Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Greenl and and So n Masonry/ Bel-Ray Oi ls/ Mother 's Polishes -sponsored KTM in fro nt of Jo rdan Harr is, Shawn Roth ste in, Nick He nderso n and Joe y Parks. On lap five, Parks fell; the o thers stayed ve ry close . Greenland pulled o ne to tw o length s in front as the race wo re o n. W ith thre e laps to go , Rot hstein t rie d to get under H arr is but fell. letting H enderson slip int o second. Ace Phillips gra bbed the 450cc le ad from Doug Reinert , Rob Smith and Mark Burkho lder. Smith nudged his way past Reinert en tering the first tu rn on lap four. T he or der remaine d the same unt il the end , with Phillips keeping a safe distance from Smith . It appeared Brett Pugh w o uld repeat his previous evening 's w in in the 8Sec class. as he took the lead fro m Brian Mye r s, Frank Valentin and Evan Baer. As Pugh started to pull awa y to almost a half-lap advantage. Baer sliced his w ay into second by lap six. Margins remained stable unti l Pugh slid do wn w it h less than th ree laps left . Baer got by fo r t he w in , w hile Pu gh d ro ppe d to fifth before he got going again. Brian Doug las gra bbe d t he XRI00 lead from Chris Carr and Dale Verzi on his way to a half- lap margin of victory. Dalto n Blettner passed Ter ry Spence o n the ou tside on lap six for the 50cc O il-Injected w in. Bailey Spence eas ily wo n the 50cc (4-8 ) cla ss. Maje ski won t he 50cc Adu lt event afte r joh nson kept forge tt ing how far his toy wou ld le an and fe ll t hr e e times , dropping to fifth. R ESULTS so OI L.I NJ: I. Dalton Blertner (KTM); 2. Terry Spe nce (KTM); 3. Bradley McKim (Yam); 4. Ryan Varnes (Yam); 5. No ah Masta (KTM). SO (4-8): I. Bailey Spence (Le m); 2. Joe Schmidt (Le m); 3. Jeremiah Snow (Lem); 4. Buddy Th ie ss (Co b); S. Kyle McKim (Le m). 50 AD ULT: I. To m Majeski (Hon); 2. Jay Rassa (Ho n); 3. Casey Weik le (Hon ); 4. Jake Johnson (Hon); 5. Jeff We ikle (Ha n). 6 5: I. Matt Langrehr (Kaw); 2. Kyle Schlimme (Kaw); 3. Colin Webb (Kaw); 4. Dan Brom le y (Suz); 5. Joseph Masta (!<.aw). 8 5 (7 - 15): I. Evan Bae r (Yam); 2. Brian Myeno(Han); 3. Frank Valentine (Suz); 4. C hr is MacC ar ty (Yam); 5. Brett Pugh (Yam) . XR I00 : I. Bryan Do uglas (Ha n); 2. C hr is Car r (Han); 3. Dale Verzi (Han); 4. Jason Ise nnoc k (Ha n); 5. Scott Saunders (Ho n). 125 : I. Austin Gree nland (KTM); 2. Nick He nde rson (Ha n); 3. Jordan Harris (Yam); 4. Joh n Henderson (Hon ); 5. Shawn Rothstei n (Hon). 250 : I. Tom Majeski (Hon ); 2. Paul Allison (Han); 3 . Rich Mellinge r (Yam); 4. Di llo n Cava (Yam ); 5 . David Reeve s (Ho n). 45 0: I . Ace Phillips (Hon ); 2. Ro b Smith (Bul); 3. Mark Burkh o lder (But): 4. Scott Saunde rs (SU2); 5. Do ug Reine rt (KTM). 450 PRO: I. Mike Varnes (Yam); 2. Ken Yod er (Yam); 3. Paul Lynch (Ha n); 4. Bryan Do uglas (Ho n); S. Jake Johnson (Ha n). W MN : I. Shayna Texter (Ho n); 2. Kara Do uglas (Ha n); 3. Nico le Henderson (Hon); 4. N icole Mester (He n): 5. Heather Alexander (Ho n). SJ O Productio ns Sup e rcross DeltaPlex Woodring Afirel By BART NEWMAN GRAND RAPIDS, MI, DEC. 13 T he second night of Supercross action inside Grand Rapids, Michigan's Deltaslex proved to be another great show. Randy Wood ring was on fire , w inning bo th the 125cc and 250cc Pro m a in s , t o p p ing all co m ba ta nts aboar