Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Novice Eric Alloy in fourth . With a hole shot sta rt and unbeatable s pee d, Remsen wrapped up first place in moto two. Alloy raced in with se cond and Webb nabbed th ird . Gale Webb put he r K~w~ saki into the fourth ·place spot. R.sult. MSTR: I. Toby Taki (Yam ); 2 . Cart Catafy (Yam ). EX: t. Scott WUson (Yam ); 2. Philip Crut (Ya m ). M 40...: 1. Lorry Fish er (Ya m ): 2. Joe Red (Suz) . AlII 50+ : l. J a ck Garland (Yam ): 2. Ray Simmon s (SUI); 3. Lorry HaU(Yam ). NOV: 1. G. Remsen (KTM): 2_ Eric: Alloy (Ka w); 3. John Webb (Han ): 4 . Gale Webb (Kaw). 801NT : I .I\.J. ~trom (Yarn ). 125 FIT : I. Taylor Christenson (Hon) ; 2. Noah SheniII (Hon) : 3. Jeremy Reitsma (Yam) . 125 BEG: 1. Brad CrUey (Yam) : 2. Ryan Sanderson (Yam ); 3. Tay lor Sa nderson (Stu ): 4 . J ustin Nelson (SUt): 5 . J im Edmon ds (Honl· I~ NOV; 1. Paul Johnson (Yam ). 125 INT; 1. Malcom 1t\cCas.sey (Yam ). 2.50 BEG: 1. Ben Cate s (Yllm): 2 . J ason Reglllla (Hon ); 3. louie Dunn (Yam) : 4 . J ason Arnold (Kaw); 5. J oe Lemon (Kow). 2 50 NOV: 1. J on Simmons (Yam) . 30+ BEO: L Scott Jarvis (Hon ); 2. Chuck Golob (Han ); 3. Jim Sne llenberger (Yam ). 30+ NOV: 1. Ryan Roberts (Yam ); 2. Albert Se rrcno (Hon) . 30 + INT: 1. Kart Johnson (Yam ). 40+ BEG: 1. Ron Bech ord (Yam ); 2. Robe rt Sherrill (Ya m) ; 3. Wood y ..lohrlson (Yam ). 40 + !NT: 1. Bill Hagen (Yam ). Competit ion Park Roberts Rules the Order By S HAR ON R OBERTS Cahokia Creek Dirt Riders Hi llclimb Havercroft Fast, Peters Doubles SAN JACINTO. CA, MAY 12 Bryon Roberts ruled the ove rall finish ing order in th e 65cc Be ginne r class at Co m petition WHITE CITY ,ll, MAY t s Park aft er great perfonnances in both motos. Tim Haver croft from Greenbush. Michigan, Th e hole s hot for ga te on e went to 65 cc Novi ce racer Fra nk Aguirre, foll ow ed closely by 65c c Be gi nn ers Garrett Ye ckl e y a n d Robe rts. While Aguirre pulled away ea ch lap , there was a great batti e in the 65 cc Beginner class. The top four - Yeckley, Roberts, J essica Parton and Co dy Jeffries - were close throu gh out . changing positions several ti mes . O n lap Sandusky Valley Riders MC Clubgrounds: Brent Miller wo n the 85cc (12-15) clas s a nd also finished th ird In the 1251250cc Expert class in Tiffin , Oh io. two, J effries pa ssed Parton for third and went after the lead ers. After lap three. Yeckley led . J effries pa ssed Roberts on the back stra ight. As the top three pulled away, J effries passed Yec kley for the lead and Rob erts go t by for second. At the flag, Aguirre took first ove rall for th e m ot a and his cla ss. J effries won th e 65 cc Beginner class, with Roberts seco nd an d Yeckley third. The 65cc First-Timers also too k The Int erm ed iat e ra ci ng a ctio n wa s also ve ry good . Rich S weat hel d off th e Ma s o n brothers, Cory an d John. Sa ntiag o Mart inez also rode well. J ohn Maso n bailed lat e in the moto. Swea t too k the win over Cory Mason , with Mart inez in third a nd third ove rall. Cory Mas on a ls o