Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N PRODUCTS EW RACK 'EM BMW K1200 RS o w ners ha ve. a new op tion if the y wou ld like to in cr ease th e lugg age capacity of t he ir s p o r tt our i n g machine: Ventura ' s Bike-Pack Sys te m. A cus to m-engineer ed m oun tin g ki t no p erm an ent b ik e m od s requir ed - allows the use of eithe r the Pack Rack or Sport Rack, both of which install in seco nds, accord ing to Ventura. Ava ilable in 34-liter or the pictured 45-liter size, you can also zip the bags togeth er for a full 90 liters of stora ge space. As shown, the kit costs $260, but you can option your wa y up to around $450 with car ry strap s, grab handles, waterproofing and mor e. Get yours from HSI Inc., 800/ 688-6439, www.ventura-bike. VICTORYIN THE PIPE The newest American cruiser - the Polaris Victory - has al ready ins p ire d the aftermarket to actio n, in the form of Cobra' s Victory exhaust system. The chro me two-into-two system is fitted with free-flowi ng baffles that Cobra claims stri ke the ideal balance betwee n engine power 'and noise ou tpu t.fmproving the cha racter of bo th. Ava ilable with slas h-cu t, tu rn -ou t or tap er-tip muffler tips - or in 2-inch-diameter drag style the U.S.-mad e $379-to -start pipes ar e m anu factured w ith full-co ve rage heat shields to ensure they keep looking like new . Fo r more in fo r m a tion; co n tact Cobra, Dep t. CN , 4915 E. Hu n ter si., An ah eim , CA 92807, 714/779-779 x 714/ 779-2191, www.cobrausa .com. say are easy to install with only a staple g u n . If gu ns sca re you, yo u ca n also hav e Second Look install the $74.95 covers for a small fee. To comp lete the look, a matching green tank skin is also available for $84.95, or get them as a set for $159.90 from Second Look, 800/ LooK753 , 91 6 /33 1-LO O K, w w w .seco ndlook.corn. SYNTHETIC, BUT NOT FAKE Known for the top-flight engineering of its mot or cycles, BMW is now offering top-flight synthetic oils for its engi nes, tr an smi ssion s and fi nal-d ri ve unit s . Dev el op ed fro m racin g lu b r ica n ts offered by Valvoline, th e "Su per Syn thetic" 15W50 ($6.75 per quart) eng ine oil and 75W140 ($14.75 per quart) gear oil a re sa id to be formulated w ith a uniqu e co m bina tion of sci en tifica lly enginee red poly alpha olefin and esterbased fluids for maximum stability and protect ion w itho u t th e traditional vis cos ity-index im provers th at can break d own over tim e. BMW says th ese oils are currently engineered for use only in multicylinder BMW motorcycles with si ngle-p la te dry clutches and should only be used after 6000 miles in engines, a nd 600 miles in gea rboxes and fin al drives. See you r local dealer for more information, or visit BMW on the World Wide Web at . GET INUNE For that ext ra edge in stopping power a nd fee l fro m yo ur YZF-Rl or ZX-9R bra kes, maybe you should try the new Teflon-inner , braid ed -steel brake lines from G alfe r USA . Galfe r has fron tbra ke-line kits for the above mod els that include PVC coating in blue, clea r or black, all nec essary banjo bo lts a nd washe rs , a nd s pecial cri mped fitt ings tha t ai d in, well, fittin g th em tidil y to you r bike. Front kits are $85, and clutch and rea r-brake kits are also avail ab le. For more information, contact your local d eale r or Galfer USA, Dept. CN , 5788 Dawson Ave ., Gol e ta , CA 93 117 , 800/685-6633, fax 805/967-2726. AIN'T NO SUBSTITUTE If yo u've been ge tting s mo ke d at the drags by your pal on a ZX-7, maybe he's been to Mu zzy s for its 835cc bore-andstro ke kit. It' s a li ttl e ta s te of Ra p tor pow er for th e 19 96 -98 Z X-7, a nd in cludes a 4340 stee l-bille t cranksh aft wi th a 47.3mm