d his Kawasakis . When the gat e dropped for the I25cc Pro ma in, Michael Cole got t he holeshot, lead ing Wo odring, Mike Me rce r, Dan ny Becke t t an d jo hn Gr ewe th ro ugh tu rn one. A great drive o ut o f t he t urn after the w hoo ps gave Co le the co nfiden ce to leap the Cata pult jump , o pe ning up a five-second lead. Th ose behind him were all look ing to improve their posit ions; the first o ne t o d o so w a s Jake Ma r sa ck , who w a s q uickly making up fo r lost time , passing Beckett in the whoops to take over fifth, behind Co le , Woodring, Grewe and Mercer. Co le was riding great, bu t Woodring had so meth ing bes ides second on his mind. As the halfwa y sign came o ut , Wood ring was pa rke d on Cole's fen de r, and he grab be d the inside line to take th e lea d . Th e n Woo d ring sm oothed ou t and made th e last five laps his fastest. Co le looked solid but co uldn't run with Woo dr ing and place d second . The batt le for third was wide o pen after Beckett and Grewe bump ed , o pe ning t he doo r fo r Marsac k and Me r cer. Mars ac k was o n t he move in t he w hoops with two laps to go , displacing Merce r. At the checke re d flag, it was Woodr ing, Cole and Marsack . Mer cer held o n to fourt h. " I want to t ha nk Tasse ll Racing, Sleds & Tred s, Stud Boy. Z MX and MC R Suspension," Woodring to ld the crow d. "T hey gave me the speed to w in tonight." In the 250cc Pro ma in, Woodring grabb ed th e biggest share of the purse . Woodri ng too k the inside sta rting gate and got a great jum p off th e line to pull the holes hot , w ith Marsack and Tommy Barro n pushing hard to close th e gap. Wood ring w as o n a mission ; blazingly fast , he es tablished the lead, using the o pe n track ahea d of him to his advantage . Marsack and Barro n w ent at it tooth and nail, tra di ng pai nt a nd pos itio ns, giving Woodring more br e at hing room with every lap. Gr ewe and Dere k Rose batt led over fo urt h. Wit h the tw o -lap board out. it was go ing to take a lar ge miscu e on Woodring's part fo r either Bar ron or Marsack to o vertake him. That miscue never happe ned , and Woodring rod e away with his secon d maineve nt w in of the night . Barron held his gro und against Marsack, and the two ro unded o ut the pod ium. " I fel t really goo d out t here t on ig ht, " Woodring sai d o n th e po d ium . "T hese SJO Prod uct ion even ts are a blast , and I already have th e Mar ch 5 and 6 Battl e C re e k even t marke d on the calenda r." Runner-u p finishe r Barr on is pr epar ing fo r the AMA Supercross Ser ies. "I just hooked up with Team ," Barron sa id, "an d w ill be rid ing a ll t he AMA Supercross rou nds in the 250cc class, aboa rd a Nicholson's CRF450R Hond a." RESULTS 50 BEG (4- 6): I. Ethan Cooper (Yam); 2. Parker Folke r (Y ); 3. Kameron Shyre (Yam); 4. Darian Dixo n (Yam); S. am Co llin Whitfie ld (Yam). 50 BEG (7 -8): I. Asa Vande rmol en (Yam); 2. Tyler Hage (Hon ); 3. CaitinA/viar (Hon) ; 4. Bradley Gillma n (Ya m): S. Kraig Kna pp (Ho n). 50 JR: I. Eth an Coo per (KTM); 2. Ryan Tolsma (KTM); 3. Thom as Hatfield (KT M); 4. Mc Ke nz ie Edw a rds (KT M); 5. As hton Ha yes (KTM). 50 (1 -8) SR: I. Dilli n Finley (KTM); 2. Jared Bake r o (KTM); 3. Christophe r Prebul a (KTM); 4. Matt Callan (Co b); S. Jarr ed Williams (KTM). 