won th e Vet Ov er 25 cla ss, while J ohn Mason also won th e Fou r- Stroke class, over Sweat a nd KTM rider Tim Vaughn. Craig Sm ith wa s a do uble -cla ss winner on the day, taking the Vets Ove r 3 0 and Over 35 cla sse s by putting his Honda out front all day . Another hot rider was anothe r Pro Source S uzuki pilot, Dav id Reed, who took the 125cc Ju nio r-cla ss win over a talented field of riders. Timm y Hollenbeck and Brock Miller roun ded V1NT 1989: 1. Rick Custard (Hon ): 2. Brian Breitigam (Yam ); 3. Todd Muntz (Hon ). 4 -STRK: 1. J ohn Mason (Yam ); 2 . Rich Sweat (Yam): 3. Tim Vaughn (Kaw). WMN (16+): 1. Tea la Keller (Han) . don do and Parto n. J eff ri es went down hard, wh ic h put Ag uirre up fro nt . Roberts got by Perris Race way A Toby Taki IITakey" at Perris MX By BOB Au o v PERRIS, CA, MAY 20 Be sid e s th e 4 3 ex ce ptio na lly fit , fa s t a nd re m a rka bl e ROTMX riders and th e ir ho t Rlld~u Amando Minard (Y am). 50 !'IOV(7· 9): 1. Chelsie Dvonch (Yam ). 50 S (7· 9 ): I. Bleke Voxthe imer (Pol): 2. Chelsi~ Dvonch (Yam) ; 3 . J im Kruege r (KTM). 50 EX I. Blake Y : cxthenn er (Pol). 80 PfW: I. Cody Minard (Yam); 2 . Jeffr~y FreirTUlrk (Yam) : 3. Cody Brunth auer (Yam). 60 BEG: I. Harte y P~ lgo (Kaw ); 2 . J effrey Pa rke r (Kow); 3 . Brendan Mack (Kaw). 65 : 1. Kyle Baker (Kaw): 2 . DWi ht Nolasco (Kow); 3 . Donny g Lewis (Kaw). 85 BEG (7 · 11 ) : I. Tre vo r Longe l (Hon ); 2 . Huton Wirem a n (Hon); 3. Tll:Iv Wimnon (Suz). is 85 BEG ( 12 · 15 ) : 1. Do ug Ro se ( Ho n ); 2 . Bra ndon Behn ke (Hon); 3. McClain D u~ (Yam) . B5 ADV (7 . 11) : 1. Broc k Pe te rson (S uz); 2. Kyle McC onnell (Kaw); 3 . Cod y Mina rd (Yam ). 85 ADV ( 12· 15 ): I. Brent Mllier (Suz); 2. Carl Custa rd (Hon ); 3. J ustin North (SUI). 125 J R (12 · 15) : I. David Reed (Suz); 2. Timm y Holle nbeck (Hon ); 3. Brock Mill r (Yam) . e 125 BEG: I. J ohn K..lley (SUI) ; 2 . Brick Lindsey (Suz) ; 3. Ja500 Schmitz (Kaw). 125 NOV: I. Lence Mitch ell (Suz); 2 . Ryan Voegl e (Yam); 3. Zachary Schroeder (Yam ). 12 5 1NT: J. TImm y Honen ~k (Hon) ; 2 . Ton y Doble (Hon ); 3 . Sa ntia go Martinez J r. (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. Ronnie Rideno ur (Hon l: 2 . Brion Bowers (Yam ); 3. Rob LJ (Kaw). tUe 250 NOV: 1. Brian Rife (Hon) ; 2. J ame s Krueger (Hon ); 3 . J er. rod Walp (Yam). 250 INT; I. Rich Sweat (Hon) ; 2. Cory Mason (Yam ); 3. Santiago Mertinez J r. (HOll). 1251250 EX: 1. Ja ke Dovis (Hon ); 2 . John Davis (Hon); 3 . Brent Miller (Suz). 16 -24 : I. Tony Robinson (Hon ); 2. John Meson (Yam); 3. J oe It' wis (Yam ). VET 25+ : I. Cory Moson (Yam) : 2. Denn y Kidwell (Yom): 3. Kent Smith (Yam). VET 30 + NOV: I. And y Hat c her (Ha n); 2 . Ben ja m in Wan ke (Yam ): 3. J onn Wirick (Han). VET 30+ : l . Craig Sm ith (Suz): 2. Rick Custa rd (Hon): 3. Steve Hollan d (Suz) . VET 35 +: 1. Cra ig Smith (Sut ); 2. Rick Custa rd (Ha n): 3. Todd Detmer (Yllm ). VET 40+: 1. David MGck (Yam ); 2. r im Vaughn (Kaw); 3. Kt!fl Wag ner (Hon). VET 4 5+: I. Corl Davis (Han ) ; 2. Bob Ma IlOll (Yam ) 3. Dary l Daugherty (Yam ). 