Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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250 C; I. Clint Slagner (Yam ); 2. Buck Hartzog (Han) ; 3. JMOIl es Crosa (Han ); 4. Regal Hamm (Yam) ; 5. Mike Reev (Ya m). 25(m I. !Any loud (Su<). VETB; I. Kenn y Casey (Yam ); 2. Kevin Davis (Hon) . VETC; I. Keith Ward (Yarn); 2. Jerri Rene (Yarn) . 40+ ; 1. Rhett Peel (Yam) ; 2. Ton y Hardy (Kaw); J . Grady Hendrix (Yarn); 4. LarryMcArthur (Yam ). HBBY; I. J a mes Dev ilbiSS (Hon) ; 2. J ack Devilbiss (Hon); 3 Bra nd on Dev ilbiss (Ya m); 4. Ryke r SmIth (Ya m); 5. Hugh Oa tlin (Hon) . Willow Sp rings Internati onal Raceway Toye Winds Up in Front By ERIc V INCENT ROSAMOND , CA, MAY 19-20 Jerem y Toye won his first Toyota Cup Unlimited Formula On e Grand Prix face at t he fifth round of Willow Sp rings Motorcycle Club action at Willow Springs Intematio nal Raceway. Ken Chase wa s the fastest rac e r off t he line , with J eff Stern e me rging in second a nd To ye in t h ird o n his Dun lop-sho d Yamah a YZF-R l. On the ba ck st ra ight, To ye d raft ed a nd pa ssed Stem to take over second. To ye was on a mi ss ion , a n d a s the le aders went down the front st ra ight to sta rt lap two of the e ig ht-la p e ve nt, To ye d ra fte d a nd p a ssed Cha se to tak e over the lead. Midway thr ou gh th e sa me la p, Bry a n Kova rick e merged in Stern ' s draft and pow ered past him o n the ba c k straight. He mana ged to mo mentarily ca tch Chase in th e fron t s t ra ight but wa s pus hed bac k as lap five got und er way . Th e top thr ee race rs remained sepa rat ed by only a few bike lengths for the nex t lap an d a ha lf, bu t o n lap seven a cra shed racer brou gh t out the red na gs a nd a premature end to th e race. That left Toye with the win and Chase in second, with Kovarick rou nd ing out . the to p three. "I was s urprised to eve n ma ke it he re, " s a id To ye o n the victor y po diu m . ' We ha d p robl ems with th e bi ke yeste rday, so I just wa n te d to kee p it on t wo wh e e ls . a n d it worked out." In th e Hy p erclub WSM C Fo rm u la Two Gran d Prix, Jacob West rocketed into the ea rly le a d off the line, follow ed by Kova ric k and Andre Ca stan os e me rging in third . Kov a rick spe nt most of the first two la ps looki ng for a wa y around West, a nd he fou nd it in the fast tu rn -e iqh t s wee pe r o n la p t wo . Ko var ick closed up on Wes t down the bac k straight and dropped to the inside of Wes t go ing th rou gh tum eight, e merging with the lead exiting tum nine to complete lap two. West tried rep eat edly to d raft a n d p a s s Kovarick o n th e b ac k stra ig ht an d going into tum one on eac h of the rem a ining lap s of the s ix-la p e ve nt, but Kovarick ke pt shutting the doo r on him . As the fina l lap got under wa y, West was sitt ing in Kovar lck 's draft. On the ba c k stra ight, he ma naged to pull alongs ide Kovar ick, but Kovar ic k pre vailed with just e nough ho rsep owe r to han g on to th e lea d and take the win, lea ving Wes t in second a nd Castanos in th ird. BOTT H J\lI; I . Claud io Szyszkowski (Due ); 2 . Clint Milt~ (Hon); J. Jody He nd ley ( H· D); 4_ Clay Carrie r (Duc) : 5. Dav e Cam pbe ll (BMW). 