Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS FASTTIME:Tom Oanids (1(.lw). so AUTO 1. Blak uppt"Uo ( L.:.-m); 2. Donnie' Robbtns CSuz), MI) YTH : 1. 8edy WilIi,um (Ka w l; 2. Donnie B.vbu lKawl; 3. C hris Riven; lSu z l; ". Lmdy William!; l K.iw l; S. [ustm TrTnt UCaw ) • 200: I. Mark Coudtn.oln (lY w); 2. Kn'm Ryan ( K.1I ); 3. B«ky w WiJli.ams (K.J, J; ". Tim I..iImb..'1't (K.i w ); S. Man WraVt"l'(Kaw) . w 250: I. Andv ~ (Su I;); 2. \{ dr k Goodman U<"w); 3. Tim Lambert ( Ka w ); ~. K~"'Vin Ca p pl.'!ll (Kaw l. 5. Tom Dan ids ( Ka w ) , l 400; I. raul H ilwrd ( 'Yam~; 2. 'aY:1I\No rthrop (Y;lm); J. S«oveOf.mgh.."'Jty ( Kl'M); -I. Milr.cHilLud (Yam); 5. Bill Stark CHon). 600: t. Ja~ Northrup (Hor,): 2. Andy Fortner (J,.'TM); 3. Dar"-,II Tn.,"1 (HllOl; 4 , Kelly Brad y (Ho n ); 5. John Brady IHon). 750: 1. Tom Daniel~ ( K,aw ); 2. K.aleb Northrup (Tr;); 3. Andy Fortnl-T ( K.1w); 4. ja-c n N lIrt hru p (}uw ); 5. John Hillard (Kaw) . O PE.."Il: 1. Bob Fu.h..-r {H·DI; 2. Joh n Hillard (H · DJ. 5R : 1. Kevi n W eolVI'T (H em); 2. MMk Cood man Sr. l l(.aw) ; 3. Tim WiAAJM (Tn); 4. IkJb Gk-nn ( KTM ); 5. Knlh Kll'tt ht."!" (H- D}. STK: 1. Mark Go..>dman ( K<.w ); 2. la:ooJl:'IJorthrup (Ya m l; 3. john BrAdy (Ho n); 4. Andy fortnl.,.{Hun ); 5. \1.itch w aver tHon). KOnt 1. Ja...:," ~OI1hrup (Hun); 2. Mark Goodm.m tKaw); 3. D.un-II Tn.-nl (H un); 4. And y Fortflt."!" ("'I M), Double trouble at Cayuga Hillclim~ By Bud Northrup CAYUGA, IN,JULY 5 The very busy Pleasure Riders hosted a do ubleheader hillclimb event on Sunday , runni ng their regularly sched u led eve nt in the mo rnin g, an d a no the r hilldimb - w hich had bee n postp on ed from its origina l date of Jun e 27 • in the a fternoon . Brent Stewa rt and Kaleb Northrup made the mos t of the do uble opportuni ty by claiming two titles in eac h event. Stewa rt ca me from Ga lva , Illinois, with his new 400cc hilldimber - a 1998 KTM 380 - and showed that he is a man on a mission to win th is year's cha mpionship . He ha s bee n the do mina nt force in the 250cc class in Districts 15 a nd 17 for more than a decad e, ru nn ing up a n incredible 11 st ra ig ht season cha mpi o nships th rough 1996. But he ha s nev er ca ptu red the nati on al cha m pi· onship, though he ha s finished as high as seco nd se ve ra l tim e s . Thi s yea r, he ha s built w hat appea rs to be the u ltima te 400cc hillclimber. He ha s ridden it onl y four times in District 17 even ts but won a ll four times in co nvinci ng fa shi on , while claiming three fast-time awa rd s. It has been about five yea rs since an yone tu rned times in the two-second bracket on the 120-foot hill , bu t Stewart did it twice on th is da y, riding o nly o nce in ea ch ev e nt. He tu rn ed a 2.974-second time in the morning. then returned and d e livered a nearly iden tical 2.987-second time in the afternoon to win both 400cc classes and take both Fas t Time awards. The closes t rid ers to h im in th e 400cc class we re Steve Doug he rty on his KTM 273 wi th a 3.92S-second time in th e mor ni ng, a nd Mike Hilla rd , wh o topped the hill in 3.474 seconds in the afternoon. Closest overall rid er s wer e John Brady, Kal eb No rthru p, Kevin Weaver and jason Northrup. Kaleb No rthru p rod e his spa rkling Tri umph to doubl e wins in both events. Northrup posted times of 3.258 and 3.459 seco nds in the morning and 3.228 and 3.3 15 seconds in the afternoon to take the wi ns in the 750cc and Push rod classes. ja so n No r thru p, wi th a fine 3.287-second ride. too k seco nd place in the 750cc class in the mo rning o n his Kawasaki trip le, w hile And y Fortner too k second o n hi s triple in the afternoon in 3.422 seco nd s. Bob Fisher clai med th e second spo t in both rounds of Pushrod-class action on his Ha rley with times of 3.988 a nd 3.871 o nds. "''C- Results A.M . FAST'TlME.: Brent Sh."W~rt ( K1M). SOAlJTOS: 1. 8l.lkUppello; 2. Donn... Robbins. 80 YTH 1. lkocky> 2. OofInJro &iWr. 3. Eric SUgp; ; 4. Chri... Rivm; 5. Ridy Clark. 200; 1. ~brk Goodnun; 2. Kn-in Ry~n; 3. Tim lAmbnt; 4. Scutt Shtot-b; S. M~1t WeaveT' o 250: 1. Andy Fortrk"r; 2. ~ J. Tun Lotmbm; 4. Jef HUN; 5. Kt"'Vin uppello. f • 400: 1. Bl't'Tlt St-.·~ rt; 2. Sc",·(" Dougherty; 3. Mill!'HilLlTd; 4. ... ' a'lOn Northrup; 5. Pau l Hillard. 