l. Erik Morring (Yam); 2. Wes Ochs (Yam); 3. Tom Moo re
(! Ham,lton (Hon) ; J. Joron Wlwton (Hbg); 4.
Chane, O'HemO(Suz ): S. LanceT...... (Suz).
Sa nta's Sprocket MX Se ries
Round I: Mesquire Moro-X Park
Franklin Mints a Win
esquite Moto-X Park opened up its fIVero und Santa 's Sproc ke t MX Ser ies with
round one on December 13. Mesquite is quickly building a re putation as a sane but really fun
track to ride. Given this grOWing re putation, a
large class of Over 40 racers was not en tire ly
unexpect ed. Lead ing t his group - and show ing
surprising speed fo r an "old guy" - was Bill's
Cycle Shop hots hoe Mark Fran klin. His dom inance in both mot os was most impressive.
Franklin nailed the start of race one, leading
Mar k Melch es a nd James Bro w n into battle .
The top th ree spread ou t and quickly stake d
their claims to the ir respective positions , while
Lloyd Ca rr and PRO Cycle's Ken Hall were
going ba r to ba r lo r lourth . Frankli n kept
increas ing his lead, eventually beat ing Melches
and Brown by a large margin. Carr survived to
claim fourth.
Franklin ripped another ho leshot in moto
two, with Carr and Brown trying to chase him
down. Melches was slowly work ing his way up
fro m a me d iocre start. Fra nklin was boiling
along out in front. Melches would eventually
battle all the way up into second. With his
second straight w ire-to-w ire ro mp, Frank lin
took ho me the top Over 40 prize , while
Melches' so lid seconds earned him second
overall. ahead of Carr, Brown and Hall.
SWitc hing focus from the oldest to the
youngest, the Pee Wees were also tearing up
the track . Tre Palmer exploded off the gate to
lead Trenton Fergen and Austin Warren in the
combined Pee Wee contest. Tyler Schlei was
flying in lourth until meeting up with a hay bale
that was bigger than he was , hitting it head on .
Palmer and Warren we re literally side by side
for the lead, as Chaisson Con ens was carving
up t hrough t he pack . After some wild racing
and seve ral passes, Warre n e merged wit h the
permanent lead on the white-flag lap. Cozz ens'
cha rge to third was halted by a tip-o ve r in a
co rn e r. Warren went on to w in big, leading
Palmer and Fergen across the line.
Palme r popped anot he r holes hot, leading
Ferge n and Cozzens as race tw o cra nked up.
Warren was o n fire ea rly on , ripping thr o ugh
com pe tito rs to claim seco nd. Coz zen s kept it
o n two wheels th is time, fight ing past Warren
and then zapping Palme r on the east side fo r
t he lead . War re n, setti ng himself up fo r t he
ove ra ll, su rge d past Palmer in t he rhyt hm
section . Con ens won the race handily, but he
had to settle for third overall, due to his firstmoto crash . Wa rren's stro ng se cond was
enough to wrap up t he Pee Wee (7-8) title,
ahead of Palme r. Fergen flashed across the line
in third to earn the overall Pe e Wee (4 -6)
crown. besting Bailey D'AJessio and Tyter Jones
in that class.
P!W STK (4 -6) : l. Trenton Fe rge n (KTM); 2. Baile y
D'Ale ssio (KTH) ; 3. Tyler Jone s (KTMI: ... Thomas Jon e s
(KTM); 5. Tyter Hobbs (l e m). P/W ST K (1 -8) : I. Austin
Warre n (Cob ); 2. Chaz Hansen (KTM); 1. Chaisson Co:u ens
(Pol) ; -4 . John Moss Jr. (l e m) : 5. Dan iel D'Aiessio (KTM).
P/W OPEN: I . Tyler SchI (KTH ); 2. Tren ton Fergen (KTH) ;
J . Bailey O'AJe" io (KTM); 4. Dan iel O'AJeuio (KTM): S. lYle<
Jo ne s (KTM). 6 0 ST K (6- 8) : I. Fran k Go uld (KTM); 2.
