Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2002 08 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the third lap heading into the infield portion, with the rest of the riders staying in the same pushed. But it was a fast night, and those Blair boys are riding real well." "That was probably one of the biggest gifts I've gotten in a long time," said Daniel Blair. "I was behind all those guys and all of a sudden I see a bunch of them go down. I opened up a huge lead and just kept an eye out behind me. And then I saw my brother get up into the second spot, and I was sure he would hold it, but Jeff was going fast. I'm still stoked with how it tumed out, though." Although Pestana was certainly going fast, Vincent's cause wasn't helped any by the fact that his Honda decided it didn't need any rear brakes. "[With] about four laps to go, I lost my rear brakes and was going high in the berms," said Vincent. "I saw Pestana coming, and I tried to hold him off as long as I could. I'm kind of bummed, but I'll be back - and hopefully with both brakes next time." Earlier, the crowd was treated to arguably one of the best motos of the series. It was moto two of the 250cc Pro class, and it was a battle between Pestana and Daniel Blair from start to finish. With Pestana taking the firstmoto win, he jumped out front with the holeshot in moto two, with Blair right on his fender. For the entire eight-lap mota, not more than one bikelength separated the two. Even more amazing were the lead changes that kept track announcer Darryl Cully busy from start to finish. A total of nine lead changes took place, and it all came down to the last comer, where Blair snagged the inside line, taking the checkers just a few yards later. And for their efforts, the appreciative crowd let both riders hear it as they exited the track. Maryland SI- Fairgrounds Pony Show Ring Timonium, Maryland Results: July 24, 2002 (Round 2 of 5) position. Brandon Robinson jumped into the 85cc lead right off the bat, ahead of R.J. Hart, Joey Parks, Brett Pugh and Austin Greenland. After his lousy start, Greenland started to use the outside line to make up time, picking up a spot here and there, getting second with about three laps left. He moved up beside Robinson but couldn't get by him for the win. This is the only fiat track where they run a regular Women's class, and for the past few seasons. Kelly Bell has virtually owned this class. On this night, she took the lead from Melissa Paterson, KaTa Douglas and Saman· tha Reech. The first three stayed very close during most of the race. In the waning laps, Peterson took the lead as they overtook some lappers, but Bell retook the lead on the following lap. Coming off the fourth turn to get the white flag, Peterson bobbled and fell, giving 50 QIL·INJ: 1. Danny Bromley (KTM); 2. Jacob Dianll (Yam): 3. Stonn Sheckells (Yam): 4. Sam Sheckells (Yam): 5. Matthew llm· grehr (Yam). 50 (4·6): 1. Danny Bromley (KTM): 2. Stephen Patterson (Cob): 3. Sam Sheckells (Yam); 4. Nigel Bess (Hon). 50 (7-9): 1. BlIlIey Spence (Lem): 2. Storm Sheckells (KTM): 3. Christopher Trleschman (KTM): 4. Jacob Diana (Yam): 5. Megan Bell (Cob). 65: 1. Tyler Kidwell (Kaw): 2. Brett Pugh (Kaw); 3. Brock Richardson (KTM): 4. Bailey Spence (KTM); 5. Josh Standiford (Kaw). 85: I. Brandon Robinson (Yam); 2. Austin Greenland (Hon); 3. R.J. Hart (Yam); 4. Joey Parks (Kllw); 5. Brett Pugh (Hon). 100 ...00LT: J. Scott Saundl!rs (Hen): 2. Bryan Douglas (HOll); 3. Jason Isennock (Hon): 4. Raun Wood (Hon): 5. Chris Klinefelter (Hon). 125: 1. Jeff McManus (Han): 2. R.J. Hllrt (Kaw): 3. Bryon Whlpperman (Hon): 4. Nathan Thomas (Yam): 5. Brian McQuaid (Kllw). 