600; 1. Jo hn Brad y; 2. JoIl>On North rup; 3. Andy Fort nt"1'; 4. Dolm·1J Tn"J\t; 5. Rich M,ltho.·wo . !l 750: I. Kolk-b No rth rup; 2. Jasu n Northrup; 3. Juh n HiII.ud ; 4. ,\ nd y Fortnt"t'; 5. Tom Danid~. O rEN: I. Bub Fillht."r; 2. jo1m Hilldrd . SR: I. K(ovin Wcav "T; 2. Mark Goodman Sr.; 3. Tim WiggiM; 4. Keith Klt' lI; 5. Tom Rollin s. PSHRD: to Kalcb No rthrup; 2. Bob FlshtT; 3. Tim Wiggi n:+. 5TK : .1. Juhn Brad y; 2. j.l",-In No rthrup; 3 . Mar k C"oOIl1ima n; 4. K.llcb N ...rthru p; 5 . Shdwn Rt"O(" . r .M. 62 FASTllME: Bro.:nt Slt'wa rt (KTMI. 50 A UTOS : I . Bldk.... Ca ppt"llo; 2. Donnie Robbi rul. l:lO YTH: 1. 8t'C WUliam~; 2. Donnie Barbo..-r; 3. Chrh Riven; ky t . Eric SkaMS; 5. Ma rk M a th t"WS . 200: 1. 1I.b rk Go od ma n; 2. K...v in Rya n; 3. Sco tt 5 het"t.'l 4. ; Chri~ Rivt"D; 5. Becky Willillll'l!>. 250: 1. Andy Fortno..>r; 2. MolTk Go ;.ndman; 3. Kevin Cappello; 4. TIm Lambert; S. Jd f Hurst. 400: l. Blft\t Ste wart; 2 Mike Hilla rd ; 3. Stwt Dou~; .. Paul Hillard ; 5. Bill Stark . foOO: I. Jason f'Oorthrup ; 2. Andy Fortner; 3. john Brad y; y KOTH ; 1. Mike Wood (I-Ion); 2. Mark $hal....,.(Kaw l; 3 . Andy Fortner (}ion); 4. Kak.-b Northrup C Hon) ; 5. Mark Goodnu.n (Kaw l. o r E. EX: I. Mik Wood (Hord; 2. Andy FortI'll"T rHon ). "l Diem dons qualifier cap at New Champion Speedway By Larry McBride OWEGO, NY,JULY 11 New Cha m p ion Speedwa y in Owego, N ew York, hosted its first National Qualifier under the AMA's new format, w hich St.."t. -ds the win ner di re ct ly to th e N a tio na l C ha m p io ns hi p i n Auburn, Ca liforni a. On his way to the victory podium, Warren Diem had a nearly perfect night of racing. After win ning his firs t three heats, Diem 's nine points were match ed o n ly by tht:' sco re o f Tommy Sephton. rmal heat number four , however, saw Sep hto n fad e to a numbcr·three finis h, while Diem remained perfect for his fourth win. Mike Wood won five classes at the Pleasure Riders Hlllcllmb: The only blemish on Diem 's record occurr in the first semi. when Lenny McBride - gati fro m the inside po le. with Diem coming off th two spot - :continued their w heel-to-w heel co m pe tition. In and ou t of tu rn s one a nd two a n d ow n the bac k st ra ig ht, McBrid e an d Di loo ked to be at tach ed. Lap two was a repeat the two ag ain rode ba r to bar, with Diem tryi~ the outside line . Go ing in to lap three, Diem tri the in sid e but co u ld not ga in th e need ed rea estate to ov e rta ke McBrid e, w ho gra bbe d th I checkers by less tha n a bike len gth. The main event was ma rred by cras hes an co nfusio n . O ff th e sta rt, from th e inside o u t ward, were Mcbrid e, Diem, Se p hton, Geo rg Lazo r and Lenny Dillio n. With five riders on • not-too- wide track, first-turn action turned haz ardous , wi th Diem, Se phton a nd Lazo r goi n down very hard and brin ging out the red flag and the ambulance . After a 20· mi nute delay Diem, wh o was said to have been briefly un ron scions, was allowed to try a lap to det ermine i he could handle his bike. Calling for an origina restart, all five rid ers aga in entered tum one a close as they had in the first start. and aga in th red flag ca me ou t, as Sephto n and Diem aga i crashed hard. The th ird sta rt again sa w another origina resta rt with no penalties imposed. Restart num ber three was halted WhL McBrid e touched th '" tape as it went Skywa rd, breaking the bollo strand . He was scn t to th e penalty line for th o upco ming number-fou r rl. start. Diem now occu pied the ins ide on the fro n line, but Sephton took the lead in tum one an held it down the back stra ight, with Diem along sid e. Staying outside, Diem fou nd the traction h wa nted and too k the lead at the start line . Die then pull ed to a comforta ble lead for the rem ain ing three la ps and the victory. In th e Support A dass, Ca m Rafferty, whl on ly re ce n tly rece ived p ermissi on fro m th AMA to race a t 14 years old , again sho wed tha it was warranted . From the pole, Joe Venins k to ok a nd held the lead fo r tw o laps. o n ly t, relinquish it to Rafferty on circuit number three Rafferty then steadily increased the lead to tak (. his seco nd victory of the season.

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