80 J UNE 2 7 . 2 00 1 • cue • .. slick. His time stood up all night long to take th e 600 cc -c1ass win as well as the co veted Fast Time award. "Fas t And y" Fortner from Pittsb oro, Indiana , w as his closest c om pe ti- tion; he sailed his Honda over the top in 3.554 seconds on h is second rid e. Rand y Trosper was also fast on his Honda ; his 3.563·second run was go od for third, while Wade Schultz a nd Butch Fetters filled out the top five in the 19-ride r cla ss. Ma tt Pet er s from Neo ga, Illinois. ha d a goo d outi ng , getti ng the wins in bo th classes he ente red . Hi s fi rs t w in came in the 250cc cla ss , in which his first-ro und 3 .807-s econd tim e o n his CR25 0 we nt unbeaten , th ough Cod y J enn er ga ve him a good sca re with his 3 .8 10-seco nd run o n h is second rid e. M ike Wargo was also very qu ick , posting a 3 .837 · second tim e fo r thi rd . J on Cr eek and K evin do bob bled and Robe rts got by. The top three Leetha m claimed fourth and fifth. 65cc Beginners were now Roberts, A rren do ndo and Parton. Ag uirre aga in was th e top 65c c Novice, pulling aw ay from everyone and ru nning his ow n race. J eff ries got back up but class, wher e he ha d to work a little harde r. Scott Havercroft stopped the clock in 4. 075 was two laps down. On lap four, Parton got by Arrendo ndo for se co nd; they baUled th rough out the next la p, but in the end Arren d ondo passed Part on. At the finish, Aguirre had first Peters ' second wi n c a me i n t h e 4 0 0cc seco nd s on his fi rst ride to tak e the fi rst -ro und lea d, with Peters in se co nd afte r a 4. 175- secand run . In the seco nd rou nd . howeve r, Peters flew his KTM 38 0 over the top in 4 .044 secbut he ha d to sett le for second place. Pa ul Hillard, Pa ul Havercroft and Bren t Land filled in the rest of the top five places. Fortn er, Scott Sh eets and Schu ltz also had F irst -T imer s m oto was Sh errill , Pro cto r and Risse. good nights, w ith a win and a second eac h. Fortner got hi s win in the 400cc Sto ck cl ass Car l Gazafy also mad e quite a stateme nt by puttin g to gethe r two very fast second -place In th e co m bine d 50cc contest , the firstmot o holes hot went to J. D. Ebberts , fo llowed by fellow Beg inners Nick Serra no and Kurtis fi nishes. Ex pert rid er Phil Cruz o nce ag ai n co m - Wald en. Novice racer Colt Hubbs was on the m ove, pass ing Walden before th e completion bined great sk ill an d a fa st Yama ha into the winn ing co m binatio n for fir st pla ce. Scott Wil - of th e first la p. On la p two , Serrano got by Ebberts fo r first. Hub bs had to pull off th e with a 4 .203-second ride on his CR250 to nip Doug Ca mp bell, who ran a 4.266-second time o n his YZ400 to take the flrst -ro und lea d . "Scooter" Sheets took his win in the Pus hrod class, blasting his bad Harley over in a very good 3 .584 seconds to edge Schultz , who sto pped the clock in 3 .6 8 1 seco nds o n his s on go t a midpac k start but made his way tra ck brie fly to hav e someone remove a wire