250 A: l. Bob Sweeten (Hon): 2. Bryetn Ooogles (Hon); 3. John Lewis (Hon); 4. Raun Wood (Hon): 5. Chris Klinefeltl!r (Hon). 250 B: I. Jonethan Jordan (Hon); 2. Ryan Babce<:k (Han); 3. Nick Henderson (Han); 4. Brilln McQuaid (Ytlm): 5. Bob Hildebrand (Yam). 400: I. Richard Foard (KTM); 2. Chris Hathawtly (Yam); 3. John Henderson (Bul): 4. Ted Trey (Bul): 5. Ryan Babce<:k (YlIm). 500 2-VALVE; I. Mark Stambllugh (YlIrn); 2. Jack Stedding (Yam): 3. Bill Kraft (YlIm): 4. Ed Romeckl Jr. (Yam). 600 A: I. Pllul Lynch (Rot): 2. Raun Wood (Rot): 3. Jason Isenneck (Rot); 4. David Reeves (Rot); 5. Donnil! Mullen (W-R). 600 B: 1. Mark Stllmbaugh (Yam); 2. Bll1 Kreft (Yam); 3. Bob Hildebrand (Yam). 750 A: 1. Phil Ubhart (Tri); 2. Rick Price (Trl): 3. Tim Eades (Tri); 4. Brilln Eckhart (Tn). WMN: I. Kelly Bell (Hon): 2. Kara Douglas (Han): 3. Samantha Resch (Yam); 4. Nicole Henderson (Hon); 5. Nicole Mester (Han). 30+: 1. David Reeves (Rot); 2. Jim Hollister (Rot); 3. Bob Sweet'en (Rot); 4. JlIY Boarman (KlIw); 5. Mike Ketlne (Rot). 40+: 1. Bob Sweetl!n (Rot); 2. Mike Erving (Rot): 3. Brian Eckhart (Rot): 4. Jim Hollister (Rot): 5. Olive Smith (Rot). Bell another win. Other winners included Richard Foard, in the 400cc class; hillclimber Phil Libhart, who took the M&J Racing-sponsored 750cc-class win; Bailey Spence, who took the 50cc (7-9) win; Tyler Kidwell, who easily won the 65cc class; Jeff McManus, who topped the 125cc class, and Jonathan Jordan, who easily best· ed the 250cc B group. AMP Top Gun Summer-X Series Round 6: Los Banos Fairgrounds The Brothers Blair Go on a Tear By Los Banos Fairgrounds Los Banos, California Results, July 27, 2002 (Round 6) TOP GUN SHOOTOUT: I. Dliniel Blair (Han); 2. Jeff Pestllnll (Han); 3. Vince Bll1lr (Han); 4. Olin PlIllIdino (Yllm); 5. Mlltt Gllines (Han). 50 P/W JR: 1. Dllniel GOIWlles (YlIm); 2. Derick Silvtl (yllm); 3. Tl"lIvis Nellion (Yam); 4. Hunter Wllbers (Yllm); 5. Pllul Hunger (Yllm). 50 (4-6): 1. Romey Mirllmontes (Pol): 2. Dllniel GOflUlles (Pol); 3. Gunner Sigler (tITM); 4. Brandon Olivllres (Pol): 5. Derick Sliva (Pol). 50 (7-8): 1. MIIrk Brllden (Pol): 2. Gllbe A.dtIme (Pol); 3. R.J. Mendez (KTM); 4. Michllel Fontana (Pol): 5. Clily John$Of1 (Pol). 50 OPEN: 1. Mark Brllden (Pol): 2. Gllbe A.dIIme (Pol): 3. R.J. Mendez (Pol); 4. Gunner Sigler (KTM); 5. M!chllel Fontana (Pol). 60 F{f: 1. Gus DJcllnelis (SUl). 60 BEG 0-1: I. Blake Ballard (KTM); 2. Dalton Jones (Kaw); 3. Kyle Frelts (KTM): 4. Chris Buhllg (KTM): 5. Christian Standers (KTM). backed rider remount in dead last. But Pestana's never-give-up attitude proved that perseverance pays off, as he picked off riders one by one, but ultimately he found Daniel was just too far out front at the checkers. Rounding out the top five were Yamaha of Modesto's Danny Paladino, who occupied the second spot for several laps midrace and eventually held on for the fourth spot, followed by 250cc Intermediate rider Matt Gaines. Although Pestana has been winless since the third round, the wily veteran continues to hold the points lead with his consistent finishes, knowing the Pro Top Gun Shootout High Point Fund rewards the series~end winner with a S1000 bonus. "I had a little bad luck out there, but you can't give up in these races, n said Pestana. '" think Chris [Loredo] went too far up on the berm, and he just fell into me and we got stuck. I was stuck underneath him, and when I got going again, I just put my head down and JIM AND JUSTIN ENOS LOS BANOS, CA, JULY 27 It was a famUy affair in the Top Gun Shootout event as a pair of Blairs occupied two of the top three spots at round six of the AMP Top Gun Summer-X Series, presented by Alpinestars, Merced Powersports and Swift Auto World. The elder of the two, Daniel Blair, piloting an