addicts mixed it up for two heat races and a main eve nt. In heat one , Crick, Bow les and Bell blasted ou t of the gate with a fever! Cric k and Bowles made the turn footpeg to foot peg, with Bell slightly outsi de . Bowles took the lead as they headed tow a rd t he whoop se ct io n . These three ra cers ba ttl e d t o hold t he ir pos itions until t he checke rs , with Bowle s in front , Crick following and Bell locking up third . Sipes claimed t he holeshc t. the e arly lead, and the win in the second heat. The 125cc B main event was a face -o ff of ta lent . When the gate dropped , it looked like the w hole field was go ing to get the holes hot! Sipe s made t he turn first , w ith Cr ick. Bowles an d a w ho le assortment of bikes and riders close behind, Sipe s o pe ne d up a clean le ad , while Bowles and Crick were battling traffic for the position beh ind him. Be ll was maneuvering for a front position but we nt down; he re turned to the race , and it looked like he was going to get back closer to t he fro nt when he went dow n again in a tu r n. Whe n t he chec ke rs waved, Sipes was th e Vict o r. Bowl es w a s second, and Cr ick was third . The Schoo lboy class put Bowles, Crick and Sipes back toge ther again , with some added sp ice from Austin We lls and Ada m Gu lley . Bo wl e s and Cri ck ran the first heat , wi th Bowles picking up the w in and Cr ick in second. Heat two served up ano ther win for Sipes. Bowles nailed the holes hot and the lead for t he School boy main e ve nt. Sipes worked his t;; way th rough traffic and was soon in second . For Z half the laps, Bowles he ld the lead, with Sipes ui (/) w hammering right be hind; at a couple of points, a: they were side by side . Sipes would nose out in Q. I f? O Rodney Farris Memoria l Indoor Race front, but then Bow les would accelera te and retain th e lead. As both racers launched for the big jump , they loo ked like airb orne con joined tw ins. Bowles was in fro nt w he n they made the land ing, but Sipes made the pas s out of th e turn . Sipe s picked up th e w in, wit h Bowl es finishing second. Meanwhile , Wells, Gulley and Cric k cond ucted their own battle be hind t he front-ru nne rs, fin ishing in t hos e posit ion s overall . Will Hawkins was all wound up in the 85cc (7-11) class. picking up the win in bot h the heat and t he main event. That old adage about the inclement weather not sto pping the po stman must be true about racers as we ll. The approximately 350 racers at Sturgis didn't seem to mind a little bad weather, as long as the y could get to the gate and race! RESULTS 50 O IL-INJ: I. Laur e n Davis; 2. Zachary Hall: 3. Chandler Stumler. 50 (4-6): I. Timmy Miller; 2. Bink Lewis; J . Chandler Stumler ; 4. Clayton Gregor ; 5. Trevor Nev. SO (4·8): I. Joshua Cartwright; 2. Bailey Cox ; 3. Earl Age; 4. Richard Tur ne r; S. Devin Gaddy . SO OPEN : I. Jo shua Cartwright; 2. Richard Turner; J. Bailey Cox; 4. Devin Gaddy; S. Jare d Miller. SO XC (4- 8) : I. Just in Knight; 2. Jake Daugherty; 3. Trent Wilcox; 4. Paxton Croft; 5. Josh Walker. 65 ( 7- 9) : I. Jace Owe n; 2. Jus tin Bro ckman ; 3. Blake Kennegarbe : 4. Cody Ray; S. Dill n Tichenor. 6S (7-11): I. o [a ce O wen ; 2. Ryan Pate ; J . Logan Matt ingly; 4. Blaze Stumle r; 5. Eric Black. 