Harley. Sheets' second- place fi nish came in through and arou nd everyt hing to capture a well- earn ed second . He wa s follow ed by a hard -char gin g Denni s Melch ior. . Wil son turned his speed ' up a bit m ore in mota two and nailed the win . Cruz wasn 't far be hind with an im p ressive second, and Dan Wil l enb org ' s fa st Yamah a c rossed o ve r i n go od time for third -pl ace hon ors. that had be co me s tuc k in his bike , but he the Open class, in which his 3.626-second run m ade up a lot of tim e and too k first ove rall for wasn't quit e goo d enough for th e win , as Mike Kesse l scr eamed over the top on his m assive Race at Fe rris and sharing on e heck of a go od da y of competition and fun. (Yam ); 2. Jd f Wtllker (Yam). 50 S (4. 6 ): 1. Wade Raddatz (Vam) : 2 . John Murphy (Hon ). 50 (7 -9); I. Brenden ",,", k (Yllm) ; 2. Austin Reese (ATK) : 3. c ride of the night on his CR500. Havercroft did it early , too · nailing a startling 3 .434· second ti me in fi rst -round action whil e th e hill was still test, with Arrendondo, Pa rton an d Yeck ley followin g . Rob erts (2 -1) won the o ve ra ll, with Parton (4-3 ) seco nd and Yeck ley (3-4) third. Th e finis hing ord er for th e s econd he 65cc ers, all ge tting togeth er at the SVRG Vintage 50 !'IOV (4 -6 ): 1. Wilde trip worthwhile, however , by turning in the to p onds to tak e t he lead . Havercroft respo nde d w ith a fin e 4 .071 -second run on his Suzuk i , machines, ther e were some rem ark able, wellpreserv ed and hot vin ta ge bikes an d their rid - 50 BEG (4·6 ): 1. Net hen Holley (Yom ); 2. Nich olas Holley Part on and wa s now run ning thi rd ove rall and second in his cla ss. Arrendo ndo and Robert s were putting o n a go od sho w when A rrendon- trav eled a lon g way to ride o n th e mudd y, 130-foot Cah okia Creek Dirt Riders hill just outs ide of White City , Illinois. He made that ove rall. Roberts won the 65cc Beginners con- out the top pod ium positi ons. Results (Yam); 3. J acob Thomas (Yam ). off 'with gate one; at th e finis h , the o rder was Sa m Sherrill, Timothy Risse and Da ryl Procto r. J e ffri es a bsco nde d with the mo te -t wo holeshot, followed by Aguirre, Dan iel Arren - By BU NORTIlRUP D Tob y Taki's Yama ha looked like a winner fro m start to finish , and that's how it was. He bested all the other Ma ster racers for two fa ntas ti c m otos an d th us took th e overall wi n . In the Amateurs Over 40 race, Larry Fisher' s fast pace garne red him two consecutive first -place finishes. Joe Red certainly had the hol eshot starts down to a fine. art as he blast ed out to start each m oto with the lead. and he blazed in with two pow erful second- place fi nis hes . Ja c k Gar la nd was o ut in fro nt with hi s smooth and ve ry fas t riding, an d he qua lified fo r the Amateurs Over 50 w in not once bu t tw ice. Ray Sim mons had so me go od speed , too , and he po wered his Suzuki over the line for second, while Larry Ha ll slotted in a very resp ectable third. Things just didn't change in m oto tw o • it