50 SPT: I. Ethan Cooper (KTM); 2. Kameron Shine (KTM); 3. Ashton Haye s (KTM); 4. Kyl e Wend t (KTM); S. Thomas Hatfield (KTM). 65 (1- 11) AD V: I. Codie Bylsma (KTM); 2. Do ugie Moline (KTM); 3. Taylor Brockhouse ( KT M); 4 . Bro d y Gou ld ( KT M); 5. Steven Bawling (Kaw). 85 BEG: I. Jo hn Tassell (Kaw); 2. Shawn De Jange (Yam) ; 3. Cam T hom pson (Kaw); 4. Matt Wy man (Kaw); 5. Brad ley Oswal t (Hen ). 85 (7 - 11) BEG : I. Casey Hirdes (Y ); 2. Con nor Lea ry (Yam); 3. Doug Finley (Suz); am 4 . Brand on TerM ee r (Yam ) ; S. Chad Sta m ps (Suz) . 8 5 ( 12- 15): I. Brad Kieste r (Kaw); 2. Andy Myers (KTM); 3. David Merri ll (Hon ); 4. Andre w Riley (Kaw): S. Kirk Kooie nga (Y . 125 )R, I. KyleGI= (Hoo p . Jo.-d," Howley (Yam): am) 3. Josh Labretto (Yam); 4. Shane Larsen (Yam); 5 . Jo rd an Emede (Kaw). 125 PRO : I. Randy Woodri ng (Kaw); 2. Mike Co le (Hon ): 3. Jake Man;ack (Hon); 4. Mike Merc er (Suz); 5. Ryan Wh ite (Suz) . 125 B: I. Kyle Glas s (He n) : 2. Kyle Vanderwager (Suz); 3. Jason Qu inn (!<.aw); 4. Jo sh Labretto (Y am); 5. Shane Larse n (Yam). 115 C: I. Jo sh Medley (Yam); 2. Derrick McCo rd (Ha n); 3. Jame s O uzts (Yam); 4. Chad Messer (Yam); 5. Dan Deyman (Hen) . 250 PRO: I. Randy Woodring (Kaw); 2. To mmy Barron (Hon) ; 3. Mike Me rcer (Suz); 4. John Grewe (Hon) ; 5. Derek Rose (Hon). 250 B: I. Kyle Glass (Han ) ; 2. josh G up pe n (Ya m) ; 3 . Da v id Oosterhout (Ho n); 4. David Walters (Yam); 5. Shawn Sacitt (Y am). 250 C: I. Dan White (Yam); 2. Brian O rtego (Hen ); 3. Scott Je nse n (Suz) ; 4 . C had Le o nard (Yam); 5 . Ch ris Williams (Suz). WM N (4-11) : I. Brittan y Sharp (Yam); 2. La r a Dah lke (Kaw ); 3. Che lsie Kr uge r (Kaw ) ; 4. Ci era Vasque z (Suz); S. Rachae l To lsma (!<.aw). T RL (7~ 1 1): I. Je rry Stoken (Ha n); 2. Brittany Sharp (Ha n): 3. Trent Clark (Y ); 4. Ty Ralston (Yam); S. Kyle Hansen (Hon) . 16-24: I. am Ja me s Blain (He n): 2. Da vid Oosterhout (Han); 3 . jo sh Gr u p pe n (Yam); 4 . Jaso n Q uinn (Kaw) ; S. Ryan jamison (Yam). D C L: I. Joe l Sluis (Suz); 2. Just in Le wis (Yam); 3. Jas on Le w is (Suz); 4 . Da vid Van Gu ilder (Suz ); S. Matt Kammers (Yam). Cla rk County Arenacross Scra m b les Day of the Minis By JUSTIN WHARTON BATTLEGROUND, WA, DEC. 13 n this day, the mos t excitement was cen tered around the Mini classes , w he re you neve r know w ho will win. The 65cc Beginner cla ss disp laye d some exceptiona l racing, wit h much battling back and forth . Aaron Beck was t he first rider into the firs t corner in the main eve nt, fo llowed by Mason Ho lt and Maso n W harton. Jeffrey King got hit by another rider off the starting line and w a s knocke d t o the g round . W har t on was do ing well , considering his ho rrific cras h in his hea t , and he jumped by Holt on the first lap. Wha rt o n t he n made quick work of Beck and procee de d to build up a healt hy le ad. By t he fourth lap, Wharton had a huge lead over Beck. Meanwh ile , King showed up in the to p five and , afte r a brief batt le with jaso n Doane , he moved up to fo urt h! Wharto n took the win, and Bec k finishe d second . Holt wa s third, King finished fo ur t h , a nd D oa ne ne tted fifth in his 6 5cc deb ut. In the 50cc Beginner class, Andrew Ne ssel, a board his Po lini, jumped ou t into t he le ad. Nesse l has been the crea m of the cr op lately, an d t his d ay w as no ex ce ption . Fo