500 SGL: I . Dann y Fa rTlSWOfth (Hon); 2. Aaron Bany (Yarn); 3. lany Cochr an (Hon ). 660 SGL: 1. Kevin Jump (Ml); 2. Jeff Rheawne (Sol); 3. Jeff Law(Y am). F-SO l ; 1. Sc o tt Vye (Ya m ); 2. Ke vin Jump (foU); 3. J eff Rheaume- (Suz); 4. Uoyd JohnS(lfl (Yam); 5. lany Cochran (Hon) . F.40 ir«. I. Tom Ser a (Yarn); 2. Jerry J irkov sky (Kaw); 3. Petee Ellis (Yam) ; 4. Paul .Milligan (Yam ); 5. Sleven Uberatore (Yam ). F· 40 HJ\lI; 1. Cla udio 5z yszko wsk i (Due ); 2. Ke ith MacBeth (tta w); 3. Mik~ Ckpha rt (Yam) ; 4. Rob Nelms (Hon); 5. Ed Paniagua (Su<). F·5O; I. David Malila' (Ya m) ; 2. John Bailey (Due); 3. Christopher Crowell (Due) ; 4. Chucfo: Burnett (Hon) . LJW VlNT; I . CraIQ Beecher (Ya m ); 2. Aaron Barry (Ya m) ; 3. l.Mry Cochr an (Hon ). HJ\V VlNT; 1. Todd Boudre a ux (KlI'W); 2. !'\ick Ofldd (Due ); 3 . Scott Fabbro (Suz) . SO LO GTO ENDUR : I . Ce sar Meza (S uz); 2 . Ed Milhau $en (Suz); 3 . Ertc Habermehl (S uz); 4 . Oliver Chaml ( ); 5 . u rry Pa~uale (Hen ) . SO LO GTU ENOOR; I. J acob West (Ya m ): 2 . Owen Rich e y (Ya m ) : 3 . Kenny Ko pecky (Ya m) ; 4 . Jeff Longbollom (Ya m ); 5 . JonattuuJ DickltDon (Yam) . SOLO GT ·lT ENDUR; 1. Eva n s Brasfield (Kaw) ; 2 . Sleven fo\oonitz (Suz); 3 . J osh ua Ste in be rg (Suz); 4 . Mel Sm ith (Yam) ; 5 . David Babb (Kaw). 0·500 I./W NOV: 1. Zina Kelley (Apr); 2 . Donald Ubllld (.... pr); 3 . Kurt Krau S(' (Yam) ; 4 . J oe Olenick (Suz ); 5 . Timoth y J one s (Yam ). 50 1·650 M/W NOV: I . Cameron Gaffron (Yam ); 2 . Brian Steeve s (Hon ); J . Eric Nichols (Suz); 4 . Ron Northup (Yam); ~. Ma rk Allen (Yam ). 65 1·0PEN HJW NOV; 1. J ay Dillera (Hon); 2. Howard l ynggard (Yam ); 3 . Danny Birdsall (Suz); 4 . Scott Larsen (Hon ); 5 . Pete Cerventes (Kaw). Motocross Plane t Poor Goes For Broke By ANDREA H IGDON ABILENE, TX, MAY20 The ina ug ura l race at Motocross Planet in Abi lene , Te xas, had several surprises in store for racers a nd spectators alike . A da y that started with perfect wea ther and an exciting tra ck design turn ed into a hot, windy , dusty c hal lenge. J ust when the crowd thought things wer e settling into a good rhyt hm, they we re se nt into a pan ic a s a swarm of African killer bees desce nded on the track! The Ove r 40 class was the mo st exciti ng race of t he d a y . T h is cl a s s co nsisted of Tommy Crum p (who had a YZ4 26F not only out for its first race but also his first ride