wa s the same winn ers and the same order. T om Co nrad mu scl ed hi s Hon da into the lead an d steadfas tly ruled 12 other Novices to earn first place . G. Rem sen 's flying KTM slott ed in at second , an d a fas t- mo v ing J o h n Webb locked in third, followed by brand -new n e vv s the second gate. The 50 cc Beg inners finis hing order wa s Serra no, Eb berts and Walden. T he seco nd-mota holeshot went to Serra - no , followed by Hubbs, Wa lden and Ebberts. Hubbs went down before du ring lap one an d did n't ge t going again for a couple of laps. At the end of lap o ne, the runn ing or de r was Ser ran o , Ebberts and Wal den . Th e remaining fo ur laps featured a very cl ose ba ttle betw een Serran o and Ebberts , but in th e end Serr an o hung on for first , and his I -I ta lly wa s good for the overa ll. Ebb erts went 2- 2, followed by Wa lde n (3 ·3 ). Re s u lt s 50 FIT : 1. ....lexender Becerr (KTM). a 50 BEG: I. Nick Serreec (Cob ); 2. J .D. Ebbe rts (Cob ); 3 . Kurtis Walden (Cob): 4 . Damien Johnson (KTM). 50 NOV; 1. Colt Hu~ (Cob ). 6S FIT: 1. Sa m Shenill (Kaw); 2. Daryl Proctor (Ka w); 3. Timothy Risse . 65 BEG: 1. Bryon Robe rts (Kaw); 2. J essic a Pa rton (Kaw); 3 . Garrett Yeck l~y (KTM); 4 : Daniel Arrendo ndo (Kaw); 5. Cod y Jeff ries IKTMI. 65 NOV: 1. Frank Aguirre (Yam) . 60 WMN: I. Ch ds~y Batlord (Yam) ; 2. J enny McCauey (Yom ).' 80 FIT : 1. Chris Becerra(Ka w); 2. Michael Russo (Yam ); 3 . Ryan Van Camp (Hon); 4 . Thom as Risse (Yam ); 5. Austin Brown (Hon ). 80 BEO: I. Fra nk Aguirre (Ya m) ; 2. Dovid Tonn e r (Ka w); 3 . Chns Garcia (Yam ): 4. Dustin Robe rts ( Kaw );~ . Jason Parton (Kaw). 80 NOV: 1. Micha el Tennole (Yam ). KZ100 0 fou r-ban ger in a sizzling 3. 6 11 seconds for the win. "Wild Wade- g rab bed his win in the 750cc class, co ming from behi nd on his se co nd ride to ta ke the win with a 3.6 15-sec· o nd tim e o n his Yam aha, ove rta k in g " Wil d Chi ld- Tommy Daniels, who rode his "Wild Thing: a 750cc Kawasaki triple , over in 3.72 9 seco nds in th e fir st rou nd . Results 50 AUTO: I. Chns Peters: 2 . Garrett Fetters ; 3. Dyla n Brady . B5 JR : I . Nicho las Burke; 2. Hobie Sm ith ; 3. Steve W~aver; 4 . Mike Popham; 5. Bobby Se nn . B5 SR: I. Jake Cod emo : 2. Billy Hanes: 3. Bren t Bowm an; 4 . Josh Denson: 5. Chad Cox. 125; 1. Damon Mayo ; 2. Paul Ha rt; 3. Kevin Ryan : 4 . Nick M.a yo; 5. &en t Hevercrea, 200: 1. .Jered Mc Kay; 2. Brent Warfel; 3. Gordon Gree n: 4. Travis Klump: 5. Ke lly Sen n. 250 : I. Mati Peter s ; 2. Cod y J e nn e r: 3 . Mike Wa rgo : 4 . Jon Cree k; 5. Kevin Leethem, 400 : 1. Matt Peters ; 2. Sco tt Hevercrott. 3. Paul HHlllrd; 4. Pa ul Havercro ft; 5. Bren t Land . 600 : 1. Tim Have rcrott; 2. Andy Fortner ; 3 . Rand y Trosp er; 4. Wade Schu ltz:~ . Butch Fellers. 750; I. Wilde Schultz; 2. Tom Dan iels; 3. Lone Sch ultz; 4 . Paul Havercroft: 5 . Sco tt Petty. OPEN: 1. Mike Kessel : 2 . Scott Sheets; 3 . Mike Schobert; 4. LaM Sch ultz; 5. J ohn Jolliff. PSHRD: I. Scott Sheets: 2. Wad e Sc hultz: 3. Tim WIggins : 4. John J olliff.