MXH/Powerhouse/Thor/Big Gunbacked Yamaha, took a dominating win, while hjs younger brother Vincent put in an equally impressive effort for a third-place finish. With only five laps to go in the 15-lap event, the two were running first and second until Jeff Pestana made his way up and, on the white-flag lap, made the pass on Vincent, eventually taking a well-earned second place on the night. In fact, it was very well earned, considering Pestana got caught up in a first~lap, four-rider crash that saw the Clawson/Shift/Fox/Spy- Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship Series Round 11: Poor Boys Hare Scrambles Forrester Takes the Fifth By ,----=-=-=---------------;;;0,.-----.,-------,., o z UJ " ~ =; ~ 0. Los Banos Fairgrounds: Daniel Blair (921) was the Top Gun Shootout winner at round six of the AMP Top Gun Summer-X Series in Los Banos, California. 64 AUGUST 28, 2002' cue I e n • ...., !IS 60 BEG 0-2: I. Cody Hendricks (KTM): 2. Jeremy Webb (tITM); 3. Mike Saso (KTM); 4. Gllbe A.dame (KTM): 5. Landon Cohen (KTM). 60 NOV: 1. Trever Allred (KTM): 2. Eric Path (KTM): 3. Christo· pher Aragon (KTM); 4. Charlie Moore (Kllw): 5. Cameron Beauber (KlIw). 60 INT: 1. Ruben Hemandez (KTM). 60 OPEN: 1. Ruben Hernandez (KTM); 2. Trevor Allred (KTM); 3. Erick Poth (KTM): 4. Dylan Lane (KTM); 5. Kyle Freitas (KTM). 80 FIT: I. Michllel Antle (Kaw). 80 BEG D-l: I. Michael Flores (Han): 2. Doniel Reen (Yam); 3. Joey Lasiter (Suz); 4. Dylan Lane (Han); 5. Kason Gonzales (Hon). 80 BEG 0-2: I. David Sellrl (SUl); 2. W!I McDonough (Kaw): 3. lIIc Cyr (Suz); 4. Kyle Freitas (Yam): 5. Mlldis SIIue (Sul). 80 NOV: 1. Ruben Hernandez (Yllm); 2. Marcus Bradshaw (Hon); 3. Nathan Hollister (Yllm); 4. Robert Alquist (Yam): 5. Chris Simoni (Yam). 80 INT: I. Luke Layton (Suz); 2. BeIiU Weigllnd (YlIm): 3. Buck Ford (Kllw); 4. Corey Pennington (Han); 5. Bryce Huffmlln (Yam). 80 S/fl\1NI 0-1: 1. Luke Layton (Suz); 2. BelJu Weigand (YlIm); 3. Corey Pennington (Hon); 4. Buck Ford (KlIw). 80 S/MINI 0-2: 1. Grayson Swift (Yam); 2. Dylan Lane (Hon); 3. Joey 1.l:Isiter (Suz); 4. Ronnie VlIsquez (Han); 5. Wil McDonough (Kaw). 80 B/W; I. J.J. Karmann (Han): 2. Richard Ma«:ills (Kaw); 3. LuCIiS Armstrong (Han). 100: 1. Ryan Ramos (Yam): 2. Ricky Miramontes (YlIrn); 3. Sarllh Aguirre (Yam); 4. "'ndrew Scriven (Han). SCHBY: 1. Zach Russell (Sut): 2. Derrick Anderson (Suz); 3. Matthew Lozada (Hon); 4. Anthony Gonzales (Hon); 5. Grl!g Kllrmann (Yam). 125 BEG 0-1; I. Greg Karmann (Yam); 2. Curtis Roe (Yam): 3. RYlin Youngbllr (Suz); 4. Joshua Rogers (Sut); 5. Chris Glllllchio (Yam). 125 BEG 0-2: I. Matthew Rlos (Yam): 2. Cody Woods (Han): 3. Ricky Snow (Yllm); 4. Cole Ketcham (Suz): 5. Josh Siebenhallr (Hon). 125 BEG D·3: 1. Bryan Merk (SUl); 2. Daniel Willilims (Yllm): 3. Jason Midiere (Han); 4. ErIc F1t1lkowskJ (Yllm): 5, Tyler Snow (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Scotty Alves (Han): 2. Ray Blake (Yllm); 3. Ronald McCaslllnd (Yllm): 4. Korey Heess (Hon); 5. Jack Ludlum (Han). 125 INT: 1. Josh Call (Yllm); 2. Cory McDllnlel (Yllm); 3. lach Russell (Suz): 4. Michllel Fargher (Hon); 5. Cameron Bowman (SUl). 125 PRO: 1. Jeff Pestaml (Hon); 2. Dllniel Blair (Yllm); 3. Chris Loredo (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Tom Price (Yllm); 2. Josh Deese (Yam); 3. Noah Dasher (Yam); 4. Trllvls Hurley (Han); 5. Joshull Rogers (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Mark Silva (Yam); 2. Jllck Elliott (Yllm) 3. Willie Lorscheider (Yam): 4. Derrick Anderson (Suz): 5. Brilln Christenson (Yllm). 250 tNT: 1. Cory McDaniel (Yam): 2. Josh Cox (Yam); 3. Matt Gaines (Han); 4. DlInny Bllrbers (SUt); 5. Michael Fargher (Han). 