Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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2001 400 STK: 1. Arw.ty Fortner; 2. Doug C~I : 3. Nrl Cieri 4 ; PaulHart; 5. David ~ SR: I. Randy Tt'O&p«; 2. /"'\ark Pe!f!1'S; 3. Kevin WHlft'r; 4 . Doug ~I; 5. Bob FIIhe1. SJSR 1. Ga~ Jfonk.-.; 2. RachMd Pottef; 3. Bud Non:hrup. : EXHIB: I. fo\lke Wargo: 2 . Noah Nann: 3. Nick Gerl: 4. John NicM US; 5. Adam ~ FAST llMf.: Tim Havercroft. Dixie MX ~UNLDP 1.1.'" ,."&6 ~!!Jl!Y.Y!~ I'''' '9"IlAD f A l ROYER -- TwinAir AMA / CHEVY TRUCK MOTOCROSS NATIONA LS Presented by Dunlop Radial Rover UghtTruck Trres, sponsored by • & ~ s6s -- JULY 20,21 & 22 @'f) ~~"4 Hartzog, Stagner Sweep Dixie By H UGH . Presents Round 8 ot~cross Park, Troy, Ohio Kenworthy's GATUN Friday, July 20: Sign-up starts O ZARK , AL. MAY 12 B a nd C Raci ng team mates Buck Hartz og and Clint Stagner , backed by Gilland Chevrolet of Eufau la and The Yama ha Outlet, t u rned in wi nn ing rides at ro und one of the K aceT eK Summer Motocross Serie s. held at Dixie MX . Hartzog wa s a double-mote win ner in the 125cc C clas s, Stagn er pla ced th ird overall , beh ind Hartzog and Hartford , Alaba ma 's Wes T indel l. Marty Richards, th e on ly rider in the top fiv e who was n't Yam ah a-mou nted , went 3 4 on hi s Honda for fourth overall . Stagner was in co m p lete control of t he 250cc C cla ss. riding his YZ250 to both m oto win s. Hartzog followed him to the finish both ti mes on a CR250. Iron City. Georgia's Jason Cross pl aced thi rd , breaking a poi nts tie with local rid er Regal Hamm. Th e K ac eT e K Se ries - formed b y D ix ie promoters Keith and Steve Stum pf, KaceTeK own er K enn y C as e y , a nd Rivers ide M X ' s Jamie Th ompson · co nsists of 10 round s, fiv e night rac es at Dixie and fiv e at Rive rsid e. Th e serie s ' grand Pr iz e , a Ka ceTeK -pr epp ed KX250, will be awarded to a series contes ta nt at the final rou nd . Dann y Cu mbie snared the holeshot in the fi rst 125cc D mo te , followed by Yam aha riders Ry ker Smith and Chad Reeves. J .D . Devilbi ss a nd Jeremy Li ndsay collided i n tu m three , with U ndsay hitting the deck. Devilbiss m o ved i nto seco nd o n lap t wo . Cu mb i e had a str aig ht away lead at th e fini sh. Beh ind Devil bi ss, Smith . Br ad y K en t and Reeves c ame ac ross th e line in close order. Ho we ver, th e th rill of victory was sho rt-lived for Cum bie. He had do ub led a set of jumps after the whoo ps. which th e D-c1ass riders were req uire d to sin gle. and he was docke d a lap . Cu m bi e too k th e start of mota t w o and Devilb iss im mediately cha lle nged fo r th e lead wi th an inside pass atte m pt in tum th ree. As the top tw o pull ed away , the ride rs in the th ird th ro ugh sixth places rem ained bun ched up . A t the halfw ay poi nt , Devilbiss lost th e si lenc er o n his RM 125 and Cumbie pulled aw ay for th e win. O n the la st lap . U nd say brok e away from th e pa ck and fin ished thi rd . Kent brought his K X 125 h om e fourth , ju st in c h es a hea d of Reeves. De vilb iss' 2 -1 tally topped Cumbie' s 5 -1 score for the overall w in . T he ba t tl e for su p re macy i n the 250cc Money cl ass co nti nued betwee n Troy , Alaba m a's Br ent Carroll and Yam aha veteran Darryl Hei sler . J ames Morrison p ut his CR250 ou t front in t he fi rst m oto . Carro ll q uickly o u t j um ped Morrison over a do uble and took the lead in th e next tum . Heisler m oved to seco nd hal fwa y t hrough t he fi rst l ap . Po si t i o n s remained the same to th e checkers. Heisler got the hol eshot in race two , ahead of Mo rrison. Carro ll squeezed und er Morri son in t urn two. Heisler' s YZ25 0 had the horsepo wer do wn the str aig hts. but Carroll was ab le to stay in contact with him. Morrison was able to hold the pace until the hal fway point. Heis ler took the m ota and overall wins . 