65 OPEN : I. Logan Matt ingly; 2. Nicholas Heady: J. Ryan Pate; 4. Christian Watson: 5. Cody Ray. 85 BEG: I. Matt hew Tucker; 2. Stephen Cedi; J. Reese Grogan; 4. Cory Pierce; S. Jonathan Dowdy. 85 (7.11) : I. Will Hawkins; 2. Joey Cr ain; J . Cam e ro n Reas; 4. Blaze Stumler; S. Christopher White. 85 ( 12-15): I. Dennis Crick; 2. Aaron Gulley; J. Adam Gulley; 4. Justin Peyton: S. Ande Wat kins . S/MI N I: I. Adam Gulley; 2. Aaron Gulley; 3. Dennis Crick; 4. Cody Reas: S. Justin Peyton. SCHBY: I. Just in Sipes ; 2. Colb y Bowles; 3. Aust in We lls; 4. Adam Gulley; S. Dennis Crick. 115 BEG: L Neil 8org ic; 2. Shawn Roberts; 3. Ross Urt er; 4. Ray Le inicke ; 5. Que ntin Riley. 115 C: I. Clint Fryberger ; 2. Heath Wink: 3. Paul Age; 4. Aaron Teague; S. Jarod Giloman. 125 B: I. Justin Sipes; 2. Colby Bowles ; J . De nnis C rick; 4. Brock Evans; S. Austin Wells. 150 BEG: I. Kevin McReynolds; 2. Kyle Henton; J . Philip Hutchinson; 4. Shane Stadge; 5. Trevor Jones. 250 C: I. Larry Pope; 2. J.W McDow ell; J . Marc Prusaczyk; 4. Adam Thompson; 5. John Davis Jr. 150 B: I. Wes Lawrance ; 2. Joshua Q ualls; 3. Russell Bell; 4. Tyler Dusch; S. Kent Gross. WMN : I. Brianna Maho n; 2. Doni Schmitzer; J . Ken Dunbar; 4. Emily Sterling; 5. Bar bie Woo druff. 16·24 : I. Daniel Haydon; 2. Just in Fortner ; 3. Wes Lawr ance ; 4 . Brandon Mill r; 5. Steve Banet. 15 + : I. J. Reas; 2. Adam Thompson; e J. Kevin Phelps: 4. Jason Helm; 5. Justin Smith. 30 + : I. J. Reas: 2. Ke ith Allen . 40 + : I. Brad Samp les ; 2. Donnie Dunbar; 3. Gerald Harrison; 4. Mike Manley. ~ Race 2: Maryland State Fairgrounds Cow Pa lace ;: ~ . Varnes Streaks to Repeat Win :J w ~ By LEN BREECH a: TIMONIUM, MD, DEC. 13 o w is T aking advantage of a re sta rt that had half of o the fron t row of the 450cc Pro class startw >- ing fro m t he t hird line , Mike Varnes put his '" § I Q. White's Harl ey Davidson/ Ray's Yamaha-sponsore d Yamaha in fron t of Ken Yoder to repeat his w in of th e night before . It was the second and middle event of the Baltimore Co unty Trail Riders and Cockeysville Optimist Club's 27th annual Rodney Farris Mem orial Indo or shcrtt rac k se r ie s . Also re pe ati ng the ir pre viou s evening's wins were Tom Majeski (in the 250cc class), Shayna Texte r (in the Women's final) and Matt Langre hr (in the 6ss). On t he abort ed start , Varnes took the lead bef o re Ja ke Johns on , Ra un Woo d an d Pau l Lynch tried t o o cc upy the same sp ot in the 40 t h Anniversary fo urt h turn. O n the official start, Varnes easily led Yoder, Woo d (co m ing fro m t he pe nalt y line), Bryan Do uglas and Johnson. By halfway, Johnson had worked his way up to third and started to pressure Yoder, wh ile Wood and Lynch bat t le d fo r fou rt h. Wit hin a few laps , Joh nson fe ll. while the Wood /Lynch batt le put Wood o n the co ncrete again. Majeski was again first ou t of t urn two in the 2s 0cc final, wit h Paul Allison, Rich Mellinger and Corey Ha rm e s fight ing fo r second . Maje ski pulled a disappearing act o n th e Moro ney' s Honda, while Dillon Cava moved into fourth on lap 10. Secon d thr o ugh fo urt h ran th e remaini ng laps tire to tire. Wh ile t he Pro a nd 250cc classes were re peats, the 125c c and 4 50cc clas ses were wide-open affairs . Au stin Gree nland put his