Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tee man (KTM). 6 5 (9 -11 ): I. Perry Reede r (Kaw) ; 2. Garrett Comer (KTM); 3. Tann e r Young (Kaw ); 4. Gilson Mach doff (Kaw) ; S. Cod y Davison (KTM). 6 5 O UTLAW; I. Taylor Basham (KTM); 2. Per ry Reede r (Kaw); 3. Gar rett Comer (KTM); 4. Gilson MachtJoff (Kaw); 5. Brade n Teem an (KTM). 8 5 BEG : I. Douglas Fenton (Kaw ); 2. Landon Baker (Kaw); 3. Ross Compston (Yam); 4. Alex Ston e (Kaw ); S. Kyle Long (Yam). 85 JR (7- 1 1): I. Greg Ge hrer (Kaw): 2. Tanne r Young (Kaw) ; 3. Geoffrey Wooldridge (Suz): -1 . Billy Jack WIeSner (Kaw) ; S. Rhe tt Cagle (Kaw ). 85 S R (1 1·16): I. Nathan Ca ll: (Yam): 2. Levi Farmer (Kaw ); 3. Bryan Jones (Yam); 4. Lance Knigge (yam): 5. Noe McCarthy (Hon). 85 O UTlAW: I. Nathan Ca ll: (Yam); 2. Cod y Goodwin (Yam); 3. Cameron Kirk (Ho n); 4. Greg Gehrer (Kaw): S. Rhett Cagle (Kaw ). 115 {lS O BEG: I. Bob Davis (Hon ): 2. Chris McClam (Suz); 3. Remington Scott (Yam) ; 4. Reber-t Barn es (Yam). 115 BEG: I. Jacob Bagwill (Yam): 2. Kris Berry (Yam): 3. joshua Pierce (Suz); 4. Chris McClain (Suz): S. Brandon Mark (Kaw) . 125 NOV: I. Steven Loftin (Kaw ): 2. Skyler Henson (Yam): 3. Kevin Uckteig (Yam): -1. Jason Parkinson (Yam): 5. Ty Easterl ing (Suz). 125 INT: I. Jesse Ellis (Y . 250 BEG: I. Dustin Baldwin (Hon ): 2. Darr el Fen ton (Hon ); 3. am) Trent O'Neal (Suz); -1 . Justin Dam. (Y ); 5. Joe Hines (Suz). 25 0 NOV: I. Jeff King am (Hon) ; 2. Brent Ga[es (Y am); 3. Just in Basham (yam):·t Ryan Heavener (Y am). 250 IN T: I . Co ry Watso n (Han); 2. Matt Reyno lds (Han): 3. Chad Wikel (Yam ). OUTLAW: I. Skyler Henson (Y ; 2. MIChael Moore (Yam); 3. James Flud (Yam); am) 4. Steven Lotrm (Kaw); S. Wyatt Sheldon (Kaw ). SC HB Y: I. Cameron Kirk (Han). 30+ : I. Cory Watson (Hon ); 2. 8111 Eddy (KTM,: 3. Jack Perry (Hon); "'. Jason Beck (Hon ); S. Joe Hines (SUl). SlVIllI, SP 1216' E'tadio Olimpico ARNHEM, llANO' '#'="~ 11J13 ' Gelredomt l ANAHUM,CA·+t:=113 • EdisonioU Fi.1d . PH ENII, U + 1 · Bank Ona a.snpar1l 110 ANA U CA'+ 1 , Edison In Field 117 d. SAN DIEGO,C + A' 1124· Qualcomm Stadium Amateur Wi nter National Perris Raceway ANAIIUM, CA'+ Fi rst to Blood 2/1. PICIf.c BIll Pal"tt By MIKE 1/31 • Edison inti. Field SAN FRANC ISCO, CA'+ H USIOM, TII'+ 2114 · Refilnt Sta dium "SIR SMILEY" RVER MIN EAP LIS, MN'+ N O PERRIS, CA, DEC, 13·14 2121 • HHHMetrodome T he second annual Amateur Winter National was made possible by Pete's Racing, Weeke nd Warrior, PPG Automotive Finishes, Spectru m Enterp rises, Hansen's Energy Drinks and . This year, th e format changed only slightly, with a three-moto format for a combined overall score. For Saturday's motos, the start went toward the right , and on Sunday it made an abrupt left toward a new section of track before hitting the 90-footer along the hillside. Six-foot trophies wer e given to the w inners, along w ith custom-embroidered jackets for the class champ ions. T he sma llest guy on t he track was awarded t he biggest trophy for his sweep of the sOcc (4-6) class. Cobra-mounted Blake Green ran from Gil Sabaha (2-2-3) and Michael Don-Bass (3-4-2) down the start straight and around the track . Came ron Bash made his big sister Elizabeth proud