Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 03 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GFI North Winter Series Round 4: Hollister Hills GP Track lLeftI Scott Davis won the 12!5cc Pro class and placed second In the 250cc Pro contest at round four of the GFI North Winter Series In Hollister, Callfomla. (Below) Davis (8511 takes the holeshot In the first 250cc Pro moto, ahead of Suzuki Jockey Evan Laughridge (10L), Craig Truglio (239) and the rest of the pack on the Hollister Hills GP Track. STORY By JIM AND VALERIE ENOS 'PHOTOS BY JIM ENOS HOUJSTER,CA,FEB.18 ~ _ ith Tallon Vohland off contesting the Eastern AMA Super- cross Series and Jeff Northrop's whereabouts unknown, the vacancy sign was brightly lit for the both the 125cc and 250cc Pro classes at round four of the GFI North Winter Series. Vohland and Northrop simply dominated the first three rounds, but Evan Laughridge and Scott Davis quickly filled the void left by their absence, with Laughridge claiming the 250cc victory and Davis, aboard an O'Neal/Posey Racing/Maxxis Tires/Sunstar-backed Suzuki, taking care of business in the 125cc class. The majestic Hollister Hills GP track hosted more than 270 riders, who stayed dry all day despite the fact that the rest of Northern California suffered a deluge of rain. In the first 250cc moto, Yamaha of Modesto/Fox/TMR rider Craig Truglio grabbed an uncharacteristic holeshot. Having just recently made the switch from a green machine to the blue bike, Truglio looked good as he held off Laughridge and Davis early on. "Must be the new bike," Truglio later said of his holeshot. "I rode a little tight while out front, and after Laughridge passed me, I kind of settled in and rode better." Indeed he did, and though Laughridge began to pull away, Truglio made it the race for second one to watch as Davis began to reel him in. However, Davis could only get within two bike lengths of Truglio. Laughridge claimed the victory while Truglio held on for second. In moto two, Davis snagged the holeshot and quickly gapped Laughridge, Truglio, Billy Jurevich and Paul Temmerman. Davis continued to increase his lead, knowing a victory was his only chance at an overall. Truglio kept the pressure on Laughridge, who must have also been doing the math, as a 1-2 score would seal the deal. On lap three, Truglio got a little anxious and tried an ill-advised 72 MARCH 21. 2001 • cue I over Laughridge and Davis. Then Boothe went on a jumping rampage, testing his Suzuki's frame by consistently clearing every tabletop on the track. Although some of the landings looked painful, the extra effort paid off; he held on for the win and second overall. Davis managed to get by Laughridge after a fierce battle for a 1-2 showing that proved good enough for the overall. "I didn't get the start I wanted, but after I passed Laughridge and Boothe, I rode supersmooth and thought I had it under control," Davis said, "but then I messed up in a rut after missing a gear and tipped it over. When I caught back up to Laughridge, we were really going at it, and I finally managed to pass him after trying inside and outside lines. I think I used every. bit of the track in that last moto. " (RIght) David Boothe (10) got the second-moto holeshot In the 12!5cc Pro contest en route to second overall, sandwiched between Davis (851) and Laughridge (10L). (Below) On his first start In the 12!5cc Intermediate class, Yamaha-mounted Eric McCrummen got the holeshot and placed second In the first moto and also overall. outside pass and went down. Temmerman and David Boothe scooted by and put on a good race for third, while Truglio remounted a ways behind. Davis took the win; Laughridge finished a safe second but, more importantly, he took the overall. "I haven't been able to practice much lately because of school, so getting the overall was sweet," said the N Style/Scott/Independent Race Shop/Thor-backed Laughridge. "Davis is riding good, and between school and work, it's been hard, but I'm going to try to get more riding time in this week." The first 125cc moto again saw the trio of Davis, Laughridge and Truglio up front and at the checkers, and the finishing order remained the same. However, in moto two, Clawson Motorsports/Renthal/Wiseco/ Dynatech Ignitions-backed Boothe got in the mix with a solid holeshot e n e _ .. The 125cc Intermediate class featured a new face. Eric McCrummen just moved out of the 80cc Expert class to do battle on the big bike. His first start resulted in a big holeshot over a fast 12-rider field. After finishing the first moto in second behind teammate Chris Loredo, the youngster was all smiles. "I just tried to get the best start I could and push as hard as I could to open up a big lead, because I knew Chris was going fast," said McCrummen. "I was definitely happy with a second." Moto two was another Loredo victory. Kawasaki hotshoe Craig Smith was a solid second. McCrummen took third and bested Smith's 5-2 score for second overall on the day. In the 125cc Novice class, Dragonslayer Racing's Richard Farren came out on top after putting together a pair of the best rides he has had of late. After posting a solid victory over John Wear in moto one, Farren came back in moto two and checked in second behind Yamaha-mounted Tyson Enzweiler. Farren's 1-2 score was good enough for the overall, while Enzweiler followed up with a 4-1 shOWing. eN a.mster Hills SP Tl'lICk 1WIi1t8r. c.Jifllmia FelllUIY 18, 2001 Illoaad 41 ....Its: Pee Wee Track 50 F(T: I. Tyler Winningham (KTM). 50 (4-6) P/W JR: I. Chase Floyd (Yam); 2. Melissa Johns (Suz); 3. Jonah Locks (Suz). 50 (4-6) STK: 1. Justin Muscult (Hon); 2. Jazmln Locks (KTM); 3. Blaine Franke (KTM): 4. Cody Washington (KTM); 5. Reno EVllns (Hon). 50 (4·6) MOD: I. Vince liar (Pol). 50 (7-8) STK: I. Drew Thomas (Cob): 2. Parker Smith (Cob): 3. Jacob Locks (KTM); 4. Chris Buhlig (KTM). 50 (0·8) OPEN: I. Dylan Lane (Cob): 2. Zach Andrade (Cob); 3. Charlie Moore (Cob); 4. Zoc Cyr (Pol). Main Track 50 (4-6) STK: J. Justin Muscutt (Hon); 2. Blaine Franke (KTM); 3. Jazmin Locks (KTM); 4. Mark Braden (KTM); 5. Vincent liar (Pol). 50 (7-8) STK: J. Josh Greco (Pol): 2. Zoc Cyr (Cob): 3. Chris Aragon (Cob); 4. Drew Thomas (Cob); 5. Parker Smith (Cob). 50 (0·8) OPEN: I. Zoch Andrade (Cob); 2. Zok Fredrickson (Cob); 3. Dylan Lane (Cob); 4. Charlie Moore (Cob). 60 BEG: I. Zak Fredrickson (KTM); 2. Crystal Layton (KTM); 3. Scotty Craven (Kaw); 4. Michael Flores (KTM); 5. Brod Dingman (Kaw). 