Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Florida Gold Cup Series Round 3: Dade City Raceway STORV AND PHOTOS BV CRAIG JOHNSON AND ANGELA HARDEN DADE CITY, FL, SEPT. 30 t was the Dan Truman Show at round three of the 19th annual Florida Gold Cup Series, promoted by Unlimited Sports, as won five out of six motos to take top honors in three classes - the 125cc B, 250cc Band 125cc (12-15) classes. Dade City Raceway is made up of two tracks. Half is all deep sand and rough; the other half is big jumps on the supercross part. The day started out cool but warmed nicely by midday, and some 475 entries filled the classes. The first 250cc B moto holeshot went to Truman. Drew Kain and Corey Fink were close behind. On lap two, Jesse Richards moved to second dropping Kain and Fink each a spot. Kain soon dropped out and did not finish. Fink, Scott Leggett and Charlie Walker all moved up. Truman held the lead and Richards couldn't make up any time. At halfway, Walker had problems and dropped way back. Darren Fortin and Steve Dumond fought over fifth. On the closing laps, Richards made his run toward Truman. On the last lap, Richards got the drive out of a corner and captured the lead, but Truman repassed to take the moto win. Richards finished second, followed by Fink, Fortin and Dumond. Truman got the moto-two holeshot; Fink, Richards, Fortin and Dumond followed. Richards took second on lap two and was gaining fast on Truman. Before the end of the sand, Richards took the lead. On lap three, Truman repassed him. Fink fell, putting Fortin, Dumond and Leggett each up a spot. Richards was fast on the supercross track, regaining the lead, but on the last lap, Truman passed Richards at the far end of the sand track and held on for the win over Richards, Fortin, Dumond and Fink. Jason Rosete led the first 125cc (12-15) moto. Truman took over as Ryan Warren, D.C. Clark, Zack Lundy and John Heap give chase. On lap two, Clark took second before the front straight. Lundy passed Warren before the whoops and was looking for Clark. Shaun Skinner moved to fifth. At the sand horseshoe, Lundy dived to the inside to take second. Clark fought back, briefly retaking il In the Over 40 class, Willis Brock took the holeshot. Tim Eggers sneaked under to take the lead. Lenard Leggett took second. Fourth and fifth were Dwayne Fortune and John Lundy. Lundy moved to third. On lap two, Leggett fell, handing Lundy second. Brock worked his way back to third, with Fortune and Dell Miller follOWing. On lap three, Lundy (Rightj Dan Truman (37) took three class victories at the third round of the Florida Gold Cup Series at Dade City Raceway, winning the 12Scc B, 250cc Band 12Scc (12-15) classes. Here, he leads Corey Fink (32), Jesse Richards (156) and Darren Fortin (410) in the second 2S0cc B moto. passed Eggers when he stalled. Brock, Miller, Robert Armstrong and Rick Thorpe moved up. On the last lap, Armstrong took third, over Miller. Les Burnside rounded out the top five. Eggers got the holeshot in moto two, with Lundy, Brock, Leggett and Armstrong following. Lundy took the lead. Lundy and Eggers battled the entire moto, but Eggers just didn't have the horsepower to make a pass. Burnside found himself in third at the end, followed by; Brock, Leggett and Armstrong. eN (Left) Tyson Hadsell won all four Pro motos In Dade City, Florida. (Below) Jeremy Shuttleworth (24) leads Eddie Ray (2) In the second moto of the combined 16/24 and Over 2S contest. Dade City Raceway Dade City, Florida Results: September 3D, 2001 [Round 3] WMN: 1. April Hodges (K8W); 2. Marisa Hampshire (Kaw); 3. Kirstin BllInkll; 4. Patty Whitehouse (5uz). 