Co nne r Mon ks (KTM); 3. Austin Warren (Suz); -4 . Jackson
Gonlon ( KTM ): S. Ryan Imond i ( Kaw). 60 STK (9-11): I.
levii Hall (Ki M): 2. Tash Hansen (KTM): 1. Dusty HumphrieS
(Suz) ; 4. Shane Lant (Suz): S. Jessee Brown (Suz). 60 OPEN:
I . levii Hall (KTM); 2. Dusty Humphries (Suz) : 1. Jessee
Brown (Suz): 4. Shane Lant (Suz); S. Caston Kirk (KTM) . 80
BEG : I . Mason Rodrigue z (Yam) : 2. Riley Gordon
r--------~---~------_, Z (Suz) ; Jim my Ro y (Han); .. . Dere k Stephens
W (Hon); 5. Nat Stonecipher (Hon) . 80 STK (7-11):
I. levli Hall (Suz); 2. Brandon Brown (Y
am): 3. Tash
W Hansen (Kaw); 4 . Jake Schlei (KTM). 80 ST K ( 11 I
15): I . Joe Gor don (Suz); 2. Chand ler Monks (Y
1. Ale x Mecham (KTM). 80 OPEN: I. l e vii Hall
>- (Suz); 2. Cha ndle r Mo nks (Yam) ; 3. Joe Gordon
a::l (Suz); -4 . Jake Schle i (KTM); S. Mason Rodri guez
(yam). BIBK BEG: I. Tomm y Babb (Y
am): 2. Tyfer
Sac he tt (KTM); 1. Brian Ferguson (Han); 4. Jace
I Hu nt (Yam); S. Bryon 8undy (Yam) . 125 JR: I.
a.. Brod ie Humphries (Suz); 2. Nathan Ambrose (Suz);
1. Justin Elswood (Yam) ; -4. [anten Reber (KTM): 5.
Kyle Moore (Ha n). 125 INT: 1. De vin Sullivan
( KTH); 2. Zac Humph lies (Suz); 1. J
ohn La Brec be
(Ha n); .. . Pat rick Pro ve nc he r (Suz). 250 JR: I.
Justin Elswood (Hon); 2. Drew Parcell (Y
am): 1. Jon
Hernandez (Ha n); ... Roben Imondi (Ha n). 25 0
INT: I. Devin Sullivan (KTH ); 2. Austin Boyd (Yam );
1. Bryce Gabr ielson (Yam). 2$ 0 PRO : I . Kipp
Posey (H a n); 2. Scan Theobald (Suz) ; 1. Just in
Jenson (Hon); ... Bill Phe lps (Hon) . OPEN JR: I.
Brod ie Humptvies (Suz); 2. Nathan Ambrose (Suz):
1. C a me ron Rodriguez (Ha n); 4. Drew Parcell
(Yam). OPEN INT: I. De vin Sullivan (KTM); 2.
Patrick Provend>eo- (Suz); J . john La Bred-e (Hon) .
O P EN P RO : I. Kipp Po se y (H o n) ; 2. SCOtt
Theobald (So,); J. J~tin J"""'" (Hon) . W MN : I.
Jaele MKham (KTM). SC HB Y, I. Au, tin Boyd
(Yam) ; 2. Brod ie Hu mphries (Suz) : 1. Bry ce
Ga.brieJ on (Y
am); 4. Nathan Ambrose (Suz ). 15 +
1ft: I. Shane BanhoIomew (Y
am): 2. Ban Scheu ller
(Hon ). 15+ PR O : I. Ki pp Posey (Ha n); 2. 8 i11
Phel ", (Hon ). 30 + 1ft: I. Robin Hansen (Hon) ; 2.
Levii Hall won fou r classes at the
Stanley !one' (KTM): J. Jeny Szonedphe<- (Hon); 4 .
Dennis Boss (Han) . 40 +: I. Mrl Franklin (Hon);
Sa nta's Sprocket MX Serie s opener
2. Mark Melckes (Yam): 3. Uo yd Carr (Yam); .. .
in Mesquite, Ne vada.
James Brown (Y
am); 5. Ken Hall (Kaw).
Xtremewo rld Are nacro.. Series
Rou nd 4 : Tulsa Uve stock Arena
Marley Manhandles 'em A gainl
TULSA, OK, DEC. 13-14
Tho ugh ou tside t he tempe ratures were
I falling, causing wa ter to tum to ice, the racing inside the Tulsa Livestock Arena was hot.
The Xtremeworld Arenacross Se ries made its
way to Tulsa for round four, and again it was a
great show. With local Pros such as Johnny Marley, Rob bie Smith and Robbie McQu arry and
regional competi tors such as Nick Metcalf and
Brian Sto ne on hand, this was sure to be a night
lull 01 action.