60 NOV: 1. Austin Howell (KTM); 2. Ruben Hernandez (KTM); 3. Buck Ford (Kow); 4. Brandon Reyna (KTM): 5. Jarred Ho~ (KTM). 60 INT: 1. Justin Enos (KTM). 60 OPEN: 1. Justin Enos (KTM); 2. Ruben Hernandez (KTM); 3. Austin Howell (KTM); 4. Brandon Reyna (KTM); 5. Jarred Ho~ (KTM). 80 BEG: 1. Buck Ford (Kaw); 2. Kent Snyder (Vam); 3. Danny Atencio (Kaw); 4. Joshuo Duppong (Vam); 5. Cody Jackson (Hon). 80 NOV: 1. Brandon Freem~m (Hon); 2. Tyler Freeman (Hon); 3. Luke LlIyton (Suz); 4. Darryl Savilie (Kaw); 5. Jared Morrison (Hon). 80 INT: 1. Jordan Mockridge (Kaw); 2. A.J. Perez (Suz); 3. Brad Kelly (Hon); 4. Dustin Pipes (Kaw); 5. Kevin Rookstool (Kaw). 80 EX: 1. Joe DeWitt (Vam). 80S/MINI: 1. Jordan Mockridge (Kow); 2. Joe DeWitt (Yam); 3. Darryl Sliville (KlIw); 4. Tyler Freeman (Hon); 5. Brandon Freeman (Hon). 125 BEG: 1. Chris Hall (Hon); 2. John Pelton (Kaw); 3. Eric Clay (Yam); 4. Michael Masomeue (Yam); 5. Anthony Maniglia (Yam). 125 NOV: I. Richerd Farren (Hon); 2. Tyson Enzweiler (YlIm): 3. John Wear (Hon); 4. Robert Haun (Yam); 5. JDmes Totten (Hon). 125 INT: 1. Chris Loredo (YlIm); 2. Eric McCrummen (YlIm); 3. Crlllg Smith (Kaw); 4. Steve Nelson (YlIm): 5. Trafton Chandler (Yom). 125 PRO: 1. Scott Davis (Suz); 2. David Boothe (Su,); 3. Evan laughridge (Suz); 4. Craig Truglio (Yam); 5. Trevor Meagher (Suz). 250 BEG: I. Joey Hurlburt (Hon); 2. Chris Rovetti (Yem); 3. Billy Ray (Hon); 4. Robert McCollough (Yom); 5. Chris Gordon (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. Robert Hllun (Yam); 2. James Totten (Hon); 3. Jimmy Robinson (Hon): 4. Clint Hand (Hon); 5. John Wear (Hon). 2501NT: 1. Chris Loredo (Vam): 2. Turtle Wikoff (Hon); 3. Creig Smith (Kaw); 4. Joey Rodrigues (Suz); 5. Michael Gorda Jr. (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Even lzlughridge (Suz); 2. Scott Devis (Suz); 3. Creig Truglio (Yem); 4. Peul Temmerman (Yam); 5. D8vid Boothe (Suz). 500 BEG: 1. Victor Nelson (Y8m): 2. David Hutton (Yern). 500 NOV: 1. Nick McKinnon (Yam). 500 INT: 1. John Moore (Yam): 2. Phil Segundo (Vam). 25+ NOV: 1. Jimmy Robinson (Hon): 2. Clint Hand (Hon): 3. David Chick (K8W); 4. SW8sie Hall (Hon); 5. Don Johnson (Hon). 25+ HiT: 1. Phil Segundo (Yam); 2. Steve Thinger (Hon): 3. Steve Storie (Hon): 4. Brilln Gardner (Hon): 5. Kevin Wise (Hon). 25. EX: I. Turtle Wikoff (Hon); 2. Monty Ware (Yem): 3. Trevor Meagher (Suz); 4. John Moore (Yam): 5. Mike Segundo (Yam). 30. BEG: I. David Hutton (Yam). 30. NOV: I. Kurt Smith (Suz); 2. David Chick (Kaw). 30+ INT: 1. Steve Storie (Hon); 2. Jeff Moline (Suz). 30+ EX: 1. Monty Ware (Y8m); 2. John Moore (Vam). 35+ NOV: 1. Danny Evans (Hon); 2. Devid Chick (Kow). 35+ INT: 1. Steve Storie (Hon); 2. Kurt Smith (Suz). 35+ EX: 1. John Moore (Yam): 2. Shawn Hybarger (Yam). 40+ NOV: l. Pat Sauger (Y;,m); 2. Victor Nelson (Yam): 3. Nick McKinnon (Yam). 40. INT: 1. Kurt Smith (SU;Z). 40. EX: J. Mike Newman (Suz); 2. Mike Gorda (Hon): 3. Shown Hybarger (Vam). 4-STRK OPEN: I. John Moore (Yam); 2. Phil Segundo (Yam). HON ZSO: 1. Matt Spencer; 2. Richard Rinauro; 3. Luke lzlyton: 4. Eric Path; 5. Brandon Reyna.

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