w ith a fourth-place fin ish . Do n Moody wrapped up t he top fiv e w ith his IS-point finish. Nick Paluzzi wa lked away w ith two cha mpionsh ips on Sunday, wi th clean sweeps in the 80cc (Through I I) and 60cc Open classes. He also placed third in the 80 cc Open class, beh ind KTM rider Shawn Hayes and Team Gree n rider Michael Hall, who claimed one of three championships with his 1- 1- 1 sweep in the Open class. Hall went on to w in each of his motos for nine stra ight wins an d tw o more 6-foot troph ies for his sweep of the 80cc ( 12- 13) and Supermini classes. A huge 12scc Novice class was topped by Tony Blood, with 3-1-1 scores. Blood battled wi th Karson Kavanagh ( 1-2-2) and thumper-mounted Austin Eitel (2-3-3), who made up the top thre e in the class. With just five ra ces on his new John Burr VZ2S0F, Dana Dreier picked up fourt h with a 5-9-5 score and proved he can be a top -five contender. Scott Martin took a hard soil sample in the whoops on Sunday in his 250cc Novice race yet managed a 6-12-4 tally for fifth overall. One to keep an eye o n is YZ ride r Justin Wo r kma n ; he c ra she d a t t he st art o f mota t h re e afte r a pa ir of fou rt h s , fin ishing 4-4-22 for ninth overall. C hr is N ihan (1 - 1- 1) made it look easy in t he 12scc Inte rmediate class, but he didn't have it easy from the drop of the gate . Nihan had to deal with fellow Honda of Houston rider Ricky James (2-4-4) and Jarred Browne (3-2-7), who made up the top three overall. Browne fell in turn one of moto three and rode off in 25th place but wo rked his way up to seve nth in just six laps. James took a hard fall in the whoops during practice on Saturday but managed to suck it up and ride for second overall. Robert Memoli salvaged a top-five finish with a th ird in moto thr ee for fourth overall after going 4 and lO in th e first two motos. Kyle Foltz rounded out the top five with an 8-6-6 moto score. RESULTS 50 (4 -6): I . Blake Gree n (Cob): 2. Gil Sabalza (KTM); J . Michael Don-Bass <. Cameron Bash (KTM ); S. Don Moody (y""j. SO (7-8) : I. Bryce Co«!, (KTM); 2. Brandon Olivares (Pol); J. Mike VICtorian (KTN); -1. Brandon Leith (Suz) : S. Bradley Tah (Cob ). 50 O PE N : I. EMcYorba (lem); 2. Colby Raha (KTM); 3. Bradey Kiesel (Pol) ; -1 . Ty Siminoe (KTM); S. Bryce Cord s (KTM). 60 (6 -8): I. Jonah Hill (Suz): 2. Andrew SIlverstein (Kaw) : J . Ty Siminoe (KTM): "'. Bryce Cords (KTM): S. Br3ndon Leith (Suz). 60 (9 - 1 1): I. Je remy McCool (Kaw ); 2. Aaron (KTM ); AILAIITII, GA'+ lI28 ' Gaorgla Dom. AYTONA.Fl+' 316· Da)1ona Inti. Speedw ay StlOUIS, MO'+ 3113· Edward Jone Dome s INOIANAPOllS,IN'+ 3I21l'RCA Dome PONTIAC , MI"+ q,J , Silv. rdotno DAllAS, TIl' + 4'17 ·Tl u s Stadium SAllWECITY.UT+ 4/24· R)ce.Ecdes Stad ium lASVEGAS V'+ ,N 511 • Sam BoydSlidlum flCKRS ON SALE NOWI ~g~ c~ 114 · ,-•.., . . . £T "THQ WorldSupen:rvu GPIYflII +,tJU Supercrou Stria Ennl ... e::::a-a.- ..... l i t ?,7 1/1 7104 3:00 AM 1/18104 12:00 PM 1/18104 1:00PM 1/1 8104 4:00PM 1/1 8104 5:00PM 1120104 12:00 AM 1120104 1:00A M 1I20I04 3:00PM 1120104 4:00 PM 1120104 5:00 PM 1 I20I04 7:00 PM 112OJ1J4 7:30 PM . CanadianMo ross · Nanaimo toc THO AMA SUpe

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