50 OIL·INJ: 1. Ricky Hampshire in the supercross section and never looked back. Kurt Damron moved up (Above) Shaun SkInner (160) leads the second 125cc (12-15) moto, over Zack Lundy (111) and eventual overall winner Truman (37). the position, but Lundy took the inside line in the next corner to secure second. Warren pulled up behind Clark. Truman bobbled and Lundy closed the gap. Lundy set up the pass at the 70-foot tabletop. Warren passed Clark in the same spot. Two corners later, Truman pushed Lundy to the top of the last corner and Lundy went over, dropping to 12th and handing Truman the lead. Warren, Clark, Skinner and Cliff Badgett moved up. On the last lap, Clark got second back from Warren. Truman pulled out the win by only a few bike lengths. Skinner led Lundy, Truman, Kyle Williamson and Ricky Bryant in the second moto. Lundy passed Skinner to fifth. Truman was looking for a way around Skinner; they connected and went down. Truman got up first to take second, but Williamson, Damron and Warren all went by Skinner. On the last lap, Damron fell while getting pressure from Warren. Lundy took the win, followed by Truman, Williamson, Warren and Bryant. Kyle Keylon led the first 85cc (7-11) moto, but by the end of lap one, Ricky Renner zapped Colton Maynard and Keylon for the lead. Keylon fell and dropped to the back. Donald Solley ran third, followed by Dean Dyess and Max Rash. Renner pulled out a lead. On the last lap, Dyess passed Solly in the whoops. for third. Keylon recovered for fifth. Maynard led moto two, but Keylon made sure it was short-lived. Behind them were Josh Miller, Jerry Kopoian, Solley and Dyess. Renner charged to third but couldn't reel in the top two. Rounding out the top five were Rash and Solley. cue ... n (Vam); 2. Donald Depema (Vam); 3. Chl.lndler Beere (Vam); 4. Adem CiancizlIruJo (Yam); 5. Kody Ketchum (Vam). 50 STK (4·6): I. Donald Depema (Cob); 2. Tyler Meyer (Cob); 3. lach Duchaine (Cob); 4. R.J. Hampshire (Cob); 5. Dalton Mye... (Cob). 50 STK (7-9): I. Kory Keylon (Cob); 2. Killen Fitzplltrick (Pol); 3. Justin Starling (Cob); 4. Johnnie Gargano (Cob); 5. Cody Smith (Cob). 65 (7-9): I. Justin Hall (KTM): 2. Chllse Couture (KTM); 3. Kalen Fitzpetrick (KTM); 4. Nicholas McPhee (KTM); 5. Jesse Freeman (KTM). 65 (10·11): I. Ricky Renner (KTM); 2. Robert Tiesler (KTM); 3. Dustin Solovitch (KTM): 4. Clay Clements (Kaw); 5. Frank Chllrllmut (KTM). 85 (7-11): 1. Colton Maynard (Suz); 2. Ricky Renner (Vam): 3. Kyle Keylon (Su,); 4. Donald Solley (Vam); 5. Dean Dyess (Suz). 85 (12-13): I. Kyle Chisholm (Kaw): 2. Matt Bani (Kaw); 3. Kyle Meeks (Suz); 4. Dustin Jensen (Yam): 5. Mlltt Lee (Vam). 85 (14-15): 1. Matt Goerke (Vam); 2. Levi Sammons (Yam); 3. Alan Cliburn (Kaw); 4. Matthew Pedrero (Yam): 5. Chase Revell (Yam). 5/MINI: 1. Matt Goerke (Yam); 2. Matt Bani (Kaw); 3. Kyle Chisholm (Kaw): 4. Kyle Meeks (Suz): 5. Kyle Keylon (Suz). 125 (12·15): I. Dan Truman (Kaw); 2. Ryan Wllrren (KllW): 3. Kyle Williamson (Hon); 4. Shaun Skinner (KTM); 5. lack Lundy (Han). 125 A; 1. Randy Jackson (KTM); 2. Kyle Williamson (Hon); 3. Daniel Zullo (Yam). 125 B: 1. Olln Trumeo (Kew); 2. Drew Kain (KTM); 3. Mike Finneglm (Vern); 4. Shllun Skinner (KTM); 5. Cliff Badgett (Suz). 125 C: 1. JlIson Rosete (Suz); 2. Kurt Damron (Suz): 3. Joe Baker (Suz); 4. Jonathan Camp (Vam); 5. Vince Cirrincione (Yam). 125 PRO; I. Tyson Hadsell (Vam); 2. Paul Perebijnos (Yam); 3. Jarrett Tipping (Suz); 4. RlIIndy JlIIckson (KTM); 5. Rylln Ollvis (KlIIw). 250/500 B: I. Olin Trumlln (KlIIw): 2. Jesse Richards (Yam); 3. DlIIrren Fortin (Suz); 4. Corey Fink (Vam); 5. Steve Dumond (Suz). 250/500 PRO: 1. Tyson Hadsell (Vam); 2. Robert Farnell (Suz); 3. Peul Perebijnos (Yam): 4. Jarrett TIpping (Suz); 5. Brandon Butler (Han). 250/500 C: 1. Slim Fiorina (Suz); 2. Brad Bernier (Vam); 3. Riley Hall (Su,); 4. Ed Higgins (Vam): 5. Jeremy Freeman (Suz). 16·24: 1. Jeremy Shuttleworth (Suz); 2. Cole Studstill (Vam): 3. Cory Norvell (Suz); 4. Eric Stewart (Vam); 5. Shawn Mayo (Vam). 25+: 1. Eddie Ray (Yam); 2. Steve Dumond (Suz); 3. Daniel Zullo (Yem); 4. Jonathllln Edwards (Kaw): 5. Jake Fowler (Han). 30+: 1. Tim Eggers (Yam); 2. Lee McUvaine (Vam); 3. Jeff Lampe (Suz): 4. Steve Dumond (Su,); 5. Billy Wood (Vam). 35.; I. Tim Eggers (Vam); 2. Billy Wood (Vam); 3. John Lundy (Hon); 4. Ed Higgins (Yllm); 5. Lee Mcilvaine (Yam). 40+: 1. John Lundy (Hon); 2. Willis Brock (Hon); 3. Les Burnside (Hon); 4. Robert Armstrong (Yam); 5. Dell Miller (Han). 45+: 1. David Johnson (Yam); 2. Kevin Wilson (Suz); 3. Rick Thorpe (Han); 4. Thomas Fogg (Vam): 5. Steven Edwards (Yem). 4-STRK; J. Eddie Ray (Vam): 2. Casey Wood (Yam); 3. James Thompson (Yern); 4. Robert Armstrong (Yam); 5. Mike Taylor (Yam). .. _ s ' OCTOBER 24, 2001 65

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