on it), Tom Higdo n an d J o hn Poo r, Higd on an d Poo r had ra ced aga inst each othe r as tee na ger s , a nd a s the da y would prove , old hab its • a nd rivalries - die har d. The first moto sta rted off with a ba ng , as Higdon too k the hole shot, followed closely by Poor a nd Crump. The three battled back a nd forth for the first la p a nd a half. Poo r jum ped by Higdon ove r the ba ck ste p- up towa rd the e nd of the second lap an d was ab le to pu ll a slight lead but , on a ta ble top at the end of the fourth la p, Poor's bike ra n out of gas. Higdon sto p ped to find out wha t wa s going o n, a nd after a ch uc kle he too k off to ta ke first pla ce, Crum p ca me in se cond afte r battl ing first- race de mons a nd try ing to br ea k th o se ol d two stroke habits o n his ne w YZ426F. Poor filled up in time a nd ca me in third. The second moto started with a clo ud of dust. After double-checking his gas tank, Poor too k the holesh ot. Hot on his tail were Higdon and Crump. The three stayed close for a lap and a half. As the heat and dust caught up with the riders, the y began to spread out. Poor took first , followed by Higdon and Crump. No pit stops for Poo r th is moto l Results 50: I. Tyler Risl er (Hon); 2. Dylan Cooke ( KTM); 3 . Tessa Cast ille (Hon ); 4. Dakota fo\cC al'1ney (Yarn ); 5. Colin Ooud (L.em). 65; 1. Tye J8ekson (taM). . 60 BEG; 1. Ty Botkin (Kaw ); 2. Joshua Oemone (KlI'W); 3 . Be Patton (Yam ); 4 . Tyler Travis (Yam ); 5 . lane lofUn (Hen) . 125 NOV: 1. Jeremy Travis (Yarn) ; 2. Justin Kmler (y am ); J. Josh Putman (KTM); 4 . Donald Jones (Ya m ); 5 . Ca5eY Vawt~ (Yam) . 125 BEG: I. Ja y Parramcne (ya m); 2. Eric: Sisneros (Yam ); 3 . J a50n Hudson (HUI); 4 . Dave NUlloll (Yam ); 5. Mike Jones (Yam ). 125 INT: I. Billy COJIey (Yam ). 250 NOV; 1. Kyle Dodrill (Kaw); 2. 1"tJke Johnson (Hon ). 250 BEG; 1. Dee Abe ll (Suz ); 2 . Tyler Crump (Kaw) ; 3 . Matt Ange~ (Hon); 4 . WillWomack (Ka w); 5 . Ke ny Deen (Kaw). 30+ ; 1. Tom Higdon (Yarn); 2 . Mike Johnson (Hon) ; 3 . Jackie Dew (Kaw). 40+ : I. Tom Higdo n (Yam); 2. Joh n Poo r ( Ho n) ; 3 . To m my Crump (Yam ). Action Valley Motocross Park Capps Blasts the Valley By D A VID AND J ESSICA S CREWS PARIS, TN, MAY 20 Su zuk i/ Hon da of Dic ks on , Te nne ssee -spo n so red Derek Ca pps is beg inning to mak e him se lf known as a mo tocrosser to be co ntende d wit h in the 125cc C class in the Mid -So uth reg ion. Astrid e his Honda , Capps e xhibits the will to win regardless of the circumstances. If he falters on a lap, he's back and ra cin g in less than a s plit second . If he doesn't win the first mota or heat race, you 'd better watc h your knobbies in the second moto or th e main. He's gon na come a t you with all he 's go t. Ask the doze n or so I 25cc C contes ta nts who went up