Riding his new Honda CRF2S0R backed by
Gomez Racing and Y himura, Marley qu ickly
got out front in the first 12Scc Pro mer e . ahead
of the RM-mounted Metc all. Smith fo llowe d
closely in third. O n lap two, Smith outjumped
Metc all for second . and McQ uarry also slipped
past for th ird. The y hit t he finish line in tha t
order, with Colt Humphrey in fourth.
Moto two looked similar, thou gh Humphrey
took th e early lead, just ahea d 01 Smith and
Marley. Smith came into the whoop s a little too
hot and ended up hitting the concrete wall and
going dow n , hand ing second to Marle y.
Hum p hrey, McQua rr y and Mar k Blac kw ell
chased leader Marley as he rode his Hond a
flaw lessly to the checkered flag. Smith didn't
finish the mo to, but he was okay enough to
continue for the rest of the evening.
In the first 2S0cc Pro moto, Brian Stone
placed his Suzuki in the lead spot, wi th
McQuarry and Smit h hot on his heels. On lap
two , McQuarry took over the lead. After a bad
start, Marley was all over both 01 them . Marley
pushed his YZ2S0 to the limit getting around
the leader, and he made a brea k for it. Marley
scored the moto win. ahead of Humphrey and
McQuarry. Smith finished fourth .
When moto two got under way, Metcalf and
Smith got out front early, just ahead of Marley.
After getting past Smith, Marley challenged for
the le ad . and he got it. Just as in the three
pre vious outings, Marley led the field home, this
time ahead of Me tcalf and Humphrey.
The $3000, 2S-lap crash For Cash was next ,
an d it was sure to be a crowd - pleaser.
Humphrey jumped out to the early lead; Smith
lollowed closely. McQuarry and Martey quickly
pass ed Smit h and se t out afte r Hum p hrey,
making it a t hre e -w ay batt le fo r t he cash.
Martey stead ily made up ground o n Humphrey,
and at hallway he shot his Honda to the Iront
and never looked back. Behind him, a battle
erupted between McQ uarry and Hump hrey,
which eventually allowed Stone to catch them .
Up front, Marley appeared re laxed, occasionally
looking around while in the air to see how the
race behind him was progressing. At the line, it
was Marley, dista ntly lollowed by McQ uarry,
Sto ne and Humphrey.
Michael Wri gh t use d his Rey na r d
Modification s/Action Polini to win Saturday 's
SOcc O pen and Sunday's SOcc (4.6) and Super
Pee Wee classes, winning all but one mo to in
which he competed .
Nathan Co x, aboard his Baker Be ys-backed
YZ8S, com pletely dom inated the 8Scc Open
class on Sat ur d ay night a nd Sunday 's 8Sc c
Senior and Ou tlaw classes.
Sa turday
50 OP EN : I . Michae l Wr ight (Pol); 2. Chase Wa lte rs
(Co b); 3. Jake Hill (KTM); .. . Sheldon Tee ma n (KT M); S.
Braden Tee man (KTM). 65 OPEN: I. Justin Bogle (Kaw); 2.
Co le Supernaw (KTM); 1. Pe rry Reeder (Kaw) ; .. . Blake
Barne s (Kaw); 5. Jacob Chapman (KTM). 85 OPE N : I .
Nathan Co l( (Yam); 2. Cameron Kirk (Hon) : 3. Justin Bogle
(Kaw): .. . Ethan Doyle (Han): 5. Bryan Jon es (Y
arn) . 125
OPEN: I. Zach BlackweH(Y
am); 2. Michael Moore (Yam); 3.
Ste ve n Loftin (Kaw): .. . Wyan Brown (Yam): S. Jes se Ellis
(Yam ). 125 PRO : I. Joh nny Marle y ( Ha n) : 2 . Robbie
McQ ua r r y (Ya m) ; 1. Colt Hum ph r e y (Yam) ; .. . Mar k
Blackwell (Y
am); 5. Shawn Cook (Han ). 1 50 OPEN: I . Brian
Moo re (Yam) ; 2. Co ry Watson (Han); 3. Man Re ynolds
(Hon); -4 . Just in Cheatham (Yam); 5. Justin Basham (Yam).
250 PRO: I. Jo'"" y Marley (Yam) 2. Colt Humph rey (Y
J. N :ck Met