250 PRO: I. Dllniel Blllir (Yam): 2. JeffPestllnll (Hon); 3. Vince Billir (Hon); 4. Olin Paladino (Yam); 5. Chris Loredo (Yam). 25+ BEG: I. Shllwn Moody (Han). 25+ NOV: I. Chris Bellufus (SU1); 2. Pllul Cllluffo (Yllm); 3. Bruce Parry (Han): 4. Brian Maffei (Hon): 5. Ray Blake (Yam). 25+ INT; I. Kevin WIse (Hon): 2. Dllnll Drake (Yllm): 3. MIIrk Silva (Yam). 30+ BEG: I. Shawn Moody (Han); 2. Mike Torello (Han); 3. Dennis Jaeger (Hon); 4. Paul Karr (KT""). 30+ NOV; I. Duane Bonini (Yam): 2. Brian Christenson (Yam); 3. Anthony Lorscheider (Suz): 4. Paul Cilluffo (Yllm); 5. Chris Blaufus {Sullo 30+ EX: I. Dllnny Barber (Sul). 35+ NOV: I. Bruce Pany (Han); 2. Bob Mitchell (Hon). 40+ NOV: 1. Bob MItchell (Han); 2. Mark MIInsfield (Han): 3. David Henderson (Han). 40+ INT: I. Pal Sauger (Yam). 40+ EX: I. Jondy Cohen (Suz). FRANK lEIVAN FLORENCE, MO, JULY 28 When the dust settled after round 11 of the Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship Series, Kawasaki Team Green/J&W Cycles rider Brandon Forrester had claimed Victory for the fifth time during the 2002 campaign. The KX250 pilot took the lead during lap two of the six-lap affair and used the dusty conditions to his advantage, never being seriously challenged for the remainder of the two-hour event. The Poor Boys-promoted event was heid on an extremely dry and rocky racecourse. Deep powder formed in the corners and in the bottom of ruts left over from last year's mud race, causing the rocks to roll around and making it difficult to find a rhythm. There was a fast section of rocky creek bed that remained dust-free, but other than that section, the dust kept passing opportunities to a minimum. Knowing that a good start would be critical, the AA-c1ass riders readied themselves for the drop of the start board. A familiar face exited tum one with the lead, as Doug Stone led the way, with Forrester and Aaron Shaw with the next best seats in the house. Next came Matt Pursley, on his KTM 400, and new ISDE recruit Lars Valin. Further back, SCR/yamaha's Steve Leivan was on the move after a seventh-place start. The YZ426F rider moved around Chris Nesbitt and then Valin before closing in on Pursley. A few miles into the first lap, though, Leivan hit something in the dust and went down, relinquishing his position and moving back into seventh. Stone held the lead until the creek section on lap two, when Forrester was able to get past in the water crossing by taking a straighter line that doused Stone with water. "I was trying to save my gloves and goggles and take it easy in the water, but he [Forrester] pretty much drowned me, n Stone stated. "If I had known he was going to pass me like that, I would have just let him by." Forrester's reasoning was simple: "I was tired of riding in the dust and figured that was my chance." From that point on, the only dust that Forrester saw was from lapped traffic. Shaw was running third on his KTM 300 for the first two laps before overtaking Stone on lap three. After struggling earlier this year to find his groove, Shaw took in a few countyfair motocrosses during the last couple of weeks and seemed to be more relaxed and having fun, much like his old self. Making the most progress through the dust was Leivan, who passed Valin on lap one, Pursley and Nesbitt during lap two, Stone on lap three, and Shaw during the fourth lap to move into the runner-up position. But it was definitely an uphill battle for the reigning champion. "We all knew the situation with the dust and that it would be hard to pass," admitted the Dunlop/Answer/Silkolene/Flatland Racing/Tsubakl-backed Leivan. "By crashing early, I just made it that much tougher on myself. After that, I rode as hard as the condi-

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