against him a t Action Valley in the latter part of May. Me m ph is man Just in McC a s kill to ok the ho les hot in mota one a bo a rd his fou r-strok in' Yama ha, o nly to st all the ba rk ing YZ in a n uphill section of the tra ck known a s Th e Curly Cues . While McCaskill was atte m pting to kick his mac hine ba ck to life, Billy Sa uls , on a twost roke YZ, and Ca pps , on his Hon da , flew past McC a skill an d bega n a battle for th e lea d , Afte r fou r la ps a rou nd th e 1.2 -mile c irc uit , Sa uls still led Ca pps , a nd the two c rossed the checke rs with less than a hair be twee n the m . Moto two kicked o ff with McCa skill once ag ain strokin' his YZ for the holeshot. Right beh ind him wer e Ca pps a nd Saul s . Before the first lap en de d, Ca pps z~ped past McCa skill in the whoops a nd le t his red ma ch ine loo se on Th e Valley . Saul s , the ma in man of moto one, pu t McCaskill be hind him a t th e beginning of the second lap and se t out to ca tc h up with Capps - but it was not to be . Ca pps, with Re sults F· 1; I. J e remy 'r e ye (Ya m ); 2 . Ken Chase (Su z); J . Bryan Kovandt (Yam) ; 4 . Frank Aragaki (Kaw); 5 . J acob West (Yam ). F· 2; I. Bryan Kovarick (Yam ); 2 . J acob West (Yam ); J . Andre Castllnos (Apr); 4 . Kevin Murray (Yam) ; 5 . Anthon y Guzman (Suz) . 125 OP: 1. Kevin MU'Tay (Yarn) ; 2. Stewart Aitk~Cade (Hon) ; 3 . Joseph Shriton (Hon) ; 4 . Skye Girard (Ya m ); 5 . ShMyn Namnath APR CHAl; I . Ancn Cutanos (.... r ); 2. TIfTI Knubon (Apr); 3 . p Charl~ ........ (""'); '. Chrio K~ 1ey (llu<) ; 5. John ""'"'" (""'I. 550 S/ 8 K; 1. Andre Cammol (.... r) ; 2. Scott Cleff (Hon ); J. p Marlt Woodward (Suz); 4 . Jeff Peopiot(Yarn); 5. Thomasl ynn (Sul ). 650 S{8K : 1. J~y Toye (Ya m ); 2 . J acob West (Ya m ); J . Bryan Kovarick (Yam ); 4 . Owen Rk:hey (Ya m) : 5 . Reno Karlm hm (yam ). 750 S/BK: 1. Ken Chaw (Suz) ; 2. Ed Milhausen (Suz); 3. J eff S<~ (Su<); '. ""'"" """'" (Su<); 5. a""", """'......... (,""I. OPEN S/BK; 1. Jeremy Toye (Yam ); 2. Bryan Kovarick (Yam ); 3. Juan Curtis (Yam ); 4 . Chad Jensen (Suz) ; 5. Rob Nelms (Hon ). 500 MOO PROD; I . J eff Pepiot (Yam ); 2 . Williarn Erom (Yam ); 3 . Joae Estrella (Kaw); 4 . Mel Smith (Yam ); 5 . David Babb (Kaw) . 600 MOD PROD: 1. Jacob West (Yam); 2 . Paul Wright (Hon ); 3. Anth on y Guzma n (Su z); 4 . Ja§()fl Pere z ( Ho n); 5 . Ren o Ka rim ian (Yam ). 750 !"IOD PROD; I . Cesar Mel a (Suz ); 2 . Clinton Whitehouse (Suz); 3 . Grah am Howell (Suz) ; 4 . Paul Tunrnan (Suz); 5. J anin Carl· son (Suz) . OPEN MOD PROD: 1. Jeny Mendz er (Ya m ); 2 . Chad J en~ (Su z) ; 3 . Chris Pa te (S uz) ; 4 . Robe rt Rock a fellow (Yam ); 5 . Mike Gephart (Ya m ). in 500 S{STK: 1. Je ff Pe piot (Ya m ); 2 . WllIl m Erw (Yam ); 3. Mel a Sm ith (Yam) . 