stroke, forged high-compression 75mm pist on s and new cas tiron cylinder liners. Part of the $3995 kit price includes boring of your old cylinder asse mbly and installation of the new sleeves, as well as the boring of those to fit the new pistons. In the end, you don't do any machine work, just the wrenchturning. For more informa tion, contact Mu zzys, 63017 Sherman Rd., Bend, OR 97701,541/ 385-0706, fax 541/382-9402, INTERFACER GETTANKED Your YZ400F - not yo u. Clarke Manufacturing has an oversized fuel tank for you YZ riders who would like a bit more range from your ripping four s troke. The 3.3-gallon polyethylene tank -' 1.2 more tha n stock - is de signed with a slim profile to emulate the feel of the s tock unit a nd is available in w hite , black, natural or Yamaha blue. The $145 tank u tilizes the stock mounts and pe tcock, and is also available with a drybreak fuel filler. For more information, contact Clarke Manufacturing, Dept. CN , 29032 S. Sa lo Rd ., Mulino , OR 97042,503 /829-2156, fax 503/829-5119 . Corbin has released its new thr one for Hond a' s all-new VFR800 Interceptor. Th e $339 saddle is d esi gned to work with or without the Int er ceptor' s sea t cowl and fits on the bike just like stock. We're~airly certain Corbin's legendary comfor t is incl ud ed , s ince both th e "com fort cell" foam and ergonomically scu lpted seat base are par t of the package . Leather sea ting surfaces - a carbonfiber lo o k is optio na l, as is co lorma tched piping - complete the package. An adjus table backrest is also available for $189 more. For more information, contact Corbin, Dept. CN , 2360 Technol ogy Way, Hollister, CA 95023, 800/5387035 (C A) , 800/ 223- 433 2 (FL), SKINJOB . Second Lo ok says it has a co lotfu l option for replacing the "bo ring" stock sea t cover for yo u r 1998 ZX-7 - colorm atched g ree n (a nd partly w hite to match the number-plate-like area on the tail section) marine-vinyl seat covers it SUITYOURSTYLE If you can ' t stand th e th ou ght of not being totally color-coo rdi nat ed with you r YZF sp ortbike, Yamah a has come to your rescu e. Available from deal ers in July, Yamaha Parts and Accessories has introduced the two-piece Yamaha YZF Sp ort Leathers to match eith er the redand-white or blue-and-white YZF color schemes. Jacket an d pants (with hookand-loop pa tch es for knee pucks) zip togeth er, and feature padd ing in strategic areas, as well as reflective accen ts. The jacket has a suggested retail price of $459.95 an d is available in even chest sizes fro m 36-52, while th e pants cost $329.95 and can be had in even wa is t sizes from 28-42. Color-matched gloves a re a lso ava ila ble, fo r a n a d d itiona l $59.95. For the location of you r nearest d ealer, ca1l 8oo/ 88-YAMAHA. WRENCH WRAPIDL Y SK Hand Too ls , representat iv es o f Fren ch too l manufacturer Facorn, ha s introduced to the Ll.S, market the com pany's "Rapid Action" 40R Series oev combinatio n wrenches . Acc ording to SK, th e 40R Series' open -end design works like a ratchet, allowing the user to r eposition the w r ench with out d isengaging it from the fastener head , making the wrenching process twice as fast. In addition, the u nique jaw design grip's the fas tener head in three places, trans mitting torque th roug h the flat s of the n ut, m a k in g easy wo rk of par tia lly rounded or blind fasteners in awkward locations. The wrenches are cons truc ted of cold- forged alloy steel featuring a sa tin finish. A lifetime warranty is provided . Set prices begin at $129.95 00 pieces) and end at $245 (17 pieces). For more information or the location of the nearest SK dealer, ca1l800/UCALL-SK. C\ 63

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