llo w ing Nes sel we re Dako ta W hart o n, Andy Curry, Micah Clardy and Mo llie Wh arto n. As the race progr essed, Nessel had it fairly easy, but the re O was a lot of close racing be hind him, as the to p fo ur neve r moved up m uch but were always right the re , rea dy for a pass. N essel d idn't have any of t hat t o wo r ry a bo ut and t o o k t he checkered nag in first . Second went to Curry, an d Da ko t a finish e d t hird. C lardy finis he d fou rth , and the XR50-mounted Mollie rounded ou t the to p five in fifth. T he 85cc Expert ma in event was w o n by Austi n Van Met er, as he was co m p lete ly untoucha ble . Second w as taken by Suzukimo unted Broc Barn es, and Tyler Meade too k third. Samuel Merce r took t he ho le s hot in t he 50cc O pe n cl ass. Ma so n W ha rto n su ffe red ano ther one of his typically poor starts and had to chase down Mercer. Mason Wha rton had some sore rib s from an earlie r c ras h, and des pite moving up , he was a lot slower than he ha d b e en ear lier in th e day. Mercer was unstop pab le, w hile Mason Wharton was riding rather conservatively. In the third-place pos ition was th e H illsb o ro Ho nda-s pon so re d Walker Ro e . Me rc e r took t he wi n, while Maso n Wha rto n styled over the finish-line double with a on e-foote r. Third went to Roe , and in fo urt h was Saige Rilaros. Th e 50cc O il-Inject ed class was do minat ed by Timothy Meade Jr., who put his PW50 into t he wi nners' circle w ith a sweet w in. Taking se co nd was Co rbin Kesler, and Ryan Marti n ro und ed o ut t he top three. Suzu ki-m o unt e d Zachary Williams too k fourth , and fifth went to C hand ler Mart in. RESULTS Randy Woodring (900) noils the 250cc Pro start on day two of the SJO Supercross event in Grand Rapids, Michigan. so BEG OIL-INJ : i . Timothy Meade Jr. (Yam); 2. Corbin Kesler (KTM); 3. Ryan Mart in (KTM); 4. Za chary Williams (Suz); S. C handler Martin (Y am). SO BEG: I. Andrew Ne sse l (Po i); 2. And y Curry (KTM); 3. Da kota Wharton (Pol); 4. Micah Clardy (KTM); S. Mollie Wh arton (Hon ). 50 (4- 6): I. Samue l Mercer (KTM); 2. Ryder Wait e (Pot). 5 0 (1-8): I. Mason Wharten (Pol); 2. Cody Smith (KTM); 3. Brend an De La Grange (KTM); 4. Michael King (KTM); S. Shawn Harmon (KT M). 50 O PE N : I. Samue l Me rce r (KT M); 2. Maso n Wharton (pol); 3. Walker Roe (KTM); 4. Saige Ritatos (Co b). so 4 -STR K OPEN (3 -8): I. Just in Richard so n (Hon ); 2. And rew Nessel (Hen) ; 3. Mollie Wharton (Ho n); 4. Justice Sat her (Hon) ; S. Trist an Bo nd (Ho n). 5 0 4·S TR K OP EN (9 + ) : I. Justin Wharton (Xtr); 2. Aaron Gruerrke (Hen ): 3. Julian Doane (Ho n); 4. Cooper Garza (Ho n). 6S BEG : I. Mason W har t o n (Kaw); 2. Aaron Beck (Kaw ); 3. Mason Holt (Kaw); 4. Jeffrey King (Kaw); S. Jason Doane (Kaw). 65 (4-8): I. Talyn Taylor (KTM). 65 (9- 11): I. Austin Van Meter (KTM); 2. Cooper Garza (KT M). 65 OPEN: I. Cooper Garz a (KTM); 2. Talyn Taylor (KTM). 70 -110 4 ~STR K STK (3 -8) : I. Justin Richardson (Hen ); 2. Kyle Jo hnson (Kaw); 3. Just in Bennet (Yam) . 70 -110 4 - S T RK STK (9. 13) : I. C hristian Pete rson (Hon): 2. Taylor Gehr ke (Hon) ; 3. Kasey Bond (Hen ); "l. Kyle Jo hnson (Kaw); 5. Katie Elme r (Yam). 10-1 10 4 -ST RK OPEN: I. Justin Wharten (Xtr) . 85 BEG: CYCLE NEWS • JANUARY 21, 2004 59

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