600 S/STK; 1. Bryan Kovarlek (Yarn ); 2 . Jacob We t (Yam) ; 3. Paul Wright (Hon ); 4 . Owen Rich ey (Yam ); 5. Reno Karimlan (Yam) . 750 S/STK; 1. Ken Chase (Suz); 2 . Danie l Dietrich (Suz ); J . Clin· ton Wh iteh ou se (S uz) ; 4 . Gra ha m Howe ll (Suz) ; 5 . Ja nin Ca rlson cue I e Lincoln Trail Motospo rts Smits Jimmies a Win at AHRMA National By J AMES PI NCKARD CASEY, II., MAY 19 For mer NBA a ll-sta r cente r for the Indiana Pacers Ric k Smi ts won the GP 250cc Nov ice class at the AHRMA National at Un coln Tra il Mot or sports in Ca s ey , Illinoi s , wit h double moto wins . "I ca n' t belie ve I wo n!" he said after th e ra ce . "I just had a grea t tim e. This is m y first mot ocross ever. I ha ve rod e a har e sc ra m ble , but that is it. Th is is jus t fun,' Th omas Grimmel took his Honda to second ove ra ll for the day with a 3-2 mo to score. Bria n Wison finish ed se co nd in the first moto but could only get his Husky to fourth in the second, bu t th at wa s go o d e noug h fo r third overa ll. In the Histor ic 500cc Inte rmed ia te cla ss, To m McCalliste r p ut h is S uzuk i RM370 out front for the win. Maico rider Richie Vallanding ha m ke pt him in s ight but co uld no t get cl o s e e no ug h to p a s s fo r t h e win . Larry Perkins pla ced third over all on his Pen ton. Bob Geek ie finished fourth ove ra ll on his Maico . HSTRC 125 HSTRC 125 HSTRC 250 HSTRC 250 HSTRC 250 NOV: l. Joe Ross. EX; l. Pat O ·Connor. NOV; Stev e KuykedaJl; 2. Edward Gaines . INT; 1. Larry Perkins ; 2 . Randy Studer . EX; l. Pat O'Connor; 2 . Cork y Root; 3 . Brad Ken· HSTRC 500 INT; I. Tom McCalhster; 2. Thomes Vallandingham; 3.l..any Perki'1s; 4 . Bob Geekie . HSTRC 500 EX; 1. Cluis Rk:ban:bon . HSTRC 4 -STRK NOV; I. ThcmaJ GrirrvneI. HSTRC 4 ·STRK EX; 1. St.1cyStewart. GP 125 M ; I. Brian Borshoff. GP 125 EX; 1. Rkk GP 250 NOV; 1. Rik Sm its; 2 . Thomas Grimmel ; 3 . Brian Wison; 4 . Michael ChoIar . GP 250 INT: I . Rk::hard Andenon . GP 250 EX; 1. Craig Brandt ; 2. Brad Kennard; J . Don R4ioey. GP 500 NOV; 1. Edward Gaines . GP 500 INT; 1. Ma lt Smoczy nskl ; 2 . Scott Dowle r; 3 . Ma rk Thom pson ; 4 . Jim Roble . GP 500 EX; 1. Rik Sims; 2. Claude McElva in 40 .. INT; 1. John Munich ; 2. Gary Dola; 3 . Randy Stulkr; 4 . Larry Peritins . 50+ NOV: 1. Georg e WlIenski. 50+ INT: 1. Bob Egan; 2. Fred Lau eter. 50+ EX: 1. J eff Sm ith; 2 . Claude McElvain . OPEN GE NOV; 1. J ohn Hernan dez. OPEN GE EX; 1. Chris Richa rdson . V1NT 125 NOV; I. Sammy Chumley . VlNT250 EX: 1. Core y Willough by. V1NT 500 NOV: 1. J .D. Piper . ULTIMA. 125 NOV; 1. John Herna nde z. UlT'IMA 250 INT; 1. John Munich ; 2. J im fo\cC uUock. ULTIMA. 500 NOV; 1. George Wilensk i. ULT'IMA 500 M ; 1. Dan HaU. smu. (s~) . 27.2001 • 50 (4 ·6 ); 1. Austin Puck ett (Hus ). 65 (7 ·9) : 1. Josh Boll (Kaw): 2 . Logan Pollard (Ka w); 3 . Brent Hicks (!