11: 00 am Amateur Practice 1:00 pm $5.00 + Saturdays sign up fee 1;00 ·1 :45 2SOcc & Open 1:45 - 2;30 125cc 2:30 ·3:15 80cc No practice lor Quads, SO's, 60's, & Min i Jrs. f.MP G . ._-,- -, Saturday, July 21: See all the Pro 's Pastrani, Wey, Fonseca, laRocco, Carmichael, Windham, Langston, Lusk, Sellards, p:joncada MAKE IT A WEEKEND! Rain or Shine ADULTS Weekend - $3 5 Sunday (only) - $25 KIDS 6- 12 Fri-Sat - 15 Sun - $10 5 and under FREE! No One Under 18 Admitted without Parent Fri. & Sat. GATES OPEN FRIDAY MORNING PARKING & CAMPING FEES POSTED AT GATE 0GLASS, PETS, KEGS, VIDEO CAMERAS, HOME FURNITURE! Accommo dat ions available through: Miami County Travel Bureau 1·800-348-8993 Con cessi on s Avail able Dun lop Amateur Day Sign-up: A class $30 / B&C $15 /200 Class $10 Sign-up 7:00 am Practice 6:00 am Races 10:00 am 1 Molo Pro Practice and Qualifying 3:00 pm ~ Saturday Night: Uve on stageTony Peters Sunday, JUly 22: AMA I Chevy Trucks Presented by Dunlop Radial Rover U ght Truck TIres , sponsored by and (0).,.,,\';1:L' Practice 6:30 am Qualifiers 10:30 am Main Event 1:00 pm 1#;"1;6'3'''-' .Ilaje:s a: .. Classes for Main Track MIni Sr., School boy, 16-24; 125 B, 125 C, 250 B, 250 C, 25+, 30+, 40+, U weight A (125cc), Hvy. weight A (250-0 pen) _7 B class trophys guaranteed Dunlop additional $500 in each 'A' class • Classes for ATV & Youth Track 2 Wheels - Stock SO's Jr., SO's Sr., 50 Injector, 60's, Mini Jr.~ ~-..v73' ATVs - 2 stroke, 4 stroke, 30+ 2 & 4 stroke, Open class if possible A.M.leoDard . Tools That World 1-8OO-l543-8955 bobcat of dayton inc. 293-3176 Barn e y Rentals, Inc. 233-4927 f ~ 5;: CF Poeppelman Inc 1 Nul' 448-2191 OOR FARMER'S • ~ ...... /1~ r» RENTAL R.V SALES . 898-5061 368-2449 1-«lO-H O SWEAT OMS _ _ BmE's 'NC. Kenworthy's Motocross Park Home of the Nationally Known DIRTY DOZEN· WIDOWMAKER • BANZAI TABLE TOP 2 Miles South of Troy, Ohio on SR 202 10 Miles North of 1·7 0 on SR 202 FOR MORE INFO CALL 937-335-4763 E-mail: Web Page: • w•• I -1--+,"," ... Re s ults P/W (4 ·6): I . B1akll!' ~ (Cob); 2. Gary Scott Chnstian (KTM); 3. .Jcw.y Snuth (KTM): 4. Just.-l Pascha l (Hon); 5. Will HarTVn (lion). P/W (7 ·9) : I. Gray Vin50fl (KTM); 2_ Kevin BtaWr (KTM ); 3. WlU iam Wat~ (KTM): 4. Nathon McJt\urptly (KTM). P/W 80: I. JU~hn Woodfin (Yam ); 2. Jonathan Woodfin (Yam) . 6OC : I. ChaSf!WalkH(Kaw). 60 D: 1. Gray V ~nson (Kaw): 2. c.J . Giles (Kaw): 3. NIcholas Hoots (KTM): 4 . AarOfl Coodle (KTM): 5. JU$lJn WoodfI (Kaw). n 80 B: I. Blane Mason(Yam). 80 C: I. Kendall Mn!Wn (Suz): 2. Hunter w elters (Suz); 3. Je re. m y H.n dy (Kaw). 80 D: l. Kyle Thomas (Hon); 2. Blmre Carlisle (Kaw); 3. Jamf'lI . Devilbiss (Hon); 4. Brandon Devilbiss (Ya m); 5. Chris Crumb (KIllIll). 5 /MINI: 1. Kl!fldllll Mn!oOl1 (Sw:); 2. Hunter Wlllllers (Suz): 3. Jeremy Hardy (Kow). VTH: I. JllJne Stephens (Yam) ; 2. Blane Mnson (Yom). ll 16·29: I. Wes TIndell(Yam ); 2. ClllY Downing (Kow). 125 MNY; I . J~ Slephens (Yom); 2. Joe Bruer (Hon): 3. Clay Downing (Ka.....I. 125 C: I. Buck Hartzog (Yam): 2. Wes Tinde ll (Yam ): 3. Clint Stagner (Yam ): 4 , fo\art IUchards (Hon): 5. KeIth Ward (Yam). y 125 D: 1. J .D. [)Pvdbiu (Suz): 2. Donny Cumbie (Hon): 3. Brody Kftlt (Kaw): 4. Ryker Snuth (Yam): 5. J~ Uncbay (Han) . ~ M Y: I. Derryl HeisiH (Yam ): 2. B~I Carrol l (Yam) ; 3 . Jam es Morrison (Han) . iElfi;'f,«#jJ C '~ ~ ~I ~~ OCTOBER 12,13&14,2001 INSIDE THE MGM GRAND HOTEL IN lAS VEGAS FOR MORE RACE INFO VISIT WWW.U SSX.COM MOTORSPORTS 1-811-841-29&1 WWW . CHA PARRA L . W S cue. e n e _ SO • JUNE 27 , 2001 81